Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2015
Dear DFI forum-mates, look at how the USA is creating a Russian "Pakistan" on a territory Russia has been originated from by reformatting brains of Russian people with Satan-level propaganda.
Seen that often enough now. At least two millenia worth of this drama and counting.

Ukraine is Russian territory. Do whatever you people have to, to save what is yours. Does not matter what methods you chose, every one of them is going to have some upsides and some downsides. Just own upto all of it.

What matters is that you guys do something to save people and territory that wants to be with you.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
Seen that often enough now. At least two millenia worth of this drama and counting.

Ukraine is Russian territory. Do whatever you people have to, to save what is yours. Does not matter what methods you chose, every one of them is going to have some upsides and some downsides. Just own upto all of it.

What matters is that you guys do something to save people and territory that wants to be with you.

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
Senior Member
Oct 3, 2009
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First footage of Su-34 bombers landing at Bassel al-Assad after flying combat sorties over Syria:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I have already explained about this episode. Look at the outbreak of the park. If it is the fault of the pilot Ukrainian Su-25, it should bear criminal penalties. However, this administrative building, not a house. In the building there were people consciously working for the enemy. Ie not innocent civilians, but not combatants.
P.S. Remember, what fate awaits those who worked for the German fascist invaders? The German occupiers different from Russian invaders? They also advocated that are free from Bolshevism.
The pilot of the Sukhoi-25 should only take orders from a president elected in free and fair elections. To even fly at someone else's order is sacrilege.


Oh no, Ukreality is flowing from your post with too much strength, it is destroying my brain!

Dear DFI forum-mates, look at how the USA is creating a Russian "Pakistan" on a territory Russia has been originated from by reformatting brains of Russian people with Satan-level propaganda.

You the are the pitiful victim of false and destructive Ukrainian identity.
His claims shall not influence my position, because I happen to verify claims or ask for references, and only then I decide to accept or reject what is being said. Thankfully, @Akim has finally talked about Sukhoi-25. Initially, he talked about RPG with reference to that explosion at Lugansk Building.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russian Airstrike Hits Idlib Syria

LiveLeak - Night air strike on ISIS position by Russian airforce SU-24M & SU-25


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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exactly ..!!

- Russia can deploy whatever and do whatever in Syria because they are invited by Syrian gov!!
- So... time for Ukraine to ask for US bases?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

exactly ..!!

- Russia can deploy whatever and do whatever in Syria because they are invited by Syrian gov!!
- So... time for Ukraine to ask for US bases?

Assad is a democratically elected president. Chocolatashenko and Nuland's Boy are US puppet dictators.

Assad's invitation of Russia is legitimate. The Kiev regime's thugs' invitation of anyone is sacrilege.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
Country flag

Assad is a democratically elected president. Chocolatashenko and Nuland's Boy are US puppet dictators.

Assad's invitation of Russia is legitimate. The Kiev regime's thugs' invitation of anyone is sacrilege.
Syria = North Korea

Both dictators can win any election with high margin doubt there

Assad is a coward, bombed his own people, gassed his people, committed genocide


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Putin’s Blitz Leaves Washington Rankled and Confused
It’s clear the Obama crew has been thunderstruck by the speed of Russia's Syria intervention

Mike Wheatley | (CounterPunch) | Russia Insider

Originally appeared at CounterPunch

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a blistering critique of US foreign policy to the UN General Assembly.

On Tuesday, Barack Obama shoved a knife in Putin’s back. This is from Reuters:

“France will discuss with its partners in the coming days a proposal by Turkey and members of the Syrian opposition for a no-fly zone in northern Syria, French President Francois Hollande said on Monday…

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius “in the coming days will look at what the demarcation would be, how this zone could be secured and what our partners think,” Hollande told reporters on the sidelines of the annual United Nations General Assembly…

Hollande said such a proposal could eventually be rubber-stamped with a U.N. Security Council resolution that “would give international legitimacy to what’s happening in this zone.”…(France, partners to discuss northern Syria ‘safe zone’: Hollande, Reuters)

Hollande is a liar and a puppet. He knows the Security Council will never approve a no-fly zone. Russia and China have already said so. And they’ve explained why they are opposed to it, too. It’s because they don’t want another failed state on their hands like Libya, which is what happened last time the US and NATO imposed a no-fly zone.

But that’s beside the point. The real reason the no-fly zone issue has resurfaced is because it was one of the concessions Obama made to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the use of Incirlik airbase. Washington has kept the terms of that deal secret, but Hollande has let the cat out of the bag.

