The euro should now be put to the sword


May 11, 2012
Those of Indian descent.

Assuming Cameron does not print a few million more by the time I finish writing my post, for £200,000 = Rs.17,195,000, you could get a 3BHK flat in Noida, which is very close to Delhi, or two 3BHK flats in Bangalore, and in each of the two cities, save enough for a medium sized car.

P.S.: I know housing is a big issue in the UK right now.
Nice, I may retire to India. How much more for one of those houses you see in the films where you bag a tiger on the front lawn? ;)

Anyway, house prices have been a problem since probably the early eighties and the economic boom(s) and fall(s).

It is a problem, but what is the solution? To devalue house prices? Many people rely on them for a pension and for their offspring, so it's none starter.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2012
Thanks for the link Pmaitra but finance bores me nearly as much as cricket :)

Germany will do economically what it couldn't do militarily. France (once again) has capitulated. The other eurozone countries are scared of what will happen if Greece (then Spain? Italy? Portugal?) leave the Euro; but don't want the austerity and fiscal union (has it really taken an economic crisis for these nations to realise this?) required.

Greece, Portugal and Spain all have the military worried and it's not that long ago that they all had a military Govt.

You can't have a single currency without fiscal union. You're very unlikely to have fiscal union without political union. In the end, the Euro will survive and the Socialist Democratic Uber state of Europe will exist.

British politicians are scared of a referendum on Europe as they know they'll lose ie the majority of the Brit public do not favour the political maelstrom that has arisen from a trading agreement.

You do not understand what you are talking about.

Euro is the only currency in the world which has severed its link from a nation state and also from gold.

Please dwell on these 2 important aspects of a currency. That alone will ensure it will survive when the fiat currencies of US, UK, India, Australia, Japan, China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, etc etc have all been destroyed by hyperinflation.

Oh and while you are wondering how bad can hyperinflation be, read about what happened in Zimbabwe or closer home to Weimar Republic.



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Now Ben Shalom Bernanke (US Fed) is blaming the Euro Crisis for his own mismanagement. :lol:

Debt crisis: live
Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman, said the US economy had slowed significantly due to the eurozone crisis and uncertainty over US fiscal policy as lack of details over more stimulus unsettled markets.
Debt crisis: live - Telegraph


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
IMF: eurozone in critical danger, ECB should launch QE

The eurozone is in "critical" danger and the European Central Bank should play a bigger role in fighting the debt crisis through more rate cuts, QE and further liquidity provision, the International Monetary Fund has said.

Quantitative Easing, aka, more legalized counterfeiting of money, wiping out peoples' savings, and destroying lives, while semi-educated and incapable bankers have a hay day! Again, more drivel from IMF.
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
IMF urges action as eurozone enters 'critical' phase - Telegraph

Amazing comment:
Yesterday 10:38 PM

Einstein dies and goes to heaven only to be informed that his room is not yet ready. "I hope you will not mind waiting in a dormitory. We are very sorry, but it's the best we can do and you will have to share the room with others" he is told by the doorman. Einstein says that this is no problem at all and that there is no need to make such a great fuss. So the doorman leads him to the dorm. They enter and Albert is introduced to all of the present inhabitants. "See, Here is your first room mate. He has an IQ of 180!"
"That's wonderful!" says Albert. "We can discuss mathematics!" "And here is your second room mate. His IQ is 150!"
"That's wonderful!" says Albert. "We can discuss physics!" "And here is your third room mate. His IQ is 100!"
"That's wonderful! We can discuss the latest plays at the theater!"Just then another man moves out to capture Albert's hand and shake it. "I'm your last room mate and I'm sorry, but my IQ is only 80." Albert smiles back at him and says, "So, do you really think QE will work this time?"
QE - Quantitative Easing


May 11, 2012
You do not understand what you are talking about.
I never said I did. Finance bores me.

Euro is the only currency in the world which has severed its link from a nation state and also from gold.
Indeed, which is why they want federalisation (anschlaus) of Europe.

Please dwell on these 2 important aspects of a currency. That alone will ensure it will survive when the fiat currencies of US, UK, India, Australia, Japan, China, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, etc etc have all been destroyed by hyperinflation.

