USA China Cold War


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Apr 2, 2023
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Germany de-risking from China

Translated from the original article:
Konkret schlagen Habecks Beamte folgende Maßnahmen vor:
  • Politische Fokussierung auf alternative Zukunftsmärkte wie Asien-Pazifik, Lateinamerika und Afrika sowie eine Neufassung der Außenwirtschaftsförderung.
  • Politische Flankierung von deutsch-chinesischen Wirtschaftsprojekten hinterfragen.
  • In China besonders exponierte deutsche Unternehmen könnten gesonderte Mitteilungspflichten bzgl. ihres China-Geschäfts bekommen. Eine solche Extra-Berichtspflicht könnte VW oder BASF treffen.
  • China-Stresstests für bestimmte Unternehmen, in denen der Wegfall des Geschäfts simuliert wird.
  • Ausschluss von chinesischen Anbietern bei Vor- und Zwischenprodukten der kritischen Infrastruktur. Dies würde ein Aus für Huawei in Deutschland bedeuten.
  • Prüfung von deutschen Investitionen in chinesische Firmen (sog. Outbound-Investitionen).
  • Bilaterale Projekte nur bei adäquaten chinesischen Finanzierungsbeiträgen (mindestens 50 Prozent).
  • Ab 2023 keine Entwicklungskredite mehr an China.
  • Auf EU-Ebene Abschluss von Freihandelsabkommen vorantreiben mit Asien-Pazifik-Raum.
  • Aufbau einer Verarbeitungs- und Veredelungskapazität in Europa für strategisch wichtige Rohstoffe (seltene Erden).
  • China durch politischen Druck zur Aufgabe der Einstufung als Entwicklungsland zwingen.
  • Gemeinsame G7- ,OECD- und Nato-Positionen gegenüber China entwickeln.
Habeck (Germany Economics Minister)'s officials propose the following measures:

Political focus on alternative future markets such as Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa and revising the assistance for export businesses.

Ensuring political detachment in German-Chinese economic projects.

German companies that are particularly exposed in China could be given an extra obligation to report their China bussinesses. Such an extra reporting obligation could affect VW or BASF.

China stress tests for certain companies, where the loss of their businesses would be simulated.

Exclusion of Chinese suppliers of preliminary and intermediate products for the critical infrastructure. This would mean an end for Huawei in Germany.

Scrutiny of German investments in Chinese companies (so-called outbound investments).

Bilateral projects only with adequate Chinese financial contributions (at least 50 percent).

No more development loans to China from 2023 onwards.

Promoting the completion of free trade agreements with the Asia-Pacific region at EU level.

Building up the processing and refining capacity in Europe for strategically important raw materials (rare earths).

Political pressure to force China to abandon its developing country status.

Developing common G7, OECD and NATO positions towards China.

lol Development loans
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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Coupling with China took 20 years. Decoupling should not take longer. The key ingredient of coupling was $2 Trillion FDI to China. Then decoupling will take the same amount of FDI in other countries. The other ingredient of technology which has to be denied to China. I believe, a beginning has been made to deny computer chips to China.
De- coupling will take more time because now china itself has become a great market for the west. Where else would they find such a huge market for iphones , teslas , BMW's and all things German?? Chinese tourists are also major source of revenue for many smaller European states.

Besides china is now leading in many new industries like solar , hydrogen, ev and batteries.

Hence Europe is already harping on de-risking instead of de- coupling. Which means removing strategic dependence on China but maintaining trade with China .


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Expert like this are now again calling for America to immediately pivot to Asia against China rather than wasting time and money over Ukraine.

( Read more of his tweets).

Read this in context of macron already making clear that Taiwan is not his fight.

So Europe and USA are drifting apart.

Also keep in mind what jaishankar said about Europe.

All in all Europe won't pick up a fight with China but it will hedge it's bets.

It's upto USA, japan and India.

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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lol decoupling from China? China has made alot of stuffs cheaper. I do not like Chinese expansionism but its not easy to tell people to spend more money on buying the same goods.
Unless China goes full on medieval on Taiwan in an all out waelr, there is no decoupling of any significance happening.. And I don't think China is in a hurry to go to war over Taiwan..


Regular Member
May 22, 2022
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This is a next US presidential nominee hopeful

Isn't it amusing that most of the americ*nt pres (irrespective of any political parties) nominees blabbers war mongering & hawkishness, instead of solving their internal issues, which signifies most of them are just poodles of deep state in one way or another.

Also this sh!trican pajeet should take a look at his sh!thole plagued with all sorts of debauchery & wretchedness instead of distracting jhaantrican awaam from their issues like inflation, racial violence etc.
It's Taiwan now Kashmir may be next


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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This is a next US presidential nominee hopeful

US DoD calls it porcupine strategy..
this fellow is aligning NRA with this strategy.

