The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Maybe a couple hundred, even up to a thousand. It makes no difference. They will just move on to the next fight like they always do.

Was I supposed to see something?


Jul 1, 2009
al Qaeda is the Western excuse to commit foreign aggression. It is part of the neo-con strategy to fear and warmonger. Fake News plays it to no end.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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al Qaeda is the Western excuse to commit foreign aggression. It is part of the neo-con strategy to fear and warmonger. Fake News plays it to no end.
There is no doubt it has been used as an excuse before, but the Al Queda "threat" is the enemy fighting their enemy. If they want to fight the cause let them do it for the wrong reasons. It doesn't mean they will have an iota of control when the regime falls. They will fight the next battle in some distant land until they get control of something. They are only effective at gaining harbour/refuge in 3rd world countries... that is not Syria.


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Feb 7, 2011
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US position on Syria directly endorses terrorism - Lavrov

Washington's reaction to blasts in Damascus is a downright justification of terrorism, slams Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. US State Department announced that terror acts in Syria are not surprising in light of the Assad regime's actions.

"This is direct endorsement of terrorism. How are we supposed to understand that?" Sergey Lavrov shared his astonishment at a press conference in Moscow. "This is a sinister position, I cannot find words to express our attitude towards that."

Lavrov also expressed his surprise that the UN Security Council refused to condemn acts of terror in Syria. The US permanent representative to the UN Susan Rice has stated that terror acts in Damascus contribute to speeding up the adoption of a resolution on Syria according to the Chapter 7 of the UN Statute, which implies harsh sanctions, including resorting to force.

"In other words this means 'We are going to support such acts of terrorism until the UNSC does what we want'," Lavrov commented on the US representative's actions.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said recently that there should be closer work with opposition in Syria as it captures more and more territories to prepare new actions of resistance to the government in Damascus.

Lavrov noted that there were reports that the opposition has taken control over border posts on the Iraqi and Turkish border with Syria and reportedly, there were cases of looting of Turkish property. According to some sources it was not Free Syrian Army militants that captured those posts, but by groups linked to Al-Qaeda, and Russian diplomats are verifying this information.
More @ Source = RT
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Senior Member
Nov 16, 2011
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Turkish Al-Qaida in Syria

Anybody who understands Turkish can confirm what is being said.

With my basic understanding of Turkish language, I can speak what the Turkish reader said above is correct. :thumb:
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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War voyeurs: Israeli tourists watch Syria battles from safe distance

Armed with binoculars and cameras, tourists in Israel are flocking to the Golan Heights in the hope of seeing the bloody conflict in neighboring Syria, sparking a trend among tour operators.

-In this day and age, whale watching apparently just doesn't cut it any longer.

It's far more entertaining to watch your neighbors bomb and shoot the living daylights out of each other – from the safe distance of, say, the Golan Heights.

This is, apparently, the latest craze among Israelis, who flock to vantage points near the country's border with Syria to observe the ongoing clashes, according to the Times of Israel.

Armed with binoculars and cameras, throngs of Israeli and other tourists have been seen heading to Golan Heights. Live action enthusiasts were hoping to catch a glimpse of the savage fighting, which have been steadily increasing in the 17-month Syrian conflict.
PHOTOS and more @ Source = RT


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Feb 7, 2011
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Al-Qaeda gaining experience in Syria, eyes 'Islamic state to fight Israel and Iran'

An Iraqi Al-Qaeda operative has admitted that his organization is taking part in the Syrian uprising against President Assad. The revelation comes amidst increasing evidence that Al-Qaeda is gaining a foothold in Syria.

Abu Thuha, a 56-year-old Al-Qaeda operative living near Kirkuk in northern Iraq, described the Islamist organization's grand plans to an Iraqi reporter for The New York Times.

"We have experience now fighting the Americans, and more experience now with the Syrian revolution," he noted. "Our big hope is to form a Syrian-Iraqi Islamic state for all Muslims, and then announce our war against Iran and Israel, and free Palestine.

In Iraq, the number of Al-Qaeda attacks has been on the rise, with over 400 people killed since the start of June. On Monday, a series of bombings and shootings took the lives of over 110 people, an attack that has been claimed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq, Al-Qaeda's front in the country. As for Syria, Iraqi officials have pointed to the fact that both governments face a common enemy: Al-Qaeda.

"We are 100-per-cent sure from security coordination with Syrian authorities that the wanted names that we have are the same wanted names that the Syrian authorities have, especially within the last three months," Izzat al-Shahbandar, a close aide to the Iraqi prime minister, said. "The Al-Qaeda that is operating in Iraq is the same as that which is operating in Syria."

Iraqi foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari also noted that while in the past decade his country suffered from an influx of Al-Qaeda operatives coming in from Syria, the direction of their flow has now reversed.

