RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)


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Mar 24, 2009
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Apart from the tonnage I really don't know what's the difference between the Mistral and the San Antonio class shops. Both carry choppers, both carry tanks as well as soldiers.

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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Mistral is flat top and offers enough space for a squadron(20) of helicopter in contrast to San Antanio which offers maximum of six. In other words, Mistral is like a small helicopter/VTOL jet carrier cum landing ship while San Antanio is just a landing ship with only defensive armament and unlike Mistral or any LHD can't provide required air cover to landing forces.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010

A Naval Source close to idrw.org has indicated that Navy is closely observing development of Light combat helicopter currently under development by State run Hindustan aeronautics limited (HAL).

Source also mentioned that currently Navy is not actually thinking of Inducting any LCH in its fleet , but initial success in the project ,has made Navy take notice of the project , but there are sceptical if a Marine variant can be developed based on it . Air force and Indian army both put together have a current order of more than 150 of this locally developed Light attack helicopter.

Navy is the only armed force in India, which has rejected induction of Naval version of ALH also known has Dhruv due HAL's inability to fix problems of excess vibration and Rotor blade folding issues in its Naval Variant of Dhruv .

Sources also informed that Navy has officially not shown any interest in the project, but is observant on LCH , Defence expert Rajesh Sharma believes that Marine or Naval Variant can be used from amphibious assault ship and also for coastal surveillance , specially for action against pirates ,but then again according to him Indian Army and Indian air force will be inducting close to 700 new helicopters in between them in next decade or so , Navy been the smallest Helicopter fleet operator of the three armed forces , it might be just curiosity of not to be left behind .

Naval LCH? Why not say Naval Source | idrw.org


Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
91 Infantry Brigade of the Indian Army visited the French Naval Ship Tonnerre

Friday, June 11, 2010



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Mar 21, 2009
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French firm eyes Indian market for Gowind

With India seeking to increase its fleet of ships for maritime security, French naval defence major DCNS made moves to expand its presence in the country to take the relationship beyond building the Scorpene submarines for the Navy.

The DCNS, which christened its self-funded Gowind Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) 'L'Adroit' at a ceremony in this Western French town shipyard on Friday, hoped the vessel would get a look-in by the Indian Coast Guard as would its Mistral class Landing Helicopter Dock by the Navy.

The French Navy will induct the Gowind OPV towards the end of the year, initially for surveillance mission closer to its coast before enlarging its role, its Navy Chief Admiral Pierre-Francois Forissier told a group of visiting international correspondents.

DCNS vice-president and deputy managing director Bernard Huet said the OPV would be on a three-year lease and sea-proven by the French Navy. While L'Adroit is the entry-level model of the Gowind class, other OPV/Corvettes can be equipped with a range of weapon systems for use against both land and sea targets.

The company said the Gowind programme spearheads its ambitious effort to win a larger share of the growing markets for small and medium-displacement surface ships. DCNS and its partners spent around €30 billion to design and manufacture an 87-metre-long vessel that offers three weeks blue water endurance with a range of 8,000 nautical miles at a top speed of 21 knots. It has a helicopter/unmanned aerial vehicle deck and boasts combining advanced technologies including unmanned surface vehicles, commando boat launch ramps and a single enclosed mast and a bridge that offers 360 degree visibility to the crew and sensors.

Officials said it began building the OPV in May last year and offered it to the Indian Coast Guard, which in the post-2008 Mumbai terror attack is expanding its fleet on a fast track basis.


The government has cleared acquisitions of various platforms including 13 OPVs for the Coast Guard. However, these would have to be built by an Indian shipyard with design collaboration from a foreign company. DCNS is already in talks with shipyards in India but its officials refused to share details citing commercial confidentiality.

The company plans to pitch its Mistral class – two of which it sold to Russia on Friday – when Indian Navy floats the tender even as it hopes to make headway in securing contract for the second line of six Scorpene submarines and 6 ships under project 17A.
The Hindu : News / National : French firm eyes Indian market for Gowind


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
Who Will Supply 4 LPHs And Other Related Hardware For The Indian Navy?

