The Greatest Kings in Indian History

Who is the Greatest King in Indian History?

  • Chandragupta Maurya

    Votes: 115 33.7%
  • Ashoka

    Votes: 45 13.2%
  • Raja Chola

    Votes: 34 10.0%
  • Akbar

    Votes: 16 4.7%
  • Sri Krishna Devaraya

    Votes: 18 5.3%
  • Chatrapati Shivaji

    Votes: 58 17.0%
  • Tipu Sultan

    Votes: 9 2.6%
  • Ranjith Singh

    Votes: 10 2.9%
  • Samudra Gupta

    Votes: 11 3.2%
  • Chandragupta Vikramaditya

    Votes: 20 5.9%
  • Harsha

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Kanishka

    Votes: 4 1.2%

  • Total voters

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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What exactly is the difference between getting killed by another Indian ruler and getting killed by a Muslim invader? The end result is the same, isn't it? Does the fact that one is Hindu and the other Muslim make a difference?

But you're right, some people won't understand. Best to just leave them alone.
The difference is the intentions to replace Native religion with the Foreign religion (Islam) either forcefully or treacherously in short or long term of rule/tyranny with ultimate goal to spread Islam...what each Ghazi dreams to do.


Sep 8, 2009

After Ashoka, India was not 1 entity for most of the time. Every kingdom were against each other. But it was healthy rivalry. They didn't destroyed 10,000s of temples and forced people to convert into particular religion. from Nalanda university to Ram mandir all were destroyed. If they just wanted to rule, why religious conversion happened for many centuries and they destroyed Temples and burnt universities ?

Few pseudo secular People, Atheist and Non-Hindus would have said differently, If some Hindu Kingdom destroyed 10,000 mosques, killed Millions of Muslims.
Certainly there were Muslim rulers who brought much destruction to the subcontinent. The Khiljis, Timur, Babur, and Aurangzeb all come to mind. But the problem arises when one generalises and paints all Muslim rulers with the same brush, while at the same time glossing over the actions of non-Muslim rulers.

From an objective standpoint Akbar was a much better ruler than many Hindu rulers. He was competent and tolerant, and a great diplomat, conqueror, consolidator, and builder.


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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What do you mean by concept ? the subcontinent or the Indian plate has been known since record exists and so have its inhabitants.
Europe existed as a multiple kingdom's, they have instances of combined histories, so what?

You are talking about the political concept of nationalism and nation states which is a recent invention in human and Indian history. Social and political evolution and ideas take generations to form roots in the collective consciousness.
Like I said, it existed above too in the case of Europe, but they were not foolish enough to force a common thread on it. We just simply dont have a all encompassing common culture. Have you noticed the line of debate over here, they are exactly talking about politics and nationalism to determine the greatness of the King.

Why is it stupid to compare era's of one's history ? If our past is rich and glorious, then it inspires us to reach those standards, if our past is not so glorious, then it should motivate us to work harder to leave a mark.
Singh, Their reasons of creating an empire are completely different to our reason of creating this country, there are instances where the two ideologies actually clash rather than inspire us.

Republic of India is not the greatest "idea" of India, it is at present the most acceptable expression of the political thought of Indians
I am sorry it is, It is the only concept ever in Indian land mass, which has given equal rights to its vast majority of people, unlike its casteist past. For people like me, that is the greatest achievement of all.


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Your comments on Shivaji are understandable because he was INSTRUMENTAL in bringing down an
alien , anti Hindu Islamic rule of Aurangzeb ( which was simply bent upon destroying Hinduism )
I suggest you STFU you effin bigot. You are lucky this board doesnt ban good for nothing people like you,


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
Europe existed as a multiple kingdom's, they have instances of combined histories, so what?

Like I said, it existed above too in the case of Europe, but they were not foolish enough to force a common thread on it. We just simply dont have a all encompassing common culture. Have you noticed the line of debate over here, they are exactly talking about politics and nationalism to determine the greatness of the King.

Singh, Their reasons of creating an empire are completely different to our reason of creating this country, there are instances where the two ideologies actually clash rather than inspire us.

I am sorry it is, It is the only concept ever in Indian land mass, which has given equal rights to its vast majority of people, unlike its casteist past. For people like me, that is the greatest achievement of all.
Adux, in three simple sentences you have enumerated the reasons that are enough to say that this is an ILLOGICAL thread.

