Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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According to Igor Girkin, an ex-commander of Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, two tactical units of the Wagner private military group had been hit by the U.S. strikes on Feb. 7.
"One [unit] is practically totally destroyed, and the second is smashed ’to smithereens,’‘ he wrote in a post on the Vkontakte social network on Thursday, citing an unnamed source.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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France will launch strikes if proof emerges that the Syrian regime has used banned chemical weapons against its civilians, President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday.

"We will strike the place where these launches are made or where they are organised," Macron told the presidential press corps.

"But today our services have not established proof that proscribed chemical weapons have been used against civilian populations," he added.

"As soon as such proof is established, I will do what I said," Macron warned, while adding that "the priority is the fight against the terrorists, the jihadists".

Regarding the Syrian regime itself, either during or after the conflict; "it will be answerable to international justice" he added.

Macron also called for an international meeting on Syria, in the region if possible.

Galaxy 7

Regular Member
Feb 14, 2018

More than 100 Russian mercenaries killed in Syria by US air and artillery strike


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Don't Be Fooled: Russia Attacked U.S. Troops in Syria

If you've been listening just to the Kremlin and the Pentagon, you probably didn't know that Russia attacked American forces and their allies in Syria last week, suffering heavy casualties.

Yes, all sides admit that there was an incident at a U.S. base in Deir Ezzor. And that elements of the Syrian regime and Shiite militias participated in the assault. The Pentagon and Kremlin both acknowledge that Russian "mercenaries" participated, too.
But the line for now is that those contractors had gone rogue, and Moscow didn't know anything about it.

When reporters asked U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis about the incident, he called the whole thing perplexing. "I have no idea why they would attack there, the forces were known to be there, obviously the Russians knew," he said. "We have always known that there are elements in this very complex battle space that the Russians did not have, I would call it, control of."

Now, it should be said that Mattis, a retired four-star Marine Corps General, is a very smart man. His perplexity in this case is probably what Plato called a "noble lie," a falsehood spoken by a leader to achieve a greater social good. If Mattis acknowledges the obvious -- that the Kremlin authorized a direct assault on a U.S.-sponsored base by non-uniformed personnel -- he risks an escalation spiral in Syria. Better to express bewilderment and give Russian President Vladimir Putin a chance to back down and deny culpability, which he ended up doing despite the heavy casualties suffered by his mercenaries.

But make no mistake: There is overwhelming evidence that those Russian contractors were working at the behest of the Kremlin. What's more, the Russians knew U.S. military personnel were in Deir Ezzor, which has been part of successive agreements to separate, or "deconflict," forces fighting in Syria.

Let's start with the fine reporting of my colleagues at Bloomberg News who discovered that
the wounded mercenaries were flown out of Syria and treated at military hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

U.S. officials who monitor Syria tell me that there is no doubt that the Russian military knew all about the attack in Deir Ezzor. Evelyn Farkas, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia during the Obama administration, told me Thursday:
"Any Russian mercenaries, whether they are in Ukraine or Syria, work for the Russian government."

This is not an accident, particularly for the contractor in question, Wagner. One of its leaders, Dmitry Utkin, is a former lieutenant colonel in Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU. He and the firm have been closely tied to the oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin, known as "Putin's chef" because he owns the Kremlin's food-service providers.

Contractors like Wagner are a key part of Russia's broader strategy of "hybrid warfare," a mix of kinetic and information aggression to advance Russian interests -- such as the deployment of fighters without uniforms that helped take Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

"They help Russia obfuscate Russia's role in Syria," Matti Suomenaro, a researcher for the Institute for the Study of War told me this week. "In eastern Syria, the Russian Ministry of Defense can say, 'We don't know they were doing this.' But it's very likely this had some kind of direction from higher-ups in the Kremlin."

Finally, there is the strategic argument for why Russia would participate in the attack at Deir Ezzor. U.S. policy at the moment is a bit confusing. When Mattis and other U.S. officials publicly discuss the U.S. mission in Syria, they say only that it is to fight the Islamic State. So far, there is no official policy on whether the U.S. military's role includes countering Russian-Iranian efforts to help the Bashar al-Assad regime retake territory it lost in the civil war.

Add to this the mixed messages sent by the U.S. last month when it failed to stop Turkey from bombing the Kurdish-controlled city of Afrin. While the U.S. has attempted to end the Turkish assault through diplomacy, it has not offered to protect Kurdish fighters aligned with the People's Protection Group, or YPG, who remain in the city. The YPG are key U.S. partners in the campaign against the Islamic State. Indeed, Kurdish fighters stationed in Deir Ezzor in recent weeks have traveled to Afrin for the fighting, making the enclave a more attractive target for the Russo-Iranian alliance in Syria.

