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DFI Technocrat
Oct 10, 2009
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Yushchenko pledges to force Russian navy out of Crimea​

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko pledged on Monday in an election campaign statement to force Russia's Black Sea Fleet to leave Ukraine's Crimea by 2017.
"The Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation must be pulled out of Ukraine before 2017 in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and the agreements signed," Yushchenko said in a statement published on the website of the country's Central Election Commission.
Russia's Black Sea Fleet uses a range of naval facilities in Ukraine's Crimea, including a base in Sevastopol, as part of a 1997 lease agreement valid until 2017.
Yushchenko has led calls for Russia to prepare to withdraw its fleet from Ukraine's territory when the agreement on the base expires, although Russia hopes to extend the lease.
A total of 18 candidates have been registered to run in the Ukrainian presidential election due on January 17.
West-leaning Yushchenko, who came to power as a result of the 2004 "Orange revolution," is struggling to reach double figures in opinion polls.
Polls point to Viktor Yanukovych, Yushchenko's opponent in the controversial 2004 race, as a leading contender, along with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, an ally-turned-rival of the incumbent president.
KIEV, November 23 (RIA Novosti)

Yushchenko pledges to force Russian navy out of Crimea | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


DFI Technocrat
Oct 10, 2009
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Russian Navy denies reports of damage to Black Sea Fleet flagship​

MOSCOW, September 11 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Navy has denied media speculation that the Moskva missile cruiser, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, needed repairs at a shipyard after a recent incident on board.
The Navy earlier acknowledged that smoke filled one of the auxiliary compartments of the warship on September 7, but said its source was quickly found and contained. No one was hurt in the incident.
"Several media sources speculated, citing different sources, that the Moskva missile cruiser of the Black Sea Fleet will be sent from Sevastopol to a shipyard in Nikolayev [Ukraine] for repairs after the alleged damage. This information is untrue. The Moskva cruiser remains ready for combat," the Navy's press service said late on Thursday.
"The crew of the warship will fix the faulty systems at its current location at a berth [in the Sevastopol naval base] within a few days," the press service said in a statement.
The Moskva is a Slava-class missile cruiser designed as a surface strike ship with some anti-aircraft and ASW capability.
The ship has 16 SS-N-12 Sandbox nuclear-capable supersonic anti-ship missiles, mounted in four pairs on each side.

Russian Navy denies reports of damage to Black Sea Fleet flagship | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
Don't be affraid to thank the post directly. I am vain like that.

Money isn't the big issue now, it is getting the production running to meet the orders. Much of these industries have been geared for export or civilian products to deal with loss of state orders. The acquisition process has deteriorated and has to be remodelled on new efficient means.


Here bengalraider has just posted article
"Russian Navy could be in dire straits by 2015 - expert"
that contradicts to your claim that
"Money isn't the big issue now"

Adm. Vyacheslav Popov , who is the chairman of the committee on national maritime policies in the upper house of parliament, said the main cause of the looming crisis was lack of financing allocated for construction of new ocean-faring ships.

So how come that country that doesn't have "big issue" with the money didn't crate budget planing for necessary renewal of the ships?


Jul 1, 2009
I don't think that you should be taking things so easily if not for being called "Think" Tank (on this site only I imagine) than at least for being Russian
I see no reason for any laugh on that subject...
One thing is sure by laughing you don't make yourself compliment.......

You take that comment as some kind of joke?!
You think that I couldn't read about Russian deeply rooted corruption?
I would be able to remove corruption (or get killed like Kennedy in USA was) be
cause for that ,
one needs only honesty and DETERMINATION !
It is NOT question of intelligence...

Let me simplify for you Think Tank
I think you do not know how complicated the issue is. If politicians talk about corruption they are doing one of two things, making statements to give the impression of action or are a threat to the state. The corruption goes from the top down and to address it the top must be cleansed. Medvedev is in a precarious position when he talks about it since all his political and industrial allies are part of the problem. He has carte blanch to clear the army, which Sedyukov has been doing vigorously. When it comes to the rest of their power, they will allow no one to touch it. There is no one to answer to except corrupt courts. The first step should be an independent judiciary which can actually rule for the anti-corruption laws on the books. Then you have the problem of actually enforcing it, the militsya are the most corrupt in this country and since they enforce the law, they are the law. If you go against their interest, you will never see the inside of a courtroom. All the levers of power are arrayed against you. Vladimir Putin spent the last eight years fixing the damage caused by peristroika. He doesn't see it as a viable system and neither do many Russians after suffering breadlines in the ninties.

