Sukhoi PAK FA

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
Informative video | English [No spoken words]

There has been a lot of false information spread about the sukhoi PAK FA. The goal of the video is to debunk those myths and give it some justice , considering that all of those false claims have shaped a wrong idea about the aircraft.

some of the sources : ( the book used ) (pictures)


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
Informative video | English [No spoken words]

There has been a lot of false information spread about the sukhoi PAK FA. The goal of the video is to debunk those myths and give it some justice , considering that all of those false claims have shaped a wrong idea about the aircraft.

some of the sources : ( the book used ) (pictures)
I would move to bottom and to top positions respectively.

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Aug 12, 2015
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@Vijyes. Answer the following. Which f**k**g world war you are talking about? Name any one ground based radar that sucks megawatts of power and that also detects F22 type planes.
Actually what @Vijyes meant is getting detected by ground based L-Band or higher wavelength RADAR wave. He is right when he said that. F-22 could be detected by L-Band wave which the ground base RADAR or AWACS does use. But he forgot one basic thing or just overlooked it.

Stealth in war doesn't mean "Mr India". Its all about keeping a low RCS. Now even though ground based radars or AWACS could detect your presence, but they can't target you with such low frequency radio waves. Even on board L-band RADAR of any fighter could detect F-22, but can't target it. AAM does make use of X-band radio waves or Ka band (like Astra). These being high frequency radio waves faces problem in targeting a stealth fighter due to its geometry and RAM usage. Now its just like counter sniping on ground. Who could target whom fast enough. By defeating X-Band, stealth fighters like F-22 gets that extra second to target its opponent and take them out.


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
Isn't missiles far better than strategic bombers. Why need such complexity when a missile of fire and forget type can be used? Isn't a multirole fighter enough?
Bombers are the part of Strategic Nuclear Triade, which makes Strategic Forces agile and flexible enough to act in Escalation Theory paradygm instead of setting world on fire at once.
Bombers can do the first stage of ET actions - armed flag demonstration.
How would you do flag demonstration with ICBMs? :)

No country can believe itself a true nuclear power without Strategic Triade, Strategic MAWS and Strategic BMD.
So there are 2 true nuclear powers in the world - Russia and US and China will become the 3-rd one in 5-10 years to come.

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Sep 24, 2016
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No country can believe itself a true nuclear power without Strategic Triade, Strategic MAWS and Strategic BMD.
So there are 2 true nuclear powers in the world - Russia and US and China will become the 3-rd one in 5-10 years to come.
What is the point of such a classification.
It's a joke. The purpose of nukes is to maintain mutually assured destruction between great powers in today's world.

Triad is only necessary for retaliation , what if a nuclear power chooses first strike with just land attack missiles??? You can call it a false nuclear power but the damage will be done. Similarly no missile defence is foolproof nor it ever will be as any defence system can always be overwhelmed by even greater numbers of missile barrages.

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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What is the point of such a classification.
It's a joke. The purpose of nukes is to maintain mutually assured destruction between great powers in today's world.
Who told you that? The quality and quantity of nuclear weapon in all others nuclear countries, such as China, France, British and India, have been far away from maintaining mutually assured destruction on either of US and Russia. Why do you think they still keep their nuke and never tried to bridge the gap?

Triad is only necessary for retaliation , what if a nuclear power chooses first strike with just land attack missiles??? You can call it a false nuclear power but the damage will be done.
Without the reliable triad, no one stupid enough to start a nuclear war with only land base missiles simply because those 2 nuclear powers-US & Russia won't allow it.


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May 29, 2017
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Which world war? Are you retarded? Why do you need planes if you are not interested in fighting war? F22 is only stealth against a useless foe like iran or against other fighter jets outside the boundaries of a strong country. For example, F22 can be detected by an AEWACS plane of India or even by the ground based radar. S400 type radars of russia can also detect it. The problem with on board radars of plane is that the size is too small and the power consumption os low at 30kW which limits range.

You do not know how stealth works. Stealth is only lower observability and not 0 observability. That means a plane fades out of visibility and appears like dust particles at shorter distances for a given radar compared to a plane of high RCS. A radar of higher power can detect small objects for larger distances than a radar with lower power (with some plateau limits).

