The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013
Re: The Syrian Crisis: Lessons in statecraft from the U.N. high table

probably too early to hail the resolution as a victory of "deft diplomacy" or statecraft. is Assad regime financially and technically capable of disposing of the chem. weapons, within the time frame (? 9 mon. fm now!) while the civil war is raging? the amount and manpower needed sounds hefty for a war torn Syria. so far only (?) Switzerland and China commit to contributing a fragment, and Russia"¦ also its progress has to b reviewed monthly. so still pretexts ahead for West attacks.

more practically Assad (and his allies) shall make use of the borrowed time for more battlefield gains and striking "political reconcilliation" with "some of " the opposition which has experienced internal splits in the prolonged war.

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It is the responsibility of the West to eliminate the WMD. Syria is required to point out all the WMD sites and allow inspection by OPCW after which they may be destroyed outside of Syria.

How will Syria's chemical weapons be destroyed? - The Hindu

UN votes to axe Syria weapons


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013
Syria rakes up 9/11 attacks, rebels 'eating human heart' issue at UN

United Nations: Four months after a macabre video of a Syrian rebel eating a human heart surfaced, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem raked up the issue of ruthless act again while addressing the United Nations.

Seeking to add weight to Assad regime, Syrian Foreign Minister while addressing the UN General Assembly, invoked 9/11 attacks, comparing the situation in Syria to that of America.

"The people of New York have witnessed the devastations of terrorism, and were burned with the fire of extremism and bloodshed, the same way we are suffering now in Syria," Moallem said.

He claimed that the Syrian government was fighting against those "terrorists" who were involved in such inhuman acts as eating human hearts and amputating body parts and sending them to the family of the victims.

Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly, Mr al-Moallem said that it was known to all that the branches of the al Qaeda — "the most dangerous terrorist organization" – were fighting against Assad regime in Syria.

"The scenes of murder, manslaughter and eating human hearts were shown on TV screens but did not touch blind consciences," he said.

He added that terrorists belonging to 83 countries were fighting in Syria.

A ghastly video of a Syrian rebel cutting the heart of a dead soldier and taking a bite of it appeared in May which sparked worldwide outrage and condemnation.

The two branches of al Qaeda - Al Nusra Front and the Aknaf Bait al Maqdis – are known to be assisting the Free Syrian Army in gaining control of government held areas.

Mr al-Moallem also said that Assad regime wanted a political solution to the conflict, which he called a war against "terror" and not a civil war, as the international community terms it.

Regarding the chemical weapons issue, Moallem said that the "terrorists, which the government uses to refer to the rebels, were being supplied the chemicals by differnet countries.

He further accused the West – Britain, France and UK – of not allowing the names of real perpetrators of the chemical attacks to surface.

Syria chemical weapons issue created a furore in the international community when August 21 chemical attack, according to the US claimed 1429 lives, and was orchestrated by the regime.

Syria has now agreed to submit its weapons to the international community by the mid of 2014 as per a joint Russia-US plan.

The disarmament plan to dismantle Syria's deadly chemical stockpile would start Tuesday as te international chemical weapons inspectors would embark on a mission to destroy the 1000-ton arsenal of Sarin, methane and other poisonous agents.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
@SajeevJino @pmaitra @W.G.Ewald
Is there any site/blog which keeps track of all action in syria as to who's in control of which town/cities, where exactly fighting is going on on a daily/weekly basis??
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Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
@SajeevJino @pmaitra @W.G.Ewald
Is there any site/blog which keeps track of all action in syria as to who's in control of which town/cities, where exactly fighting is going on on a daily/weekly basis??
@SajeevJino has been doing a good job posting that kind of information; @pmaitra too. Possibly Al-Jazeera would be a good source for the updates you are looking for. AJ has a cable TV channel in the States but not on the service I watch.

Also, I found this source which may be worth following:

Who's-fighting-in-Syria- - Al-Ahram Weekly
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Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
DIY Weapons of the Syrian Rebels - In Focus - The Atlantic

Syrian rebels prepare to launch a bomb using a homemade slingshot in the northern city of Aleppo, on October 16, 2012. Lightly-armed Syrian rebels who face the warplanes, artillery and tanks of loyalists have turned to making their own weapons, even rigging a video game controller to fire mortar rounds. (Tauseef Mustafa/AFP/Getty Images)

Many more photos at link.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Russia evacuates diplomats from embassy in Syria after mob attack

Russia said none of the embassy staff was hurt in Wednesday's attack, which came in response to the death of a Libyan air force officer, who was allegedly killed by a Russian woman.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement that it decided to evacuate after Libya's foreign minister told the Russian ambassador that Libya was unable to protect the embassy. Lukashevich added that all the embassy workers and their families safely crossed the border into Tunisia Thursday.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Disarmament experts arrive in Syria
International inspectors arrived in Damascus on Tuesday to begin the monumental task of overseeing the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons in the middle of a civil war.

The inspectors from a Netherlands-based chemical weapons watchdog have around nine months to complete their mission that calls for finding, dismantling and eliminating President Bashar Assad's estimated 1,000-ton arsenal.

Inspectors' priority is to reach the first milestone of helping Syria scrap its ability to manufacture chemical weapons by a Nov. 1 deadline, using every means possible.

The destruction mission could include smashing mixing equipment with sledgehammers, blowing up delivery missiles, driving tanks over empty shells or filling them with concrete, and running machines without lubricant so they seize up and become inoperable.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Experts begin destroying Syria's chemical weapons arsenal
Under their supervision, "Syrian personnel used cutting torches and angle grinders to destroy or disable a range of items," said Eri Kaneko, associate spokeswoman for U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's office.