There will be no serious changes at all in Russia unless they find solution to the problem!
All other comments or actions away from that objective by Medvedev, Putin and others are pure propaganda rubbish!
Targeting public opinion with COSMETIC CHANGES that will change nothing really in long run!
How about that Medvedev and Putin START to put some corrupt high ranking officials in prison to show that doing illegal things in Russia will send people to prison even in highest positions and put honest people in their place?
They would have to place their entire political support system in the gulag. How can you bite the hand that feeds you?

Some wise people long time ago have said "Actions speak louder than words"
Actions get you killed in Russia, at the very least deposed.

Without actions like that everything is just EMPTY WORDS !
Unless of course Medvedev and Putin are corrupt themselves and represent only the strongest clan of Russian mafia end are not representatives of the people......
It isn't about one or two people, it is about United Russia which is a confederation of popular support backed by industrial magnates. Putin and Medvedev get their support from both groups and have to answer to both. They are walking a fine line between both group's interests. If you alienate one you lose the other.

Army corrupted , police corrupted, high officials corrupted so what is NOT corrupted in Russia?!!
Army is being cleaned up but everything else is bad.

And who is suppose to make "changes" if the money is being stolen all the time?!!?
An independent judiciary would help, but then you need police who would enforce their decisions.

If everything and everybody is corrupted, if police is so corrupt that Russians themselves are affraid of Police that means that even the highest officials in the government are corrupted !!
It is the never ending story...

And if that is the case than FSB is corrupted also...In that case what is the point to talk about investing in Russian army (if USA & NATO can get the information about all that anyway)
Don't confuse corruption with treason. They are two different concepts in Russia. The good news is corruption in the armed forces is actually being battled by the prosecutors office. Russia is not absolutely corrupt, some sections have leaders that battle it which are being enforced deeply in the army. It is clear a corrupt armed forces cannot continue and is not threatening to UR industrialist power. That which can be addressed in the system is.

I had enough of this conversation!
You have to listen to have a conversation. You want to scream at me in big bold font at problems you do not know the first thing about. If you want to learn you should do less screaming and more listening but it doesn't seem you care about that. You know all you want to about Russia so that is the end for you.

But your comment was usefulafter all....
be cause if Russians don't have respect for themselves and their nation perhaps I should also re-evaluate respect I have for Russia and Russians...........
Russians respect their nation just fine, more so than any country on earth. More so than our little cousins in Serbia. What you need to understand is corruption is a chronic disease in this country that isn't going away anytime soon just like it isn't in India or Serbia. If United Russia is going to survive, they are going to have to reform or face extinction. As all things do in Russia, those who fail us don't survive.


Jul 1, 2009
Here bengalraider has just posted article
"Russian Navy could be in dire straits by 2015 - expert"
that contradicts to your claim that
"Money isn't the big issue now"
For S-400, money isn't a big issue now. We were talking about Almaz Antey. The navy is another issue, shipyards are obsolete so dumping money into orders makes no sense without recapitalisiation of assets. Admirals do not understand economics.


Tihar Jail
Aug 6, 2009
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Russia seeks to triple Israeli-made drone fleet

Mon Dec 7, 2009 6:10pm IST
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Russia is negotiating a second purchase of Israeli-made spy drones roughly twice the size of an initial $50 million sale announced in April, Israeli defence sources said on Monday.
They said the new deal with state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) would be worth about $100 million and would feature improved surveillance equipment on the pilotless planes.

"The Russians are going for a triple upgrade of their fleet and its capabilities," a defence source said.

IAI declined to comment.

Russia's war with neighbouring Georgia in 2008 exposed an army with largely obsolete equipment and a lack of modern spy drones, defence analysts said.

While Georgia used Israeli drones during the five days of fighting, Russia had to rely mainly on its Tu-22 strategic bombers for battlefield intelligence.

The drone deals help improve Israeli ties with Russia, an important country in international efforts to contain Iran's nuclear programme.

Russia has held up a planned sale of the S-300 air defence system to Iran. Analysts have said the S-300 could help the Iranians defend their atomic sites against possible military strikes by Israel or the United States.

(Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Andrew Dobbie)
Russia seeks to triple Israeli-made drone fleet | World | Reuters


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
T-90ME was demonstrated first time

The export version of modernized T-90M tank was demonstrated for Russian PM Putin today in 'UVZ plant (N-Tagil). The tank has a new, bigger turrets,
- 'Relict' ERA on the turret (but not on the hull),
- a new panoramic commander sight with 360 degree vision,
- new commander hatch with better accessability
- different placement of the air conditioner
- new tracks
- stronger rolls and some improvement in the chassis
- possibly 1200 hp engine

Defunct Humanity: T-90ME was demonstrated first time



Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
Russia's Bulava missile fails latest test

Russia's Defense Ministry says Bulava intercontinental missile fails latest test

AP News

Dec 10, 2009 06:54 EST
Russia's Bulava missile fails latest test:)>

Russia's error-prone Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile has suffered its eight failure in 12 tests, the Defense Ministry said Thursday, dealing another blow to Kremlin hopes that the sea-based weapon would become a cornerstone of its nuclear arsenal.

