Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015

BANA: “Please, Assad, Putin, Stop the bombing.”

Clearly, this is marketed towards western audiences in order to move public opinion in line with the US State Department and UK Foreign Office talking points about the “Russia and Assad’s Brutal Siege of Aleppo.”

Bana Alabed


Dear world, we are running out of food, hospitals. Dear world, why are you watching this unmoved? - Bana mom #Aleppo

3:18 PM - 28 Sep 2016

Whether or not the Alabed family story is completely is authentic, it’s clear their tale is at the very least being used by western media outlets friendly with western NGO’s to push for deeper conflict and ‘regime change’ in Syria.

Fake Rescue Video:

Recently, 21WIRE analyzed the infamous “Rag Doll Rescue” – a purported rescue operation carried out by the White Helmets, which was followed a staged ‘Russian’ bombing scene back in late September:

“In the following video, we’re told that the White Helmets aka “Syria Civil Defense” are frantically digging for survivors at the scene of an alleged “Assad barrel bomb,” or possibly a “Russian or Syrian air-strike.” Either way, it’s impossible to independently verify exactly what the audience is looking at. Same with the location and time – this scene might be somewhere in northern Syria, presumably in “rebel-held” (occupied by terrorists like Al Nusra, Arar Al Sham, Nour al din Zinki, or ISIS) enclaves like Idlib or East Aleppo, but like most White Helmet videos – it’s impossible to independently verify either the time or location of the event in question.”

The White Helmet claim to be rescuing children, but unfortunately, the children below appear to have been used as live props in this White Helmet PR campaign. Of all the exhibits listed here, this video might be the most damning example of staged fakery:

Video Player


See the original video of the ‘Rag Doll Rescue’ posted on the White Helmet’s own official YouTube channel.

So what’s next with the deceptive White Helmets NGO?

The following is an RT interview featuring Vanessa Beeley, discussing the controversy over the White Helmets recent nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. The White Helmets had been nominated for the”Peace Prize” but perhaps due to backlash, the award was given to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos last week:

The problem now with western media coverage of the Syrian conflict is that nearly all of the mainstream media’s reporting and imagery originates from either the White Helmets, al Nusra Front, or ISIS – all of whom are either being armed, financed, or aided logistically by members of the US Coalition, including the United States, the UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. No wonder why all the reporting by CNN, the BBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post gives a completely ‘rebel-centric’ narrative.

This problem is further exacerbated if any of the imagery being aired in the west is staged, or fraudulent – which we have demonstrated that at least some of it most certainly is.

When will western media editors take pause to actual check the thousands of images being supplied via the White Helmets and their media surrogates in Syria and Turkey?



Open Letter by Vanessa Beeley
White Helmets Campaign for War NOT Peace – Retract RLA & Nobel Peace Prize Nominations

21st Century Wire compilation of key information on the White Helmets:
Who are the Syria White Helmets?

21st Century Wire article on the White Helmets:
Syria’s White Helmets: War by Way of Deception ~ the “Moderate” Executioners

Original investigative report:
The REAL Syria Civil Defence Exposes Fake White Helmets as Terrorist-Linked Imposters


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
How Western Media Teleported a Child 'Victim' from Homs to Aleppo (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Western media is capable of amazing feats which defy even the laws of physics

(Russian Spring)
1 minute ago | 8 1


Originally appeared at Russian Spring
The West keeps fighting its informational war on Russia blaming Russian Air Force for bloody crimes in Syrian Arab Republic. To persuade the world community of the fact that Moscow is to blame for catastrophic humanitarian situsation in Syria and not «moderate opposition» fighters turning the country into chaos world media descend into manipulating facts and publishing fakes.

The easily expected maximum effect has photos and videos showing children suffering from war and bombardments. Western readers keep on commenting such stories and blaiming “Assad’s regime and Putin”, but haven’t the slightest idea that those stories are skillfully made up.

«Russian Spring» has already covered a story of a girl who had been saved again and again, several times in just one month, and now we are offering a tear-squeezing vide about a girl who was teleported from Homs province to Aleppo by the Western media.

Child, where are you from?

On October 10 a footage showing allegedly one of the “bombardment victims» of Syrian Talbiseh in Homs province was published on YouTube channel of local informational resource talbisah.

And then the taer-sqeeinf video started its walk of fame thriugh media and social media: it was published on AJ+ Facebook page in particular (a Qatar-based telecom giant Al Jazzera) where it was reached by over 10 mln people (as of October 24).

Al Jazeea accompanied the video with pitiful subttles and corresponding title: «Happy Moday from Syria: this little girl is calling her dad after her house was destroyed by an airstrike».

