Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I understand attacking mobile units would be much more difficult and would take much more resources but if India had to attack forward fixed bases in pakiland I would hope that it would take much less Brahmos because of its increased speed, better anti air defence and because kinetic damage would create more destruction meaning less would be needed?

the warhead is smaller than a tomahawk though?
It is essentially an anti-ship missile (derived from P-800 Oniks or Yakhont) that uses its kinetic energy to punch a hole in the hull of a ship. It does not rely entirely on the warhead for the damage to the intended target.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
White Helmets short documentary has been granted Oscar as the best documentary last year, but...
This year this film director Khaled Khateb has been detained in Turkey and was denied to trespass US border for terrorists connections...


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
why didn't the s400 intercept the tomahawks in syria....

russian side make a statement after the tomahawk attack that they wil further sternghen the air defence systems.....

does it means ?

we all been excited over idea to purchase this system!!!


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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why didn't the s400 intercept the tomahawks in syria....

russian side make a statement after the tomahawk attack that they wil further sternghen the air defence systems.....

does it means ?

we all been excited over idea to purchase this system!!!
Stop complaining Russian supa dupa systems... all Tomahawks has been destroyed by S 400, and S 400 proved its worth

All those you see in western media is pure lie, only RT and some unknown Truth saying websites and some live journal blogs are provides real news


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
why didn't the s400 intercept the tomahawks in syria....
russian side make a statement after the tomahawk attack that they wil further sternghen the air defence systems.....
does it means ?
we all been excited over idea to purchase this system!!!
1 - Russian AD systems are intended to defend Russian military bases only (Khmeymym AB, Tartus NB, El Quamysly HelBase), nothing more. So they tracked Tomahawks but not fired them.
2 - Russia had air incidents prerevention treaty and US missiles hit would be this treaty breakage.
3 - There are only 23 RGM-109C Block 4 have heat their targets from 59 launched. Why? :)
USSR has not officially fought US in Viet Nam, but this has not prevented Vietnamese AF and AD to tear US asses apart...
And don't forget about ESM/ECM suits in Khmeymym and Tartus.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
1 - Russian AD systems are intended to defend Russian military bases only (Khmeymym AB, Tartus NB, El Quamysly HelBase), nothing more. So they tracked Tomahawks but not fired them.
2 - Russia had air incidents prerevention treaty and US missiles hit would be this treaty breakage.
3 - There are only 23 RGM-109C Block 4 have heat their targets from 59 launched. Why? :)
USSR has not officially fought US in Viet Nam, but this has not prevented Vietnamese AF and AD to tear US asses apart...
And don't forget about ESM/ECM suits in Khmeymym and Tartus.
the airbase under attack also had russian establishments , still they did not fire .


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
the airbase under attack also had russian establishments , still they did not fire .
Why to?
Russians had only a couple of fuel tankers and a small bombs deposite there (which is intact :) ).

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russia to provide large batches of Buk-M1/2, Tor-M1, Pantsyr-S1E and S-300PSM/PM1 to Syria and will teach Syrian AD/BMD crews by "Vietnamese" methodics:
Salient portions translated for the general readership:

"Quadrat", "Buk" and "Vega": Russia can train Syrian anti-aircraft gunners on "Vietnamese methodologies"

