What's the solution against these govt funded rotten scums?

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Dec 3, 2015
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Not at all, how are they un trained when they almost crushed kashmir insurgency with limited force.Thousands of jihadis active in 90s now reduced to 300~ in 2016.

The high officer to Jawan casualties only shows the competence of our officers and their training, very few countries have this ratio.

As for the casualties,many of these casualties are due to fidayeen and ambushes.Many a times the young blood went too ahead in total disregard of life.Today the capt was just 23, he was injured last month too but refused the medical leave and today he was eventually martyred.

Kashmiris also use the famous Taqaiya treachery for example Col M.N Rai was killed in in this manner, he was called to the home of a Jihadi by his abba and col went with few troops and tried to convinced him to surrender as he was a post graduate young guy but that fucker shot him him cold blood after he promised to lay down arms.

If we use 1/4 of the force of pakis and syrians,kashmir jihad would die in few months.
I agree. This type of cowardly separatism is a wound that just won't heal. And only because we let it fester.

When will our leaders authorize the use of deadly and preemptive strikes against these scum hiding in the guise of secularism and using the 'Right of Expression' as a shield?? Will they do it when the number of our martyred soldiers start to exceed the population of Kashmir??:frusty:

We (as a nation) are not in the business of giving land to every ****** who asks for it. If the separatists want a different country, let Pakistan give them Karachi or Islamabad or whatever other dirt pit they crawl in. The government does not seem to understand this.

Italians kill our people, Sri Lanka says it will shoot our fishermen, and then there are these jihadis, racists and the anti national cockroaches who live among us and disrespect those who die fighting for this country.

The value of an Indian life is not a commodity; it is not less just because there are more of us. We, and our soldiers are not expendable. If the world does not understand this, maybe we should not care anymore. Our leaders should just rid this country of such people and act irrespective of what the world (UK, US propaganda hounds) will think.

I wait for this government to deliver, but when??

PS: As the name of the topic suggests, an example for a solution:-
Let us put all these separatists on a wooden raft and set them adrift somewhere in the ocean. Or I hear Antarctica is a prime piece of real estate for ********.who keep demanding a separate country. And they have freedom of speech as well (even their teeth can keep chattering)


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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It's a ploy by Congress, whether it's to distract from JNU is for anyone to speculate but this is part of their larger game plan. It puts BJP in a soup as giving reservation to Jats will upset Dalits, and not giving reservation will upset Jats. This will adversely affect BJP's chances of winning in UP. It's a pattern, first Patidar in Gujarat, then Kapus in Andhra Pradesh then Ahoms in Assam and now Jats in Haryana. If these communities are given reservations then BJP loses the 'backward caste' vote in all future elections. If they are denied reservations and go on a rampage then the Congress can still question BJP over failing law and order situation.

Anyway, lest we derail this thread,

Jats and other demanding OBC status , how is going to affect st/sc seats????

On other hand i think BJP policy maker are not proactive in dealing with trouble caused by opposition parties.

None of them come to support to any minister in trouble

May be its because most of them are anti-modi

I think Modi/shah should depend upon themself and sohlud hire independet RW SM media worriors who are in way more better then some minsters in present gov

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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The militants are holed up in a government building, full of civilians (standard tactic as seen from gaza to afghanistan), more than 90 civilians rescued unharmed, but a few still believed to remain within. The possibility of the militants having local support, disguised militants mixed with civilians cannot be discounted.

All this makes for a horrible situation to deal with. The Army has to be very restrained in firing at the buildings or clearing them, something the militants do not have to pay heed to.

If we have to save lives of our soldiers, well we will have to do what the americans did in afghanistan... call in artillery and air support, pummel the building till it collapses and let the civilians left inside become casualty.

My only prayer is that these people who were saved by these soldiers who gave up their lives, come back to thank the proud kafirs who gave up their youth for their safety from their momin bratharaan...
Do you think that really going to happen , sir by the account of a civilian it's the jihadis who has asked them to evacuate , their target are only security personal not the common men
The solution is simple , the moment they are hold up , us chemical or biological attack or artilary attack to neutralize them.
We CANNOT afford to lose any more soldiers

@mods , i have created a new thread dedicated to this ,please move this to that


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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They are just preparing ground for BSP to sweep west UP by giving away 50-50 seats to jats and muslims.