[FONT=&quot]Since the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004, the landing platform dock (LPD) and the amphibious assault ship (LPH) have emerged as an instrument of soft power, with their on-board fleets of multi-purpose utility helicopters, landing craft (LCM), and air-cushion vehicles; plus their command-and-control capabilities and cavernous holds proving to be invaluable for disaster relief, small-scale policing or mass civilian evacuation operations. At the same time, the LPDs and LPHs have proven to be invaluable tools for undertaking asymmetric warfare (against pirates in the high seas), expeditionary amphibious campaigns (such as those undertaken by the Royal Navy in 1982 to retake the Falklands Islands), and low-intensity maritime operations involving vertical envelopment tactics, which the Indian Navy calls "effecting maritime manoeuvres from the sea". [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]It was in the September 2004 issue of FORCE magazine that I had penned an analysis on the need for the Indian Navy to urgently begin planning for acquiring a modest fleet of no less than three LPHs for it to undertake both humanitarian relief operations within the Indian Ocean Region whenever required, as well as prepare for the prospects of undertaking power projection-based expeditionary amphibious campaigns with its own integral naval infantry assets (as opposed to the still existing flawed practice of transporting a mere mechanised battalion of the Indian Army on board large landing ship tanks (LST-L). It came as no surprise to me when my analysis was laughed upon and ridiculed in circles within Navy HQ, but suffice to say that this state of affairs lasted only for the following three months, following which Navy HQ, headed at that time by Admiral Arun Prakash, the Chief of the Naval Staff, directed the Directorate of Plans & Operations to begin preparing the NSQRs for procuring a fleet of LPHs with a great sense of urgency. However, matters did not move swiftly enough on the procurement front, despite the articulation and unveiling by Navy HQ of its doctrines for effecting maritime manoeuvres from the sea though joint amphibious warfare operations. This, however, did not deter the Navy from setting up—on June 24, 2008—its Advanced Amphibious Warfare School and Fleet Support Complex--in the enclave that will come up along the beach road on the outskirts of Kakinada, about 500km from Hyderabad, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is here that the Navy is quietly but progressively raising its first of three naval infantry battalions (to eventually become a Brigade-strength formation), which will be trained and equipped to undertake both amphibious and vertical envelopment air-assault operations by 2018.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]On the procurement front, matters began to move only last October when the Cabinet Committee on National Security accorded approval to Navy HQ to begin drafting the request for Information (RFI) regarding the acquisition of four LPHs and related hardware under the 'Buy and Make Indian' clause of the Defence Procurement Policy (DPP-9). Under this clause, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) can invite proposals (based on a capability definition document) from those Indian shipbuilders from both the public sector and private sector that have the requisite financial and technical capabilities to enter into joint ventures with foreign shipbuilders and together undertake indigenous construction of the warships. In early December 2010, the Navy HQ issued its RFIs to Pipavav Defence & Offshore Engineering Company Ltd, Cochin Shipyard Ltd, Mazagon Docks Ltd, Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd, Larsen & Toubro Ltd. These shipyards were required to forward a Detailed Project Proposal outlining the roadmap for the development of design and construction of the LPHs. After the RFI responses were submitted by March 7 this year, the Detailed Project Proposal, thereafter, was examined by a Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) constituted by the MoD's Acquisition Wing to verify the credentials of the foreign partners, together with confirming the acceptability of the respective joint ventures between the Indian shipyard and its foreign collaborator. By the end of next week the Indian shipyards shortlisted for issue of the request for Proposals (RFP) would be intimated. Thereafter, the MoD will invite responses to the RFP only from Indian Shipyards. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]A detailed analysis of the already-issued RFI brings out several interesting indicators about both the overall configuration of the desired vessel and its performance/operational capabilities. For instance, the RFI has specified that the length of the vessel should be approximately 200 metres; the draught should not exceed 8 metres; the endurance at sea must be for 45 days; the diesel-electric propulsion system of should of either twin-shaft configuration (with twin rudders and fixed-pitch propellers) or shock-graded podded propulsion; the vessel must have a suitable well-deck for carrying amphibious craft like LCMs or LCACs and LCVPs on davits and should have the capability to launch these craft when underway; the vessel must be able to house combat vehicles (including main battle tanks, infantry combat vehicles and heavy trucks on one or more vehicle deck; and the vessel should be able to undertake all-weather