For a cynic like Putin, whose air force has bombed other enclaves of U.S.-supported rebels in Syria, the inability of the U.S. to stop a NATO ally, Turkey, from attacking another ally in Afrin is a sign of weakness. The assault last week on Deir Ezzor with mercenaries was a chance to again probe for a U.S. response.

The good news is that the U.S. response was swift and brutal. While there are no hard figures on casualties, some Russian press outlets reported that more than 200 Russian mercenaries were killed.

This brings us back to Mattis, and why he declined to directly blame Russia for the incident. "My guess is he said he was perplexed because he was sending a signal to the Russians: I am willing to give you a little time to cut this out, but don't do it again," Farkas told me. "
And the Russians know they are playing with fire, if you look at how they are responding."

There is a downside, though, to this kind of noble lying. Considering that mercenaries like Wagner are a key part of Russia's broader strategy and tactics, it's also important for the U.S. to deny Moscow its plausible deniability. Russia needs to be told, going forward, that an attack by its mercenaries will be treated as an attack by its armed forces.



Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Russian toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded: sources

MOSCOW (Reuters) - About 300 men working for a Kremlin-linked Russian private military firm were either killed or injured in Syria last week, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

A Russian military doctor said around 100 had been killed, and a source who knows several of the fighters said the death toll was in excess of 80 men.

The casualties are the highest that Russia has suffered in a single battle since fierce clashes in Ukraine in 2014 claimed more than 100 fighters’ lives. Moscow denies sending soldiers and volunteers to Ukraine and has never confirmed that figure.

He said the wounded men had told him that the two units of Russian contractors involved in the battle near Deir al-Zor numbered 550 men. Of those, there are now about 200 who are not either dead or wounded, the wounded men had told him.

many of the injured had shrapnel in their bodies that was not showing up on X-rays, making treatment difficult. “The prognosis for most of the wounded is dismal,” he said.

From the bits of information that are slowly coming out into the open, it would appear that the attacking force against US and Kurdish forces were mostly Russians. The official line of the Americans was that about "500 pro-Assad forces" attacked their position. This tallies with the above report that 550 Russian contractors were involved in that battle.

Another thing, the death toll on the Russian side is set to increase more than the 100 already reported since a lot of the injured have critical injuries.

All-in-all a humbling lesson for scheming Putin. He thought the Americans have totally gone soft, or worse he thought the Americans are similar to Georgians and Ukrainians that they can just push around in the battlefield. A very dangerous assumption that can lead to a very serious miscalculation or worse a major conflict between Russia and the US. Good thing the Americans called his bluff. Perhaps Putin forgot who is the real master of war.

The Russians clearly have their tails behind their legs in this incident. It is interesting that there is almost no usual tough talk from the Russians (who loves talking tough and beating their chests).
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Russian mercenaries in Syria abandoned by Putin, mother says

KEDROVOYE, Russia (Reuters) - The mother of a Russian man who is believed to be working as a military contractor in Syria said on Friday the Kremlin had abandoned her son and those fighting alongside him.

Valentina Berdysheva said her oldest son, Alexander Potapov, and five other men left to fight in Syria as military contractors in October. At least one of them has since died, she said, and the whereabouts of her son are unknown.
“They are there illegally, the government has disowned them, even Putin says our soldiers are not there,” Berdysheva, 80, told Reuters.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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I am not sure what to make about this reports. If true, then Putin will desperately try to hide the truth. Such losses in one day ?! Never happened even in the worst days of Afghanistan or Chechenya wars.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Heard some Russians killed in US strikes


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Recordings have emerged in which Russian mercenaries subjected to a joint U.S. strike that killed dozens of their comrades describe the incident as “a total fuck-up.”, a Voice of America project, published three recordings, which it received from a source close to the Kremlin. The source said that the recorded phone calls were made by personnel from CHVK Wagner, a Russian private military company.

The incident in question occurred on the night of February 7-8, when Syrian government forces—backed by Russian mercenaries employed by CHVK Wagner—attempted to capture an oil refinery near the Syrian city of Deir Ezzor. After Russian personnel came into contact with American troops stationed there, the U.S. forces responded with artillery and air strikes. transcribed and translated the conversations recorded.

In the first audio clip, a man says “one squadron fucking lost 200 people …right away, another one lost 10 people… and I don’t know about the third squadron but it got torn up pretty badly, too... So three squadrons took a beating.”

