Vatican Looks to Heavens for Signs of Alien Life


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Pope Benedict XVI admires the sky above Sydney, Australia (July 17, 2008). The Vatican has hosted a conference to study the possibility of alien life in the universe and its implication for the Catholic Church. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Ariel David, Associated Press Writer

"The questions of life's origins and of whether life exists elsewhere in the universe are very suitable and deserve serious consideration," said the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, an astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory.

Funes, a Jesuit priest, presented the results of a five-day conference that gathered astronomers, physicists, biologists and other experts to discuss the budding field of astrobiology — the study of the origin of life and its existence elsewhere in the cosmos. Funes said the possibility of alien life raises "many philosophical and theological implications" but added that the gathering was mainly focused on the scientific perspective and how different disciplines can be used to explore the issue.

Chris Impey, an astronomy professor at the University of Arizona, said it was appropriate that the Vatican would host such a meeting. "Both science and religion posit life as a special outcome of a vast and mostly inhospitable universe," he told a news conference. "There is a rich middle ground for dialogue between the practitioners of astrobiology and those who seek to understand the meaning of our existence in a biological universe."

Thirty scientists, including non-Catholics, from the U.S., France, Britain, Switzerland, Italy and Chile attended the conference, called to explore among other issues "whether sentient life forms exist on other worlds."

Funes set the stage for the conference a year ago when he discussed the possibility of alien life in an interview given prominence in the Vatican's daily newspaper.

The Church of Rome's views have shifted radically through the centuries since Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake as a heretic in 1600 for speculating, among other ideas, that other worlds could be inhabited.

Scientists have discovered hundreds of planets outside our solar system — including 32 new ones announced recently by the European Space Agency. Impey said the discovery of alien life may be only a few years away. "If biology is not unique to the Earth, or life elsewhere differs bio-chemically from our version, or we ever make contact with an intelligent species in the vastness of space, the implications for our self-image will be profound," he said.

This is not the first time the Vatican has explored the issue of extraterrestrials. In 2005, its observatory brought together top researchers in the field for similar discussions. In the interview last year, Funes told Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano that believing the universe may host aliens, even intelligent ones, does not contradict a faith in God.

"How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?" Funes said in that interview. "Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God's creative freedom."

Funes maintained that, if intelligent beings were discovered, they would also be considered "part of creation."

The Roman Catholic Church's relationship with science has come a long way since Galileo was tried as a heretic in 1633 and forced to recant his finding that the Earth revolves around the sun. Church teaching at the time placed Earth at the center of the universe.

Today, top clergy, including Funes, openly endorse scientific ideas like the Big Bang theory as a reasonable explanation for the creation of the universe. The theory says the universe began billions of years ago in the explosion of a single, super-dense point that contained all matter.

Earlier this year, the Vatican also sponsored a conference on evolution to mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species."

The event snubbed proponents of alternative theories, like creationism and intelligent design, which see a higher being rather than the undirected process of natural selection behind the evolution of species.

Still, there are divisions on the issues within the Catholic Church and within other religions, with some favoring creationism or intelligent design that could make it difficult to accept the concept of alien life. Working with scientists to explore fundamental questions that are of interest to religion is in line with the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI, who has made strengthening the relationship between faith and reason a key aspect of his papacy.

Recent popes have been working to overcome the accusation that the church was hostile to science — a reputation grounded in the Galileo affair.

In 1992, Pope John Paul II declared the ruling against the astronomer was an error resulting from "tragic mutual incomprehension."

The Vatican Museums opened an exhibit last month marking the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first celestial observations. Tommaso Maccacaro, president of Italy's national institute of astrophysics, said at the exhibit's Oct. 13 opening that astronomy has had a major impact on the way we perceive ourselves.

"It was astronomical observations that let us understand that Earth (and man) don't have a privileged position or role in the universe," he said. "I ask myself what tools will we use in the next 400 years, and I ask what revolutions of understanding they'll bring about, like resolving the mystery of our apparent cosmic solitude."