Officials had hoped military contracts for the submarine-launched missile could be negotiated next year, but the high-profile botches look likely to derail those plans.

The Defense Ministry's statement announcing the latest failure, which it said occurred after Wednesday's launch from the White Sea just east of Scandinavia, came amid speculation about the origin of mysterious spiraling lights over northern parts of Norway. Photographs and amateur video footage of the lights have been circulating on the Internet since Wednesday.

The ministry said it did not know whether the lights were the Bulava, which can accommodate multiple nuclear warheads and has a range of 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometers).

"The first two stages of the rocket worked as they should have, however, in the third and final stage of the flight a technical error occurred," the statement said. "According to tests, the third stage's engine was unstable."

Despite the repeated failures — which look set to torpedo plans to finish testing this year — Russian leaders have boasted about the Bulava's ability to penetrate missile defenses and have described it as a key part of the military's future nuclear arsenal.

Officials have insisted the Bulava's design is fine and have blamed its failed tests on manufacturing flaws resulting from post-Soviet industrial degradation. They have said it's difficult to control the quality of all the parts supplied by the 650 subcontractors involved in the program.

Source: AP News

Russia’s Bulava missile fails latest test | Antiwar Newswire


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
The Bulava missile saga


MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik) - The December 9, 2009 test of the RSM-56 Bulava (SS-NX-30) submarine-launched ballistic missile has failed, said the Russian Defense Ministry. There have been 12 other test flights since December 2003.

Without going into technical details, which must be clarified by experts, we must now assess the entire project's status and the implications of the latest abortive test on the future development of Russia's strategic nuclear forces.

The decision to develop the Bulava missile was adopted in 1998 when Moscow's Institute of Thermal Technology was directed to develop an advanced missile system for the Russian navy.

Institute management claimed that it could promptly develop a new ballistic missile based on the Topol M (SS-27 Sickle B) intercontinental ballistic missile, for the Russian navy. This concept was expected to simplify the deployment of the naval component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces and to require less maintenance costs.

Although it is hard to say who initiated such drastic changes, the press claims that Yury Solomonov, director of the Institute of Thermal Technology, Major-General Vladimir Dvorkin, director of the Defense Ministry's Fourth Central Research Institute, Navy Commander Fleet Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov, the then Defense Minister Marshal Igor Sergeyev, Economics Minister Yakov Urinson and Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, are responsible for this.

It was decided to deploy the new Bulava missiles aboard the Project 955 Borei class and Project 955A Borei-A class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines.

The first submarine of the class, the Yury Dolgoruky, is currently undergoing sea trials. Another two submarines are under construction, and the keel of the fourth Borei class submarine is to be laid before New Year's Eve.

Initial tests of the new missile and its first images revealed that the Bulava will have little in common with the Topol-M. The Bulava was completely different in terms of its appearance, dimensions and warhead lay-out. Nevertheless, the plan had gone too far to back out.

Eleven full-fledged flight tests were conducted between September 27, 2005 and December 9, 2009. Only three launches, specifically the first, second and eighth, were deemed fully successful. Two other launches were rated partially successful.

Facilitating due control over missile component production and ready-made missile assembly, rather than project funding, is the main problem. Moreover, the companies involved require skilled, well-paid workers. However, wage raises alone cannot boost missile quality.

More expensive missiles would be manufactured, unless other measures are implemented.

Some experts think it would be appropriate to upgrade the Bulava missile and to hold a tender for another missile system, due to be installed aboard Project 955 submarines. In their opinion, the program should involve several leading design bureaus, and the most promising project should be implemented.

This would make it possible to develop another missile system for replacing the Bulava if its reliability is not improved.

Russia's president, who oversees the state of the Armed Forces as Commander-in-Chief, would be expected to personally monitor the program because this will ensure due supervision.

The project managers involved should be held personally liable in case of failure because material incentives are ineffective and because resignations no longer scare anyone.

Nuclear-tipped missiles largely facilitate national defense capability. Since the end of World War II and the break-up of the Soviet Union, too many high-ranking officials and production workers have become accustomed to the fact that resignations are the ultimate punishment for incompetence and mismanagement.

Obviously, this concept must be changed with regard to logistics support of the strategic nuclear forces, to say the least, because the price of possible mistakes is becoming too high.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.