operations involving heavylift helicopters of up to 35 tonnes MTOW. Weapon systems and mission sensors to go on board the projected four vessels will all be pre-selected (known also as customer-furnished or buyer-nominated equipment) and mentioned in the RFI. Such hardware will include the point-defence missile system (PDMS), close-in weapon system (CIWS), anti-torpedo decoy system, countermeasures dispensing system, 12.7mm heavy machine guns, and 7.62mm light machine guns. In addition, each of the four vessels will be required to have one E/F-band combined air-surface surveillance radar, one C/D band air surveillance radar, and an integrated marine navigation system employing X- and S-band navigation radars. But the RFI, in what can only be described as an act of omission, does not specify the kinds of active/passive hull-mounted panoramic sonar (low-frequency or ultra low-frequency) and minehunting sonar suites that is desired.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]From the above-mentioned specifications outlined in the RFI, we can come to some probable conclusions. Firstly, the desired vessel's dimensions clearly call for a LPH solution (with a maximum displacement of up to 21,000 tonnes), as opposed to the conventional smaller LPD or larger LHD. Secondly, the type of heavylift helicopters desired clearly limit the options (to be exercised under a separate contract involving competitive bidding) to the AgustaWestland AW-101, and Sikorsky's S-92 Super Hawk and CH-53K Super Stallion. Thirdly, even though C/D band (old L-band) airspace surveillance radars THALES-built Smart-L (its S-1850M variant equipping South Korea's Dokdo-class LHDs) and Selex Sistem Integrati's Kronos-3D NV are available, the Indian Navy, by choosing to pre-select this piece of hardware, has already decided in favour of the naval variant of the EL/M-2080 active phased-array radar from the ELTA Systems subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries, which is already on order for the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (INS Vikrant) now being fabricated by Cochin Shipyard Ltd. The same goes for the desired E/F band (old S-band) air/surface volume search radar, for which the BAE Systems-built Sampson, Lockheed Martin/Raytheon SPY-4, and THALES' Herakles MFR-30 could have been offered. Instead, the Israel Aerospace Industries/ELTA Systems-built EL/M-2248 MF-STAR liquid-cooled active phased-array radar (which has also been selected in a four-array configuration for INS Vikrant as well as for the three Project 15A Kolkata-class guided-missile destroyers, the four projected Project 15B DDGs and seven projected Project 17A guided-missile frigates, and may well be retrofitted on to the three existing Project 15 Delhi-class DDGs in the near future) has been pre-selected. The MF-STAR, which offers superior performance in high-moisture clutter conditions like rain or fog, and is excellent for scanning and tracking within a very large volume, employs multiple beam-forming and advanced high-PRF waveforms to extract stressing, low RCS threats even in conditions of heavy jamming and dense clutter. Key performance characteristics include three-dimensional volume search, anti-ship cruise missile missile horizon search, multi-airborne target tracking, surface surveillance, helicopter detection, gunnery control and splash spotting. The MF-STAR can initiate tracks against sea-skimming anti-ship cruise missiles at ranges in excess of 25km, and out to more than 250km for a high-flying combat aircraft. It can also provide mid-course guidance for the Baral-2/8 MR-SAM/LR-SAM. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]It thus seems that the Indian Navy is terribly conservative by not embracing the concept of an integrated mast housing dual-band active phased-array radars (DBR) employing distributed S-band and X-band arrays, but using an unified back-end radar electronics and operating software. When using DBRs, a warship's combat management system receives a single stream of data, and the radar itself is able to mix and match its antennae as the situation requires. At the design tier, this approach allows fewer radar antennae, all flush-mounted with the superstructure for maximum stealth. At the tactical tier, integration at the radar-level offers faster response time, faster adaptation to new situations, and better utilisation of the warship's power, electronics, and bandwidth. At the life-cycle maintenance tier, it allows one-step upgrades to the radar suite as a whole. The use of active phased-array, digital beam-forming radar technologies will thus help DBR-equipped warships to survive saturation attacks. The DBR's most salient feature is the ability to allocate groups of emitters within their thousands of individual modules to perform specific tasks, in order to track and guide MR-SAMs against tens of incoming sea-skimming anti-ship cruise missiles simultaneously. In addition, DBRs have uses such as very high-power electronic jammers, and/or high-bandwidth secure communications relays. As far as integrated S-/X-band marine navigation radars go, the competition is between UK-based Kelvin Hughes and Terma of Denmark. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Another area where the Navy seems to have favoured conservatism instead of playing technological leapfrog is in the area of propulsion system. While on one hand the Navy has been extremely eager to embrace the on-board electric 'chappati' (Indian bread) maker, it has, for unknown reasons, decided against an all-electric propulsion system in which, instead of a propulsion shaft connecting the two, the all-electric drive will use the warship's engines (gas turbine or diesel) to burn fossil fuels to generate electricity, which will be routed down thick cables to an-electric motor that will drive its propellers. The advantages of such propulsion systems are many, including an appreciable enlargement of the well-deck, making the vessel's superstructure more resistant ro damage by[/FONT][FONT=&quot] distributing engines and generators around the vessel, and easier on-board maintenance procedures, as some of the engines can be stopped without halting the warship. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Coming now to the weapons suite, the Navy has a choice of combinations to choose from, including the SeaRAM and Phalanx Block 1B from Raytheon, Sadral from MBDA integrated with OTOBreda of Italy's twin-barrel 30mm/82 Compact or the Goalkeeper from THALES Nederland, the combination of Phalanx Block 1B/Barak-1 from Israel Aerospace Industries, and the combined Palma PDMS/CIWS from Russia's Tulamashzavod JSC. It is believed that the Phalanx Block 1B/Barak-1 combination is the Navy's preferred choice. The Navy's shipboard decoy control and launching system of choice is ELBIT Systems' DESEAVER-MK, which is already on board the three Project 16A Brahmaputra-class and three Project 17 Shivalik-class FFGs. The combat management system and ESM/ELINT/EW suites will be procured off-the-shelf as standard fitment along with the LPHs. Although not yet specified, but depending on space availability, the selected LPH model could also house a module containing up to 12 tactical NLOS-PGMs like the 'Prahaar', to be employed for providing lethal and long-range indirect fire-assaults in support of friendly naval infantry forces. Also not yet stated officially is the Navy's requirement for shipborne attack helicopters, for which the HAL-developed LCH could emerge as the logical choice.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Finally, we come to the foreign shipbuilders with their respective proposals, comprising DCNS of France with its Mistral-BPC 21,300-tonne LPH, Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems with its 20,000-tonne MHD-200 LPH (with two separate heli-decks on two levels), Fincantieri of Italy with its 20,000-tonne Mosaic LPH design, South Korea's Hanjin Heavy Industries & Constructions Co with its 18,800-tonne Dokdo-class LPH, The Netherlands-based Schelde Shipbuilding of the Royal Schelde Company with its 16,800-tonne Rotterdam-class LPD, Navantia of Spain with its Athlas 21,560-tonne LHD and 13,900-tonne Galicia-class LPD, and Northrop Grumman Ship Systems with its 25,000-tonne San Antonio LPD-17 design. From this list, the frontrunners are expected to be Mistral-BPC, MHD-200, Mosaic LPH, and the Dokdo-class LPH. While DCNs is believed to have joined forces with Pipavav Defence & Offshore Engineering Company Ltd, Mazagon Docks Ltd has aligned itself with Fincantieri, while Larsen & Toubro has linked up with ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. It remains unclear whether or not GRSE and Cochin Shipyard Ltd will be invited to respond to the RFP. However, these two companies are unlikely to be left empty-handed, and are instead likely to get contracts for licence-building high-speed air-cushioned vehicles from either US-based Textron Marine and Land Systems (LCAC) or Hanjin Heavy Industries & Constructions Co (LSF-2), LCMs (with designs being offered by Navantia and Hanjin Heavy Industries & Constructions Co), or high-speed catamarans, for which France's CNIM is likely to offer its L-CAT catamaran. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Between the expected frontrunners, the competition is expected to be fierce between the Dokdo-class LPH, Mistral-BPC and MHD-200. The Mistral-BPC has already been ordered by France (three units for €990 million) and Russia (four units for €1.12 billion). The MHD-200 is thought to cost no more than €150 million. The Mistral-BPC can carry up to 16 helicopters, four L-CAT catamarans or two air-cushion vehicles, 13 main battle tanks, around 100 other vehicles and a 450-strong infantry force. It has also facilities for the command staff required for waging a Brigade-sized expeditionary campaign, and is equipped with a 69-bed hospital. The MHD-200's design concept is altogether different because, according to Thyssenkrupp, "the LPH needs to match container-ship technology to gray-ship thinking. For disaster relief, you need space for a big hospital--120 beds and a full trauma unit, or you need to be able to pull 2,000 people off the beach". Another unusual feature of the MHD-200 is its stepped rear deck, which can be loaded with containerised supplies or used as an extra landing pad, with direct hangar access.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]To conclude, it has indeed been an arduous process for the LPH procurement project, considering that the time elapsed between project conceptualsiation and issuance of RFPs has been five years--[/FONT][FONT=&quot]a task that could well have been fulfilled in less than two years had the Defence Acquisition Council been more efficient in its functioning. Add to that another four years to be taken for the contract award stage to be reached, plus another three years for launching of the first LPH, and we are then likely to see it entering service only around 2020—Prasun K. Sengupta[/FONT]