So who put sock-puppet Hollande up to this no-fly zone nonsense?

Why the Obama administration, of course. Does anyone seriously believe that Hollande is conducting his own independent policy in Syria? Of course not. Hollande is just doing what he’s been told to do, just like he did when he was told to scotch the Mistral deal that cost France a whopping $1.2 billion. Washington and NATO didn’t like the idea that France was selling state-of-the-art helicopter carriers to arch-rival Putin, so they ordered Hollande to put the kibosh on the deal. Which he did, because that’s what puppets do; they obey their masters. Now he’s providing cover for Obama so the real details of the Incirlik agreement remain off the public’s radar. That’s why we say, Obama shoved a knife in Putin’s back, because, ultimately, the no-fly zone damages Russia’s interests in Syria.

The significance of the Reuters article cannot be overstated. It suggests that there was a quid pro quo for the use of Incirlik, and that Turkey’s demands were accepted. Why is that important?

Because Turkey had three demands:

1–Safe zones in north Syria (which means that Turkey would basically annex a good portion of Syrian sovereign territory.)
2–A no-fly zone (which would allow either Turkish troops, US Special Forces or US-backed jihadi militants to conduct their military operations with the support of US air cover.)
3–A commitment from the US that it will help Turkey remove Assad.

Did Obama agree to all three of these demands before Erdogan agreed to let the USAF use Incirlik?

Yes, at least I think he did, which is why I think we are at the beginning of Phase 2 of the US aggression against Syria. Incirlik changes everything. US bombers, drones and fighters can enter Syrian airspace in just 15 minutes instead of 3 to 4 hours from Bahrain. That means more sorties, more surveillance drones, and more air-cover for US-backed militias and Special Forces on the ground. It means the US can impose a de facto no-fly zone over most of Syria that will expose and weaken Syrian forces tipping the odds decisively in favor of Obama’s jihadi army. Incirlik is a game-changer, the cornerstone of US policy in Syria. With access to Incirlik, victory is within Washington’s reach. That’s how important Incirlik is.

And that’s why the normally-cautious Putin decided to deploy his warplanes, troops and weaponry so soon after the Incirlik deal was signed. He could see the handwriting on the wall. He knew he had to either act fast and turn the tide or accept the fact that the US and Turkey were going to topple Assad sometime after Turkey’s snap elections on November 1. That was his timeline for action. So he did the right thing and joined the fighting.

But what does Putin do now?

On Wednesday, just two days after Putin announced to the UN General Assembly: “We can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world,” Putin ordered the bombing of targets in Homs, an ISIS stronghold in West Syria. The attacks, which were unanimously approved by the Russian parliament earlier in the day, and which are entirely legal under international law (Putin was invited by Syria’s sitting president, Assad, to carry out the airstrikes), have put US policy in a tailspin. While the Russian military is maintaining an open channel to the Pentagon and reporting when-and-where it is carrying out its airstrikes, U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby said that the US plans to “continue to fly missions over Iraq and Syria” increasing the possibility of an unintended clash that could lead to a confrontation between the US and Russia.

Is that what Washington wants, a violent incident that pits one nuclear-armed adversary against the other?

Let’s consider one probable scenario: Let’s say an F-16 is shot down over Syria while providing air cover for Obama’s militants on the ground. Now that Russia is conducting air raids over Syria, there’s a good chance that Putin would be blamed for the incident like he was when the Malaysian airliner was downed over East Ukraine.

So what happens next?

Judging by similar incidents in the past, the media would swing into full-propaganda mode exhorting the administration to launch retaliatory attacks on Russian military sites while calling for a broader US-NATO mobilization. That, in turn, would force Putin to either fight back and up-the-ante or back-down and face disgrace. Either way, Putin loses and the US gets one step closer to its objective of toppling Bashar al Assad.

Putin knows all this. He understands the risks of military involvement which is why he has only reluctantly committed to the present campaign. That said; we should expect him to act in much the same way as he did when Georgian troops invaded South Ossetia in 2007. Putin immediately deployed the tanks to push the invading troops back over the border into Georgia and then quickly ended the hostilities. He was lambasted by critics on the right for not invading Georgia and removing their leader, Mikheil Saakashvili, in the Capital. But as it turned out, Putin’s restraint spared Russia the unnecessary hardship of occupation which can drain resources and erode public support. Putin was right and his critics were wrong.

Will his actions in Syria mirror those in South Ossetia?

It’s hard to say, but it’s clear that the Obama crew is thunderstruck by the speed of the intervention. Check this out from the UK Guardian: “Back at the White House, spokesperson Josh Earnest suggests that Vladimir Putin did not give Barack Obama warning about his intentions to begin air strikes in Syria.