The Bulava missile saga | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


The southern Man
Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
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US, Russia for internet security

The United States has begun talks with Russia and a UN arms control committee about strengthening Internet security and limiting military use of cyberspace, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

Citing officials familiar with the talks, the newspaper said US and Russian officials have different interpretations of the talks, but the mere fact that the Washington is participating represents a significant policy shift after years of rejecting Russia’s overtures.

Officials argue the administration of President Barack Obama realized that more nations were developing cyberweapons and that a new approach was needed to blunt an international arms race, the report said.

Viktor Sokolov, deputy director of the Institute of Information Security in Moscow, said the Russian view was that the US position on Internet security had shifted perceptibly in recent months, according to the paper.

Sokolov characterized this new round of discussions as the opening of negotiations between Russia and the United States on a possible disarmament treaty for cyberspace, something Russia has long sought but the United States has resisted, the report said.

"The talks took place in a good atmosphere," The Times quoted him as saying. "And they agreed to continue this process. There are positive movements."

However, a State Department official, who requested anonymity, disputed the Russian characterization of the US position, the paper noted.

While the Russians have continued to focus on treaties that may restrict weapons development, the United States is hoping to use the talks to increase international cooperation in opposing Internet crime.

The United States believes that strengthening defenses against Internet criminals would also strengthen defenses against any military-directed cyberattacks, according to The Times. An administration official said the United States was seeking common ground with the Russians.

The United Nations discussions are scheduled to resume in New York in January, and the two countries also plan to talk at an annual Russia-sponsored Internet security conference in Garmisch, Germany, the paper said

US, Russia for internet security | Deccan Chronicle


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
Russian Navy's days could be numbered

Russian Navy's days could be numbered

The Russian Navy is building and modernizing warships. In the next few months, the big anti-submarine ship Vitse Admiral Kulakov will resume combat duty with the Northern Fleet.

A second warship, Project 1155, the Admiral Kulakov was commissioned in 1982 and was on combat duty with the Northern Fleet until March 1991, when it retired for repairs that lasted more than 18 years.

In fact, the ship's fate closely resembles that of Russia. Its repairs were suspended in 1993 for lack of funds, and it was plundered in the late 1990s. The authorities even considered scrapping it, but instead resumed repairs in the mid-2000s.

In late November 2009, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, former commander of the Northern Fleet, said that in the next ten years Russia might lose the bulk of Soviet-made surface ships.

"The funds allocated [to the Navy] are insufficient to build new long-range sea- and ocean-going warships and maintain our current warships in combat order," he said.

Warships built in the 1970s and 1980s currently make up the bulk of the Russian Navy. Their service life can be prolonged through repair, but not indefinitely.

The ocean-going warships, which form the core of the surface fleet's combat group, are the biggest problem. There are approximately 30 such warships of different types, from cruisers to frigates, including those in mothballs, but all of them should be replaced within 10-15 years. Otherwise the Russian Navy will degenerate into a third-rate coastal fleet unable to protect the country's interests outside its territorial waters or even on its coasts.

However, Russia is so far building only sea and coastal ships (corvettes and boats), and not very quickly at that. Project 20380 corvettes have a sufficient combat capability but cannot replace larger ships. Russia's largest warships being built now are two Project 22350 frigates, one of them to be commissioned in 2011 and the other one only laid down in 2009.

Given the sluggish pace of fleet renewal, Russia will have only 15-20 corvettes and seven or eight frigates of the new generation by 2025. This is not enough to reliably defend any theater of war in Russia, which has very long sea borders.

To change the situation, Russia should build more warships of the corvette and frigate classes faster and should also start building larger-class warships such as destroyers, in order to replace the large ships that are quickly becoming obsolete.

It should also continue the fleet repair and modernization program to prolong the service life of its best warships, such as the Admiral Kuznetsov air carrier and Projects 1144 and 1164 missile cruisers, until 2025-2030.

However, Russia's efforts are hampered by lack of funds and also by the disintegration of its shipbuilding industry and related sectors, which has dramatically undermined its ability to build warships.

To resolve the problem that developed over two decades, it is not enough to increase allocations to defense. The authorities must take emergency measures to rehabilitate all sectors of the shipbuilding industry, including the process for training personnel.

Cooperation with foreign shipbuilders could have a beneficial effect at this point. The government may not be sure of the need to buy foreign-made warships such as a Mistral-class helicopter carrier, but it certainly needs to promote cooperation with foreign companies to train workers and engineers, gain access to modern design and the practical skills necessary for building warships of different classes, and to buy cutting-edge equipment.

France's Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 helicopters, four landing barges, up to 70 vehicles, including 13 battle tanks, as well as 450 military personnel. The vessel is equipped with a 69-bed hospital and can be used as an amphibious command ship.