When a plane is moving at a speed of 1000kmph, the radar signature, even though that of a small object, can be identified as a plane.
India don't have a plane called AEWACS. Russia also don't have a radar called S400. USA never tested F22 against Iran because no war happens between the two nations. Nowadays every child will understand a stealth combat aircraft is a VLO combat aircraft. It seems like you don't have a basic school level Gk, history or physics. Are you a moron?


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
India don't have a plane called AEWACS. Russia also don't have a radar called S400. USA never tested F22 against Iran because no war happens between the two nations. Nowadays every child will understand a stealth combat aircraft is a VLO combat aircraft. It seems like you don't have a basic school level Gk, history or physics. Are you a moron?
What did I say? I said that VLO objects can be detected but need higher power radars. Who is a moron?


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
@no smoking

Countries which have acquired through proliferation(aided by china) such issssslamic republic of paki and isssssslamic republic of ayran and Demonic People's Republic of Korea have tendency to think they can use nuke strike as first option.Going to detonate nuke against civilian population not used since 1945 hiroshima and Nagasaki,ww3 Apocalypse will be unleashed if a small tactical or kilotons is going to used today.

None of three countries will be backed by major power, Pakistan Iran north korea don't known consequence of nuclear detonation on ground not seen a mushroom clouds,tested only in underground not above ground (no nuke test by iran) The 3 countries will only see a mushroom cloud if they detonate on other country, too proud to test on their own soil first ,fully above ground.

Fooling their population of no retaliation if used against other country or they can survive a nuclear exchange.Entire world population will eventually die out of radiation fallout or food crop failure.

Nuke war means end of world not just another conflict between north korea and south korea or india and pakistan, or iran and Israel.

Iran and north korea and rest of the world today do not subscribe to MAD nuke doctrine they will save their ruling authority in home front before thinking about going to nuke war. Except few punjabi generals(state within a state) in pak army who embrace it as some kind passage to heaven.:nono: little they know they will take their entire population along with them to heaven overcrowding it.:hehe:
Do you understand that nuclear tech is 1940s technology? It is not hard to make it now with advanced metallurgy and computers.

Second, islam is more concerned about jihad than power. If Pakistan really cared about power or safety they would not attack India like they did in 1965,71 etc. Indian size is too big for anyone to confront. It is a shame that Hindus are such pathetic cowards that they don't fight back


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
Do you understand that nuclear tech is 1940s technology? It is not hard to make it now with advanced metallurgy and computers.

Second, islam is more concerned about jihad than power. If Pakistan really cared about power or safety they would not attack India like they did in 1965,71 etc. Indian size is too big for anyone to confront. It is a shame that Hindus are such pathetic cowards that they don't fight back
1940-th tech will allow you to create big bomb of small power due to lack of knowledge to make reaction to be effective for more than 15% even for Pu238.

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New Member
Dec 2, 2016
1940-th tech will allow you to create big bomb of small power due to lack of knowledge to make reaction to be effective for more than 15% even for Pu238.

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Nucleae explosion is 1940s technology but the latest machinery and machining processes, computerised electronics are today's technology. Combining the two can get a bomb of small size. Moreover, without H - bomb which is 1950s technology, the yield will always be low


Rest in Peace
New Member
Mar 5, 2017
Stealth should not be considered as purely invisible.
Stealth is only described as very low RCS oblect which become very hard to detect from Radars used now a days.

Stealth aircraft are designed to avoid detection using a variety of technologies that reduce reflection/emission of radar, infrared,visible light, radio-frequency (RF) spectrum, and audio, collectively known as stealth technology.

While no aircraft is totally invisible to radar, stealth aircraft make it more difficult for conventional radar to detect or track the aircraft effectively, increasing the odds of an aircraft successfully avoiding detection by enemy radar and/or avoiding being successfully targeted by radar guided weapons. Stealth is the combination of passive low observable (LO) features and active emitters such as Low Probability of Intercept Radars, radios and laser designators.

Low frequency mode will detect STEALTH Aircrafts but while using low frequency mode the effectiveness of radar is reduced than its normal detection area.


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Sep 24, 2016
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Who told you that? The quality and quantity of nuclear weapon in all others nuclear countries, such as China, France, British and India, have been far away from maintaining mutually assured destruction on either of US and Russia.
All these are nations are maintaining more than100 nukes as per liberal estimates.
The reason for not building more is because in today's world it is understandable that nukes are making all of us more insecure than secure. Sure nukes are stopping border wars from erupting but a nuclear war is only a button press away always. Russia has a population of only 14crore that too mostly concentrate on wester side of Russia. You don't really thousands of nukes to destroy Russia a few hundreds will do.