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
Above article says IN will most probably choose EL/M-2080 for LPH, Why cant we use our derivative(sword fish) of 2080 in those ships ?


New Member
Feb 7, 2011
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everybody tells about san antonio but dont rulls out mistral ,they are also a bidder for these deal ,and in the tot sector the us choise is a big no no ,my vote is for mistral


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
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This should eventually increase to 8 LHP's and 4 LHD's; That will be our amphibious strike force, independent of the Carrier Force


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
France expects Russian decision soon on buying Mistral warship | World | RIA Novosti
French naval shipbuilder DCNS said on Thursday
it expected to receive a final answer from Russia
soon on buying a Mistral-class helicopter carrier.
"The company is interested in cooperation with
Russia. Now we are waiting only for a political
decision. We believe we'll receive an answer from
Moscow soon," Benoit de la Bigne, a DCNS
executive, said.
The Russian military earlier announced that it was
considering buying one of the Mistral-class
amphibious assault ships, worth 400-500 million
euros (around $540-$675 mln), and potentially
building three or four vessels of the same class in
partnership with the French naval shipbuilder
A Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and
deploying 16 helicopters, four landing barges, up
to 70 vehicles including 13 battle tanks, and 450
soldiers. The vessel is equipped with a 69-bed
hospital and can be used as an amphibious
command ship.
Many Russian military and industry experts have
questioned the financial and military sense of the
Russia's current arms procurement program
through 2015 does not provide for the
construction or purchases of large warships, so
the acquisition of a French warship is more likely
under a new program, through 2020, which has
yet to be developed.
The executive also said that India was displaying
interest as well in buying a Mistral-class warship.
NEW DELHI, February 18 (RIA Novosti)


New Member
Oct 24, 2010
India should be patient in dealing in this turbulent economic world. we sign deal at some price then there is a hike and controversy, delay cost escalation and set backs... and i dont want a 2010 design to enter service in 2025... when plaaf will be sailing with newest Landing ships....


New Member
Jun 23, 2010
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bad move by IN....we should have instead used this money for buying more subs...the most vulnerable arm of IN as of now...


