The European Parliament calls for stepping up consultations with Dalit communities and the adoption of a policy addressing intersectional discriminati


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Don't read from wiki. I am sure someone would have written here what he has done. He and the britishers were the same. There is no other spectrum. He was a hinduphobic through and through. I will not give him any respect. and understand that Bjp should be criticized. They want validation from the very people who spit on them. They have no vision. Just wait for when modi retires, BIF gang will blow bjp out of here. I will not say more as this is not the right thread.
Ok but you cannot deny that he has led to the birth of these political parties that dominate the Tamil Nadu landscape and even in Uttar Pradesh. You would have to be a political fool not to recognize the power he had. How do you counter such view and power? You do it by co-opting him and then shift that view away from anti hindu into something that could be pro hindu or at the very least, neutral. But if you keep reacting like a radical Trad like Vinash or Falconslayer would have us do, we would have lost all sort of unity and every other party would be ganging up and uniting together against us and we would lose the race. Here is a good video that explains what happens if you take such a dogmatic stance:

If you are not careful, you would lose before getting out of the gate.

BJP lost the election in 2004 and in 2009 because BJP could not overcome the message being driven by the NPA that BJP were anti minority or anti modernist or whatever. It was only after when Modi came along with his uplifting message in contrast to UPA's failures during its 10 year rule, did BJP win the elections and the pro-hindu faction finally had a say and influence in government. Modi kept that message and won again. We need BJP to keep winning again to keep that UPA or whatever incarnation it appears in from getting in control of the government at least for another 5 to 10 years in order to realize the benefits.

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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I just read about him in a wiki post and yes he was pretty much a commie, libtard, and anti Brahmin. But a great misunderstanding was also created about him. He came from the other end of the spectrum and did not like the social conditions that were prevailing at that time and did rebelled against that which I can understand. But you know what? At least he did recognize the true enemy and that true enemy was the Britshits who were directly responsible for the many crimes visited upon India and Indians.

It is like giving credence to Nazi Germany who were also directly responsible for hastening the end of the British Empire by leading the British to create the BIA and equip it with offensive weapons out of desperation to ward off the AXIS powers. That, in turn, led to the greatest weapon that the independence movement had, a battle hardened WWII army that was in no mood to continue the British Empire but wanted independence at all costs. That led to the quick departure of the British from the subcontinent.

So yeah despite all his warts and views, I would support giving credit to him because he helped in removing the greatest evil ever to grace the soil of India. As for the rest such as his views, we can judge and criticize all we want.
Bhai sahab just read about why unlawful activities prevention act of 1967
Was made.
Then you will understand why others are making fun of you


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Bhai sahab just read about why unlawful activities prevention act of 1967
Was made.
Then you will understand why others are making fun of you
Please give me a short summary of that act. I am not well versed in the modern history of India post independence.

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Please give me a short summary of that act. I am not well versed in the modern history of India post independence.
So, periyaar was Seccionist
Okay, he wanted to make dravid nadu based on imagined aryan dravidian divide.basiaclky a seprate country from india.
He even went to jinnah for this thing jinnah gave his support but then became busy with Pakistan thing.
Dmk party a party formed on his thoughts had a openly declared agenda of making a United States of South india from rest of india.
It was only after 1967 they relinquished his goal
He loved brits, even as far as going to remark that they should not leave and without them india who could not even make a cloth pin back then will relapse into anarchy.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
So, periyaar was Seccionist
Okay, he wanted to make dravid nadu based on imagined aryan dravidian divide.basiaclky a seprate country from india.
He even went to jinnah for this thing jinnah gave his support but then became busy with Pakistan thing.
Dmk party a party formed on his thoughts had a openly declared agenda of making a United States of South india from rest of india.
It was only after 1967 they relinquished his goal
He loved brits, even as far as going to remark that they should not leave and without them india who could not even make a cloth pin back then will relapse into anarchy.
OK that is not what the wiki says. But then again wiki is not that reliable and can be biased.

However that does not detract from the main point I have been making all along. There is nothing wrong in honoring anyone who sought to end the British occupation in India for the British occupation was far a greater evil than the other evils that existed.

And remember BJP needs to co op those figures to ensure that no faultlines could be developed that could be exploited by libtards and foreigners.

BJP has not had a strong presence in Tamil Nadu and based on what I read, Periyar is highly revered in Tamil Nadu. So what is wrong with BJP being Chanakyian and taking control of the narrative there?

If those Christian missionaries can co opt some of the Hindu rituals and traditions to sway people into converting into Christians, we can do the same thing and co opt those figures into supporting our message.. So I don't see anything wrong with the Ministry putting out the poster honoring Periyar because it is part of the outreach to those in Tamil Nadu that we are trying to get votes and thereby weakening the pull and hold of DMK and other factional parties.