In the 1990s Russia adopted a strategy of making friends with the world, wholeheartedly supported by its foreign partners, which gradually turned into a deliberate destruction of the country's defense industry. The negative effects of that strategy have reached a high point now. To mitigate them, Russia should adopt a strict and consistent policy embracing all related spheres, from education to law-enforcement.

There is very little time left to think about such a policy because the days could be numbered for the Russian Navy.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik)

Russian Navy's days could be numbered | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Very good article about situation in Russian NAVY :goodstuff:


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Russia clinches contract to sell submarines, warplanes to Vietnam

MOSCOW, December 15 (RIA Novosti)
Vietnam has signed a deal with Russia to buy submarines, aircraft and other military hardware, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said on Tuesday.
"Vietnam has signed a contract to buy submarines, aircraft and other military equipment with the Russian side," he told reporters after negotiations with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
No details on the contract terms, sum involved, or types of military systems have been made available, but according to earlier media reports, Russia plans to sell Vietnam six Kilo-class Project 636 diesel-electric submarines, worth $1.8 billion.
Vietnam has also reportedly ordered Svetlyak-class patrol boats and frigates.
The Project 636 Kilo-class submarine is thought to be one of the world's most silent subs. It has been specifically designed for anti-shipping and anti-submarine operations in relatively shallow waters.
The Project-677, or Lada-class, diesel submarine, whose export version is known as the Amur 1650, features a new anti-sonar coating for its hull, an extended cruising range, and advanced anti-ship and anti-submarine weaponry.
Both submarines are equipped with advanced Club-S integrated missile systems.
State-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport previously said Russia could sell up to 40 fourth-generation diesel-electric submarines to foreign customers by 2015
Russia clinches contract to sell submarines, warplanes to Vietnam | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Russia clinches contract to sell submarines, warplanes to Vietnam

MOSCOW, December 15 (RIA Novosti)
Vietnam has signed a deal with Russia to buy submarines, aircraft and other military hardware, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said on Tuesday.
"Vietnam has signed a contract to buy submarines, aircraft and other military equipment with the Russian side," he told reporters after negotiations with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
No details on the contract terms, sum involved, or types of military systems have been made available, but according to earlier media reports, Russia plans to sell Vietnam six Kilo-class Project 636 diesel-electric submarines, worth $1.8 billion.
Vietnam has also reportedly ordered Svetlyak-class patrol boats and frigates.
The Project 636 Kilo-class submarine is thought to be one of the world's most silent subs. It has been specifically designed for anti-shipping and anti-submarine operations in relatively shallow waters.
The Project-677, or Lada-class, diesel submarine, whose export version is known as the Amur 1650, features a new anti-sonar coating for its hull, an extended cruising range, and advanced anti-ship and anti-submarine weaponry.
Both submarines are equipped with advanced Club-S integrated missile systems.
State-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport previously said Russia could sell up to 40 fourth-generation diesel-electric submarines to foreign customers by 2015
Russia clinches contract to sell submarines, warplanes to Vietnam | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Next trial of Russian troubled Bulava missile could be in Jan.

The next test launch of Russia's troubled Bulava intercontinental missile could take place in January, an unidentified Defense Ministry official said on Friday.
The latest launch of the missile, which Russia hopes will be a key element of its nuclear forces, from a submarine in the White Sea ended in failure on Wednesday. Only five of 12 Bulava launches have been officially reported as being successful.
"The exact date of the next trial has not been fixed yet, but trials will continue next year. We could still make a launch in January or in the summer, after the White Sea is already free from ice," the official said.
The official said a state commission is to analyze the whole process of developing the missile, which includes some 650 defense sector enterprises.
The further development of the Bulava has been questioned by some lawmakers and defense industry experts, who have suggested that all efforts should be focused on the existing Sineva SLBM.
But the military has insisted there is no alternative to the Bulava and pledged to continue testing the missile until it is ready to be put in service with the Navy.
The Bulava (SS-NX-30) SLBM carries up to 10 MIRV warheads and has a range of over 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles). The three-stage solid-propellant ballistic missile is designed for deployment on Borey class nuclear-powered submarines.
The Bulava, along with Topol-M land-based ballistic missiles, is expected to become the core of Russia's nuclear triad.
MOSCOW, December 15 (RIA Novosti)

Next trial of Russian troubled Bulava missile could be in Jan. | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
Above the White Sea unchanged

Above the White Sea unchanged

Country's leadership is time to draw correct conclusions from the failed tests of the Bulava

The fact that the regular test launch of a new maritime ballistic missile Bulava ended in failure, though a feeling of annoyance, but not surprised. To note this is regrettable, but what can you do. Problems associated with the creation of a new strategic missile system for the marine component of the SNF, were the direct result of a systemic crisis 90. The successive failures of the tests of the Bulava, shows that the effects of the devastating 90-x has not yet been overcome.