“We have long said we would welcome constructive Russian coordination,” Earnest says, before qualifying that the talks between US and Russian militaries will be purely tactical: “to ensure that our military activities and the military activities of coalition partners would be safely conducted.” (The Guardian)

What does Earnest’s statement mean? It means the entire US political class was caught off-guard by Putin’s blitz and has not yet settled on an appropriate response. They know that Putin is undoing years of work by rolling up proxy-units that were supposed to achieve US objectives, but there is no agreement among ruling elites about what should be done. And making a decision of that magnitude could take time, which means that Putin should be able to obliterate a fair number of the terrorist hideouts and restore control of large parts of the country to Assad before the US ever agrees to a strategy. In fact, if he moves fast, he might even be able to force the US and their Gulf allies to the bargaining table where a political solution could be reached.

It’s a long-shot, but it’s a much better option then waiting around for the US to impose a no-fly zone that would collapse the central government and reduce Syria to Libya-type anarchy. There’s no future in that at all.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria = North Korea

Both dictators can win any election with high margin doubt there

Assad is a coward, bombed his own people, gassed his people, committed genocide
I don't think so. North Korea has a dictator. Syria has a popular President, Assad. Assad is brave, because he tolerates minorities, majority Syrians live under Assad controlled territory, and Assad bombed the head chopping and liver eating terrorists, whom Israel has been covertly helping. I would rather say, Netanyahu is a coward.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
Country flag
I don't think so. North Korea has a dictator. Syria has a popular President, Assad. Assad is brave, because he tolerates minorities, majority Syrians live under Assad controlled territory, and Assad bombed the head chopping and liver eating terrorists, whom Israel has been covertly helping. I would rather say, Netanyahu is a coward.
Assad is a Holy Saint, according to you, since you're a Russian puppet ..!

Netanyahu ..I won't tolerate it .. arguing with you like stoning in the sewage


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Putin Hints Russia Will Clip Israel’s Wings in Syria
Over 10 different attacks in Syria have been attributed to Israel over the past two and a half years - but Russia's presence in Syria could change that

Amos Harel | (Haaretz - Israeli daily) | Russia Insider

Originally appeared in Haaretz

Russian President Vladimir Putin told U.S. President Barack Obama, during their one-on-one meeting in New York early Tuesday, that he was concerned about the Israeli attacks in Syria. He was apparently not referring to the Israeli missiles in the Golan Heights, fired earlier in the week at two artillery positions of the Syrian army in the wake of stray fire into Israeli territory from battles between the rebels and the Syrian army.

Rather, Putin’s statement was more general, referring to over 10 strikes in Syrian territory that have been attributed to Israel over the past two and a half years.

It showed that despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with Putin in Moscow last week, Russia intends to create new facts on the ground in Syria that will include restricting Israel’s freedom of movement in Syrian skies.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said Tuesday that Israel does not coordinate its actions in the north with Russia. “We have interests, and when they are threatened we act and we will continue to act, and that was also made clear to the president of Russia. We have no intention of giving up our ability to protect our interests and I advise that we not be tested,” Ya’alon said, adding, “We will continue to defend our red lines.”

The Russian combat aircraft that were stationed at the beginning of the month in northwestern Syria have still not taken an active part in significant aerial attacks against Islamic State targets. Russian air crews are busy collecting intelligence and testing the command and control array that was established at a base near Latakia, in the area under the control of the Assad regime.

Anti-aircraft batteries have been deployed at the base, but so far the Russians have not engaged with any of the other air forces active in the area.

The assessment of Israel and Western states that are monitoring the situation is that as long as the Russian activity is limited to aerial strikes, without the participation of ground troops, its military efficacy against Islamic State will also be limited. Successes in the fight against the Islamic State group have come only when both air and ground assaults were carried out, as in the U.S.-led coalition’s strikes in northeastern Syria, with support from Kurdish ground troops.

Battles resume across the border

Fighting between the Syrian army and rebel groups was renewed this week northeast of Quneitra, around the last areas that Assad’s regime still holds near the Israeli border. The battles are taking place around the line of fortifications separating Quneitra from the village of Haddad and the Syrian part of Mount Hermon in the Golan, connected by a fairly narrow corridor to the capital city of Damascus.

The Syrian regime fears that rebel groups are trying to capture the corridor in order to interrupt the regime’s territorial contiguity and create their own contiguous territories south of the capital. To that end, the Syrian army is preparing to battle along the line of fortifications. Neither side’s actions are directed against Israel.