Oh and while you are wondering how bad can hyperinflation be, read about what happened in Zimbabwe or closer home to Weimar Republic.

I know about hyperinflation. I've read enough on the Weimer Republic to know the problem it causes.

However, it doesn't mean I'm wrong about what Germany's intentions are aided by the collaborator of old to their west.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Germany's AAA rating under threat after Moody's cuts outlook

Moody's warned the outlook for the ratings of Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands is negative because the threat of a Greek exit from the eurozone had increased since the beginning of the year.
Today 01:08 AM

The main credit rating agencies, ie Moodys, S&P and Fitch are actually paid by the issuers of debt for their ratings. That is the reason they typically over-rate rather than under-rate debt.

If you examine the unfolding EZ debacle, these rating agencies are always late to downgrade debt (or perhaps you think Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland are still good credits).

Rating agency Egan Jones is not paid by the borrowers but by investors looking for good information. It lowered Germany's rating to A+ (well below AAA) in June.

The Chinese rating agency Dagong (Dagong's Credit Rating for each country... currently rates Germany AA+ (ie below AAA), France and Italy AA-, the UK A+, Spain A and Greece CCC.

It also rates the US as only A, on a par with Russia. It rates very few countries AAA, mainly China, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark and Norway.

The big three US rating agencies have certainly been guilty of malfeasance. But it has been directed at over-valuing debt issued by their clients. If they are downgrading debt, then the debt is likely even more risky than they suggest, as the independent ratings by Egan Jones and Dagong indicate.

Incidentally, the reason the big three credit rating agencies are so influential is because the US government grants those three agencies effectively an oligolopy position, requiring their use in the US.
10 minutes ago

This is meant as a sad joke:

Firts it was PIG, Portugal, Ireland and Greece.

Then PIGS, adding S for Spain.

Subsequently, PIIGS, adding the I for Italy

Is it now becoming PIIGGS, adding a G for Germany?

Really hope not.

Anyway, should the eurozone fall to pieces in a terrible earthquake, the resulting tsunami will fload and destroy many isles all over the old continent and beyond. It would be an epochal disaster


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Debt crisis: Greece must remain in eurozone, minister warns

Greece must remain in the euro to survive according to its finance minister, as the country's leader prepares for a week of crucial meetings with eurozone leaders which could ultimately determine its fate.

Yannis Stournaras said the country must press ahead with the spending cuts demanded by its fellow eurozone members because its membership of the single currency was essential.
Citing an interim report by the so-called troika of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund, Germany's Der Spiegel magazine said the additional cuts would be needed to bring Greece's deficit down to 3pc of gross domestic product by the end of 2014, from 9.3pc in 2011.
Source: Debt crisis: Greece must remain in eurozone, minister warns - Telegraph


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Germany may be the country that brings the euro crashing down

Though largely unnoticed in Britain, a political storm is brewing in Germany

While attention in this country was focused on the delights of the Olympics, almost wholly unnoticed here has been the extraordinary drama unfolding in Germany – portending a truly seismic shift in the history of the European Union. The Germans have at last peered into the abyss that opens in front of them as a result of pouring all that money into the debts of their eurozone partners. To say that they don't like what they see is a wild understatement.

Reported daily in such papers as Die Welt, Handelsblatt and Der Spiegel, a succession of politicians, financiers and commentators have concluded that, with Greece about to go bankrupt and Spain and Italy to follow, enough is enough. Certainly, they argue, Greece must be allowed to leave the euro. But so, many add, must Spain, Italy and others. Indeed, so dire has this crisis become – with one senior politician estimating Germany's potential liability at more than $1 trillion – that voices are now being raised to say that the only practical solution to this mess would be for Germany itself to abandon the euro. The rest of the eurozone could thus be left to sink or swim with a currency which, without Germany's backing, would face a massive devaluation.

Anyone wanting to see the kind of headlines which have been reflecting this drama – "Greece must go bankrupt", "Multiple countries must leave the euro", "Germany's trillion-dollar liability", "The current imbalances will blow Europe apart", "Germany must withdraw from the euro" – can find them on my colleague Richard North's blog,

EU Referendum, where he has been reporting on it daily.