If we do not take into account those people who are directly connected with the process of testing complex R-30, the first of a new start-up failed residents learned the Norwegian city of Tromso, watched the early morning of 9 December strange glow in the sky. Photographs of this phenomenon were immediately laid on the Internet, and then began a rapid discussion of unusual for a rural Tromsø events, which, however, quickly moved outside of Norway.

The first comment about what he saw Norwegians traditionally have been limited to the fact that the UFO appeared over the city, although the most perceptive observers initially suspected that it was a Russian rocket. In Russia, virtually no one had any doubts that the miraculous glow of Tromsø means another unsuccessful test of the Bulava.

Indeed, on December 10 was announced the official announcement that the next test launch complex of R-30 ended in failure.

Events 9-10 December, once again demonstrated the fact that at the present level of development and diffusion of information technologies or that the phenomenon itself seems to be a secret area becomes publicly known long before the reports of these officials. For the first time on a large scale, this phenomenon could be observed during the five-day war with Georgia in August last year, has become Russia's "first blogger".

But let us return to the "Bulava". At this time, as stated in the official statement of the Defense Ministry, technical failure occurred during the third-stage rocket to it. The first two stages worked normally. Recall that the causes of previous unsuccessful launches become failures in the first stage. On the removal of structural or technological deficiencies of this element missiles were directed efforts of the developers after the previous launch, held on July 15, 2009 and also failed.

With no less regrettable than the fact of an unsuccessful launch, to be observed for another splash of information related to this event. The reaction of a large part of observers, of course, pointedly negative. Some of the most zealous critics of the draft of a new maritime missile system, developed in the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering, advocating immediate curtailing unsuccessful programs recognized by them. Moreover, the idea has already announced conversion of the cerebral SSBN Project 955 "Yuri Dolgoruky under are mass-produced missile RSM-54 Sineva. However, this means that the project 955 should radically alter, as "ruddy" in size, mass start and a way of starting a completely different missile, which has nothing in common with the R-30. This redrawing of the project due to the additional and very significant burden on the military budget. The result of redistribution of funds will be serious under-funding or freezing of most other programs associated with the construction of new ships for the Navy.

In general, the country's leadership, the Ministry of Defense and industry today, there are three options to solve the problem of re-sea component of the SNF. The first - the continuation of work on the "club" and the further construction of the Project 955 boats so as to reach the end of the flight tests F-30, the success of both unit and multiple-launch rocket launches from the board of SSBN, the Yury Dolgoruky in a relatively short period of time produce a set of missiles required for weapons ready-submarine cruisers (probably two - is Launched "Yuri Dolgoruky" and "Alexander Nevsky").

The second option - radical recycling project 955, the transformation of a "blue" and the building of submarines laid on the revised draft of the remaining five boats series. This move, however, does not negate the need for a sea missile system next generation, however, such a development to work on it will be relatively quiet.

The third alternative - the freezing of the project R-30 and construction of Project 955 SSBNs and urgent deployment of works on creation of new sea missile system - probably based on the closed in 1998, the project "Bark."

The most extensive and expensive is the third option. Second, perhaps, could be considered reasonable, but the financial cost of this project does not require small.

In fact, as before, the most realistic option is to bring to the mind set of "Bulava". Whatever would reverse his principal opponents, nothing fabulous in the successful completion of the complex of R-30 no. The main thing in this process, as in the summer of this year, said Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, restoring order in cooperation involved in the production of missile "Bulava". In this process, involving 650 enterprises, which with varying degrees of success have survived the crisis in the 90's. The main reason of unsuccessful launches of new missiles Ivanov called the technological marriage, admitted at one stage of production. Circumstances Test December 9, seems to confirm this version. At this time managed to cope with deficiencies in the production of the first stage, but now has given the third degree of failure.

The failure of the Bulava - the most complex and important defense project, which Russia's defense industry had to be implemented independently, without reliance on extensive Soviet hurt, show that the industry is still very far from a full solution to the crisis. Peculiar indicator of "health" military industrial complex can be called and another system project - the creation of the fifth generation fighter. And in this case, the news is also disappointing - the first flight PAK FA again postponed - at the beginning of 2010, though throughout 2009 are both developers and representatives from the Air Force is safe to say that the fifth-generation fighter will rise into the air no later than December.