RSS/BJP fanboys will then come to blame jats, just like they blamed Biharis!!!

Can u post in some other thread how do u come to some conclusion

I doubt bjp would be better in UP but would Jats vote to maya they may vote to SP

What was last 2 assembly election result

secound i donot think SP has lost confidence of muslims

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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I forgot, on which date ex. Army veterans are going for a rally ?


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Oct 13, 2010
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See the list of things the pseudo-secular brigade, foreign forces and the intellectuals have in their to-do list, what next?



Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
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Apr 7, 2010
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Jihadi Umer Khalid and other naxals have resurfaced at JNU (infact they were never out of JNU, they were hiding in JNU)!

They are giving speeches to create a similar story like kanihya that he was making speeches against the RSS and BJP and not against India!

Shame on the left / marxists / commies!

Police not allowed inside JNU!


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Arrest eminent!! Secular / Leftist media houses readying their open-eds and other support system to protect fellow Jihadis and naxals!


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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This plot is getting mukier

today Zee news employee Vishwa Deepak resigned siting zee handling of JNU stroy and his resignation is begin read out in JNU

but then he say he has no objection the way the channel has played up the JNU issue.

above two statements are contradictory

ZEE media should come out clean of issue


worst day on one hand armed forces are battling in with terrorist hold up in bulidng in j&K , Jat riots in haryana,and now this news if ZEE resignation.

Hope gov wins in court


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2010
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And the media of peacefuls is reporting this news here in the U.S. with shady headlines - to start another color revolution and spread "Real Democracy"



Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Where is Delhi Police sleeping?
they have been debared from entering JNU as JNU doesnot comes under India .Its an UN property funded by bafoons Indians

By the way its JNU video doctored since today zee employee has resigned citing same reason

Between One student Ashutosh who suspended buy JNU has demaned that JNU committee has to be broadened. There are no women, no-one from the SC-ST or OBC castes. I am an OBC, Rama and Anant are both SC students. How can we depose before such a committee

Bhai why not demand SC/ST/OBC judjes at delhi court


Nuvneet Kundu

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2016
I am in a conception that it was instigated by BJP against themselves to sideline the JNU. As this was getting into nerves, more over, it gave a very bad image of Indians too.

Such things are not good for society, except for its exposure.
Yo, sir. Evidence has come up that Congress ex-CM Hooda was behind all this.


It has gone viral on the hashtag : http://twitter.com/search?q=#CongressBurningHaryana

In other news,

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Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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No doubt they are Congress led protests, but I am upset over the way in which BJP has (mis)managed this situation. They should have had a dialogue with the Jats immediately after coming to power and given them reservations. There's a limit to blaming others. I guess @Indx TechStyle could appraise us of the situation there better than any media outlet.

I'm very upset with the government's approach to certain things, be it hiring Nandita Das, Amir Khan, Zee news claiming Shivaji to be a sickular leader, mismanaging the Jat agitation, and as @Bornubus mentioned, people are starting to become cynical about how this government is handling national security issues without consistency. Modi went ahead and made friends with Nawaz without taking Indians into confidence. We can't keep working on the assumption that something covert is happening and blindly continue to support the government.

I remember all of us talking on the Pathankot thread where we celebrated each any every bullet and bomb blast in Pakistan with the tacit assumption that it was Indian response. We all look like idiots now. Our covert deterrence is not working. The policy needs an overhaul.

As for the JNU issue, let the government sort out this mess. I wont be supporting them anymore. I am sure they will find ample support from their beloved Nandita and Aamir.

Unfortunately they are also a majority as far as the profession of journalism is concerned. This small community of commies has hijacked the media narrative and dictated a leftist agenda to be shoved down the throats of the national audience for far too long now. We need to weed these parasites from the media altogether. These wimpy armchair 'thinkers' only love to sit in their ivory towers and lecture others, they never send their sons to the military so it doesn't bother them if their idealistic sermons in editorials are having an adverse effect on troop morale.
Yes, I saw Maninder sing bitta on TV channel a day before yesterday. He clearly told that Govt should take action on these scum. Any failure of government to deal with them strictly shall make them Yakub memon and Gilani of Tomorrow.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
I've heard some donkeys claiming Umar never said Azadi for Kashmir.

But he was shouting like a retard "Right to self Determination long live" also DSU is a student wing of CPI -M a banned terror party.

Judge should look into this.
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