"We have solid information and intelligence that members of Al-Qaeda's terrorist network have gone to Syria," he told reporters in Baghdad on July 5. "Our main concern, to be honest with you, is about the spill over – about extremist, terrorist groups taking root in neighboring countries."

Another piece of evidence pointing to Al-Qaeda's growing presence in Syria is the increasing number of Al-Qaeda-style suicide bombings, most of them targeting government facilities.

Last week, at least four senior government ministers were killed in an explosion in Damascus, as fighting between troops and rebels raged on in the outskirts of the city. Both the Free Syrian Army and the Islamist Liva al-Islam claimed responsibility for the bombing.

Last month, seven people were killed and 11 were kidnapped in an attack on the state-run Al-Ikhbariya TV station. The Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front for the People of the Levant claimed responsibility for the attack.

In May, two car bombs detonated by suicide bombers went off next to a military intelligence complex in Damascus, killing at least 55 soldiers.

All in all, at least 35 car bombings and 10 suicide bombings have taken place in Syria this year, data compiled by the Institute for the Study of War shows. Four of these attacks were claimed by the Al-Nusra Front. Many more were alleged to have been perpetrated by the Islamist group, as well as other militant Sunni organizations connected to Al-Qaeda: the Abdullah Azzam Shaheed Brigades and the al-Baraa ibn Malik Martyrdom Brigade.

Al-Qaeda has repeatedly been voicing its support for the Syrian uprising against President Bashar al-Assad. Last week, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the pseudonymous new leader of Al-Qaeda's branch in Iraq, issued his first audio statement in which he devoted 30 minutes to praising the Sunni struggle against President Assad, a member of the offshoot Shiite Alawite sect. The statement also served as a harbinger for the deadly Monday attacks in Iraq.
More @ Source = RT


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2011
Still waiting on the Iraqi WMD's. This very same shit tabloid had a lot of evidence back then too. Give us a break and stop the propaganda please.

[MOD Edit: The last line was attacking the messenger, not the message. Therefore, it has been removed. The poster has not expressed any opinion. The target of your tirade should be Daily Mail UK, not the poster. Please do not contribute towards this thread going down the drain. Thank you for you understanding.]


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
From the article:

There is a degree of panic, and rightly so, over whether the Syrian tyrant Basher al Assad will use chemical weapons against either his own people or foreign attackers. His regime has this week threatened to do the latter, thus finally confirming what was long suspected but never openly admitted, that Syria possesses chemical weapons. It is believed to have ... mustard gas as well as nerve agents such as tabun, sarin and VX. The fear is either that the Assad regime uses them or that they fall into the hands of Hezbollah, al Qaeda or other Islamic terrorist groups.

Either prospect is utterly nightmarish. Even Russia says it has told Syria it is unacceptable to threaten to use them.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Baird looks ahead to post-Assad Syria, but rejects military intervention

The forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad appear to have the upper hand in the bloody conflict with rebels in that country, but Foreign Minister John Baird is looking ahead to the day when Mr. al-Assad is defeated.
But countries like Canada must continue to take every diplomatic action necessary to bring about an end to the bloodshed, he said, once again dismissing the possibility of outside military intervention of the sort that led to the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya last year.
Source: Baird looks ahead to post-Assad Syria, but rejects military intervention - The Globe and Mail


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Turkey a hub for Syria revolution as illegal border crossing points abound

On Wednesday, Turkey closed all of its legal border posts after Syrian rebels seized control of several crossings on the Syrian side. The move was prompted in part by concerns that Islamic extremists may have overrun at least one of the Syrian posts, at Bab al-Hawa, after a video posted online showed jihadi fighters there declaring they had established an "Islamic state."
Free Syrian Army fighters stride through its narrow streets, sunburned and sweaty from the battlefield, hoping to meet benefactors to provide them with money and arms. Salafi Muslims, who have come to offer help from the countries of the Persian Gulf, huddle over kebabs, their long beards and robes conspicuous in secularist Turkey. Men who identify themselves as representatives of rebel battalions rent cheap hotel rooms and apartments, swelling the population of a city, once part of Syria, where many still speak Arabic as their native tongue.
Source: Turkey a hub for Syria revolution as illegal border crossing points abound - The Washington Post


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

Syria might stay or go, but Turkey will bear the brunt of the FSA Jihadists in the future. We have seen this Frankenstein Syndrome in Afghanistan. These imported terrorists (imported freedom fighters for some) will destroy Turkey's secularist fabric very soon.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria's Christians cautious in conflict

By Paul Wood
BBC News, near Zabadani, Syria

Father Anton al-Houri, head of the Orthodox community in Zabadani, is 80 years old, grey-bearded, dignified, wearing a stovepipe hat, cassock and gold chain with crucifix that rests on an ample stomach.