We cannot accomplish that if we are gonna be radicals like the retarded Trads would have us be and lose votes in the process.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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@Blademaster I respect the man for what he does and criticise for what he does not, I don't expect him to do difficult things like making India a Hindu rashtra or stop attacks on Hindus by Islamists in India but I do expect him to do basic things like stop glorifying anti-nationals, stop tolerating the existence of traitors, stop seeking validation from leftards and be unapologetic. Rana Ayyub left India after stealing crores of crowdfunding money claimed to be collected to help the needy, Modi government didn't put her behind bars because that would've caused librandu outcry of "Muslim journalist being tortured by Hindu nationalist government" and she now is enjoying her loot.

Being unapologetic isn't difficult, I've never tolerated bullshit spewed even by my English profs in Uni when they used to speak rubbish about Uri: The Surgical Strikes movie calling it fake hyper-nationalist propaganda for modi and whatnot and speaking crap like "If government kills people its all fine, if civilian kills someone its murder blah blah" overall justifying picking up arms against the state and responded such tweeps in kind.

My loyalty is to the state, the idea of India to our Dharma.
Not to any politician, political party or organisation.



Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
@Blademaster I respect the man for what he does and criticise for what he does not, I don't expect him to do difficult things like making India a Hindu rashtra or stop attacks on Hindus by Islamists in India but I do expect him to do basic things like stop glorifying anti-nationals, stop tolerating the existence of traitors, stop seeking validation from leftards and be unapologetic.
I am not the one who is glorifying anti-nationals. They are already glorifying Periyar in Tamil Nadu by making his birthday a "Social Justice Day". By the way, I had no idea who he was until you mentioned him. I just went and googled him up and the wiki says he was an independence supporter & freedom fighter and the poster says honor him for his contribution to the freedom struggle.

I have never tolerated the existence of traitors or sought validation from libtards or be apologetic. I do not know where you got that from. I have always sought apprehension and trying the traitors for the crimes they committed. And I never cared for the opinion of the libtards. You should have know this already based on my post history. But you went ahead and tried to bait me (I admit I fell into that bait only because I had no clue of who he was) and went on to call me Rayta and tried to make fun of me for the benefit of the likes of Vinash. That part, I have no toleration for that and you brought that upon yourself. You engaged in behavior that was deplorable and not honorable.

Rana Ayyub left India after stealing crores of crowdfunding money claimed to be collected to help the needy, Modi government didn't put her behind bars because that would've caused librandu outcry of "Muslim journalist being tortured by Hindu nationalist government" and she now is enjoying her loot.
I know that and I utterly despise her. But I do not think that Modi was afraid of her or afraid of upsetting the libtard crowd. It is just that it is very difficult to get the court system to prosecute the likes of Rana Ayyub. As for putting her behind bars that is what Modi government has been trying to do but she left the confines of India and is not coming back. She is trying to fight the case without being there which is something I do not like.

Being unapologetic isn't difficult, I've never tolerated bullshit spewed even by my English profs in Uni when they used to speak rubbish about Uri: The Surgical Strikes movie calling it fake hyper-nationalist propaganda for modi and whatnot and speaking crap like "If government kills people its all fine, if civilian kills someone its murder blah blah" overall justifying picking up arms against the state and responded such tweeps in kind.
I don't need a lesson from you in how to not tolerate bullshit about Hinduism or India. I certainly got my share of fights and arguments in my younger days at school and at work. Got my scars (figuratively) to prove it.

View attachment 193659

My loyalty is to the state, the idea of India to our Dharma.
Not to any politician, political party or organisation.
Good for you. but you should realize that when that politician and/or political party is doing great things such as trying to reform and develop the nation, we don't need to add to their troubles by pulling them down whenever we get into a snit because they are not radical enough or not being hardline enough. It is easy being a shitthrower sitting from the outside but when you are put into the fire trying to problem solve issues everyday, it is very different. I know that because I have been in that situation so based on my experience and lessons I learned, I don't engage in the kind of behavior as you would have me do or worse what Vinash would have me do.

You can do criticism but it has to be constructive, not destructive and self defeating.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Thanks, you've passed my Chutiya confirmation test.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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European Union should rather focus on the communities like gypsies ,romas and sintis who have been hounded treated horribly for centuries .
For we know there are no dalits in european union, and it's imperative that we make our position absolutely clear to them that, India is not a open pond.
Where anyone can come and wash his laundry.
Of all nations not in support of ukriane.
We are the easiest ones to target.
Thus we are now In the crosshairs.
search for Untouchables in Europe and You will be surprised


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2009
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The European Parliament calls for stepping up consultations with Dalit communities and the adoption of a policy addressing intersectional discrimination

In addition to the calls by the European Parliament for the EU to adopt a “policy on caste discrimination” and “the adoption of an EU instrument for the prevention and elimination of caste-based discrimination” contained in previous annual reports, the 2022 report also calls on the EU to adopt specific local strategies to combat caste-based discrimination.

The resolution stipulates that the strategies need to be based on dialogue with local Dalit representatives and civil society, and to consult with them on the negotiation, implementation and monitoring of EU agreements and instruments that affect them.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are also calling on the EU to “strongly address intersectionality by developing a policy to fight the multiple forms of discrimination faced by the millions of women and girls who are victims of caste-based, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights violations, including sexual abuse and violence, displacement, forced and/or bonded labor, prostitution and trafficking.”