Israel’s main concern is over the increased Iranian presence near the border, including the systematic dispatch of local terror squads to carry out attacks in Israeli territory. The last such attack was in August, when a Palestinian Islamic Jihad cell fired rockets at the Galilee and the Israeli Golan Heights. The heads of the Iranian-directed cell were killed the next day in an Israeli air strike on the Syrian side of the Golan border.

  • So, the al-Qaida and ISIS affiliates are right next to Israel occupied Golan Heights, yet Israel continues to weaken Syria who is actually fighting these al-Qaida affiliates.
  • In the last four years of this Civil War, there is no one example of Israel targeting either ISIS or its fellow al-Qaida, but spares no effort to counter those fighting ISIS and al-Qaida.
  • Golan Heights is not Israeli territory, but is under Israeli occupation, and apparently, al-Qaida affiliates appear to feel safe there.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Assad is a Holy Saint, according to you, since you're a Russian puppet ..!
Yes, and I live in Moscow, get paid 5 kopeks from Kremlin for each post I write, but does that change anything about that prodding probe stuck down your gullet? Are you offering your servility for free?

Is Assad a saint? It is not only me who thinks so.
Make no mistake about it: Assad is a terrible actor – but by Middle East tyrant standards, he’s practically a saint. He runs a country that doesn’t actively discriminate against Sunnis, Shia, Christians, Alawites or Druze. In fact, his army is made up of non-Sunni minority groups. Women are not treated like garbage in Syria.
From this link:
Of course, @SajeevJino, why would you support someone who protects minorities and treats women well? After all, I wouldn't expect it from a man who has actively supported Ukro-Nazis while wearing the façade of a silly avatar.

Netanyahu ..I won't tolerate it ..
You don't have to tolerate it. As I said, Israel is helping ISIS. P-E-R-I-O-D.

Israel might have a lot of technology, and I keep hearing how Israel can help India fight terrorism, yet they have done NOTHING against ISIS.

arguing with you like stoning in the sewage
How about you take the sewage you leave around and stuff it back where it popped out of?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
No ISIS Where Russia Is Bombing–Except Last Week, When ISIS Was Killing Gay Men There?
Memo furiously being distributed to all at CNN, ABC, NBC etc: ‘Remember all the times were reported on ISIS in Homs? Well scratch them from your memories! There is no ISIS in Homs!’

Jim Naureckas | (FAIR) | Russia Insider

So who’s really fighting for rights of gays here?

Originally appeared at FAIR

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia suddenly escalated the stakes in his contest with the West over influence in the Middle East on Wednesday, as Russian pilots carried out their first airstrikes in Syria….

Russian officials and analysts portrayed the move as an attempt both to fight Islamic State militants and to try to ensure the survival of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Russia’s main ally in the Middle East. But Homs is not under the control of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.​

—New York Times (9/30/15)

A Syrian opposition activist network, the Local Co-ordination Committees, said Russian warplanes hit five towns—Zafaraneh, Rastan, Talbiseh, Makarmia and Ghanto—resulting in the deaths of 36 people, including five children.

None of the areas targeted were controlled by IS, activists said.

—BBC (9/30/15)

The Islamic State jihadist group executed nine men and a boy it accused of being gay in central and northern Syria on Monday, a monitoring group said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the jihadists shot dead seven men in Rastan, a town in Homs province of central Syria, “after accusing them of being homosexual.”

—AFP (9/21/15)

Commentary: It is amusing to see how these imbecilic western propaganda media change their hue. At whose behest? That is the question.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2015

exactly ..!!

- Russia can deploy whatever and do whatever in Syria because they are invited by Syrian gov!!
- So... time for Ukraine to ask for US bases?
You probably did not notice. Russians have fully and irrevocably turned your gains in the Ukrainian front and they have entered Syria only after addressing Ukraine.

Besides Russians could be into Kiev before Poroshenko can say yes to the base.

You remember the old Aesops fable of the boy who cried wolf.

Well now nobody cares what happens. See for youself if anybody even cares what happens to the so called, democracy/freedom/world opinion of the West.

The boy it seems has cried once too many.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
And therefore puta question mark. This video could have donemuch earlier.Do you know say? You previously commented onsuch nonsense.

His claims shall not influence my position, because I happen to verify claims or ask for references, and only then I decide to accept or reject what is being said. Thankfully, @Akim has finally talked about Sukhoi-25. Initially, he talked about RPG with reference to that explosion at Lugansk Building.
Not RPGs, and MANPADS.

Precision weapons:bounce:

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