BBC dealt with that video shortly and "relocated" the girl called Aya (as she introduced herself on the video) from Talbiseh to Aleppo by including a footage called «Aleppo: Where is my dad?»

Have a more attentive look on how medical staff working: even if we omit the shooting location fraud look at how strange the doctors behave. Instead of giving the first aid necessary for a kid after (alleged) bomberdment, instaed of cleaning head and face wound to minimize comtamination risk the doctors (or the actros playing doctors) keep walking around the girl wearing a troubled look not to hinder filming the vdeo.

Quite thick and artificail-looking blood cathes our eye as well as dark-blue bruises under girl’s eyes lookking a lot like make-up.

The whole video looks like a staged one, the authors and creators have just used a win-win tactics for their short film: a child wounded at war.

Twitter star

The journalists kept on using the pretty-looking mode in their propaganda. Som time later the girl was given a poster which read “Don’t bomb me again. It hurts. Aya” and made another tear-sqeezing photo which was then published by some Omar Qayson calling himself war journalists and media activist on his Twitter page.

It’s laughable but “media activist’s” Twiiter «has only 11 posts open to public and the first of them is a photo of a bird killed by bombardments, the three last are reposts of the aforementioned Aya’s photograph.

Hashtags he chosen for his photo (Children of Syria and Russian kills us ) confirm the obvious fact: social media accounts like that are created by Western journalists with just one aim — to spread false photo and videos blaimimg Russia for «bloody crimes against Syrian people».


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
Country flag
Russian warships Arrive in the Mediterranean Sea..

Fighters practice take-off and landing with the Heavy Aircraft carrying Cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov"

"Peter the Great" from the air: heavy nuclear missile cruiser in the Mediterranean Sea...


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
A sad date - 1 year since B-757 of Kogalym Avia crash in terroristic act over Egypt:


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Russian and Turkish MODs to coordinate oppinions on Aleppo and Mosul situations:
ISIS (An-Nusra) tank attack to break Aleppo blockade has been fenced with a great ISIS casualties, Nusra demands $300 for a head from locals to leave Aleppo:


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
VIDEO: Russian pilots escape death moments before ISIS missile hits their helicopterDramatic footage emerged on Friday of a Russian search-and-rescue mission conducted near Palmyra which saved the lives of two Russian pilots who found their aircraft downed by technical failure and subsequently struck by an ISIS missile.The Russian Ministry of Defence said all Russian military personnel survived the incident and landed safely at the Khmeimim Airbase in Latakia just hours later.
The incident took place near Huwaysis, a village in eastern Homs located on the frontline between the Syrian Arab Army and ISIS.

ISIS fighters later swarmed the site and posed for pictures with the destroyed Russian helicopter for propaganda purposes:


Russian jets launch first airstrikes over west Aleppo
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:10 P.M.) - The Russian Air Force launched their first airstrikes over western Aleppo today after taking a brief hiatus to encourage rebel fighters to allow civilians to leave the besieged eastern neighborhoods of the city.

However, the rebels responded to the Russian request by launching a massive offensive to lift the siege on the eastern neighborhoods, while also preventing civilians from leaving the area.

According to a military source, the Russian Air Force conducted several airstrikes over the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project and Dahiyat Al-Assad Suburb on Friday, killing several members of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) amid their ongoing offensive.

Video footage of the Russian airstrikes in western Aleppo was captured by Hezbollah's media wing on Friday; it shows a Russian Su-34 attacking jihadist positions.



Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Syrian Army, Hezbollah seize key Aleppo district
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:55 A.M.) - Minutes ago, a large contingent of Tiger Forces, backed by Hezbollah and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), imposed full-control over the strategic 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Proiject in southwest Aleppo after a 24 hour long battle with Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest).

According to a Tiger Forces correspondent, the Syrian Armed Forces and their allies overran Jaysh Al-Fateh's defenses at the 1070 Housing Project, killing a large number of jihadist rebels en route to seizing this entire district in Aleppo's southwestern corridor.

Just minutes before capturing the 1070 Housing Project, the Tiger Forces established full-control over the large hilltop of Tal Mut'ah after overwhelming Jaysh Al-Fateh's primary defensive perimeter at the eastern flank.

With both the 1070 Housing Project and Tal Mut'ah under the control of the Syrian Armed Forces, the jihadist rebels no long have a supply route to their units trapped in this small corridor in Aleppo's southwestern sector.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Russian Navy task force in Mediterranean has started offensive operations against ISIS in Idlib and Aleppo:
Admiral Grigorovich Project 1135.6R/M missile frigate fires 3M14 Kalibr-NK SLCMs:
Admiral Kuznetsov AC in Syrian TV:
Su-33 in action:
3M55 Onyx (Bastion Shore Defence Suits) heat land targets:

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