UK and the Rise of Radical Islam

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Islam is declining. It is still there bcz of lies and victim playing. I can clearly see the way people are leaving islam, it will be dead in 2050. Only Porkis will follow this cult until the last pork on the earth.
Islam is only declining in places where there is osmosis of tech and modern life,aka most of the semi modern Arab and North African and central asian states,along with East Asians.the core of Islam now is unironically the Indian subcontinent areas,with pakis and Afghans forming the core along with Bangladeshis.but is bad they have a self healing system going on in Pakistan while it breaking down in Bangladesh.there are more fundamental,actual muslims forming in the state of pakistan compared to modern people due to cycle of bad governance and lack of development in pakiland.[/QUOTE]

ThE BrOkEn HeArT

Regular Member
Sep 2, 2019
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Wishful thinking... Islam is fastest growing religion in the world. In our country it is rapidly expanding and you are talking about
the world.
I don't see Paxtan being around till 2050... If it does then it would be massive failure of Indian establishment.
No. You are following a propaganda. Only breeding like ants making their population huge. But inside Islam is dying.
You will find many ex muslims nearby you. Most of ex muslims don't come out fear of beheading. They just follows for show off. In 2017, PEW survey revealed that 24% American muslims have already left Islam. Even Zakir Naik accepted it.

ThE BrOkEn HeArT

Regular Member
Sep 2, 2019
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Islam is only declining in places where there is osmosis of tech and modern life,aka most of the semi modern Arab and North African and central asian states,along with East Asians.the core of Islam now is unironically the Indian subcontinent areas,with pakis and Afghans forming the core along with Bangladeshis.but is bad they have a self healing system going on in Pakistan while it breaking down in Bangladesh.there are more fundamental,actual muslims forming in the state of pakistan compared to modern people due to cycle of bad governance and lack of development in pakiland.
Even in gulf countries people leaving Islam. It is accepted by Zakir naik.

Brood Father

Senior Member
Jun 27, 2015
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Looks like hijab will be part of uniform in India
Congratulations Islamic republic of India


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
These clowns know that it is a planned protest. If you notice one common thing in all their press releases is the word "UNPLANNED". This protest was planned on social media & screenshots of this where shared with the same police but they didnt act. All this is part of a bigger picture.

The west will not stop till India bends.

One thing that will stop all this shit is consequences
Don't like to use emoticons but this time 🤮🤢


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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These clowns know that it is a planned protest. If you notice one common thing in all their press releases is the word "UNPLANNED". This protest was planned on social media & screenshots of this where shared with the same police but they didnt act. All this is part of a bigger picture.

The west will not stop till India bends.

One thing that will stop all this shit is consequences
Thanks and above is the example of what I mentioned earlier in the post

Mate you are seeing that word because vilification of Hindus has been a the pet project of the west. And the congi and commies just acted on script dictated by west. If you are think you are fighting Hindus hate locally - naah mate its plain old Abrahamic spewed hate against heathens/kaffirs since time colonialism(Swami Vivekananda himself has written about this bigotry ). Today colonists have found better way to hide their bigotry via their brown minions. What earlier were known as 'Brown Sahibs' have disguised and merged into new labels of "activists" "journalists" "politicians" and "bureaucrats."
And this game is not being played just in India, its being played all over by these west in their erst while colonies. You may laugh off the video(which some one posted recently) where they expressed colonialism to return. But you shall be surprised that's what the most elites of western world desire and act accordingly. All the activist led "fissures" in the society are fanned by them. In which par of the world - do you think the most fanatic Sikh or Malsi vocal sympathizers have found shelter outside India ? Is it by fluke or by design? It seems the more the vitriolic and vocal against Hindus - a public person is - the plum is he posting she gets in US, UK, Canada or German


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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I can show hundreds of these videos. These are merely click baits ..ground has different story to tell .Islam is rising at massive pace and even in India it has grown up to critical mass..
How is "I can show hundreds of these videos" an argument?
Either disprove the data or leave it be.

"Source: Trust me bro" is not a valid argument.

I promise y'all, Islam will see a massive decline in the next two decades. Just wait out.

Sonic Wasp

Regular Member
Feb 28, 2022
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How is "I can show hundreds of these videos" an argument?
Either disprove the data or leave it be.