People like to dwell in the past with Romanticised ideas of great 'private' empires that should be an example for the future. All the while they ignore the fact that the present is the greatest moment of the Idea called India.

Generally speaking,for some geniuses greatness of an empire means the territorial extent, they are yet to grow up.And all over the world those are the ones who think the largest empires are the greatest.


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Adux, in three simple sentences you have enumerated the reasons that are enough to say that this is an ILLOGICAL thread.

People like to dwell in the past with Romanticised ideas of great 'private' empires that should be an example for the future. All the while they ignore the fact that the present is the greatest moment of the Idea called India.

Generally speaking,for some geniuses greatness of an empire means the territorial extent, they are yet to grow up.And all over the world those are the ones who think the largest empires are the greatest.
Exactly, did Shivaji give the same as treatment to non-marathi's as he did with his own people, did all the King's and Emperor's of the Sub-continent, did they treat all their subjects equally, forget caste which we all know what they did, lets talk about region, language etc? Did they see people who werent from their tribe, religion, caste, region, language etc all as equals like the Republic of India does? So how are they great? So how are they not foreign invader who didnt share their same ethnicity, language etc. How were the Maratha's to the Kanadiga's? You prode that enough, you will see the fallacy of this thread. Did Chandragupta Maurya make his kingdom for the 'Indian' or for 'himself'. Did he have the concept of 'Indian' or was it just what was in and around taxilla. How did he view South Indians? Where they equal to him?
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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
An limited internet poll in a forum does not make much difference to the reality.

I am ready to bet my head if a Nationwide poll is held on this topic with people given the choice to chose their own 'greatest King' the results would be far different from what we see here.

In the real world religion, caste, region, language matter a lot.How many OBCs and Dalits would call an upper caste king who believed in the caste system as 'Greatest'?
How many among the minorities would consider as greatest a ruler who belonged to the majority?


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
Who cares? Why should we reject Mauryans' historical achievements just because a small part of South India was outside their direct rule? As far as I am concerned they were the most successful empire builders in Indian history, and the reign of Mauryan dynasty in general and Asoka in particular defined how India should be. When the Republic of India was formed in 1947, why was the the Asoka Capital chosen as the national emblem?
Nobody asked you to reject anything. If you you want to eulogize the Mauryan empire it is your choice, but do not expect others to do the same.

Using your logic I can say that the place where I am from was never under Mauryan rule hence I do not have to give them the same importance that you give.

As for the Asokas's capital being chosen as the national emblem did somebody conduct a poll and gain the consent of all Indians??? a group of guys at the highest level made their own decisions and now you are giving that as a example of universal acceptance.


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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For a Kanadiga, there is no difference between the Rajput, Mughals or the British.


Phat Cat
Super Mod
Feb 23, 2009
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Europe existed as a multiple kingdom's, they have instances of combined histories, so what?
Like I said, it existed above too in the case of Europe, but they were not foolish enough to force a common thread on it. We just simply dont have a all encompassing common culture.
Why are you bringing in Europe ?

Indian historical texts make mention of India as an island and the inhabitants of this island as Indians.
The much hated caste system and gothra system also means that Indians believe they are descendants of a common people.
Geologically too, it has been proven that India was an island which merged with the other tectonic plates to create Himalayas.
Indian provinces all are culturally different yet have similar ethos. This just proves that Indians didn't seek to dominate one another but believed in tolerance.

Have you noticed the line of debate over here, they are exactly talking about politics and nationalism to determine the greatness of the King.
To each his own as per his own IQ. Some of the members are way too extreme.

Singh, Their reasons of creating an empire are completely different to our reason of creating this country, there are instances where the two ideologies actually clash rather than inspire us.
You are conflating different things. I am not interested in knowing why a monarch wished to increase his empire but what was his rule like and how did it impact us.

I am sorry it is, It is the only concept ever in Indian land mass, which has given equal rights to its vast majority of people, unlike its casteist past. For people like me, that is the greatest achievement of all.
What we have today is also a very skewed system. Here is wishing for a better brighter future.


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Why are you bringing in Europe ?
Because it is the closest or one could even say the exact replica of the Indian situation.

