Russia's latest air defense system S-400 licensed for export


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
It's not about terrain, it's about not standing and waiting, but constantly moving around and working in 15-minutes combat tic-toc actions: 5 mins to unpack and ready, 5 mins to fire and aim, and 5 mins to pack and get fucking out to not get caught by a retaliation strike :)

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New Member
Jul 10, 2015
Akash is 25 km slant range and Akash-2 is 35 km slant range.

But I doubt if we will ever need S-300 or S-400. Currently there is simply not much use for us for such a system. In any case we have indigenous SAM projects of almost as long a range. Avinash Chandar ji had mentioned that a 200-250 km SAM is on the drawing board.

Besides S-400 has been cleared for sale to China. China would require it to dominate the Straits. Chinese have a much hard felt use for such a system. So basically S-400, automatically becomes a no-go zone for us, unless something is change radically in the S-400 systems. Analogically speaking the difference has to be at least as much as in the Chinese Sukhois variants and Su-30MKI. And I doubt if the Russians will be willing to have anything changed in S-400.


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
Akash is 25 km slant range and Akash-2 is 35 km slant range.

But I doubt if we will ever need S-300 or S-400. Currently there is simply not much use for us for such a system. In any case we have indigenous SAM projects of almost as long a range. Avinash Chandar ji had mentioned that a 200-250 km SAM is on the drawing board.

Besides S-400 has been cleared for sale to China. China would require it to dominate the Straits. Chinese have a much hard felt use for such a system. So basically S-400, automatically becomes a no-go zone for us, unless something is change radically in the S-400 systems. Analogically speaking the difference has to be at least as much as in the Chinese Sukhois variants and Su-30MKI. And I doubt if the Russians will be willing to have anything changed in S-400.
Who knows... However, S-400 HAS 400km range and 98,5% kill rate. It has 12 aiming channels for a battery. These all allow it to deal with massive mixed force strikes which questionable for Indian systems while they are not proven in action.
And don't forget about full mobility allowing 15-mins tic-toc actions...

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New Member
Jul 10, 2015
Who knows... However, S-400 HAS 400km range and 98,5% kill rate. It has 12 aiming channels for a battery. These all allow it to deal with massive mixed force strikes which questionable for Indian systems while they are not proven in action.
And don't forget about full mobility allowing 15-mins tic-toc actions...

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Akash system is kind of a poor man's Buk. Or a radically upgraded Kub. Akash is essentially a defensive weapon for both good area coverage and good point cover. The 98% kill probability all through the envelop, gets achieved only in the ripple fire mode. Akash can go after targets as low as 15 meters and the ranges to which this 15 meter limit can be available will make it a sure fire quasi-SHORAD. That too with a very high likelihood of achieving 98% kill probability with single round, considering the fact that the Battery level radar will keep picking the bogie without fail within the radar horizon for this 15 mtr flight altitude and the Akash round will have the endurance to keep giving chase :devil:.

S-400 is a dominance oriented system. Even S-400 will have a hard time catching low flying targets at very long ranges. Thus, for example for China it provides an opportunity to chase away or simply kill off Western AWACS even when the PLAAF is not available over the Straits. For this feature alone I would love to have something like this stationed along Paki border. That will essentially free up the IAF to do some important work instead of chasing JF-17s. Probably the reason Indian establishment began looking at 200-250 km kill ranges which is about the max depth of Pakistan from within Indian side. S-400 with a 400 km kill range would be an overkill for Pakistan and too difficult to manage against China, considering logistical problems and shadow zones in the Himalayas. Makes no sense for us to buy S-400. For China OTOH the S-400 covers the whole of Tiawan land mass and over to the sea on the other side :p. Makes sense for them to buy it.

Even for Russians an S-400 makes extra special sense. Just put a battery in syria or novo-rossiya and see the puppets propped up by the westerners jump around all day.

Different needs, different solutions.