According to North (formerly a research director in the European Parliament), one of the oddest features of this crisis is how little it has been reported outside Germany. Britain is far from alone in being oblivious to the huge significance of what is happening. This is partly because so much is fogged by the public show put on by other European players, notably the Commission and the head of the European Central Bank, to promote the idea that "the euro cannot be allowed to fail". It was always intended to be the supreme symbol of the European project's overriding aim, to weld the countries of Europe together in full fiscal and political union. But this would now require a major new treaty, with a further massive surrender of national sovereignty.

The likelihood of such a treaty being ratified – since it would require a slew of referendums, several of which would probably be lost – is remote. Above all, such a treaty would have to be ratified by Germany itself, and next month her constitutional court will rule on whether, a step towards this would be a breach of her Basic Law, which forbids any surrender of sovereignty to an outside power. Angela Merkel, facing an election next year, cannot afford to ignore the evidence of the polls – that a vast majority of her people say they have had enough of being expected to bail out their failing neighbours indefinitely.

Without question, this is by far the gravest crisis the "project" has ever faced, but one which it has hubristically brought on itself, with all the inevitability of a Greek tragedy, by that gamble it took in the 1990s, to impose a common currency without first creating the political union without which (as was observed at the time) it could not work. As telling as anything in this drama has been the silence of France, under its new president, François Hollande, who, if anything, sides with those who look to Germany to bail them out. The old "Franco-German motor" is dying – and with it the entire project it drove forward for 50 years.

As for us British, sitting impotently on the sidelines, we are irrelevant. But the crash, when it comes, will of course draw us down with it, as in the coming months it makes front-page news across the world.

A chair for the wind tycoon

Last week, I mentioned the curious fact that Tim Yeo MP serves as chairman of the Commons Select Committee on Energy and Climate Change while earning more than £140,000 a year working for firms that make money out of "green" energy. In the days that followed, everyone seemed to be piling in on this, with calls for Mr Yeo to resign. Perhaps they should also turn their attention to the role of John Gummer, now Lord Deben (right), nominated by David Cameron to be the new chairman of the Committee on Climate Change, set up under the Climate Change Act to advise on climate and energy policy.

The committee is described as "independent", but it is packed with global-warming zealots, such as Lord May, the former president of the Royal Society, who turned it into a campaigning body on the issue. Lord Deben himself is chairman of Forewind, an international consortium planning to build the world's largest offshore wind farm in the North Sea, and also president of Globe International, a body which co-ordinates responses to global warming by politicians across the world. (His predecessors in the post include Elliot Morley, before he was imprisoned for fiddling parliamentary expenses, and Stephen Byers, the former minister who was seen in a television documentary claiming that, as a lobbyist, he was now "a cab for hire".)

Lord Deben still has to be confirmed as a suitable chairman for the Committee on Climate Change. But since the final say on this rests with Mr Yeo's committee, one suspects that a possible conflict of interests will not prove an obstacle.

Source: Germany may be the country that brings the euro crashing down - Telegraph


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
Country flag
Here is the PLAN "B" as printed in The Economist. Let us see how drama ends. In my earlier post the name of Cyprus as an ailing economy was added due to the fact that Cyprus Banks have loaned billion's of their money to Greece. As Greece sinks so goes Cyprus. I think it will be prudent for these troubled nations be let go and not become burden on productive countries.

I just copied and pasted since do not know how to paste the link from the Economist. I hope to hear the POV of my fellow members.

The Merkel memorandum

Aug 11th 2012 | from the print edition

ANGELA MERKEL, the German chancellor—and also, in effect, the euro area's boss—has always insisted that she wants to preserve the euro area in its current form. But as the euro crisis intensifies and the potential bills for Germany mount, she would be imprudent not to be considering a Plan B. Drafted in utmost secrecy by a few trusted officials for the chancellor's eyes only, this is what the memorandum outlining a contingency plan might say.

TO: Angela Merkel
FROM: ???
Related topics

European Union
Irish economy


I. Since the euro crisis started over two years ago you have said that Germany will defend the single currency, based on your conviction, shared by business and the political class, that its survival is in our national interest. To that end Germany has pledged large amounts of public money, both in our contributions to various rescue funds and through the Bundesbank's share of risks taken by the European Central Bank (ECB). At the same time you have tried to minimise the bill for German taxpayers by insisting that bailed-out states implement strict austerity programmes and, more generally, by resisting calls for debt mutualisation—code for Germany underwriting the euro area—while demanding greater central control over all national budgets.