Indian historical texts make mention of India as an island and the inhabitants of this island as Indians
Those texts were quite wrong then. Its akin to saying all the people who live in Europe are Europeans not looking into Slav's, Baltic, Germanic, Finnic etc, Similarly in India, there are 2000 ethnicities, to call all of them Indian as in a generic form as Europeans is understandable but to assume that it means a monolith is not.

The much hated caste system and gothra system also means that Indians believe they are descendants of a common people.
You are assuming that caste system is the same all over India. Do you have a Dheevara caste in Bengal or in Punjab? You say it as if it is wrong to 'hate' the caste system.
Geologically too, it has been proven that India was an island which merged with the other tectonic plates to create Himalayas.
So are most continents, doesnt make all the people living in it the same. It is not. Why not gloss over everything , and just say 'we are all humans'.

Indian provinces all are culturally different yet have similar ethos. This just proves that Indians didn't seek to dominate one another but believed in tolerance.
Tolerance, another Kool aid Indians wanted to drink themselves, where was this famed tolerance when they subjugated, looted, killed, raped, their own people for centuries. Where was this tolerance when Indian kings killed each other's population off. Where was this tolerance, when it came to their own women folk? It is not because of tolerance we didnt attack the more powerful empires to the east of us or travel the high seas, it is the lack of capability and vision. We just werent good enough. Like it or not. The last 800-1000 years of this land mass, is nothing to be proud off.

To each his own as per his own IQ. Some of the members are way too extreme.
I am not really pleased with the way you all are tolerating the completely unwarranted attack on Yusuf by some members, just because of his faith.

You are conflating different things. I am not interested in knowing why a monarch wished to increase his empire but what was his rule like and how did it impact us.
None of them had any impact on modern India. If anything the British had more impact, may be because of the timeline. None of the empires created any social or political movements in the large mass of present day India, for them to want to have one single ideology. Even ChandraGupta Maurya was unsuccessful, the Islamic rulers tried that with Islamizing India, and failed. Indians are way too diverse and different, to be seen as a monolith

What we have today is also a very skewed system. Here is wishing for a better brighter future
It is evolving system, it will improve/ atleast it is not prejudicial system which stomped on 60% of the population.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2009
There is indeed a reason why some of the members here believe that Raja Raja Chozan,Krishna Deva Raya or Chatrapathi Shivaji were indeed greater than Asoka or Maurya and the reasons are not misplaced by any measure.The legacy of Ashoka was and remains for most part an academic construct,historians,linguists,epigraphists and numismatics all labored to piece together obscure clues and evidences and weaved a tapestry of life and career of the great Ashoka,who otherwise was all but erased from the cultural memory of the people of India(until James Prinsep resurrected him, quite literally)

On the other hand the great Raja Raja Chozan,whose temples esp that of Brihadeshwara temple complex,stand tall as the veritable flagpole of the Tamil Civilization.Millions of Tamils and non Tamils alike,throng these temples in search for spiritual solace and cultural nourishment,proving that the legacy of the great Chozan was a living legacy smeared into the cultural consciousnesses of the Tamil people and a source of their cultural habits.Similar is the case of Krishna Deva Raya.Millions who trek the heights of sacred Thirumala will barely be able to move around the temple complex without becoming acquainted with the memory of Krishna Deva Raya,as a matter of fact a bronze bust of Krishna Deva Raya and his two chief queens stands only meters away from the Sanctum sanctorum of Thirupathi.

Unlike Ashoka there was never a need to construct the legacy of the great Raja Raja Choza or Krishna Deva Raya,their people never forgot them and their life and legacy resonated for centuries and continues to do so, among a very large section of the Indian population,in way that Ashoka's never would.Surely one can debate the depth and character of their legacy on the overall Indian history,but none can argue that the legacy of the great Chozan or the Raya was inferior to Ashoka.Infact by his own inscriptions and other literary records, we can safely conclude that Ashoka contribution to the political history of India was minimal compared to his spiritual contribution as the historical champion of Buddhism.

Rahul M

Regular Member
Jun 8, 2011
I am sorry it is, It is the only concept ever in Indian land mass, which has given equal rights to its vast majority of people, unlike its casteist past. For people like me, that is the greatest achievement of all.
really ? so how did a shudra become the first emperor of India ? and why did a brahmin help him reach that spot ?