"Source: Trust me bro" is not a valid argument.

I promise y'all, Islam will see a massive decline in the next two decades. Just wait out.
1 Growth might slow down but they will only increase in % of population
2 Most of them even if denounce islam will continue to be identified as muslim so numbers will not reflect this
3 Fromm terrorist they will turn into wokist and might continue to fund jihadis due to social pressure so no advantage to us
4 more inter religion marriages between liberals and hindus so stlil a demographic negative for us


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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1 Growth might slow down but they will only increase in % of population
2 Most of them even if denounce islam will continue to be identified as muslim so numbers will not reflect this
3 Fromm terrorist they will turn into wokist and might continue to fund jihadis due to social pressure so no advantage to us
4 more inter religion marriages between liberals and hindus so stlil a demographic negative for us
1- The TFR gap has closed considerably and will even out with time.
2- If they turn MINO, it'll be much easier to make them do a Ghar Wapsi when we strap our own boots.
3- Wokes blabber a lot but will not matter at the fall of the international, aggressively globalist order (it's already ending).
4- The undercurrent is clear. Left is now a meme. People migrating from the left to right is a much larger number than people turning woke from the right. Once you're right, you end up staying or you go further to the extreme of right.

The left is an artificial construct. To reach the point of a grassroots socialist advocating for abolishment of the laws enabling the hoarding of private property is still a rather natural conclusion for a poor man who sees others enjoying wealth. Anything beyond that (more than 2 genders, unnatural sexual orientations and fetishes, deracination, forced atheism and the general circus of the left) is a construct kept propped up by constant funding and support even as the natural order bears down on it.
The stream of support has to run out merely once and it'll all come crashing down and ending up in books as a weird time in Human history.

TLDR- A not-so-insignificant number of people aligning with the left for their original principles on economic and social lines will withstand the test of time among people. The rest of the shenanigans will die out soon enough.
Bear witness to the collapse of US and Gulf, the arc reactor of evil ideologies.

Sonic Wasp

Regular Member
Feb 28, 2022
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1- The TFR gap has closed considerably and will even out with time.
2- If they turn MINO, it'll be much easier to make them do a Ghar Wapsi when we strap our own boots.
3- Wokes blabber a lot but will not matter at the fall of the international, aggressively globalist order (it's already ending).
4- The undercurrent is clear. Left is now a meme. People migrating from the left to right is a much larger number than people turning woke from the right. Once you're right, you end up staying or you go further to the extreme of right.

The left is an artificial construct. To reach the point of a grassroots socialist advocating for abolishment of the laws enabling the hoarding of private property is still a rather natural conclusion for a poor man who sees others enjoying wealth. Anything beyond that (more than 2 genders, unnatural sexual orientations and fetishes, deracination, forced atheism and the general circus of the left) is a construct kept propped up by constant funding and support even as the natural order bears down on it.
The stream of support has to run out merely once and it'll all come crashing down and ending up in books as a weird time in Human history.
TLDR- Aligning with the left on their original principles on economic and social lines will withstand the test of time among people. The rest of the shenanigans will die out soon enough.
Bear witness to the collapse of US and Gulf, the arc reactor of evil ideologies.
1- 2.1 vs 2.7 not happening i would also like to add that economic weaker section of hindus used to produce more children now they are also doing only one or two
2- most of them if comes out of closet will become woke and good luck touching them and they might still support muslims because of cultural reasons (i am rw supooter and not very religious)
3 - not really there is no proof of this and even if rw becomes powerful in the west they will still use gobohomo tactics to control us.
4 do you really think global rw is rw enough to support or at least tolerate our actions i dont think so

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
What i love about this is the world is realizing how muslims view themselves 50 hindus = 1 muslims and all that they literally consider themselves a superior race Nazis

but privately I would identity the individual Modi thugs and make a private visit ( discrete) and break their joints specially kneecap and ankles.
Thier are photos going around all over SM of some people who are trying to be hard, so maybe that's the plan

They'll be beaten up individually

Ahh good
old muslims can always rely on them to take people when they are defenseless i would request hindus and others of UK to make an anti muslim foghting they have too much coordination in thier fking mosques i think no non muslim is even allowed thier right ?

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