The forgotten story of Iran Air Flight 655


Regular Member
Jul 13, 2012
The forgotten story of Iran Air Flight 655

If you walked into any high school classroom in the United States and asked the students to describe their country's relationship with Iran, you'd probably hear words like "enemy" and "threat," maybe "distrust" and "nuclear." But ask them what the number 655 has to do with it, and you'd be met with silence.

Try the same thing in an Iranian classroom, asking about the United States, and you'd probably hear some of the same words. Mention the number 655, though, it's a safe bet that at least a few of the students would immediately know what you were talking about.

The number, 655, is a flight number: Iran Air 655. If you've never heard of it, you're far from alone. But you should know the story if you want to better understand why the United States and Iran so badly distrust one another and why it will be so difficult to strike a nuclear deal, as they're attempting to do at a summit in Switzerland this week.

The story of Iran Air 655 begins, like so much of the U.S.-Iran struggle, with the 1979 Islamic revolution. When Iraq invaded Iran the following year, the United States supported Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein against the two countries' mutual Iranian enemy. The war dragged on for eight awful years, claiming perhaps a million lives.

Toward the end of the war, on July 3, 1988, a U.S. Navy ship called the Vincennes was exchanging fire with small Iranian ships in the Persian Gulf. The U.S. Navy kept ships there, and still does, to protect oil trade routes. As the American and Iranian ships skirmished, Iran Air Flight 655 took off from nearby Bandar Abbas International Airport, bound for Dubai. The airport was used by both civilian and military aircraft. The Vincennes mistook the lumbering Airbus A300 civilian airliner for a much smaller and faster F-14 fighter jet, perhaps in the heat of battle or perhaps because the flight allegedly did not identify itself. It fired two surface-to-air missiles, killing all 290 passengers and crew members on board.

The horrible incident brought Tehran closer to ending the war, but its effects have lingered much longer than that. "The shoot-down of Iran Air flight 655 was an accident, but that is not how it was seen in Tehran," former CIA analyst and current Brookings scholar Kenneth Pollack wrote in his 2004 history of U.S.-Iran enmity, "The Persian Puzzle." "The Iranian government assumed that the attack had been purposeful. ... Tehran convinced itself that Washington was trying to signal that the United States had decided to openly enter the war on Iraq's side."

That belief, along with Iraq's increased use of chemical weapons against Iran, led Tehran to accept a United Nations cease-fire two months later. But it also helped cement a view in Iran, still common among hard-liners in the government, that the United States is absolutely committed to the destruction of the Islamic Republic and will stop at almost nothing to accomplish this. It is, as Time's Michael Crowley points out in an important piece, one of several reasons that Iran has a hard time believing it can trust the United States to ever stop short of its complete destruction.

This is not just an issue of historical grievance: It matters in immediate geopolitical terms to the efforts by President Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to find their way to a nuclear deal and perhaps a first step toward detente. For any deal to work, both countries will have to trust that the other is sincere about its willingness to follow through on its promises. For the United States, that means trusting that Iran is really willing to give up any nuclear weapons ambitions and ramp down the program as promised (Washington has real, legitimate grounds to worry about this; Iran has its own history of misdeeds). For Iran, it means trusting that the United States will actually accept the Islamic Republic and coexist peacefully with it.

The eight-year war with Iraq, which is widely seen in Iran as a war against not just Hussein but his Western backers, and the downing of Iran Air Flight 655 that came near its conclusion, have convinced many in Iran that the United States simply cannot be trusted to let Iran be. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Rouhani's boss, often appears to share this deep distrust. Khamenei and other hard-liners could scuttle any deal; a similar drama will likely play out in Washington.

If Iran believes that the United States is so committed to its destruction that it would willingly shoot down a plane full of Iranian civilians, then Tehran has every incentive to assume we're lying in negotiations. It also has strong incentives to try to build a nuclear weapon, or at least get close enough to deter the American invasion that it feared was coming in 1988 and perhaps again in 2002 with President George W. Bush's "axis of evil" speech.

Americans might not know about Flight 655. But Iranians surely do -- they can hardly forget about it.
These days, some Americans only remember Korean Air Lines Flight 007.


Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
Country flag
True,filthy amreeki kills innocent people but chinese backstabbers and baby pill eaters have no right to complain about it.


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2009
America recognizing the blunder of Flight 655 and apologizing for the same would be one of those steps that would help in Iran getting out of its siege mentality. Better Iran-US relationships is great for India!