SATA, I do admire the cholan emperors and their many good contributions but you can't blame the mauryans for not building. 400 years after the mauryans, fa hien was still mightily impressed by the ruins of mauryan palaces and architecture, commenting that divine beings and not mortals must have created them. megasthenes' Indika has some descriptions.
the problem was they built with wood. and in our weather that does not last long.

we carry forward many legacies of the mauryans without always realising it.
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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
really ? so how did a shudra become the first emperor of India ? and why did a brahmin help him reach that spot ?
Flash in the Pan. One instance does not change all of society. Remember who came after the Mauryas _ Sungas.soon we were bck to square one.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Somebody please guide me

What I really wonder sometimes is that THOUGH casteism in Hindu Society was very rigid and
The Dalits and other lower castes were quite badly treated ; it is all true

BUT the VOLUNTARY conversion to Egalitarian Islam was STILL very less ? WHY


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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really ? so how did a shudra become the first emperor of India ? and why did a brahmin help him reach that spot ?
He is Kshatriya's according to Buddhist text, and a lot of scholar's have challenged the concept of ChandraGupta being a shudra as is given in Bharamincal writings. And even if he was, it was far before the 'beautiful, equal and god given' caste system of India came into its full glorious form.

I suggest you keep on with the beheading of INC supporters, traitors and what not.


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Somebody please guide me

What I really wonder sometimes is that THOUGH casteism in Hindu Society was very rigid and
The Dalits and other lower castes were quite badly treated ; it is all true

BUT the VOLUNTARY conversion to Egalitarian Islam was STILL very less ? WHY
You have not been to Kerala I see. You think 180 million muslims and their ancestors were forciably converted? And how said Islam is a good religion, for that matter which one is?

Rahul M

Regular Member
Jun 8, 2011
nice try. even the nanda dynasty whom chandragupta replaced was created by a barber, mahapadma nanda.
I trust that is not a khsatriya or brahmin caste ? and what has sungas coming to power got to do with 'back to square one'. the thing that should matter is whether the ruler was competent or not. not what his caste is. by all reports the sungas were fairly competent. India doesn't celebrate chandragupta because he was a shudra but because he was a great ruler. has UP become the best state because mayawati became the CM ?

thing is caste was not always as rigid and cruel as it became in the medieval period to modern era. people could and did move from one occupation to another and moved up (or down) in social standing.
while we have become more meritocratic a businessman's son is still more likely to be a businessman and a scientist's kid is more likely to go into higher education. a farmer's son has much higher chance of becoming a farmer than anything else. this was even more true in the medieval period. all over the world the situation was same in feudal societies.
do you think a farmer's son could sit in the house of lords in england ? how was the life of serfs in russia ? why did the french revolution take place ? all that discrimination existed in those societies even without a caste system.

let's not apply values of today to people of the past.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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GOD I didnt even know Chandragupta was a Shudra

You guys are sure about it ?

That is why Chanakya is so highly respected

He saw Potential in Chandragupta and guided him and didnt bother about his caste


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
nice try. even the nanda dynasty whom chandragupta replaced was created by a barber, mahapadma nanda.
I trust that is not a khsatriya or brahmin caste ? and what has sungas coming to power got to do with 'back to square one'. the thing that should matter is whether the ruler was competent or not. not what his caste is. by all reports the sungas were fairly competent. India doesn't celebrate chandragupta because he was a shudra but because he was a great ruler. has UP become the best state because mayawati became the CM ?

thing is caste was not always as rigid and cruel as it became in the medieval period to modern era. people could and did move from one occupation to another and moved up (or down) in social standing.
while we have become more meritocratic a businessman's son is still more likely to be a businessman and a scientist's kid is more likely to go into higher education. a farmer's son has much higher chance of becoming a farmer than anything else. this was even more true in the medieval period. all over the world the situation was same in feudal societies.
do you think a farmer's son could sit in the house of lords in england ? how was the life of serfs in russia ? why did the french revolution take place ? all that discrimination existed in those societies even without a caste system.

let's not apply values of today to people of the past.
I know the caste system was not as rigid in 300BC but it did exist. Much stronger than today. Buddhism and jainisn were founded by kshatriyas who did not completely agree with Brahminical faith.
There was friction even between Ksatriyas and Brahmins. what do you think would have been the situation of Shudras?

PS: I think Magadh was an exception.Like modern day Bihar even in those days lower castes might have been powerful.Hence a Shudra King.
Is there any other kingdom or empire north of the Vindhyas that had Shudra rulers???

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