India and China have 130 crore people each. A few nukes won't wipe them out .

But that's not the point , even a few hundred nukes if launched in short time span will bring nuclear winter for all of us to die.

Also untill now both USA and russia were reducing their stockpile. So that was the direction positive for world. Now with that consensus gone the nuke race is on again.

Forget about India or china . Pakistan will soon cross France nuke stockpile no body seems bothered about it!
Without the reliable triad, no one stupid enough to start a nuclear war with only land base missiles simply because those 2 nuclear powers-US & Russia won't allow it.
If a nation has driven to a point where it is contemplating using nukes. The time of international pressure is already over.

Although whoever uses nukes first will be isolated by rest of the world . Nothing more can be done against big nations. Unless the nukes are fired it's only speculations, I don't think Russia or USA will take on either India or china or France on mere speculation of using nukes someday in the future.


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
All these are nations are maintaining more than100 nukes as per liberal estimates.
The reason for not building more is because in today's world it is understandable that nukes are making all of us more insecure than secure. Sure nukes are stopping border wars from erupting but a nuclear war is only a button press away always. Russia has a population of only 14crore that too mostly concentrate on wester side of Russia. You don't really thousands of nukes to destroy Russia a few hundreds will do.

India and China have 130 crore people each. A few nukes won't wipe them out .

But that's not the point , even a few hundred nukes if launched in short time span will bring nuclear winter for all of us to die.

Also untill now both USA and russia were reducing their stockpile. So that was the direction positive for world. Now with that consensus gone the nuke race is on again.

Forget about India or china . Pakistan will soon cross France nuke stockpile no body seems bothered about it!

If a nation has driven to a point where it is contemplating using nukes. The time of international pressure is already over.

Although whoever uses nukes first will be isolated by rest of the world . Nothing more can be done against big nations. Unless the nukes are fired it's only speculations, I don't think Russia or USA will take on either India or china or France on mere speculation of using nukes someday in the future.

Stop your blabbering. No nuclear winter will happen if hundreds of nukes are launched. Just check on google number of open nuclear tests by all countries. It is over 1000 and still nothing happened


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Sep 24, 2016
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Stop your blabbering. No nuclear winter will happen if hundreds of nukes are launched. Just check on google number of open nuclear tests by all countries. It is over 1000 and still nothing happened
You can't stop picking up unnecessary arguments all over the forum .

Read again I also wrote in "short span of time" that mean almost simultaneously.

All these 1000 test happened over decades and most of them were low yield sub kiloton devices.

Now let's blast a 100 nukes within a month with yield ranging from 20kt to 500kt.
That will amount to 100s of volcano exploding at the same time filling the air with all kinds of gasses.
Imagine the unimaginable.

Btw this thread is gone off topic now. If somebody wants to continue debating open a new thread.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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What is the point of such a classification.
It's a joke. The purpose of nukes is to maintain mutually assured destruction between great powers in today's world.

Triad is only necessary for retaliation , what if a nuclear power chooses first strike with just land attack missiles??? You can call it a false nuclear power but the damage will be done. Similarly no missile defence is foolproof nor it ever will be as any defence system can always be overwhelmed by even greater numbers of missile barrages.
To have a bomber in your arsenal or not is purely depends on your strategy. Actually IAF did wanted a bomber long back, but GOI in its utermost stupidity rejected the plan. The outcome of that is the repeated and recent upgradation of Jaguar, Mig27. Even we would not have to uphaul the Su30 for BRAHMOS payload if we had a fleet of Bombers. The uphauling of Su30 indicates that there is a need of Bombers in our arsenal. Even GoI showed interest in Tu-22M in 2016. AURA too is a stealth UCAV or basically a bomber.

Thinking that bomber is only used for delivering nuclear payload is a pure sign of dead mentality and thinking.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Nucleae explosion is 1940s technology but the latest machinery and machining processes, computerised electronics are today's technology. Combining the two can get a bomb of small size. Moreover, without H - bomb which is 1950s technology, the yield will always be low
Buddy, you seriously need to educate yourself on Nuclear tech. We have a different forum for this. You would get necessary info over there. As @TPFscopes said, no need to derail this thread.

