Tawang votes under chinas shadow


Daku Mongol Singh
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Friday, 17 April 2009

by Ajai Shukla

Business Standard

Tawang (Arunachal Pradesh)

April 17, 2009

It is voting day at the magnificent Tawang Gompa, or monastery, which looms over this border town, perched at 10,000 feet, high on the China border. At 10.30 a.m. 171 of the 265 monks eligible to vote have already cast their ballots. Others wait in their crimson and ochre robes, while polling officers send off a first time voter to fetch proof of his identity.

It is unclear which way the lama vote is going; the Rimpoche (Head Abbot) of the gompa emphasises the monks have no directive. What seems clear, though, is that each vote cast in Tawang is a vote for India. Under Tibetan control until as recently as 1951, and claimed now with growing stridency by China, the Tawang area remains staunchly Indian. The local inhabitants, the Buddhist Monpa tribe, reject China and communism as antithetical to religion.

China, however, remains uncompromising on Tawang. Insiders familiar with the Sino-Indian dialogue say Tawang is the only impasse that is holding up an agreement. There is growing local concern here that India could barter away Tawang for the sake of peace with China. Such fears are fanned by events that are barely noticed in New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh leaving Tawang out of his itinerary during his 2008 visit to Arunachal Pradesh; and the recent last-minute cancellation — under foreign ministry pressure — of the Dalai Lama’s visit to Tawang, scheduled for March 16.

The Dalai Lama was visiting Tawang to commemorate his dramatic escape from Tibet half a century ago, when he entered India right here in Tawang. But China, determined to deny separatist Tibetans a high-profile 50th anniversary celebration of the 1959 anti-China uprising, pressured New Delhi to stop the visit.

There is widespread frustration in and around Tawang at New Delhi’s reluctance to anger Beijing. The Rimpoche (Abbott) of the Tawang Gompa, told Business Standard, “I don’t understand why the Indian government does not claim Tawang in more forceful words. The people of Tawang want to hear New Delhi say, ‘Tawang is ours. We will never give it away to China’. Until they hear that, they will be insecure.”

Even though this is a general election, the Tawang vote is important for Arunachal Pradesh’s Chief Minister, Dorjee Khandu, of the Congress Party. This is his constituency and a heavy win would not just demonstrate his continuing clout, but also work to topple the sitting West Arunachal Pradesh MP, Kiren Rijuju of the BJP. Rijuju has made waves in Parliament with a high-profile campaign against China’s claim on Arunachal Pradesh.

The results of the general election could have dramatic fallout in Arunachal Pradesh. Traditionally, the state government has switched parties en masse to whichever party forms the central government. Currently, there is no opposition in the state; all 60 MLAs belong to the Congress (I), the bulk of them having switched over from the BJP in 2004. If the Congress fails to return to power in this general election, Arunachal Pradesh could well see another mass migration to whichever party forms the next government.


Devil's Advocate
New Member
Apr 21, 2009
It seems that the Chinese have started raising new demands. Early on when the border dispute broke out, the Chinese were willing to trade Arunachal Pradesh for Aksai Chin. However, India had then just become independent, and losing bits and pieces of our country and thus, freedom, to foreign countries at that time was unthinkable. Hence, the uncompromising stand that "not even an inch" of Indian territory will be parted with. The saddest part of this is that there was a genuine border dispute here, with large swathes of territory unmarked, and there should have been a compromise by both sides to achieve a resolution. China made it worse by going to war and aggravating the issue.

Now, China seems to be emboldened by its position as the future global challenger to US supremacy, and has started demanding more and more for a compromise. First it was Aksai Chin for Arunachal, now it is Aksai Chin + Tawang for the rest of Arunachal. In fact, a couple of years ago, wasn't it the Chinese ambassador, who raised a furore by proclaiming that the Chinese claim all of Arunachal?


Member of The Month JULY 2009
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Yes, as the Chinese become more and more powerful, we can certainly see the escalation of their demands and possibly some adventurism as well, but in a limited sense... I don't think there will be a problem of any major or minor war, but there can definitely be border skirmishes...


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
DAWN.COM | Sci-Tech | Hackers break into Pentagon computers

Though slightly off-topic, here is something interesting for all China-watchers. Without peeping into the report, I had guess that the cyber attaks were Chinese and that was exactly what was speculated by the Pentagon. My suspicions were towards Beijing because the files hacked were for the JSF F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter programme.

No other country could possibly do such a thing; Russia has FGFA project with us; European Union is content with the Typhoon; France already has inducted Rafales; Japan has its own ATD ShinShin stealth fighter programme.. which leaves our dear eastern neighbour, who conpensates its lack of creativity with pilferaging, hacking, copying and stealing.

Pretty impolite comment eh?,,,Well, even men in uniform have the right to behave more "aam aadmi" like sometimes :).; Its a free country after all.