Freakin' Fighter fan
New Member
Sep 15, 2010
I think India should buy 8 X MHD-2000 for the LPHs and 4 X Dokdo - maybe 2 X San Antonio class too - those are much larger and have way more load capacity.


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
Amphibious vessels to strengthen Navy; Government clears acquisition of 8 assault crafts

NEW DELHI: The government has cleared the Rs 2,176-crore acquisition of eight specialised vessels or LCUs (landing craft utility), capable of "hard beaching" on enemy shores, to boost the country's amphibious warfare and island protection capabilities.

This comes even as the defence ministry is finalizing another project to acquire four huge amphibious warfare ships, called Landing Platform Docks (LPDs) for "stand-off beaching", for around Rs 16,000 crore.

The LCUs and LPDs will help in swiftly transporting thousands of troops, heavy weapon systems and infantry combat vehicles over long distances to take the battle right to the enemy mainland.

The Cabinet Committee on Security cleared the LCU project for the eight amphibious assault vessels, to be built by the Kolkata-based defence PSU Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd, a couple of days ago. "The first LCU will be delivered in three years," said an official.

The LCUs are likely to be based at India's first and only regional 'theatre command', the strategically-located Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC), which will complete 10 years of existence next month.

With additional airstrips, OTR (operational turn around) bases and jetties, ANC is slowly being transformed into a major amphibious warfare hub. A strong military presence in the 572-island archipelago is considered imperative to counter China's strategic moves in the Indian Ocean as well as ensure security of the sea lanes converging towards Malacca Strait.

The armed forces have been sharpening their amphibious warfare skills with a series of exercises over the last few years to practice blitzkrieg assaults on enemy territory from the sea.

All this gained momentum after the induction of the 16,900-tonne INS Jalashwa, known as USS Trenton earlier, and its six UH-3H Sea King troop-carrying helicopters for around $88 million from the US in 2007.

The second-hand Jalashwa, currently undergoing a refit, has given the Navy "strategic sealift capabilities" since it is capable of transporting four landing craft, six helicopters and a battalion of 1,000 fully-armed soldiers or a squadron of tanks over large distances.

The Army, on its part, has three specifically-earmarked amphibious brigades, with almost 10,000 soldiers, one based in South India, another in West India and the third at ANC.

The Navy in recent years has also inducted other large amphibious warships like INS Airavat, which can carry 10 main-battle tanks, 11 combat trucks and 500 soldiers.

Incidentally, the four new LPDs, which will be built by Hindustan Shipyard (HSL) as well as private shipyards in collaboration with a foreign manufacturer, will be similar to Jalashwa in terms of size and sea-lift capabilitie

Amphibious vessels to strengthen Navy; Government clears acquisition of 8 assault crafts - The Economic Times


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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I think Mistral is the front runner. Besides being the best value blah blah, there is an interesting pattern emerging. When Russia upgrades with French tech, India follows. Examples being Catherine thermals, avionics and Sigma-30 for MLRS. Russia has Mistral and I think India will follow the Russian lead again. Probably going to buy Ka-52 attack helos for it.


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
I think Mistral is the front runner. Besides being the best value blah blah, there is an interesting pattern emerging. When Russia upgrades with French tech, India follows. Examples being Catherine thermals, avionics and Sigma-30 for MLRS. Russia has Mistral and I think India will follow the Russian lead again. Probably going to buy Ka-52 attack helos for it.
What made you think India ll choose mistral ?
India need LPDs something like san antonio class.


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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What made you think India ll choose mistral ?
India need LPDs something like san antonio class.
Because it meets and exceeds all requirements in the RFP... and they sent one to DCNS. Russia is buying them and what Russia buys from France, India buys from France. Mistral was designed to replace LPDs... they are obsolete including the San Antonio class. Anyway... San Antonios are such shoddy construction, they might as well have been made in China.:lol:


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
Who cares it exceeds or not ? the RFP is for LPD and the mistral aint one.

Its like IN will choose a destroyer for the RFP of frigates cos destroyer exceeds frigates in all parameters.