The Vatican Observatory also has been at the forefront of efforts to bridge the gap between religion and science. Its scientist-clerics have generated top-notch research and its meteorite collection is considered one of the world's best.

The observatory, founded by Pope Leo XIII in 1891, is based in Castel Gandolfo, a lakeside town in the hills outside Rome where the pope has his summer residence. It also conducts research at an observatory at the University of Arizona, in Tucson.

Associated Press writers Victor L. Simpson and Alessandra Rizzo contributed to this report. Copyright 2009 The Associated Press


New Member
Dec 16, 2014
Policy of Vatican and monotheist elite to make extinct life on Earth


I would like to discuss with you about the information, that it is the policy of the Vatican and the monotheist leadership to make extinct nature of the Earth and wipe out the living beings. I have collected many evidences about this.

Do you find this good and unproblematic, that the world is killed purposely with this policy or do you think that its worth time to look at the evidence and if that is true that something must be done against it?

Please let me know, so far maybe I can post some small list of evidences and indications. Thank you!

- They say that it is the will of god, that the Apocalypse happens and the Earth is destroyed.
- The core idea of monotheism says that no gods exist and that humans would be disallowed to be gods, while gods are humans that are mighty enough to save the Earth from the extinction (through the monotheists).
- Pope says humanity would be unable and therefor disallowed to solve the 'environmental crisis'.
- He also says by that, the Earth will be destroyed and made extinct (by themselves).
- Pope disallows humans to make contraception while one of the main problems is overpopulation. By disallowing it to the 'dominant' and 'ruling' christians, he challenges other less developed nations to even more overpopulation.
- They order in Thora and Bible to extinct all snakes and it are approx 3000 species.
- Original sin means that all nature is evil and that assaults and brutalization is therefor justified.
- Papacy and monotheism made extinct almost all of Earths nature religion, while these religions, which are the original real religion of the people, are all looking good and are caring to nature and are all in balance with nature and are basically the way of living good with the beings.
- Monotheism has already maybe made extinct 80% of religions, and even today atheists and other so called non-monotheist parties are taking part.
- Papacy and endtimers fortell to kill all life on the planet and put it into action (Apocalypse).
- Since the ruling of christianity approx 70% of the world ecosystems were destroyed.
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New Member
Jul 20, 2013
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Re: Policy of Vatican and monotheist elite to make extinct life on Ear

I would love to read you elucidate each one of these points. (and so will many others on this forum...)


I would like to discuss with you about the information, that it is the policy of the Vatican and the monotheist leadership to make extinct nature of the Earth and wipe out the living beings. I have collected many evidences about this.

Do you find this good and unproblematic, that the world is killed purposely with this policy or do you think that its worth time to look at the evidence and if that is true that something must be done against it?

Please let me know, so far maybe I can post some small list of evidences and indications. Thank you!

- They say that it is the will of god, that the Apocalypse happens and the Earth is destroyed.
- The core idea of monotheism says that no gods exist and that humans would be disallowed to be gods, while gods are humans that are mighty enough to save the Earth from the extinction (through the monotheists).
- Pope says humanity would be unable and therefor disallowed to solve the 'environmental crisis'.
- He also says by that, the Earth will be destroyed and made extinct (by themselves).
- Pope disallows humans to make contraception while one of the main problems is overpopulation. By disallowing it to the 'dominant' and 'ruling' christians, he challenges other less developed nations to even more overpopulation.
- They order in Thora and Bible to extinct all snakes and it are approx 3000 species.
- Original sin means that all nature is evil and that assaults and brutalization is therefor justified.
- Papacy and monotheism made extinct almost all of Earths nature religion, while these religions, which are the original real religion of the people, are all looking good and are caring to nature and are all in balance with nature and are basically the way of living good with the beings.
- Monotheism has already maybe made extinct 80% of religions, and even today atheists and other so called non-monotheist parties are taking part.
- Papacy and endtimers fortell to kill all life on the planet and put it into action (Apocalypse).
- Since the ruling of christianity approx 70% of the world ecosystems were destroyed.