II. Bluntly, the plan isn't working. Greece is a disaster zone. Ireland and Portugal are making some progress (it was encouraging that Ireland was able to raise some money from the markets in July) but they still have a long way to go and could easily be knocked off course. Worse, Spain looks as if it may need a full bail-out rather than the partial one for its banks you had hoped would suffice. And Spanish sickness is infecting Italy, undermining all the good work that Mario Monti has been doing since the Italians saw sense and got rid of Silvio Berlusconi, as you had been urging behind the scenes. Meanwhile François Hollande isn't doing enough to get France into shape and is playing the usual French game of calling for Germany to do more while resisting your attempts to centralise control at the European level. Mario Draghi, the ECB's president, has calmed things down for the moment, but his plan could easily come unstuck.

III. The position is dangerously unstable. If capital flight from the peripheral economies gathers pace, it could trigger runs on entire banking systems. That would put the ECB—and thus, indirectly, the Bundesbank and Germany—on the hook for deposits worth trillions of euros. The domestic politics are already ugly in several countries, notably Greece. This is poisoning our position in southern Europe, where our help is increasingly seen as a new form of German tutelage. The situation is deteriorating in Germany, too, where your ability to act is being limited by a backlash against bail-outs and against the euro itself. If anything, the backlash in Finland and the Netherlands is even more vicious.


IV. Hence the need to consider an alternative strategy. The aim of this contingency plan is not the complete break-up of the 17-country euro area. That would be against the German national interest, destroying the hard-won respect we have achieved since the second world war by embracing European integration. And it would needlessly damage our economy by bringing back currency risk for trade with countries such as Austria and the Netherlands, which have adapted perfectly well to the euro. Plan B seeks to save the euro by surgery, excising states that cannot cope rather than clinging to the vain hope that they can regain their health within the euro zone.

V. We propose two options. First, the one that may be forced on you anyway: an exit by Greece arising from gross dereliction of its duties under the various bail-out agreements. We have taken as a given that MPs in the Bundestag will not sanction a single euro more in bail-out money to Athens. If that forces the Greeks out, so be it. Second, we also consider a wider exit of other countries that have failed the euro test. We think this should include all the states that have already been rescued, or are requesting bail-outs, because those countries share with Greece a fundamental loss of competitiveness and vulnerability to foreign capital flight. This means that they cannot be cured within a reasonable period of time while staying within the euro.

VI. In assessing the two options we have relied mainly on a cost-benefit analysis. That has been informed, where relevant, by historical precedents and the legal position (we are well aware of your concern that Germany must at all times be seen as law-abiding). We also look briefly at some of the practical issues involved in an exit. Naturally, we have taken into account the political constraints you face both at home and among your fellow European leaders. Caution is your watchword, so we've highlighted the risks of things going wrong if you adopt Plan B.


VII. We start with the most basic question of all: can one or more countries leave (or be forced out of) the euro, both legally and practically? As a matter of legal principle, the answer is no, because when countries joined the euro the conversion of their former currencies was supposed to be "irrevocable": a Hotel California that you can never leave. Indeed, a legal opinion published by the ECB in 2009 argued that because European treaties did not conceive of the possibility of a country leaving the euro, an exit would require them to leave the European Union (EU) as well. That would exacerbate the economic pain because the departing state would lose access to both the single market and valuable regional-support funds.

VIII. But we think this argument of legal impossibility is overstated. European laws are in constant flux because of the ease with which new agreements can supersede old ones. The Maastricht treaty of 1992 banned bail-outs, but you have yourself authorised two agreements allowing them: the temporary rescue fund and the permanent European Stability Mechanism, whose legality our constitutional court is considering at the moment. Similarly, we think that it will be possible to find a way round the supposedly binding rule that a country exiting the euro would also have to leave the EU.

IX. What about the practical obstacles to an exit? There are two main ones. First, it would take several months to design, print and distribute an entirely new currency, leaving a departing country bereft of new cash. Second, news of a country leaving or being ejected would almost certainly leak, prompting bank runs so massive that they would overwhelm even the ECB's ability to counter them. That would lead to a total (and chaotic) break-up rather than a controlled one.