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
We are not anxious to deal with the controversy border issues,for it only can cause new disputes.And hurt both of us.
It is not hard to conjecture the strategy China adopts.See the border disputes between China and Russia, between China and Vietnam, between China and several southeast countries over the South China sea issue. China has already addressed the border issues of land frontier with Russia and Vietnam. on the South China sea disputes, China trys to avoid having conflicts with them, and Carrying out Joint Development while Shelving Disputes 。

Now, China seems to be emboldened by its position as the future global challenger to US supremacy, and has started demanding more and more for a compromise.
on the opposite, I think China has compromise a lot .And I think the disputes between China and India aren’t as complex as the issues with Russia and Vietnam, the historical problem with Russia and Vietnam are very complicated. You may know that Russia has invaded China, and force the then Qing gov sighed several unequal treaties with Russia, and in that way, Russia has taken away 1.5 square meters land .And Mongolia once a time is a part of China,but because of Russia, it become an independent country. And because it has already become and independent country,so we don’t dream of it may become part of China as before. The issues between China and Vietnam are even more interesting ,Vietnam is a part of ancient China, and it is major ethnic group came from mainland China, it use Han words for over 1 thousand years, I clearly remember, the region where the capital city Hanoi located called Jiaozhi county in Tang dynasty, and the great poet WangBo’s father was an officer there because Wang Bo has written an article against royalty, so his father was demoted.
And if we both can compromise a little, we may reduce conflicts, and expand cooperation in many fields.
There are lots of things we can cooperate, we all know that India is a giant in IT industry, and pharmaceutical industry ,China is now undertaking a plan of health care reform, US has already find 15o million dollars earning chance. And the management system of India company is very great, but the Chinese companies in a large scale are in a mess to a large extent, and they have tried a lot to keep the pace with the advanced multinational corporation, but the results are not good enough as expected. Take the ERP for example, they bought the system at a high price,but it can’t adjust to the Chinese environment. If Indian Company cooperate with us,we may create a win-win age.


Member of The Month JULY 2009
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
We have already admitted Sikkim is a part of India in 2003.
Yes, you did... but we've seen some latest attempts at land grabbing in Sikkim as well if I remember right...

All these incidents happened after 2003... will try and find news links and give them to you...


Devil's Advocate
New Member
Apr 21, 2009
on the opposite, I think China has compromise a lot .And I think the disputes between China and India aren’t as complex as the issues with Russia and Vietnam, the historical problem with Russia and Vietnam are very complicated. You may know that Russia has invaded China, and force the then Qing gov sighed several unequal treaties with Russia, and in that way, Russia has taken away 1.5 square meters land .And Mongolia once a time is a part of China,but because of Russia, it become an independent country. And because it has already become and independent country,so we don’t dream of it may become part of China as before. The issues between China and Vietnam are even more interesting ,Vietnam is a part of ancient China, and it is major ethnic group came from mainland China, it use Han words for over 1 thousand years, I clearly remember, the region where the capital city Hanoi located called Jiaozhi county in Tang dynasty, and the great poet WangBo’s father was an officer there because Wang Bo has written an article against royalty, so his father was demoted.
This is the problem. You cannot claim everything that was ever a part of any Chinese kingdom at any point of time to be part of your country now. If we followed your example, we will end up claiming Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, parts of South East Asia, and even Sri Lanka. At some point in time in Indian history, Indian kings ruled over all these lands.

And if we both can compromise a little, we may reduce conflicts, and expand cooperation in many fields.
There are lots of things we can cooperate, we all know that India is a giant in IT industry, and pharmaceutical industry ,China is now undertaking a plan of health care reform, US has already find 15o million dollars earning chance. And the management system of India company is very great, but the Chinese companies in a large scale are in a mess to a large extent, and they have tried a lot to keep the pace with the advanced multinational corporation, but the results are not good enough as expected. Take the ERP for example, they bought the system at a high price,but it can’t adjust to the Chinese environment. If Indian Company cooperate with us,we may create a win-win age.
Definitely, if India and China can work together, our development will be even more rapid, and the lessening of tensions will be good for humanity. Between us, we comprise 40% of the world's population, so if we do well, the whole world does well.

However, your government has followed a policy of antagonism against India. Your country provided Pakistan with nuclear weapon designs, and are heavily engaged with them in defence production, all aimed against India.

Now if India had provided nuke weapons to Taiwan or Vietnam to keep you in check, how would you look at India?


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
This is the problem. You cannot claim everything that was ever a part of any Chinese kingdom at any point of time to be part of your country now. If we followed your example, we will end up claiming Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, parts of South East Asia, and even Sri Lanka. At some point in time in Indian history, Indian kings ruled over all these lands.
So the frontiers is hard to confirm,but China has already solve them successfully and peacefully.

And I have once a time seen an aricle that the number of Indian company here in China is 10 times as the number as Chinese company in India.And some Chinese companies' applications for the investments were rejected for the reason that may harm the safety of India.
An high level officer has said that the India-China free trade agreement is a distant dream.I can fully understand his perception,for China has already become the world factor,and it will hurt the local manufactures.
But the cooperation is possible.


Devil's Advocate
New Member
Apr 21, 2009
So the frontiers is hard to confirm,but China has already solve them successfully and peacefully.
Well, you have numerous boundary disputes outstanding like you said, with India, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

And some Chinese companies' applications for the investments were rejected for the reason that may harm the safety of India.
Safety is a real issue. With your government owned companies, you can indulge in all sorts of problems for India. Again, I point you to the precedent of you having gifted the Pakistanis nuclear weapon designs.

An high level officer has said that the India-China free trade agreement is a distant dream.I can fully understand his perception,for China has already become the world factor,and it will hurt the local manufactures.
But the cooperation is possible.
He is right. As long as China continues to block the rise of India, India will look with suspicion at China. The recent blocking of a loan from the ADB was one such instance where the Chinese would prefer a part of India to remain backward and stagnant than help a fellow neighbour prosper.