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
America recognizing the blunder of Flight 655 and apologizing for the same would be one of those steps that would help in Iran getting out of its siege mentality. Better Iran-US relationships is great for India!
But the story is resurrected here by Chinese for just one reason. Can you guess the reason?


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2009
But the story is resurrected here by Chinese for just one reason. Can you guess the reason?
Ofcourse, the Chinese who justify the existence of an entity like CCP, have no reason to speak about human suffering any where. For example, only the hypocritical Chinese would be abusing the Japanese for the crimes perpetuated on them during the World war while at the same time, trying to somehow show the positive influence of the CCP. This is my opinion on this subject. And yes, the only reason that this might have been brought up is due to the Chinese ADIZ and the media bringing up the incident of the Soviets shooting down the Korean civilian plane in the 80s. If there is too many CCP sympathisers participating in this thread, it would be a farce and I wouldn't want to participate in such discussions.

Having said that, I am one of those who hopes for better Iran-US or even Iran-Israel relationship for that matter. I believe the genesis of many a ills plaguing that region might have started with Britain's favouring of the family of Sauds. They picked the side of a less-respectable entity as it made more sense for the geo-strategy of those times. The continuation by the Americans of that strategy has resulted in Saudis being the dominant entity in ME and in Iran being a mullah-led country. If the US would become less of an enemy to the Iranians and the Saudis become less powerful, it might hopefully create an atmosphere that would result in a truly democratic and secular Iranian nation, which would be the most influencing force in ME.

Yep, I'm done with my quota of wishful thinking for the day!


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Ofcourse, the Chinese who justify the existence of an entity like CCP, have no reason to speak about human suffering any where. For example, only the hypocritical Chinese would be abusing the Japanese for the crimes perpetuated on them during the World war while at the same time, trying to somehow show the positive influence of the CCP. This is my opinion on this subject. And yes, the only reason that this might have been brought up is due to the Chinese ADIZ and the media bringing up the incident of the Soviets shooting down the Korean civilian plane in the 80s. If there is too many CCP sympathisers participating in this thread, it would be a farce and I wouldn't want to participate in such discussions.
Every Chinese on DFI is a CCP sympathizer, whether they are voluntary or paid $.50.

China is a totalitarian country, where they really "shoot the messenger" and anybody else they don't like.
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
Silly why would usa be on iraq's side when two wars were fought against Iraq?
Iran was armed by USA anybody remember oliver north? If usa wanted Iraq to
Win usa could have easily armed Iraq instead of the Russian junk they used in
The war.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Silly why would usa be on iraq's side when two wars were fought against Iraq?
Shah of Iran was a good ally of US, I would guess. When he was deposed Iran became unfriendly to US.
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
Shah of Iran was a good ally of US, I would guess. When he was deposed Iran became unfriendly to US.
Iran was once the most progressive country in the middle east after the revolution they
Erased decades of progress. Women were not allowed out or allowed an education
Or wearing western clothes. At one time iranian women were highly educated under shah
Of Iran rule. Iran was also the only country to buy f-14 tomcats


Regular Member
Nov 29, 2013
The forgotten story of Iran Air Flight 655

Toward the end of the war, on July 3, 1988, a U.S. Navy ship called the Vincennes was exchanging fire with small Iranian ships in the Persian Gulf. The U.S. Navy kept ships there, and still does, to protect oil trade routes. As the American and Iranian ships skirmished, Iran Air Flight 655 took off from nearby Bandar Abbas International Airport, bound for Dubai. The airport was used by both civilian and military aircraft. The Vincennes mistook the lumbering Airbus A300 civilian airliner for a much smaller and faster F-14 fighter jet, perhaps in the heat of battle or perhaps because the flight allegedly did not identify itself. It fired two surface-to-air missiles, killing all 290 passengers and crew members on board.
Well said.

I was horrified when Korean Air shoot down happened - I could not believe that a civilized nation would shoot down a passenger airplane. I believed that the US would never do such a thing. Although I was never a Reagan fan, his evil empire speech after the Korean air incident struck a chord with me.

Then I was absolutely shocked and dumbstruck when the Iranian plane was shot down. And I agree that there was never a real debate or soul-searching in the US - even among the more liberal types - and the incident was quickly forgotten.

I would consider both incidents "crimes against humanity".

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