So, we remain at the opinion that as of today a real alternative to continuing to work on the "club" does not exist. Meanwhile, the country's leadership and the Ministry of Defense should make this epic a blunt conclusion - monopoly in any area can lead to very negative results. It is the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering for today was actually the only organization concentrating in the hands of the creation of intercontinental ballistic missiles in the interest of both on land and maritime component of the SNF. Another project organization, in Soviet times specialized in the development of sea-based ICBM - State Rocket Center (State Center) named Makeeva long remained virtually out of business. But last year in the life of the business there have been substantial changes.

In May 2008, began to be formed on the basis of State Center. Makeyev Rocket Holding with OJSC Miasskiy Machine Building Plant, JSC "Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant", JSC "Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant" and JSC "Research Institute" Hermes ". Upon completion of this process, scheduled for 2010, Russia will have an integrated structure, qualified design, development and exploitation of the marine strategic missile systems, as well as civilian rocket and space technology. Thus, the center will have two powerful military missile, healthy competition which will avoid mistakes in the long-term planning a strategic nuclear weapons.




Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
The following tests of the Bulava could be held in January 2010

The following tests of the Bulava could be held in January 2010

The following tests sea-based missile complex Bulava could be held in January 2010, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday a senior spokesman for Russia's military establishment.

Podvozhnaya strategic nuclear submarine "Dmitry Donskoy" made on December 9 the next launch of a ballistic raukety "Bulava". The first two stages of the rocket worked in normal mode, but at a subsequent, third phase in the trajectory there was a technical problem. According to the control, was fixed unstable operation of the engine of the third stage.

"The exact date of the next test is not yet defined, but in any case they will continue next year. Previously, we either have time to launch in January 2010, either in the summer, when the White Sea will be free of ice" - the source said.

He recalled that it was for this reason, the first in this year's launch of the Bulava was held in July.

Prior to this launch was held on 11 test launches, only five of them were found to be successful. Previous unsuccessful launch took place on 15 July this year. The missile self-destructed after the abnormal operation of the first stage. Director-General is developing a "Bulava" Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering (MIT), Yuri Solomonov then a missile launch has written a letter of resignation from the post of director general, left the general designer.

As the source, the state commission should re-examine the entire workflow creation of the rocket, which involves about 650 military enterprises.

IntercontinentalExchange R30 3M30 SLBM "Bulava-30 (for use in international contracts - RSM-56, according to NATO classification - SS-NX-30) - Russia's latest three-stage solid propellant missile designed for deployment on submarines of the new generation project Project 955 (class "Northwind").

The engines of the first and second stages of the Bulava solid, and the third stage - a liquid fuel that provides the necessary speed maneuvering during breeding warheads. The launch inclined, therefore, can produce nuclear submarine missile launch underwater and in motion.

The missile can carry from six to ten hypersonic maneuvering independently targetable nuclear warheads capable of changing the flight path height and rate. Has a low-altitude flight profile. The maximum range of 8 thousand kilometers starting weight 36.8 tons, an inertial control system, throw-weight (payload) - 1150 kg, length in the launch canister, 12.1 meters in length without a head of 11.5 meters.

Carriers SLBMs is to modernize strategic submarine Dmitry Donskoy "Project 941 Y" Shark "(a NATO" Typhoon ") and planned submarine Project 955" Borey ". In varying degrees, ready to plant Sevmash (Severodvinsk) are three submarines of this project - Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh. Dec. 22 at Sevmash planned laying of the fourth in a series of ship "Saint Nicholas".

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The next test launch of Russia's troubled Bulava intercontinental missile could take place in January, an unidentified Defense Ministry official said on Friday.

The latest launch of the missile, which Russia hopes will be a key element of its nuclear forces, from a submarine in the White Sea ended in failure on Wednesday. Only five of 12 Bulava launches have been officially reported as being successful.

"The exact date of the next trial has not been fixed yet, but trials will continue next year. We could still make a launch in January or in the summer, after the White Sea is already free from ice," the official said.

The official said a state commission is to analyze the whole process of developing the missile, which includes some 650 defense sector enterprises.

The further development of the Bulava has been questioned by some lawmakers and defense industry experts, who have suggested that all efforts should be focused on the existing Sineva SLBM.

But the military has insisted there is no alternative to the Bulava and pledged to continue testing the missile until it is ready to be put in service with the Navy.

The Bulava (SS-NX-30) SLBM carries up to 10 MIRV warheads and has a range of over 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles). The three-stage solid-propellant ballistic missile is designed for deployment on Borey class nuclear-powered submarines.

The Bulava, along with Topol-M land-based ballistic missiles, is expected to become the core of Russia's nuclear triad.

MOSCOW, December 15 (RIA Novosti)

Next trial of Russian troubled Bulava missile could be in Jan. | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
Russia Navy to continue work with Bulava missile - commander

MOSCOW, December 15 (Itar-Tass) - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky believes it is impossible to refuse from the submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missile Bulava, despite its recent unsuccessful tests, and impossible to replace it with another missile.