New Member
Dec 16, 2014
Re: Policy of Vatican and monotheist elite to make extinct life on Ear

Would you please allow me to post links and to open threads?

- They say that it is the will of god, that the Apocalypse happens and the Earth is destroyed.

The source for that, that I have for sure, are the books of Manfred Dimde, which is a german author, and very sure high ranking member of a Vaticanic secret order I would say Templar. I own some of this books and can deliver the exact quote later. He repeats, that people should not be concerned about the destruction of the world because it would be the will of god. He repeats that several times and others are doing so too.

They say all prophecy happened through nostradamus would be the will of god and nostradamus would be kind of the messenger of this will. However what nostradamus was written is mere a salad of words, that makes no sense at all and it enables these christian fortunetellers and jesuits of today aso by encrypting these texts to basically afterwards, after the events have happened, in present time, to fortell everything... afterwards... They then say this would all have been foretold by Nostradamus and this would be the will of god. So they kill some people make some wtc 2001 and stuff and afterwards, they take some silly Nostradamus verse encrypt it by jumbling wildly letters words and punctuation provide a new meaning and say then ah this proves now that 9/11 was foretold by nostradamus and that 9/11 is the will of god. They cover up basically their own conspiracy with it and prohibit the people, the christians, from seeing the truth, as they dont want to disobey the will of god aso.

- Monotheism itself, meaning that only one god exists, is a tool to weaken humanity and to disallow humans from becoming really powerful and having huge abilities. If humans strive for becoming gods, they would develop huge powers and abilities and they would also be able to stop the world destruction. As you know in hinduism, from several gods its said, that they stop the destruction of the world, like Shiva when he was lying under Kali, if i understand right, he was doing it to save the world. So gods are basically beings that save the world, and by saying only one god would exist, this is a direct attack on the world. As we know the pope is not interested at all to save the world in the contrary and he is the so called voice of god, so this onegod isnt saving the world.

- There are many sources and also the pope says that, humans would not be able, not have the ability, to solve the environmental crisis, they would only be able to palliate symtoms. High ranking clerics repeat that hypnotically here is a source from orthodox christianity "Der Mensch ist nicht imstande, allein die Umweltkrise zu lösen (...) Er kann nur Symptome mildern (The human is not able to solve the environmetal crisis alone (...) he can only palliate symptoms.)", they say only god could do it and he is not willing as I have shown. Its also obvious, that they are in the possession of the will of god and they prohibit the solving and they are also the cause for the crisis and drive it forward. In german in this link

- The pope renews every year to Easter, in the big mass in Rome, that it is prohibited for christians and catholics to do contraception. Meaning no condoms, no anti baby pill no abortion allowed to all christians. Christianity are 35% of humanity after faked vaticanic numbers, and they are through the cultural monopole and the imposed civilization example to all folks. They are also the ones with the highest living standard, richest nations. So if in the richest nations nothing is done against overpopulation, in the the poorer nations that need to protect families with even higher birthrates the population numbers will explode even more. So this is the most catastrophic policy the vatican can have in points of overpopulation and it shows once more the overall policy of this party that dominates the world.

- "žDa sprach Gott der HERR zu der Schlange: Weil du solches getan hast, seist du verflucht vor allem Vieh und vor allen Tieren auf dem Felde. Auf deinem Bauche sollst du gehen und Erde essen dein Leben lang. Und ich will Feindschaft setzen zwischen dir und dem Weibe und zwischen deinem Samen und ihrem Samen. Derselbe soll dir den Kopf zertreten, und du wirst ihn in die Ferse stechen" 1. Mose 3,15
Translated: Then God spoke, the master to the snake: As you have done this you are cursed and from all cattle and all animals on the field. On the belly you should walk and eat earth your whole life. And I will put enmity between you and the wife and between you and her seed. Her seed should scrunch your head, and you will sting it in the heel. 1. Mose 3,15 This says "und ihrem Samen. Derselbe soll dir den Kopf zertreten, " that the seed of eva meaning the offspring, meaning all christians and moreover all humans, will scrunch the head of the snakes... this is written in this evilist bible and all children must read it. This is too much, snakes have 3000 species and they are the second worst impacted animal biological family from the extinction, the worst are the reptiles. Plants are even worser impacted. In german in this link