X. We think it will be possible to deal with both these practical difficulties. Yes, it took six months to launch a new currency when, for example, the Czech-Slovak monetary union broke up in 1993. And yes, they were able to overstamp existing notes as either Czech or Slovak—something that would not work for a country like Greece, which relies so heavily on euros spent by tourists. But modern economies have become much less reliant on cash than they used to be. We think a country could get by for a few months through enhanced use of electronic payments (which might also flush out more of the black economy) and by using existing euro notes and coins for small transactions, as proposed by Roger Bootle, the head of Capital Economics, a consultancy, who recently won a competition set by Lord Wolfson, a British businessman, on how one or more countries might leave the euro.

XI. The worry about bank runs is more justified, but we think it too can be overcome. The most obvious way would be to keep the exit decision completely secret until the weekend it was implemented. That is tricky, because you would need to convince other European leaders ahead of a council meeting, and news would be bound to leak. But if the news did get out, then a state leaving the euro could immediately impose an extended bank holiday and implement capital controls (normally illegal under European law, but there is a get-out clause for up to six months in exceptional circumstances). That should deal with the problem.


XII. Assuming the legal and practical hurdles to an exit by any state can be surmounted, then the first option is for Greece to leave, which on the face of it looks less risky than a bigger break-up. One immediate difficulty is that the Greeks don't want to go, so they would have to be expelled. There are two ways they could be forced out: first, by cutting off the flow of bail-out funds, which would mean that the Greek government would have to meet its deficits by issuing IOUs that would start to circulate as a de facto parallel currency, trading at a discount to euros; second, by cutting Greek banks off from refinancing from the ECB and its payments system. The first approach might take some time but would create such monetary chaos that a clean break would eventually seem preferable. The second would force the issue since the banks would collapse without access to ECB liquidity.

XIII.What would happen then? Even if Greece did slide towards the exit rather than jumping, at some stage the government would have to complete the process by introducing the new drachma one weekend when the markets were closed. All assets, debts and contracts written under domestic law, including bank deposits and loans, would be redenominated one-for-one from euros to drachmas. Crucially, the moment the markets reopened, the drachma would depreciate, probably by more than 50%.

XIV. That devaluation, if not squandered in a lurch towards hyperinflation, could deliver Greece from its current misery of perpetual recession by letting it regain lost competitiveness at a stroke, rather than by grinding down domestic costs over several years. That should swiftly deliver a hefty boost to the sagging economy from net trade. But what would it mean for Germany?

XV. First, you can count on the move being popular—and not just in Germany—making it feasible to win support from other European leaders whose electorates are just as fed up with the feckless Greeks. Second and vitally, expelling Greece would draw a line under the costs of bailing it out and prevent it from becoming a permanent drain on German taxpayers. Third and scarcely less important, the decision would give bite to conditionality, sending a stern lesson to the rest of Europe that bail-out terms cannot be flouted with impunity.

XVI. Set against these benefits there will be costs. From a strategic perspective, there is the danger of Greek politics souring still further and the country becoming a permanent trouble-spot in the eastern Mediterranean, even if it is out of the euro. To fend off that possibility it will be essential to show goodwill by keeping Greece in the EU. So it will in fact need a third bail-out (only we will call it an aid package) to pay for things like essential drugs for patients. We think this could be capped at, say, €50 billion ($60 billion) of which Germany would chip in a third, or around €17 billion.

XVII.That will be just the beginning. Drawing a line also means ending the fiction that our loans to Greece will be repaid in full. Germany, along with other European creditor nations, will face hefty losses (see chart 1) arising from our exposure to Greece. First, there is the money already disbursed: almost €130 billion. Second, the ECB still owns Greek government bonds worth some €40 billion. Third, the Bank of Greece owes the ECB about €100 billion in so-called Target2 debts, which have arisen through the Target2 payments system as local banks made up for the drain of deposits out of Greece by borrowing from the central bank. That adds up to an exposure of over €270 billion, or 3% of euro-wide GDP. (We don't include the indirect exposure we all have through our stakes in the IMF, which has lent Greece about €20 billion, since the IMF usually gets its money back).