“We shall continue (to work with Bulava). Just think, how can it be replaced with any other,” the commander told Itar-Tass.

Answering a question if it is real to develop another missile instead of Bulava or to use instead of it the recently adopted for service in the RF Navy Sineva (RSM-54) strategic missile installed on the 667BDRM project nuclear-powered submarines of the Dolphin class (Delta 5 by NATO classification), Admiral Vysotsky said: “It’s impossible.”

The Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology is chiefly responsible for the Bulava missile’s design. Bulava carries the NATO reporting name SS-NX-30 and has been assigned the GRAU index 3M30. In international treaties, the common designation RSM-56 is used.

The Bulava design is based on the Topol M, but is both lighter and more sophisticated. The two missiles are expected to have comparable ranges, and similar CEP and warhead configurations. The Russian military developed Bulava to possess advanced defence capabilities making it resistant to missile-defence systems. Among its claimed abilities are evasive manoeuvring, mid-course countermeasures and decoys and a warhead fully shielded against both physical and Electromagnetic pulse damage. The Bulava is designed to be capable of surviving a nuclear blast at a minimum distance of 500 metres. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has claimed that Bulava could penetrate any potential anti-missile defence system.

The Bulava is planned to carry up to 6 MIRV warheads with a yield of 150 kT each. A full-capacity payload requires the forfeiture of all final stage countermeasures and of some shielding.

The decision on developing the Bulava missile was adopted in 1998 after three unsuccessful tests of the Bark missile of the Miass Construction Bureau named after Makeyev. The missile completed the first stage launch-tests at the end of 2004. It was originally scheduled for completion in late 2006, but is now not expected to enter service until 2009. The first boats to carry the Bulava will be the forthcoming Borei class submarines, which will be outfitted with sixteen missiles each. The first three boats of this class will be deployed in 2010 (a total of 5 were planned for 2015.) A land-based variant is also expected.

On 19 September 2008, a senior Navy official announced that Russia will adopt the new Bulava-M submarine-based ballistic missile for service with the Navy in 2009. However, as of July 2009 about half of the tests of the submarine-based Bulava-M have been failures.

The first test launches conducted on 27 September 2005, and 21 December 2005, from the Dmitry Donskoi, a Typhoon class ballistic missile submarine, were successful. The next three flight tests, on 7 September 2006, 25 October 2006, and 24 December 2006, ended in failures of the missile, the causes of which have not yet been revealed.

One successful test launch was conducted on 28 June 2007, although some reports claim problems with the missile’s warheads. On August 5, 2007 Russia made a decision to start serial production of the Bulava sea-launched ballistic missile. However, this did not happen, and after a longer period of reviewing the programme the decision was made to continue the flight testing.

On 25 July 2008, the Dmitry Donskoi went to sea to conduct tests of the new launching system. Three more tests were conducted during 2008. The first was conducted on 18 September 2008 at 18:45 Moscow time. Some reports did however say that the test was not quite successful and that the bus failed to separate the warheads, or that the missile carried no warheads at all. The second was conducted on 28 November 2008 from a submerged Typhoon class submarine in the White Sea. First reports suggested that is was a successful test. The third and last test of 2008 was conducted at 03:00 GMT on 23 December 2008, but failed after the missile went off-course and self-destructed. On December 23, 2008 a senior Russian Navy official said that at least five more Bulava tests will be conducted during 2009.

In February 2009 it was announced that the flight tests would be resumed in
Russia Navy to continue work with Bulava missile - commander

March 2009. This was later delayed to June 2009. On July 15 a new test was conducted, ending in another failure when the missile’s first stage malfunctioned shortly after launch.

In the last days of October 2009 another launch reportedly failed when the missile did not leave the launch tube, according to an anonymous source. However, according to other sources, “the launch was tentatively scheduled for November 24 but has been postponed to the end of 2009.”

There was another test on December 9, 2009, which failed. The failure caused the 2009 Norwegian spiral anomaly, causing puzzlement and excitement there before the source was later identified. The Russian Defence Ministry reported that the first two stages of the rocket worked properly, but a technical failure in the third stage resulted in the launch failure.



Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
NIZHNI TAGIL, December 8 (Itar-Tass) -- Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has ordered forming a unified plan for research into and development of armored vehicles of the future.

“Within the tightest deadlines it is necessary to inventory the results of research and development carried out so far, to identify the most promising and optimal solutions, to form a unified plan for future work, having in mind the power plants, armaments and ammunition,” Putin told a conference on providing new samples of armored vehicles and aviation technologies for the armed forces.


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