Taiwan’s Porcupine Strategy



Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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this is an under statement.

white house should be actively looking at whether domestic political movements like wokeism and climate justice were being actively nudged by beijing either directly or via europe.

these two movements downplay impact of china and shout about everybody else.
White House economist says there is 'some evidence' that China wants to see the US dollar weakened as the global reserve currency.



Senior Member
Sep 25, 2015
this is an under statement.

white house should be actively looking at whether domestic political movements like wokeism and climate justice were being actively nudged by beijing either directly or via europe.

these two movements downplay impact of china and shout about everybody else.
White House economist says there is 'some evidence' that China wants to see the US dollar weakened as the global reserve currency.

Either they don't get it
they pretend they are not getting it.

US has been using Dollar as a weapon against countries it does not like.
The recent sanctions on Russia and the fallout where Russia completely lost access to it's own money has sent many countries into a corner.
Today Russia, tomorrow, it could be any one of them. The USA can decide which country it does not like and screw it.
This more than anything has spooked every non-white country on this planet.

Why would countries bet their entire trade on whims and fancies of maniac sitting in white house when alternative modes of trade can be achieved.
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Either they don't get it
they pretend they are not getting it.

US has been using Dollar as a weapon against countries it does not like.
The recent sanctions on Russia and the fallout where Russia completely lost access to it's own money has sent many countries into a corner.
Today Russia, tomorrow, it could be any one of them. The USA can decide which country it does not like and screw it.
This more than anything has spooked every non-white country on this planet.

Why would countries bet their entire trade on whims and fancies of maniac sitting in white house when alternative modes of trade can be achieved.
murican low and mid level bureaucrats tend to live in echo chambers, because of which contrarian information does not usually get filtered bottom to top. even if some contrarian information makes it thru, it will face stiff resistance.

some incident happens somewhere and $hit hits the fan and then they wake up, then they scramble to put together a plan at 11th hour.

for example: their reading of tiananmen square protests is very different from how Indian diplomats read the ground situation. same with events leading upto 1971 bangladesh liberation war.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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CNN doing what it does best, forwarding narratives discouraging murican establishment from taking on CCP.
Wolf: U.S. decoupling from China is reshaping world economy



Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Either they don't get it
they pretend they are not getting it.

US has been using Dollar as a weapon against countries it does not like.
The recent sanctions on Russia and the fallout where Russia completely lost access to it's own money has sent many countries into a corner.
Today Russia, tomorrow, it could be any one of them. The USA can decide which country it does not like and screw it.
This more than anything has spooked every non-white country on this planet.

Why would countries bet their entire trade on whims and fancies of maniac sitting in white house when alternative modes of trade can be achieved.
It's bigger than this. USA is in national collective denial about the changing world order.
They were forced to seize Russian forex because they had no other credible threat against Russia. That move showed their weakness.
Now others will decrease reliance on dollars which means more inflation in USA unless usa stops printing greenback and puts it's stupid population out of fake luxury life and back into real world of hard work and less income.

It's interesting to note that china economically is not much better. It's also on the path of debt fueled fake growth and might follow the same trap as USA very soon.

Lesson for India is to focus on real economy for sustainable growth - natural resources, skill upgradation, infrastructure and agriculture and machinery production.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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murican low and mid level bureaucrats tend to live in echo chambers, because of which contrarian information does not usually get filtered bottom to top. even if some contrarian information makes it thru, it will face stiff resistance.

some incident happens somewhere and $hit hits the fan and then they wake up, then they scramble to put together a plan at 11th hour.

for example: their reading of tiananmen square protests is very different from how Indian diplomats read the ground situation. same with events leading upto 1971 bangladesh liberation war.
Their ivory towers are too high up that they can't see what's happening in the ground.

Ukraine war is a bitter wake up call.
Russia alone has shaken entire Europe again and thrown it into recession. While china is encircling Taiwan and USA is busy in transgender agenda.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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this is an under statement.

white house should be actively looking at whether domestic political movements like wokeism and climate justice were being actively nudged by beijing either directly or via europe.

these two movements downplay impact of china and shout about everybody else.

White House economist says there is 'some evidence' that China wants to see the US dollar weakened as the global reserve currency.

The (((masters))) of the White House dwellers are behind wokeism and climate change activism( which has benefitted China )

These (((masters))) are also responsible for building up China into what it is today, without doing a (sucessful ) regime change, knowing the CCP would make China into a US-rival supapowa given enough investment, tech and tolerance( for their industrial espionage).

Remember, this is the country that wants regime change in India just because they don't like Modi, but they want us to believe that this same country plied an utterly hostile one party communist authoritarian state with technology and capital investment for 40 years, all the while overlooking their industrial espionage transgressions just for some shoddy excuse of "they will democratize with time and wealth" :bplease:

The goal is a new cold and later hot war with China, It has in many ways exceeded the threat posed by the USSR at it's peak but lacks the other qualities of the Soviets like fighting proxy wars world over, ideological export etc.

Inshallah the chinks will learn these too for a true supa powa ideological competition rather than the current ad-hoc model of West vs Rest.

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