The Syrian Crisis

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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I have to admit , @Navnit Kundu , your story telling and writing skills are vastly superior to the average DFI member including me :) you could earn some money with such talents in the media industry.

The people I trust about Syria are Syrians. Those who can speak freely , far away from shabihas . I will add videos when I have time !

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
I have to admit , @Navnit Kundu , your story telling and writing skills are vastly superior to the average DFI member including me :) you could earn some money with such talents in the media industry.

The people I trust about Syria are Syrians. Those who can speak freely , far away from shabihas . I will add videos when I have time !
That's no story telling, nice try being dismissive. You came here riding on your high horse, trying to demean everyone who disagreed with you as a brainwashed lot, and ran away on the same horse when confronted with facts.
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Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
I have to admit , @Navnit Kundu , your story telling and writing skills are vastly superior to the average DFI member including me :) you could earn some money with such talents in the media industry.

The people I trust about Syria are Syrians. Those who can speak freely , far away from shabihas . I will add videos when I have time !
You have westernified Syrians in your friends.
It's the same as trying to speak with Russian rusophobes like Nemtsov, Kasianov, Moscow Echo radio and The Moscow Times western paid medias about Russia. You will not hear anything sane from them.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Gary Kasparov too ? Nemtsov was killed . Basically everyone who disagrees with Putin is a traitor or a paid agent in your eyes.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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That's no story telling, nice try being dismissive. You came here riding on your high horse, trying to demean everyone who disagreed with you as a brainwashed lot, and ran away on the same horse when confronted with facts.
You have got good story-telling and writing, but about facts , you are very, very approximative. It is not because one particular organisation in Aleppo has links with Al Nusra that all the opposition media sources have links with terrorists.

Did I use brainwashed word ? Yes, probably, about the chemical attack in Damascus. I maintain the word. When a regime has a stockpile of chemicals like Assad had, at a point the temptation to use it is too big. He had motive ( revenge) and he had weapons . Wasn't necessary him that gave the order though.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Gary Kasparov too ? Nemtsov was killed . Basically everyone who disagrees with Putin is a traitor or a paid agent in your eyes.
Yes, Kasparov as well.
Kasparov says such schisophrenic things, that we all think it's time to apply force preemptive medicine to him.
Putin is not relevant here. People just tell truth (apparently just sane thinhs) or not.
If somebody tells easy beatable and obvious shit just to prove its polytical position then I don't care if such moron supports Putin or not. There are bunch of morons in near patriotic sphere as well.

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Jun 19, 2013
You too have Westernized friends ! it is hard to find any Syrians more westernized than Bashar and his wife . Does not make them unfrequentable it seems.

When I say westernized, I mean west-fappers, who will trade their own country and anything else for the sake of "sacred holy west" and their own miserable consumation level.
Those morons truly believe that west world is holy, sacred and absolutely flawless, that their own countries are bad enough to destroy them if West will tell him to do this in the sake of "democracy" and "human rights".

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Aug 12, 2013
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Syria Elections 2016: US-NATO’s Failed Attempt to Deny the Will of the Syrian People

Yesterday Parliamentary elections were held in Syria. 7000 polling booths were opened across the country. 11, 341 candidates were proposed from across Syria with 250 to be elected to Parliament, including a number of female candidates.

Candidates were spread out as follows: 988 in Damascus, 817 in Damascus countryside, Aleppo 1437, in Aleppo regions 1048, In Idleb 386, in Homs 1800, Hama 700, Lattakia 1653, Tartous 634, Deir Ezzor 311, Hasaka 546, Raqqa 197, Daraa 321, Sweida 263 and in Quneitra 240

Voting centres opened at 7.30 am and were obliged to extend their sessions by five hours to accommodate the high turn out of voters.
“The voting centers include over 2,000 centers in Damascus, 17 in Deir Ezzor, 1,047 in Lattakia, 661 in Homs, 347 in Sweida, 741 in Hama, 368 in Hasaka, 816 in Tartous, and 347 in Sweida are receiving voters.

It should be noted that voting centers were opened in Damascus, Damascus Countryside, Hama, Lattakia, Aleppo, Tartous, Hasaka, and Deir Ezzor to receive voters staying in these provinces who are originally from other areas, namely the provinces of Idleb, Raqqa, Aleppo, Deir Ezzor, and Daraa.” ~ SANA
So contrary to spurious claims from western governments and media, efforts were made to open the voting to all Syrian civilians including those who have fled terrorists held areas. We must also bear in mind that over 90% of IDPs [Internally displaced persons] have fled to Government controlled areas, thus further discrediting claims that these elections are non representative.

For a full photo report on the Syrian elections: Peoples Assembly Elections 2016

On an equally positive note, of course ignored in the western and gulf media, 1.7 million of these internally displaced refugees have been able to return home thanks not only to the SAA liberation of whole swathes of Syrian villages and towns from US NATO terrorist occupation but also due to the Syrian Governments laudable efforts to rebuild and restore infrastructure in these areas.

