The Syrian Crisis


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Second f-16 made forced landing. 8 f-16 were involved earlier to target Syrian air defence installations.
Check out @HasanSari7’s Tweet:
This does not appear to be an Israeli F-16. It does not sport the IAF paint scheme.

This is the Israeli Air Force paint scheme:


It could be a European or USAF F-16.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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“As the Israeli Air Force continues to investigate the Feb. 10 loss of an F-16I to Syrian anti-aircraft fire, experts here are privately questioning why, given the operational circumstances that denied Israel the element of strategic surprise, it did not opt to deploy its newest front-line fighter: the stealthy F-35I.

In early December, the Air Force declared initial operational capability of the nine F-35s now in its possession. And from the aerial activity reported by residents near its home base at Nevatim, southern Israel, the aircraft are accruing significant flight time.

Yet none of the operational F-35s were part of the eight-aircraft force package tasked with destroying an Iranian command center in central Syria. The command center was reportedly operating the unmanned Shahed 171 drone that Israel says penetrated its airspace in the early morning of Feb. 10.

Nor were they tasked to lead the follow-on wave of strikes on 12 separate Syrian and Iranian assets in the punitive operation launched later that day in response to the F-16I downing.

But why not?

Perhaps these costly stealth fighters are too precious to use. Or perhaps the Israeli Air Force is not sufficiently confident in the aircraft or its pilots’ proficiency in operating the fifth-generation fighter.”

read more at :


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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“As the Israeli Air Force continues to investigate the Feb. 10 loss of an F-16I to Syrian anti-aircraft fire, experts here are privately questioning why, given the operational circumstances that denied Israel the element of strategic surprise, it did not opt to deploy its newest front-line fighter: the stealthy F-35I.

In early December, the Air Force declared initial operational capability of the nine F-35s now in its possession. And from the aerial activity reported by residents near its home base at Nevatim, southern Israel, the aircraft are accruing significant flight time.

Yet none of the operational F-35s were part of the eight-aircraft force package tasked with destroying an Iranian command center in central Syria. The command center was reportedly operating the unmanned Shahed 171 drone that Israel says penetrated its airspace in the early morning of Feb. 10.

Nor were they tasked to lead the follow-on wave of strikes on 12 separate Syrian and Iranian assets in the punitive operation launched later that day in response to the F-16I downing.

But why not?

Perhaps these costly stealth fighters are too precious to use. Or perhaps the Israeli Air Force is not sufficiently confident in the aircraft or its pilots’ proficiency in operating the fifth-generation fighter.”

read more at :

I think the IAF is rightfully careful about operating the new F-35 inside the cramped Syrian airspace. Israel needs to learn more about the capabilities and potential weaknesses of the F-35, how to best employ its 5th gen capabilities, before they use it in a heavily saturated hostile airspace like Syria. The Russians, Iranians and Chinese are certainly eager to examine F-35 or even debris from it should it is shot down inside Syria.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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“The first aid convoy since November entered the Syrian rebel enclave of Eastern Ghouta Wednesday, the UN said, after intensive bombardment by the army killed more than 250 civilians last week.

"First UN and Syrian Red Crescent inter-agency convoy this year crossed conflict lines to Nashabieh in Eastern Ghouta to deliver food, health and nutrition supplies for 7,200 people in the besieged enclave," the UN humanitarian affairs office said.

Some 400,000 people live in the enclave outside Damascus where they have been under siege by the army since 2013, facing severe food and medicine shortages.

The UN Security Council is considering a draft resolution demanding a 30-day ceasefire in Syria to allow for urgent deliveries of humanitarian aid.

Sweden and Kuwait presented the draft, which would also demands an immediate end to sieges, including on Eastern Ghouta, after regime ally Russia last week rejected as "not realistic" a similar appeal by UN aid officials.”


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Russia says U.S. has set up about 20 military bases in Syria: RIA

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States has set up around 20 military bases in Syria on territory controlled by the Kurds, an official from Russia’s Security Council said on Thursday, the RIA news agency reported.

The official, Alexander Venediktov, an aide to Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, also said Washington was supplying the Kurds with the most advanced weapons, according to RIA.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Israel air force finds crew error to blame for jet's downing by Syria

JERUSALEM, Feb 25 (Reuters) - The downing of an Israeli F-16 fighter jet earlier this month by a Syrian anti-aircraft missile resulted from a “professional error” by the crew, the Israeli military said on Sunday.

A senior Israel Air Force officer told reporters that of a number of aircraft that took part in the mission one plane did not deploy countermeasures and was hit. It crashed in northern Israel.

A summary of the investigation released by the military said that the crew had chosen “to complete the mission and not defend themselves sufficiently. Their actions did not correlate with standard procedure while under enemy fire.”

he crew should have defended themselves as a priority over completing the offensive mission, the officer said, adding that the intelligence to hand was sufficient for carrying out the mission successfully.

He said the “heart of the event” was “the hiatus between their completing the mission successfully and taking defensive measures and ensuring survivability.”

“The mission was completed successful and still, the plane should not have been downed, that is the standard we expect and we train for this,” he said.

So my hunch was right. The Israelis (or more particularly, the Israeli pilot of the downed plane) became complacent over Syria due to their almost daily successes. Incidents like these are a powerful reminder that they should remain at 100% vigilance.

The cramped airspace in Syria is particularly challenging to operate for fighters. Israeli successes in Syria was not only due to their cutting edge weapons and exemplary skills but it was also in no small part due to Syrian incompetence. But over time even the Syrians will learn and when the Israelis put their guard down things like the shot down will occur.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Syrian President Bashar Assad came to the frontline in East Gutu and communicated with the soldiers of the SAA units.


Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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CNN has learned that the US military has been working on plans to send dozens of additional US troops to northern Syria, according to several US defense and administration officials. The officials say the plans have been under discussion for several days and were first considered before President Donald Trump's remarks last Thursday that the US would "be coming out of Syria like very soon."

CNN previously reported that Trump's remarks puzzled many at the Pentagon. A National Security Council meeting is set for Tuesday to discuss the administration's plan for battling ISIS in Syria and the some 2,000 US troops in the war-torn country.

It's not clear how the President's remarks could affect the chances of the plan to send additional troops getting final approval. Sources say they would focus on providing force protection for US forces already in the country.

Trump's remarks also came the same day as US and British soldiers were killed in a IED blast in Manbij, Syria. The soldiers killed were on a classified mission to "kill or capture a known ISIS member" according to Pentagon spokesman Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway. The US military is releasing few details about the mission that killed Master Sgt. Jonathan J. Dunbar and UK soldier Sgt. Matt Tonroe.

They were killed and five other troops were wounded in a March 30 IED blast. The US military has not said if the IED was in a building, a vehicle or buried in the road. The troops were out of their vehicles at the time of the explosion, according to a US official. There is also no word on whether the target was found and captured or killed.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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US new “bases” in Manbij... Small footprint, but Turkey cannot touch any American soldier directly. Kurds report presence of French and British special forces as well.

Last edited:

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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DAMASCUS: Deadly missile strikes hit a Syrian military airbase on Monday, state media said, but Washington and Paris denied carrying them out in response to an alleged poison gas attack.

U.S. President Donald Trump and French counterpart Emmanuel Macron had on Sunday vowed a "strong, joint response" to the suspected chemical attack on the rebel-held town of Douma.

The alleged gas attack sparked global alarm and the U.N. Security Council was expected to discuss the crisis later on Monday.

Syrian state news agency SANA reported just before dawn that "several missiles" had hit T-4, also known as the Tiyas military base, in the central province of Homs.

It said air defence systems had been activated and initially reported it as a "suspected U.S. attack" but later withdrew all references to the United States.

SANA said there were dead and wounded but did not give specific figures.



Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Trump talks of imminent 'military options' in Syria
Damascus as President Donald Trump talked of military options and Washington’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, promised a response regardless of Security Council resolutions.

For a second time on Monday, Mr Trump addressed the US deliberations in response to a chemical weapons attack reported in Douma two nights ago.

“We’re getting some very good clarity” on who could be responsible for the attack, Mr Trump said.

In a reference to his options of launching punitive strikes against the government of Bashar Al Assad, Mr Trump suggested he would be heading in that direction.

“We have a lot of options militarily, and we’ll be letting you know pretty soon, probably after the fact,” Mr Trump said, appearing to give confirmation from the US government on its course of action.


The White House held two meetings about Syria on Monday attended by John Bolton, Mr Trump’s new national security adviser who was on his first day on the job. The US military leadership also prepared options and recommendations for Mr Trump to respond to the attack, and consultations continue with US partners in Europe and the Middle East.

The president spoke for the second time in less than 24 hours to French President Emmanuel Macron "to continue their coordination on responding to Syria’s atrocious use of chemical weapons", according to the White House.

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016

This is getting a little tense :cowboy:
As long as this stays dick measuring i.e like Su-24 buzzing around USS Donald Cook during Crimea incident, then it's ok.

But if there is a slight mistakes, it will not turn out well. China and Isreal will be the biggest winners.

Few Su-35s & Su-30SM (if I remember correctly, then 4 Su-35s and 8 Su-30SMs are present in Syria) are stationed in Syria.

Russians know that they can't win, but they can cause major embarrassment by destroying at least one of the capital assets i.e Ships. Even a NATO victory will not help much of morale boost, not even a squadron of Russian fighter jets are present with hardly any strong defense. This defeat wouldn't be equal as defeating Russia. It will only get more orders to Russian weapons. With Oil costs rising, Russian economy will only grow. Skimmers with NATO will only help Russia and China come closer, this is definitely not good for NATO or India.

Of all the Falklands war, Britain's victory is equally(if not more) remembered along with Argentinian attempts in sinking British ships. Success story of exocet is still echoing.

With available Russian AF in Syria, it can very well sink at least one ship. Not to mention the Subs, who knows where they are. The same message was sent to USS Donald Cook during Crimea and it was sent again for Syria.

I hope everything calms down.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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I hope everything calms down.
Not going to happen. Either Russia is bluffing and will just watch silently cruise missiles hit their targets, or we have something like WW2 Redux in Eastern Med.

The Americans, the French won’t target Russian bases in Syria. If Russians die somewhere defending Syrian bases, that is collateral damage.

Trying to shoot down cruise missiles is okay of course !

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
Not going to happen. Either Russia is bluffing and will just watch silently cruise missiles hit their targets, or we have something like WW2 Redux in Eastern Med.

The Americans, the French won’t target Russian bases in Syria. If Russians die somewhere defending Syrian bases, that is collateral damage.

Trying to shoot down cruise missiles is okay of course !
In 99 cases things fizz out.

I am talking of the worst case scenario.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Looks like Macron has hit « pause » button. No decision expected before several days.

Meanwhile, UK seems likely to join the fray. Will be interesting to see if May chooses to not request Parliament approval this time (remember Cameron, 2013).

US administration probably in full chaos mode, with Bolton just introduced and Pentagon reluctant.

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