"This included missile warheads, aerial bombs and mixing and filling equipment. The process will continue in the coming days," she added.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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military industry is in overdrive the merkava assembly line input was doubled
400 spg will be built in America (license German and Israeli tech ) for use
+ many other things
wish us all the best we will need it
haha... what are you talking about? production is at a trickle, it is only kept open as stimulus to save jobs. we seen how effective they were against Hezbollah so better to improve training than worry about armour. What SPG are you talking about?


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013
Syrian weapons crisis: Assad 'deserves credit' for agreeing to chemical weapons destruction, says John Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry has said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime deserves credit for complying with a deal to destroy the country's chemical weapons.

His words came following confirmation from international monitors that the destruction of Syria's stockpile had begun.

The UN resolution to get the regime to give up its chemical weapons was made possible thanks to cooperation between the US and Russia.

The two powers had previously been at loggerheads about how to deal with Syria following a chemical weapons attack near Damascus in August.

"I think it's extremely significant that yesterday, Sunday, within a week of the (UN) resolution being passed, some chemical weapons were being destroyed," Mr Kerry said after talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) summit in Bali, Indonesia.

"I think it's a credit to the Assad regime, frankly. It's a good beginning and we welcome a good beginning.

"The process has begun in record time and we are appreciative for the Russian co-operation and obviously for the Syrian compliance."

The operation is being overseen by a team of experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

"The first day of destruction and disabling is over and missile warheads, aerial bombs, along with mobile and static mixing and filling units, were dealt with. Work continues tomorrow and in the next few days," an official on the joint OPCW-UN delegation said on Sunday.

The stockpile's physical destruction, being carried out by the Syrians themselves, is set to be complicated and fraught, with some weapons sites being located in areas of heavy fighting being forces loyal to the Assad Regime and rebel forces.

Under the deal between the US and Russia, Syria's ability to use chemical weapons should be completely halted by mid-2014.

Mr Lavrov, also speaking at the Apec summit in Bali, stressed that the Western- and Arab-backed opposition must also comply and must ensure that chemical weapons do not fall into the hands of extremists.

Russia, an ally of Syria, has accused the opposition of being behind the chemical weapons attack on 21 August that most countries blame on the regime.

"The responsibility is not only on the Syrian government, but also on the opposition and all the states in this sphere should of course not allow these weapons to fall into the hands of non-state actors," Mr Lavrov said.

My Kerry and Mr Lavrov told reporters that they were continuing to make progress on preparations for an international conference intended to help set up a transitional government for Syria.

The United Nations has said it would like to host the meeting in Geneva in mid-November. The meeting has been repeatedly delayed but both statesmen said they hoped the rough date would hold.

Syrian weapons crisis: Assad 'deserves credit' for agreeing to chemical weapons destruction, says John Kerry - Middle East - World - The Independent


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013

Geneva-2 conference on syria will be held on Nov 23/24

**A key international conference aimed at ending Syria's civil war will be held in Geneva on Nov. 23 and 24, according to an announcement by the Arab League chief on Sunday.

**Meanwhile, a meeting will take place in London on October 22 between representatives of the Syrian opposition and the foreign ministers of the so-called London 11. The group consists of Britain, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.

**Syrian officials have repeatedly said they are willing to take part in the Geneva peace talks, but not with any preconditions such as Assad's resignation. They say the president will stay at least until the end of his term in mid-2014, and he will decide then whether to seek re-election. The regime has refused to negotiate with the armed opposition.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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**A key international conference aimed at ending Syria's civil war will be held in Geneva on Nov. 23 and 24, according to an announcement by the Arab League chief on Sunday.

Bubble Gum ..may this take decades to Digest ..any idea when the Civil war was started


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2011
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I showed this video for some leftists that I known in order to they see that in Syria marxists are beside Assad, and not against him

coz in Brazil there are a very left party with trotskist ideololgy that are supporting the Syrians rebels saying they are true revolutionaries. :facepalm:
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Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
I showed this video for some leftists that I known in order to they see that in Syria marxists are beside Assad, and not against him

coz in Brazil there are a very left party with trotskist ideololgy that are supporting the Syrians rebels saying they are true revolutionaries. :facepalm:
The video was playacting. The Marxists show up in civilian vehicles at some remote spot and posture for a while, no sign of armed opposition. They gaze out at the Med with binoculars for ... what? Their fat leader couldn't run 50 yards if his life depended on it.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Equipment Destroyed at 14 Syrian Chemical Arms Sites

A team of international experts working on a mission to eradicate Syria's chemical weapons has destroyed critical equipment at 14 sites in the war-torn country, the global chemical weapons watchdog said Monday.

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on October 11, and the United Nations currently have some 60 experts deployed in Syria.

The OPCW said the international team had conducted verification activities at 17 sites out of a total of 20 that are identified in Syria's disclosure.

According to OPCW Director General Ahmet Uzumcu, experts intend to render all known chemical-arms-making facilities in Syria unusable by November 1 and destroy the entire chemical arsenal in the country by June 30, 2014.

The United States and some other countries accused Syrian President Bashar Assad's government of being behind an August 21 chemical weapons attack outside Damascus that Washington said left more than 1,400 dead.

The Syrian government in turn accused the rebel groups it has been battling since March 2011 of being behind the attack, and agreed to a Russia-brokered deal to destroy its chemical weapons arsenal by the middle of next year in order to avoid military action threatened by the US.

The joint team of OPCW chemical weapons experts and UN officials has been working in Syria since October 1.

Equipment Destroyed at 14 Syrian Chemical Arms Sites | World | RIA Novosti

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