The call for action by MEPs on eliminating caste-based discrimination covers all areas of EU relations with the affected countries, including political dialogue, trade, cooperation or humanitarian aid. The European Commission, External Action Service and Council should now heed these calls with the utmost urgency.

“We are pleased to note that the European Parliament has once again prioritised the elimination of caste-based discrimination and shown the importance it places on having a strong and effective EU policy on caste-based discrimination, based on regular and in-depth consultation with Dalit-led organisations.” said IDSN’s Executive Director, Meena Varma, reflecting on the report.

IDSN stands ready to assist the EU in this task, and to help it connect where not already the case, with partners on the ground. It looks forward to seeing these policies integrated immediately into the Mid-Term Review of the EU Action Plan on Democracy and Human Rights, currently being undertaken.


This begs the question; What are we doing to keep European Union in check and fuel their fault lines?

Sayman Ame

Regular Member
Feb 5, 2023
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Wow, a blog that was supposed to be about EU and bashing them for their misadventure has turned into an infighting clown show. Any wonder why India was open to invasions?


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2019
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Wow, a blog that was supposed to be about EU and bashing them for their misadventure has turned into an infighting clown show. Any wonder why India was open to invasions?
Because that's in our blood
If chuslims were not here after 1947 country would be in 69 pieces already.
Common goal against chuslim is only thing keeping us together


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Thanks, you've passed my Chutiya confirmation test.
and you have confirmed my dumbass confirmation test. There’s a village that is missing it’s village idiot and you need to go back there and perform your duty.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Wow, a blog that was supposed to be about EU and bashing them for their misadventure has turned into an infighting clown show. Any wonder why India was open to invasions?
tell that to Falconslayers who didn’t get the point I was trying to make - ie unity is more important than zealous adherence to one’s principle in the face of an enemy waiting outside the gates. But he too dumb of a hick to see it.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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The last time British raised the "Kashmir issue" we were smart to invite the Argentinian minister for the "Las Malvinas Issue". I was mighty impressed when Dr Jaishankar said "Malvinas" rather than Falklands and that made a huge, huge impact to the entire geopolitical community worldwide.

The same strategy needs to be adopted, in a way that we avoid targeting the French (despite their massive footprint across Africa) as they usually work in our favour.

European Union and European continent is a complicated mess. There are several countries that fall under different categories. For example:

The anti-India/anti-Dharmic woke countries:

Always ultra-left/Left conservative/white-Christian nationalist run countries like Belgium, UK, The Vatican, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Finland and Ireland.

This also include what could be called breakaway parts like "Kosovo" that illegally seceded from Serbia, "North Cyprus" which is a Turkish extension.

The unconcerned :
Monaco, Iceland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, San Marino, and Austria.

Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia called Baltics.

They quietly nod for everything happening in the EU/European continent but mind their own business. The Baltics get hyper only with regards to Russia.

The pro-India faction:
France, Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia, Greece the closest European partners, Spain, and Portugal not so strategic but otherwise friendly (because our policies don't affect them and vice versa).

Serbia, Croatia, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania & Slovenia again friendly even if not strategic ties.

The hot-and-cold blowing faction:
Italy and Poland where ties just keep going up and down due to random reasons.

Therefore there is no standard measure we can give to the collective EU without hurting friendly countries as well.

Which is why why the first category needs to be specifically targeted after a carefully thought out plan.

Ironically they are also the most powerful economically speaking.

With reports of them meeting in Ukraine's embassy in India with each other to administer a regime change here along with their deep state masters in Washington, means we have to be extra careful.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
With reports of them meeting in Ukraine's embassy in India with each other to administer a regime change here along with their deep state masters in Washington, means we have to be extra careful.
Modi & GoI should send a strong message by declaring the Ukrainian ambassador as persona non grata and kick the fuckers out and withdraw our ambassador and staff from there only leaving a few low level staff to maintain the premises. There's no need for an Indian embassy in Kiev right now.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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I do not know much about Periyar. He is not well known to me. But, listen, the British were the greatest evil to ever grace this planet Earth and I am all for supporting and praising anyone who would dare to end the British occupation. The British occupation was the greatest evil that India ever faced and it was all hands on the deck to end this evilness. So yes Periyar needs to be praised for doing his bit to end British occupation and free hundreds of Indians from the bondage of these evil Britshits.
He wasn't a freedom fighter to be honest.... He is being treated such and marketed by his followers. That's it.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
He wasn't a freedom fighter to be honest.... He is being treated such and marketed by his followers. That's it.
Ok then I stand corrected. If he was not a freedom fighter at all, then he doesn't deserved to be praised. But like I said, I never knew him before Falconslayers brought him up and I took one look at the wiki page and made some mental connections and arrived at my conclusion. So I take back what I said about Periyar.

But make no mistake, I will continue to give praises to anyone except Jinnah, Gandhi, and those who advocated for Partition for their contribution to the freedom struggles and independence movement in pre independent India.

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