- The term original sin means in the bible that all life comes to the world as evil and it can only become good by receiving the baptism, and also it must believe in god. Basically it says that all life is evil. Meaning that all plants and animals unable to believe in god or to approve it, are therefor evil, and from the devil, and this is the justification for all this rape and abuse of nature and the living beings. This is basically the deep 'religious' reason why the world is threatened in this atrocious way. "We are born with a sin nature. Does a baby need to be taught to cry for attention. No, it is inbred at birth. We are born with a sin nature but now that we are new born creatures into the family of God, we have a new man battling the old for supremacy in our lives. It is a tough fight, but fight we must." In german in this link

- The ongoing war against paganism and religions by the monotheists and atheists and other parties is now since 2000 years happening, since the moment the roman emperor became christian. Freemasons, atheists and all kinds of idiots, academics, communists, capitalists are taking part and they have already destroyed the biggest part of the worlds cultures and religions. In colonisation, inquisition, witchburnings, 3. world wars aso.

- In the same moment, that they destroy naturereligion and real religion and peoples culture, they destroy nature and wipe out the living beings. Religion holds the world together, without religion the world falls apart, they know it and thats the reason why they destroy religion. The only thing that might be able to stop the extinction and world destruction is the masses of the people and they can only be mobilized by religion and real religion, not this pedo club. None of these worldreligions today sadly really speak out the important information and effectively work against the causes. Because they are unable or corrupted and are part already of the vatican monotheist network.

- That the papacy and endtimers, monotheist leadership foretell to destroy the Earth and wipe out the living beings, and that they put it into action, I have proven in this blog

- In the last 2000 years regency of christianity over the world the world was basically fully destroyed, there is almost no wilderness left. They have raped and abused every piece of land worldwide, there is maybe 10 percent, in extreme areas like the antartica, mountains aso, intact ecosystems left only also shown with images in the blog
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New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Re: Policy of Vatican and monotheist elite to make extinct life on Ear

This pope is quite different from the rest of the previous ones. This guy is very broad minded and willing to accept the new generations way of living. He might as well be held in blasphemy by Vatican.


New Member
Dec 16, 2014
Re: Policy of Vatican and monotheist elite to make extinct life on Ear

A fan of the pope...

i dont care if jesus existed, i say that endtimers and monotheist elite is making extinct life on Earth purposely and according to plan and no one at all is doing something against it.

What is needed is that real religion is established again and that it cleans up all this crap of capitalists and communists which are both some ----ing greedy jews with the only intention to make extinct worlds.


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Re: Policy of Vatican and monotheist elite to make extinct life on Ear

A fan of the pope...

i dont care if jesus existed, i say that endtimers and monotheist elite is making extinct life on Earth purposely and according to plan and no one at all is doing something against it.

What is needed is that real religion is established again and that it cleans up all this crap of capitalists and communists which are both some ----ing greedy jews with the only intention to make extinct worlds.
I believe in JESUS and not the representative of the vatican......


New Member
Dec 16, 2014
...hilarious... lets assume the vatican does find alien life, then what.... dress up the green meni and lead them to sunday mass????
Think they will send missionaries to other planets to convert them into evangelists.......
yes and wipe them all out if they cant speak.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Jesus existed.

Historical evidence is there. So, did Pontius Pilate exist.

Canadian Bacon

New Member
Dec 18, 2014
Vatican should point telescopes toward Pakistan. They will see what hell looks like. Indians should curse the British once in a while for the way they split the subcontinent. After the Bakis destroy themselves, India better move in quick before the Pakhtun from Afghanistan gets any good ideas.