XVIII. Some of that €270 billion might be recovered, but it would be irresponsible to bank on any of it. The devaluation would increase—in drachma terms—Greece's euro indebtedness. That will force the Greek government wherever possible to redenominate its liabilities into drachma, inflicting heavy losses on creditors; and it may follow that up with a further write-down. Prudence suggests that we should assume no recovery and that Germany will be on the hook for a third of European losses—more than its formal share of just over a quarter, on the assumption that the other bailed-out states won't be able to pay anything at all. That would cost Germany €90 billion, raising the bill (including the aid package) to almost €110 billion. On top of this taxpayers might have to stump up €10 billion to support German banks as they wrote off their claims on Greece. Assuming that the state picked up half the resulting losses, this would take the total German bill to nearly €120 billion, or 4.5% of GDP.


XIX. If that was that, it would be a bargain compared with the likely present value of transfers from Germany to Greece over the next few years and maybe decades. But there is a sizeable risk that a Grexit could turn into a calamity, as markets reacted badly to the admission that euro membership was no longer irreversible. At worst there could be a market collapse to rival the one that took place after the Lehman bankruptcy in late 2008, which could in turn trigger a recession on the scale of the desperate downturn of 2008-09. In the panic, you would come under intense pressure (Barack Obama would be on the line immediately) to concede debt mutualisation without getting the quid pro quo of fiscal control at a European level that you have been demanding. After holding out for so long against demands that you write a blank cheque, that is what you might well end up having to do.

XX. Given the risk that Germany might have to pay such a heavy price for a Greek exit, does that mean Plan B is a non-starter? Not necessarily. Another conclusion might be that the seemingly safer scenario of an exit by Greece alone is in fact the riskier option. If Germany is going to have to make big concessions to deal with the exit of one state, it might make more sense to make such concessions in conjunction with more radical surgery that really gets to grip with the euro crisis. Altogether, five out of the 17 member states have been rescued or asked for a bail-out—testimony to the fact that they have not been able to cope with the rigours of the single currency. The other four—first Ireland, then Portugal, and now Spain and Cyprus—are also teetering in the relegation zone. Expelling them too might be better for them, for the euro and for Germany, because it would make the remaining euro area more viable.

XXI. The plight of the other four economies reflects private debt (especially in Cyprus, Ireland and Spain) as much as public debt (which was clearly at fault in Greece and to a lesser extent in Portugal). But the fundamental weakness that they all now share with Greece is that they owe foreigners far more than they own abroad. In each of the five countries, external liabilities exceeded domestically owned foreign assets by between 80% and 100% of GDP in 2011, putting them in a league of their own within the euro area (see chart 2). Italy, by contrast, has low net external liabilities worth only 21% of GDP (lower than America's 27%).

XXII. External-debt levels are far higher in the five countries than in emerging economies that have fallen victim to "sudden stops", in which foreign investors and banks stop lending and try to pull out their money. Small wonder that the markets have lost confidence in them. But even though bail-out loans can shield governments, that loss of confidence continues to undermine the peripheral economies, as foreign deposits are withdrawn and foreign investors refuse to buy their debt. Central-bank funding is plugging the gap, but that makes banks worryingly beholden to the ECB, causing them to clamp down on their lending to firms and households. This squeezes the economy even more tightly and makes it harder to get the public finances in order.

XXIII. As well as being burdened by unsustainable levels of external debt, all five economies share the misery of trying to regain lost competitive ground through internal devaluation, in which domestic costs are ground down year after year. With the exception of Ireland, which has achieved a worthwhile reduction in its unit labour costs (though after the biggest rise of all), you could hardly select a group of countries less able to make a success of internal devaluation. Labour markets in southern Europe are notorious for protecting insiders (permanent workers) at the expense of outsiders (employees on temporary contracts or the unemployed). This rigidity means that firms cut their labour costs through hiring freezes and by sacking temporary employees, rather than by reducing pay rates.

