Typhoon joins Danish Fighter Competition


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Typhoon joins Danish Fighter Competition

The Danish Air Force has re-opened a competition to select a fighter to replace its fleet of F-16's.

Eurofighter will be one of four aerospace companies who will be competing for the contract to replace the Danish F-16's. Other candidates include Lockheed Martin with the JSF, Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and the Saab's Gripen.

The competition that was cancelled in 2010 due to financial pressures.

The evaluation process and final recommendation will reportedly be ready at the end of 2015. Denmark originally sought to acquire 48 fighters, although the number has been reduced to approximately 30 aircraft.

Typhoon joins Danish Fighter Competition: key.Aero, Military Aviation


New Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Saab's Gripen. would be best choice for them as they had cancelled previous tender due to financial pressures and also denmark does not faces any cunning enemy nation


New Member
May 25, 2009
Meh. Lose Canada, Denmark, and the Dutch (those with parade-ground military forces)... gain Singapore, Israel, and the Japanese (those with real security concerns).
You won't lose even the parade ground military forces.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
You won't lose even the parade ground military forces.
I'd give the F-35 a 50/50 chance at best in those places.

The Dutch, Canadians, and Danish wanted a simple replacement for fighters already in service while spending the same levels as they did in the 1980s. Reminds me of old people being pissed-off that stuff costs more than it used to. Oh well, at least we'll get their share of the work back (God know we could use the extra jobs).


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Four rivals to enter Danish dogfight

Four bidders are to contest Denmark's next-generation fighter requirement, after Copenhagen decided to consider alternatives to its planned procurement of up to 48 Lockheed Martin F-35As.

Four bidders are to contest Denmark's next-generation fighter requirement, after Copenhagen decided to consider alternatives to its planned procurement of up to 48 Lockheed Martin F-35As.

Boeing, the Eurofighter consortium and Saab have been approached to provide information about their respective F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Typhoon and Gripen E platforms, as part of a process to be conducted within the framework of the Danish defence agreement for 2013 to 2017.

"We are ready to develop a strategic partnership with Denmark and provide opportunities for significant collaboration with Europe's leading industrial nations," says Eurofighter chief executive Enzo Casolini. The Typhoon had previously been on offer to Copenhagen, until then-campaign lead company EADS withdrew from the process in late 2007, alleging that it was skewed in favour of the F-35.

Selection of the Typhoon would result in reduced costs for the Royal Danish Air Force, through "logistics, training and interoperability during coalition missions", Eurofighter claims. Its multi-role combat aircraft is already operated by core programme partner air forces Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.

Saab, which has long pitched its next-generation Gripen as a potential choice for Denmark, points to Sweden's recent commitment to acquire 60 E-model examples, along with a planned Swiss air force order for 22. In a statement, the manufacturer cites its ability to deliver an aircraft with "operational capabilities that are second to none, and to a cost for operating that appeals to ministers of finance and taxpayers".

"We are looking forward to receiving more information about the process [in Denmark]," says Lennart Sindahl, head of Saab's aeronautics business area.

Denmark's involvement as a Level 3 partner in the F-35 programme has been set at the potential procurement of up to 48 aircraft in the Joint Strike Fighter's A-model conventional take-off and landing configuration. Lockheed had previously said that it expects the nation to make a decision on buying the type later this decade.

The selected combat aircraft will replace the Royal Danish Air Force's current inventory of Lockheed F-16s. Its fleet totals 36 AM-variant fighters and 11 two-seat BM-model trainers, which Flightglobal's MiliCAS database records as having been delivered between 1980 and 1989.

Four rivals to enter Danish dogfight