Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I was talking about a future you and I will not live long enough to see :p
I know it's quite silly, but I care for that future even for just a little bit.

Anyways, all in all, I believe the 21st century will be close battle between whites and asians with no clear cut winner unlike you guys think. It's not like stagnating West(including Canada, Aus,NZ) is going to magically turn to 3rd world countries you know.
No one claimed that. But west does not have to turn into a third world dump to become irrelevant. Already, China is the largest economy in the world, and soon India will join it, displacing US by 2030-35. So West will be fading away gradually and will be second fiddle to Asia by 2050, and from there it is even more downhill for the west. And dont forget that China and India alone would out produce/out influence all of the west, let alone the SEA. Thats why I am saying 21st century will be an asian one out and out

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Crime rates in Asia is not necessarily lower than West. I think Europe has like 3 murders per 100k people, Asia's is 2.9 this year. Although India's rape rates is curiously really low. I hope it is true.
It is lower in Asia because of our family values.

and of course, there are women/soceities in India which consider rape more heighnous than murder, to the point of suiciding if they were raped. That might explain why India has such a low rate of rapes.

It's true, Indian ethnicities have the highest average income in the US. But that's more so because the Indians allowed to take residence there are some of the most intelligent and skillful Indians, filtered ones. While white American income as a whole gets dragged down by the lower earners. It's an Asian brain drain if you ask me.
Not really. Even middle easterners and the western immigrants, or even the Chinese immigrants into the USA are less rich than Indians, ven though most of them are from skilled pool of workers . also, UK and Canda which has traditionally allowed even lower skilled workers/migrants from India still have Indians out shining the westerners by a huge margin. And note that while the Indians are among the best performers in UK/USA/Canada, Bangladeshis and pakis are among the worst performers in the same countries, faring worse than the native whites:lol:

Regarding brain drain- its an over hyped issue. Those people would have been useless to Asia anyway, since Asia was under no position to utilize their skills fully then. Now thanks to the years of experience, those migrants can use their new found experience to uplift asia.

Because the next generation of people will be less tolerant to aggression, the focus will shift to individual well-being.
I hardly think so. US is still the warmongering lunatics and so is the majority of the west. It is just that they have stopped bombing themselves and have found weaker targets to bomb
Norwegians seem to annoy a lot of Americans too with there incessant "we are more of a first world country than you, you need to go to war to preserve your gdp" :p
:laugh:Too bad Norwegians still have to suck up to USA in real politik to save their ass from Russians. :p

Yun Ming

Regular Member
Sep 18, 2015
No one claimed that. But west does not have to turn into a third world dump to become irrelevant. Already, China is the largest economy in the world, and soon India will join it, displacing US by 2030-35. So West will be fading away gradually and will be second fiddle to Asia by 2050, and from there it is even more downhill for the west. And dont forget that China and India alone would out produce/out influence all of the west, let alone the SEA. Thats why I am saying 21st century will be an asian one out and out
I guess it all boils down to how you define "Asia owning the 21st Century"

This is how I define it.
It's not enough that India's and China's GDP will be top 1 and 2 as that means more about sustaining 2.5 billion people instead of "winning" the 21st century.

Asia would also have to:
[We are talking about West/White as a whole. While a western country like UK is becoming less relevant, that is just one country. It's like saying Asia is fucked due to Japan's declining influence.]
• Out compete their combined Military Industrial Complex, including Russia's.
• Come up with majority of the next wave of the most important inventions/phenomenons like the Internet, Personal Computer, Penicilin, space flights, nuclear power, MRI scan and so on.
• We would have to surpass the Silicon Valley, out compete them in the space race, out compete Microsoft, Apple, Google, Wal Mart, Uniliver etc. Or atleast out compete/displace a majority of them.
• Displace Western influence on the arts in the world stage. The majority of the next wave of artists, writers, musicians/rock stars, movies, video games, animations, award-giving bodies, entertainment in general should be Asian including the consumers. (You can disregard this, I don't blame you. I'm still a believer in the power of the arts as it touches the heart, as corny as that sounds :p)
• Displace English as the Lingua Franca of business and Academia. While there are more Mandarin, Spanish speakers in the world, English is clearly more influential. Heck! We are speaking English in this forum and check each others grammars and stuff :p
• I'm sure there are other areas I missed.

We don't have to achieve ALL of the above but the majority of it.
Achieving parity does not translate to us claiming we own the 21st century. Achieving parity means just that, we achieved competitiveness, equal respect.
Hence why I believe it's going to be a close battle with no clear cut winner. A stalemate where both sides will claim victory. (The internet and the English language alone are a huge case for White's claim)

I'd like a clear cut win for Asia but that's unrealistic for me. Guess I'm not as idealistic as you are.
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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
There're resonant outcries in various threads how inflow of Muslim refugees / immigrants would be disastrous for Europe. If that's true Muslims rise in demography doesn't augur well for Russia either in addition to racism. But Russia seems left with little choice as it's terribly short of labour given a low non-muslim fertility.

___________ ___ ____ 2013 statistics
While Russia's overall population is dropping, the number of Muslims in the country is on the rise. The population of indigenous Muslims, mainly hailing from the Russian Caucasus, in Russia has risen since the fall of the Soviet Union, including a 69 percent increase in Dagestanis, a 50 percent increase in Chechens and a 100 percent increase in Ingush. Similarly, the number of Muslim immigrants is also rising. According to official state data, some 240,000 immigrants enter Russia annually — Russia's Center for Migration Studies puts this number at more than 400,000 after accounting for illegal immigration. Federal Migration Service head Konstantin Romodanovsky has said 3 million immigrants work illegally in Russia every year.

Increased anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment has accompanied these demographic changes. A poll in July said 65 percent of Russians believe immigrants and immigrant-related crime top terrorism and Western influence as the biggest security threat to their country. The opinion research center also released a poll in January suggesting that 55 percent of Russians reported feelings of enmity toward other ethnicities, and 63 percent believed that Russians should have more rights than other ethnicities.

The Russian government faces several problems with tensions stemming from these demographic trends. Early in his tenure, Russian President Vladimir Putin exploited ethnic Russian xenophobia of the Muslim populations. But now that the Muslim populations have become larger and have moved from the borderlands into Russia's interior, the Kremlin is having more difficulty balancing the interests of all its constituencies. In the lead-up to the 2011 elections, Russia saw protests of more than 100,000 in the streets of Moscow calling for immigration reform and a cessation of government subsidization for the Russian Muslim republics.

~Tapa talks: Orange is the new black.~[/b]


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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I have no idea who the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights are and they are the organisation the article quoted. So, can't really defend them, you could be right.

P.S. Try a bit harder Mad Indian, maybe I'm available for conversion :wink:
I'm not saying you ARE wrong. Even I might be wrong. You never know how international media and politics are manipulating general people's mindsets. Follow below link if you want to research more on this topic.


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