"In principle, the modernization of existing Syrian weapons will increase their combat effectiveness," Igor Korotchenko said. "At least some of the missiles will be able to intercept them, because the Tomahawks are not the newest weapons either. First of all, it is necessary to seriously increase the capabilities of the Syrian radar stations so that they can cover the lower echelons of heights. A "Vietnamese option" is also possible. It's no secret that during the Vietnam War, the main anti-American aircraft was borne by local anti-aircraft gunners with the support of Soviet instructors and military experts. Nothing prevents us from teaching the Syrian military to work on our most modern air defense systems, and then transfer this equipment to the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces for temporary use. Thus, the Syrians themselves can protect their strategically important facilities without the direct involvement of our officers. "
"Our politicians of the highest echelons have repeatedly voiced a simple thought: IG * today is, in fact, an instrument of a number of Western countries for conducting a third world war by non-nuclear means," Alexander Zhilin told RIA Novosti. "I think that the time for truces and compromises has passed." It is necessary to beat terrorists more harshly and uncompromisingly. Momentarily, the West will scream. Not surprisingly, NATO countries are arming and training many terrorist groups, which they call "moderate". So the only way out is to deprive the US of their "allies". For this, we do not need to build up our aviation grouping in Syria. We simply have to ignore the loud manifestations of "concern" on the part of our Western "partners" and do our work. "
Recall: the first evidence that Russia will operate in Syria without regard for the US, was the suspension of our country's operation of the memorandum on the prevention of incidents in the airspace of the RAA. This agreement was in effect from October 2015 and was intended to improve the safety of aviation flights of different countries in the Syrian sky. On the one hand, suspension of the memorandum will increase the likelihood of air accidents. And on the other - this diplomatic decision has already cooled the fervor of some US allies in the anti-terrorist coalition.
In particular, on Saturday the Belgian Ministry of Defense suspended the flights of its F-16 fighter bombers to combat missions. And on Sunday German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel directly called on Washington to avoid escalating in the region and not rely on crude military force. He stressed that the Syrian conflict can not be solved without the participation of Moscow. A similar position on Monday was voiced by the supreme representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogerini.
"There is no military solution to this conflict, and negotiations in Geneva should resume with our common support," Mogherini stressed. "Europe should try to put the Syrians at one table."
Whether the Russian side finds it necessary to resume military cooperation with Western countries in the Middle East region may become known on Wednesday: the Federation Council at the plenary session intends to adopt an official statement addressed to the parliaments of the world in connection with the US missile strike against the Syrian airbase.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Dozens of Turks attack Syrian refugees and destroy their camps in the district of Izmir



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Mar 21, 2009
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Washington has threatened Moscow and Tehran with tougher sanctions over their support for Damascus, saying nothing “is off the table.”

US threatens Russia, Iran with more sanctions for Syria’s support

The United States has threatened Russia and Iran with tougher sanctions over their support for Syria, saying nothing “is off the table” in this regard.

“We’re calling [Russia and Iran] out,” US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in an interview broadcast on CNN on Sunday.

“But I don’t think anything is off the table at this point. I think what you’re going to see is strong leadership. You’re going to continue to see the United States act when we need to act,” she added.

The comments were made after US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would look into stepping up sanctions on Russia and Iran, which support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The two countries are already under various types of US sanctions.

Washington has alleged that the government of President Assad is responsible for the last week’s suspected chemical attack in Idlib province which killed more than 80 people.

Moscow and Damascus have denied that the Syrian government had anything to do with the attack. The Russian Defense Ministry said the US had no proof of chemical weapons at al-Shayrat airbase, where it fired 59 Tomahawk missiles, killing several people and reportedly destroying a number of Syrian aircraft.

Iran has condemned both the alleged chemical attack and the US missile strike on Syria, saying Washington’s illegal action will embolden terrorist groups in the Middle East region.

‘US has evidence that Assad was behind attack’


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Tomahawks are GPS guided. Does ESM/ECM suite have the capability to jam them? If yes, how?
Russian ECM suits have a capability to jam / disfunction radio altimeters and make electronic fuses/actuators to fire prematurely.

And of course Tomahawks are not GPS guided, they have inertial guidance with GPS corrections on route. Inertial guidance cumulates course errors the bigger range is the more. GPS correction neglects this course errors making precice navigation possible.
If you can jam GPS sources wherever on route (2-3 check points unavailable) you can lower nav precision up to 20%.

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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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1 - Russian AD systems are intended to defend Russian military bases only (Khmeymym AB, Tartus NB, El Quamysly HelBase), nothing more. So they tracked Tomahawks but not fired them.
2 - Russia had air incidents prerevention treaty and US missiles hit would be this treaty breakage.
3 - There are only 23 RGM-109C Block 4 have heat their targets from 59 launched. Why? :)
USSR has not officially fought US in Viet Nam, but this has not prevented Vietnamese AF and AD to tear US asses apart...
And don't forget about ESM/ECM suits in Khmeymym and Tartus.
I saw in ebay last day that some 20+ unexploded electronic damaged Tomahawks, I wonder how they get this

seems they are the victim of Russian supa dupa ESM systems deployed in Syria

Should i post the link brah


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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