XXIV. Some progress is being made, but as in a marathon, it is the second half of the race that is the most agonising. Unemployment has already risen to perilously high levels: around 15% of the workforce in Ireland and Portugal and 25% of the workforce in Spain. Ireland has been running a small current-account surplus and deficits have generally fallen (though they remain very high in Cyprus and Greece) but they would be far worse if the peripheral economies were not so depressed, which has slashed demand for imports.

XXV. What this suggests is that if Greece has to depart, it should not go alone. Like Greece, the other four bail-out countries would gain from the swift improvement in competitiveness that currency devaluations would achieve, provided credible policies were pursued to ensure it was not frittered away in runaway inflation. And if politics can trump the law for Greece, then the same should be true for all five countries, allowing them to stay in the EU and retain access to the single market.

XXVI. Such a move would of course come as a tremendous shock, and it would be essential to protect Italy and France at once by making far-reaching concessions that shift the remaining euro area towards mutualisation of debt and the creation of a banking union. But that would be less of a setback for Germany than before, because in principle there should be less need for burden-sharing in a more viable monetary union. Indeed, the most important potential benefit of this bigger break-up is that it could bring the euro crisis to a decisive end by restoring confidence in a smaller but sturdier single-currency area.

XXVII. In addition, a line would have been drawn under potentially much higher costs by preventing the bail-outs from becoming a permanent flow of transfers. This is what happened in Germany after reunification and is still happening. Recent research by the IMF shows that the flow of money to the poorer German states has created a form of benefit dependency. The German public's big fear is the same outcome, writ large, across the euro area. For example, a transfer union across the existing single-currency zone based on the Canadian model would seek to make governments' revenues more equal. Transferring cash so that the poorest governments (including Greece and Spain) had a level of revenue close to that of a mid-tier but still below-average country like Ireland could involve annual transfers of €250 billion—of which €80 billion would need to come from Germany, around 3% of its GDP.

XXVIII. In the short term, however, the cost of a five-country exit would clearly be much heavier than that of a Grexit. Although the other four departing states would be in a less desperate condition than Greece, they might also need some aid to smooth the way—a further €100 billion, say, of which Germany's share would be €33 billion. The additional exposure through official loans would be bearable because the other four bail-outs were individually much smaller than Greece's. Altogether euro-area governments have made commitments approaching €200 billion—the same as to Greece—but actual disbursements have been less than half that. The big exposure lies in the euro system. The ECB is estimated to hold an additional €80 billion of Irish, Portuguese and Spanish bonds bought over the past two years to calm markets. In addition, it has claims on the other four countries through the Target2 system of around €600 billion.

XXIX. That would bring the cost arising from an exit of all five countries to €1.15 trillion, of which Germany's share would be €385 billion, or 15% of its GDP. The additional expense of bank bail-outs would increase this to €496 billion, or 19% of GDP, lifting German government debt from 81% of GDP in 2011 to 100% and imperilling Germany's triple-A credit rating. German non-financial firms and individuals would also take a big hit on their claims of over €200 billion in the five economies.

XXX. The biggest risk associated with this scenario is that the moves towards debt mutualisation and a banking union might not, after all, be enough to stabilise the remaining euro area, resulting in a total break-up of the euro zone and triggering a savage recession with hugely damaging economic consequences. Markets invariably ask "who's next?" and there is an obvious answer. Italy might not need to leave the euro on grounds of its net external liabilities, and its primary budget (ie, before interest payments) is under control. But its public-debt burden of 120% of GDP is the second-highest (after Greece's) in the euro area. And it is mired in recession again. Like Greece, Italy has found it hard to live with the single currency. Growth has been dismal over the past decade (Mr Berlusconi was an economic calamity) and unit labour costs have risen sharply. The task of restoring Italian competitiveness would be far harder once the five departing economies had adopted new, much cheaper currencies.

XXXI. The more that markets fretted about Italy, the more they would also fret about France, given its strong trading and financial links with Italy. Given all this, it would be very difficult for Germany to get support in the European Council for this more drastic plan. The political obstacles to co-ordinating a solution that keeps the euro area intact may seem insuperable, but getting agreement for a planned ejection of five countries would be even more daunting.