He is planted firmly in an ornate chair - but still manages to do a good impression of a man on a tightrope.

"Do Christians in Zabadani support the revolution?" I ask.

"It's up to every individual," he says.

"Would you advise a young man to join the army or the rebels?"

"I don't advise him either way - only on what he does in church," he replies.

"What do you say in your sermons about the uprising?"

"I stick to the Bible."
Zabadani supported the revolution. Therefore, tentatively, so did Father al-Houri. He had avoided almost every question, but he was never more cautious than when I asked him about the Islamist fighters in the town.

There are, of course, two rival Free Army groups in Zabadani, one more secular, while the other are Salafis, conservative Islamists. They are the biggest group because they are getting guns and money from outside.

They are mostly young and wear beards in the Jihadi style.
Source: BBC News - Syria's Christians cautious in conflict


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syrian violence relocated: Aleppo turns into battlefield

Clashes continue in Syria's largest city, Aleppo, after government troops regained control over most areas of the capital Damascus from the armed opposition.
The Syrian army is reportedly using heavy armor, artillery and helicopters to drive out rebels from the areas they control. Also, some RT sources say, the rebel forces received new weapons just before the escalation of violence.
But now many residents there say their only wish is to see the violence stopped and order restored. They say they can deal with political reform after their lives are no longer threatened by clashes between armed rebels and government troops.
Source: Syrian violence relocated: Aleppo turns into battlefield — RT


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
General Wesley Clark talking about the Plans of US invasion of Iraq, Lybia, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Somalia and finally Iran.

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On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
Still waiting on the Iraqi WMD's. This very same shit tabloid had a lot of evidence back then too. Give us a break and stop the propaganda please.
US may not be wrong this time

In this video Syrian foreign minister alludes to the presence of WMD or non-conventional weapons. (starting from 2:00 min)
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Dec 17, 2009
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Syrian troops withdraw from 'secondary towns' and pound Aleppo

By NBC News and wire reports
Updated at 8:01 a.m. ET: NORTHERN SYRIA -- President Bashar Assad's forces withdrew from towns and villages throughout Syria on Thursday and turned toward the key city of Aleppo, pounding rebels with artillery and attack helicopters in the country's commercial hub.

"It could be a humanitarian disaster for the people of Aleppo," NBC News' Richard Engel reported from northern Syria. "It also means the Syrian troops are forced to make trade-offs. They don't have enough loyal troops to make the offensive against Aleppo and hold these rural areas."

Military experts believe an overstretched Syrian army is pulling back to concentrate on fighting insurgents in Aleppo and Damascus, important power centers for the government, while leaving outlying areas in the hands of rebels. Assad's forces have launched massive counterattacks in both cities.

Pierre Torres / AFP - Getty Images

Free Syria Army opposition fighters guard a group of police officers Wednesday after overrunning the Shaar district police post in Aleppo.

Meanwhile, opposition activists said thousands of troops had withdrawn with their tanks and armored vehicles from Idlib province near the Turkish border and were heading toward Aleppo. Rebels attacked the rear of the troops withdrawing from the north, activist Abdelrahman Bakran told Reuters from the area.

Fierce clashes raged in the early hours in Aleppo itself, and an activist said rebels now controlled half of the city, a claim that could not be independently verified.

"There was shelling this morning on the Salaheddine and Mashhad districts," Aleppo activist Abu Hisham told Reuters. "Now it stopped, but helicopters are buzzing overhead."

Activists said 24 people were killed in fighting in and around Aleppo on Wednesday, swelling a national death toll of about 18,000 since the revolt against Assad began 16 months ago.

Syrian troops withdraw from 'secondary towns' and pound Aleppo - World News


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Inside Syria: Foreign fighters join Syrian rebels in Aleppo battle

Post by: CNN's Ivan Watson, CNN's Jason Hanna

On Wednesday, CNN's crew met a Libyan fighter who had crossed into Syria from Turkey with four other Libyans. The fighter wore full camouflage and was carrying a Kalashnikov rifle. He said more Libyan fighters were on the way.
"The foreign fighters, some of them are clearly drawn because they see this as "¦ a jihad. So this is a magnet for jihadists who see this as a fight for Sunni Muslims," Watson reported on CNN International's "Amanpour" Wednesday night.
Earlier this week, in neighboring Idlib province, residents of a village where the rebel Syrian Falcons brigade was headquartered said fighters of several North African nationalities were serving in the brigade, even though the group's leader insisted all of his fighters were Syrian. At least one armed man there introduced himself to CNN as a citizen of Turkey.
Source: Inside Syria: Foreign fighters join Syrian rebels in Aleppo battle – This Just In - Blogs

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