The man explains that American forces used artillery and helicopter gunships to repel the assault. “They were all shelling the holy fuck out of it and our guys didn’t have anything besides the assault rifles… nothing at all, I'm not even talking about shoulder-fired SAMs or anything like that… they tore us to pieces, put us through hell,” he says.

The speaker is also critical of the Russian government’s response to the incident, saying, “They beat our asses like we were little pieces of shit... but our fucking government will go in reverse now and nobody will respond or anything and nobody will punish anyone for this.”

"My guys just called me, they are sitting there drinking, many are MIA, it's a total fuckup, another humiliation... nobody gives a fuck about us."

In a second clip, a man explains that the battle quickly descended into a massacre as the Russians lost all armored support. “Out of all vehicles only one tank survived and one BRDM (Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle) after the attack, all other BRDMs and tanks were destroyed in the first minutes of the fight, right away.”

In the third clip, a man can be heard explaining the Russian convoy was a few hundred meters away from target when the American forces raised their flag and hit the Russians with a heavy artillery barage, wiping out the first column instantly. “We got our fucking asses beat rough, the Yankees made their point," he said. "What were they hoping for, that the Yankees are just going to fuck off?... It's bullshit, some people can't even be fucking ID'ed, too many people there."

In another of the clips, a man claims “there are about 215 fucking killed” on the Russian side.

It has been reported that up to 300 Russians may have died in the strikes. The Kremlin initially denied all reports of Russians being involved in the incident. However, in recent days, Russia’s foreign ministry has acknowledged that “several dozen” Russians were killed or wounded.

A foreign ministry report said, “Russian service members did not take part in any capacity and Russian military equipment was not used.” It said those involved were “Russian citizens” who were in Syria “of their own free will and for different reasons.”


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Read this article, it wil help
Plus it is a PMC , so there is the fact that they were not under russian military control

These are the same Russians who helped Ukrainian separatists fight Ukraine, of course their activity in Syria is sanctioned by Moscow.

Here's the thing, when only Sputnik and some Russian blogs are reporting an event then you take it with a "boulder" of salt. But when international media organizations from Asia, Europe, US, Canada to the ME are all reporting the same event (and reporting the same casualty numbers) then there is definitely more than 90% chance that it is true.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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1. Initially, the Russian government official line was that there were no Russian casualties in Deir ez-Zor:

Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, said the Kremlin had no information about the deaths of any Russian mercenaries in Syria. “We only deal with the data that concerns Russian forces servicemen,” he said. “We don’t have data about other Russians who could be in Syria.”

2. Then as more evidence of Russian deaths started to surface from Russian sources through social media sites Moscow finally admits that there were Russian deaths in Deir ez-Zor, but that there were only 5 deaths:

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry, said initial information was that five Russian citizens in the area of the battle may have been killed, but they were not Russian troops. She said reports of tens or hundreds of Russian casualties were disinformation inspired by Russia’s opponents.

3. But 5 days ago the Russian Foreign Ministry finally admits that "several dozens" of Russian citizens were killed in Deir ez-Zor:

The Russian foreign ministry has admitted that “several dozen” citizens of Russia and other former Soviet states were killed or wounded during a recent battle in Syria.

It appears that Putin has gambled that the Americans will not resist the incursion of Russian mercenaries into the oil fields in Deir ez-Zor so he sent in Russian mercenaries without air cover. But when the Americans resisted and laid waste to Putin's pawns he simply washed his hands and tried to keep a lid on the incident as if nothing happened. All those Russian mercenaries killed in that incident are mere dispensable tools to Putin that he would not even properly acknowledge these people who died trying to fulfill his adventures in Syria.

Interestingly, the Americans also do not want to make a big deal out of this incident perhaps so as not to embarrass Russia.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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New regime air strikes today in Eastern Ghouta. Ground attacks reported by several sources ! Iran says Eastern Ghouta is not covered by the resolution :

This is a test for French resolve, since one of President Macron’s red lines was « humanitarian access ». Waiting for US reaction as well.

I think Ghouta is too much even for the US to tackle let alone France. That area is in Damascus and is heavily defended by both Syrian and Russian SAMs and air forces. Unless France wants to start a major war.

You must realize that Syria is several times stronger than Lybia, especially with the Russians and Iranians firmly backing it.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Sure. Not going to start Ww3 right now. But a limited strike like the one ordered by President Trump is an option.

I think Ghouta is too much even for the US to tackle let alone France. That area is in Damascus and is heavily defended by both Syrian and Russian SAMs and air forces. Unless France wants to start a major war.

You must realize that Syria is several times stronger than Lybia, especially with the Russians and Iranians firmly backing it.

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