Small government loans are being given to impoverished families to enable them to re-establish their lives torn apart by the illegal war of aggression that has been waged against Syria by the US, NATO, GCC and Israel for the last five years.

It is guaranteed that none of these initiatives will be reported in the mainstream media, including the Syrian Higher Committee for Relief’s efforts to facilitate the delivery of Humanitarian aid to the remaining terrorist held civilian areas in Syria.

As Professor Tim Anderson [who is in Syria to observe the elections as indeed he was in 2014] said:

“Syrian democracy needs no outside approval. Repeated outside demands that ‘Assad must go’, or that a Washington-approved executive ‘transition government’ be formed, have become meaningless, since the military tide turned in the embattled country’s favour.”

The Syrian elections proceeded according to the Syrian constitution and law. We see this being enforced in Aleppo for example where it was decided that violations of the voting process had taken place and a re-election was called for.

UNSC [Security Council] resolution 2254 stated clearly that Syria’s future is in the hands of the Syrians and the Syrians are proving that they are doing just that with little fuss but a lot of enthusiasm and determination to deny foreign intervention in their sovereign affairs.

The Syrian “Dictator” goes to Vote

Now lets have a look at the President that western governments and their media minions would have us believe to be a bloodthirsty, butchering dictator as he and his wife Asma head for the polling booths with no security in sight.
How awesome it is to organize elections when you can't control 100% of your territory,when millions fled,when there's a full scale war in your country... nice.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
You are right talking about a country that labels mothers of killed russian soldiers as western agents,spies ?
Those "mothers" are pure polytical structure consisting of "professional oppositioneers" none of which ever had a child :)
There are many of them lesbians or convinced child-free movers :)

If we are talking about "Soldiers Mothers" polytical organization that has been acknowledged as foreign agent (because had pure foreign financing from USAID and US DOS fundations) then the things are exactly as I've described above.

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Aug 12, 2013
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Those "mothers" are pure polytical structure consisting of "professional oppositioneers" none of which ever had a child :)
There are many of them lesbians or convinced child-free movers :)

If we are talking about "Soldiers Mothers" polytical organization that has been acknowledged as foreign agent (because had pure foreign financing from USAID and US DOS fundations) then the things are exactly as I've described above.

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And now lesbians ? HAHAHA,the number of names you are given when you protest after your son has been sent as cannon foder in Ukraine.
But what can we expect from such a backward country when Putin and his gang controls everything.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
View attachment 8585

With a screenshot of the video game 'Command and Conquer Generals'

@Akim @SajeevJino @Tactical Frog @pmaitra @gadeshi
This is somebody's bad joke.
About "Soldiers Mothers".
Just go and see at their meetings and pickets and then go and see their social networks accounts pages. Those accounts are pretty self-explanatory :)

As I've mentioned many many times earlier: you are ignorant moron, that doesn't know the real world he lives in. You know nothing about Russia, Syria, US, even EU. Just a media narrative and pictures, nothing more. And this is almost all western people flaw. You know fucking small.

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Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Those "mothers" are pure polytical structure consisting of "professional oppositioneers" none of which ever had a child :)
There are many of them lesbians or convinced child-free movers :)

If we are talking about "Soldiers Mothers" polytical organization that has been acknowledged as foreign agent (because had pure foreign financing from USAID and US DOS fundations) then the things are exactly as I've described above.

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If Soldiers' Mothers are lesbians , then what is Memorial, what is the Committee Against Torture ... probably ****. Real democracy in Russia is only possible when there is enough freedom of speech and respect of dissentive voices. At the moment democray is a fiction in Russia.
From the Moscow Times :


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
If Soldiers' Mothers are lesbians , then what is Memorial, what is the Committee Against Torture ... probably ****. Real democracy in Russia is only possible when there is enough freedom of speech and respect of dissentive voices. At the moment democray is a fiction in Russia.
From the Moscow Times :
What Memorial is and how did it started is not the topic for a short forum post, but for a huge book about "How Andropov, KGB and Polit Bureau have been killing USSR"
Maybe I'll try to squeeze it into post later when I'll have time.
About The Moscow Times and word freedom in Russia: TMT chief editor Eugenia Albatz constantly translates Clinton's idea to dismantle Russia and give Siberia to US, Far East to Japan and all te other lands to EU.
Nobody touches her, just humiliate for this. Is this enough word freedom for you? And how your govt will react if somebody will openly discuss the topic to cut of Elsass and Lotaringhia again and give them to Germany?
There are many of such Albatzes in Russia. They are just a claws of informational war and US DOS grants eaters. Duph claws, should I say :) And all of them are connected to US-led NGOs.
About NGOs themselves:
If NGOs perform directly anti-Russian activities like stupidisative education reforms, anti-Russian propaganda to children through education, child-free movements support, political extremists, separatists and nazi support, deliberate euthanasia/suicides propaganda in young env., financing of propagandists/liars media, etc, then they are forbidden in Russia. And this is just NORMAL.
All the NGOs must register to watch their activities and if they are foreign or foreign funded, they must be labelled as foreign agents to allow Russian people to see who's interests are they after. It is NORMAL as well.
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Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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