UAE-U.S. Nuclear Deal Takes Effect


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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UAE-U.S. Nuclear Deal Takes Effect
Friday, Dec. 18, 2009
The United States and the United Arab Emirates yesterday finalized a landmark civilian nuclear cooperation deal that allows transfers of U.S. nuclear reactor technologies, fuel and other materials in exchange for a commitment not to develop a weapons capability, the Associated Press reported (see GSN, Nov. 17; Robert Burns, Associated Press/Google News, Dec. 17).

(Dec. 18) - A street in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai, shown in 2007. The United States and the United Arab Emirates yesterday sealed an agreement making U.S. nuclear materials and technology available for energy production in Gulf state (Chris Jackson/Getty Images).
At a ceremony in Washington yesterday, U.S. Undersecretary of State Ellen Tauscher exchanged diplomatic notes with UAE Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba formalizing the agreement's implementation (U.S. State Department release, Dec. 17).
Tauscher touted the deal as "a new bargain for the Middle East region" and commended Abu Dhabi for its assistance in countering Iran's disputed nuclear activities (see related GSN story, today).
The agreement, which originated under former U.S. President George W. Bush, has been praised by the Obama administration as a trend-setting example of nuclear cooperation in a region where proliferation poses a significant concern. U.S. lawmakers expressed worries about the agreement, particularly regarding UAE trade relations with Iran, but made no concerted effort to prevent it from entering into force (Burns, AP).

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