XXXII. Of the two options, our judgment is that the larger break-up makes more overall economic sense than an exit of Greece alone. But we must emphasise that the economic and financial risks of it going wrong are much greater, and pushing it through would be an order of magnitude more difficult than co-ordinating an exit by Greece alone. Finally, a drawback associated with both options, even if they were to work, is that many of the benefits would lie in the future (by not having to make transfers to peripheral Europe) whereas the costs would be felt here and now—and blamed on you and your government.

A note attached to this memorandum by a member of her staff indicates that after reading it, Mrs Merkel thought long and hard about how to respond. She is a scientist by training, a politician by vocation and, most important of all, a cautious person by temperament. After much deliberation she concluded that despite the advantages of Plan B compared with her current strategy, she was unwilling to countenance the associated risks—at least for the moment. She ordered the memo to be shredded, resolving that if the euro area is to fragment, it will not be at her behest. But the staff member who was told to destroy the memo thought it might be useful to keep Plan B in reserve just in case. Plucking it from the shredder, he filed it away instead. No one need ever know that the German government had been willing to think the unthinkable. Unless, of course, the memo leaked"¦


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2012
Indeed, which is why they want federalisation (anschlaus) of Europe.

However, it doesn't mean I'm wrong about what Germany's intentions are aided by the collaborator of old to their west.
Are you still obsessed with the institution of democracy? Don't be.

IMO perhaps democracy is incompatible with future financial world system. I have given this issue a serious thought. And I am convinced that this is the case.
What we perhaps need long term to permit the meritocracy to prevail is 'passive autocracy'. In many ways Chinese are almost there in this aspect.
Researching history I found out that many civilizations who were prosperous and plural, had passive autocracy.
Passive autocracy as I understand it is a king as a figurehead who is ultimate arbiter. The decisions taken by council of ministers who are answerable to the king. 2 ways with which a king to ensure the kingdom works - general taxation (as low as possible) or spending personal wealth - perhaps like Mayor Michael Bloomberg does in New York.
The alternative to this would be expanding borders by waging wars. Wars are never beneficial to the population as a whole, so perhaps unless we control the expansive tendencies of many nations, this may act like a temporary road block to progress of meritocracy.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Greece's pensioners face looming poverty

By Chloe Hadjimatheou
BBC News, Athens

Greece's elderly are seeing the value of their pensions plummet amid austerity cuts

Few in Greek society have escaped the effects of the country's austerity programme. But it is Greece's elderly who may be suffering the most. Falling pensions, rising taxes and pressure on family support networks are causing stress for many.
'Stole my money'
"Every day, more and more elderly people arrive at the door asking for help, there are too many to count," he says.

He sits and smokes in the yard of the Klimaka shelter while he waits for his escape plan - a pension which is due to start paying next March.

After paying all his National Insurance contributions throughout his working life, he was expecting a comfortable retirement.

But the austerity measures of the last few years mean his pension has been slashed by 60% and the government is considering still more cuts.

What is more, if the government goes through with its latest proposal to raise the retirement age, he could have to wait another year or two before he sees any benefits.

"I feel like they just stole my money," he says.
Rise in suicides
Traditionally close ties among Greek families have meant that the elderly were cared for by the next generation but with unemployment skyrocketing among the young that social order is fast breaking down, leaving the old to fend for themselves.

Research conducted by Professor Manos Matsaganis of the Athens University of Economics and Business shows that in 2010 and 2011 cuts in pension benefits were one of the primary contributors to a 50% rise in poverty rates.

He says the Greek government should have been looking for savings among those who were retiring too early or claiming extortionate sums.
In June, residents of the wealthy Athens suburb of Kifissia were woken up in the early hours of the morning by a loud noise. When they went out to investigate they found one of their neighbours, Sotiris Nikolopoulos, lying in a pool of blood in the street.

The 77-year-old pensioner had walked a few hundred metres from his house and shot himself with a hunting rifle; he died instantly.

In the suicide note the father-of-two left behind he blamed the government's austerity measures which he said left him unable to cope financially.

Cases like these still have the ability to shock the public but they are no longer unusual.

Until recently Greece had one of the lowest suicide rates in the European Union but in the last two years suicides have increased by 40% and more than 2,000 people have taken their lives, many of them from the older generations.
Read more: BBC News - Greece's pensioners face looming poverty


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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If Greece can figure out how to get people to pay their taxes, they won't have a debt problem.

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