Reasons behind inferiority Complex and Failure of Pakistan


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Reasons behind inferiority Complex and Failure of Pakistan

Fundamentals of the state of Pakistan

Pakistan's inferiority complex is an understandable. The basic fundamental of Pakistan is extremely weak. A country created out of blue, with no history of its own, no cultural back ground or a history of struggle for freedom. It was all between Indian national congress and British to deliver a state to the Muslim leaders. Even Mohd. Ali Jinnah wanted to make Pakistan as Muslim majority secular state like today's U.A.E. but it becomes a fundamentalist Islamic state gradually.

A Confused State of Pakistan

Pakistan was confused from day 1. Soon, after its creation they always tried to seek refuge in the history of others. 90% Pakistanis are converted Hindus including the founder Jinnah whose grandfather was a Gujarati Baniya. Many Pakistani always said "We ruled India for many centuries". It's not only wrong but totally inferiority Complex. Once Hitler said "Make a big, make it simple and keep repeating it and everyone will believe". Those who ruled India were Mughals a mixture of Turks, Persian, etc. When they came India for 1st time, India was 100% with Indian religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Sikhism came later around 15th Century). Those Muslim invaders lost many battle but gradually won many and finally entered India. They converted Millions of Hindus forcefully (Jainism/Buddhism population were negligible at that time). Many declined to convert, So They were killed. During 7th Century, They started entering India and entered Balochistan, Sindhe, Punjab, Kashmir, etc. Pakistan is a county whose ancestors were not only Hindus, But It may look odd but Today's Pakistani ancestors were mostly cowards and less resilient. History is based on barbaric mughal Muslim invaders and Indian Hindus and other Indian religion and nothing to do with Pakistan population.

Pakistan was a hollow country in its intrinsic nature. Soon after its creation they always tried to seek refuge in the history of others. They were using the history of Arabs, Indian Muslim Rulers and Afghan history. It was a search for self-identity, which was not really in existence. It was the craftsmanship of British to graft religion to the genesis of a country. That proved to be wrong, not after a long time; but the country was split in two after 24 years of its creation. The graft of religion could not hold it to gather. It was an incompatible transplant in the globe. The rejection phenomenon could be delayed but not stopped. The process is still going on and the world has realized that the country is no viable, after all. But it is needed for some time, if not forever, by the global powers for their strategic interests.

It is up to Pakistani rulers to ignore it, but international fraternity cannot ignore deep cultural, historical and financial breeches in the body of Pakistan. The inflow of anti-rejection drugs, in this case; aid in the form of Dollars and Riyals, are being pumped in to the country to hold it together; till the strategic ultimate end is achieved in South West Asia, South Asia and Central Asia. Pakistan sensitivity is understandable. At times it starts screaming to be treated equally with India. At present they are gripped with fear by the terminology used by Mr. Obama, AfPak. They are grumbling that they have been equated with Afghanistan, being a nuclear power. They are forgetting that the nuclear facility holding by Pakistan is the basic reason of anxiety and worry for the international powers, which matter in maintaining world peace. A non-viable country having non-viable state with nuclear facility; is always a threat to world peace, in case it falls in to irresponsible hands, as in the case of disintegration of U.S.S.R.

Pakistan is a country and not motherland

Pakistan is a Balkan state like Yugoslavia and others. The Soviet might kept them together; as the mentor melted away the Balkan states crumbled one after the other.

The international world has started to understand the difference between, "WATAN" (the mother land) and a country. The countries are made and disintegrated by men. The motherland is more near to the nature and has the intrinsic strength of the Mother Nature.

Afghanistan is going through a bloody drama for the last three decades, completely destroyed having nothing except land, no infra structure or a system of government or an army like Pakistan of seven lakh men in uniform. It is the intrinsic strength of the Mother Nature, holding it together.

Pakistan is formed with mainly 4 parts. Sindhe, Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pasthuns and later Kashmir came. Khyber Pasthuns are close to Afghanistan. One should remember, KP was part of Afghanistan for many centuries. British took KP and merged into India for 100 year treaty like Hong Kong which is already expired few years back. Today, Pakistan is illegally occupied KP. Balochistan also same story. Balochistan wanted a seperate state, But on the name of Islam, Pakistan occupied illegally since 1947. But failed to hold till date due to major separatist movement. Kashmir was never part of Pakistan in any way, so that is irrelevant. Sindhe 50% population is based on Mohajir, Hindus and tribal belt of Rajasthan. Punjab is only region which is running the country.

Pakistan is not capable like India

Pakistan fought 4 wars with India, They lost all 4. India didn't compromised an inch of land after 1947 wheras we took Siachen. It's because of inferiority Complex, Pakistan taught wrong history to their citizen like we won 1961, etc. Also; we divided Pakistan in 2 parts i.e. Pakistan and Bangladesh. They even surrendered part of Kashmir to China. A Country which can't hold the territory is nothing but just a country with population from here and there. Pakistan always says they are full of Martial race and better than Indians. I always saw many times that they say 1 Pakistan=10 Indians. In Pakistan, There are 6 main martial race as per British. Various clans of Rajput, Pathans, Jats, Gujjars, Baloch and some tribals. Pashtuns were originally from Afghanistan, Baloch were never part of Pakistan and rest of them like various Rajput Muslims, Jatt Muslims, Gakhars were not only Hindus earlier, But Two-third of them are still Hindus and living in India. In Addition, We have some 20 more martial race and 90%+ living in various part of country like Gurkhas, Mahar, Kodava ,Dogra, Garhwalis, Marathi, Coord and many others. India has 5 times more if martial race is important. If Rajput Muslim is martial race then original RAJPUT is better martial race as they were more resilient and didn't gave-up their religion. Like Mahrana Pratap generation. In Short, Indians are not only better martial race but 5 times more in number and they are born here 1,000's of years ago. Pakistan is not capable of anything par with Indian, but due to inferiority Complex - They claim tall claims based on zero Knowledge.

PS note: I don't think Martial race is important but since Pakistan claim always, so necessary to highlight.

Bankrupt Economy

Pakistan says "We are agriculture based country and we are/can do better than India" They can't. 2 reasons: Pakistan total cultivated land is 25% and India 51%. Their arable land is 1/8th of India. Land use statistics by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2nd, they are dependent on Indian water which comes from Kashmir. Pakistan don't have any major industry like Auto, Steel, etc. which is in top league. They always say Israel is dependent on US. They forget their own country. Pakistan has asked for 11 bailouts in the past two decades against India's one bail out way back in 1991. A Classic example of bankrupt economy. Pakistan is 2nd biggest Aid taker from US after Israel. They also take lots of AID from GCS, Japan, Europe and China (Military Aid). A country whose 50% money goes to Debt servicing and military expenses and remaining 50% to run the country.

Religious extremist

In 1947, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians were around 30% (26% Hindus). Today, It's only less than 2%. Pakistan is worst country for Non-Muslims. Baniya is used as a pejorative term in Pakistan is similar in contextual use to ******s.After finishing off non-Muslims; they are eradicating different sects of Muslims like Shias, Sufis, Ahmediyas. Pakistan calls herself as Flag bearer of Muslims, but There are infighting among various Muslim sects including many in Sunni sects also. Killing of Shias is also one reason why Iran is not good friend of Pakistan and KSA is. They have destroyed Hindu and Buddhist culture due to inferiority Complex.

No Control over country

Many elected leaders were either Killed or not living in Pakistan.

Few of the elected leader that were killed: Fatima Jinnah, Salman Taseer,Zulfiqar ali bhutto, Benezir Bhutto, Liaquat Ali Khan, Shahbaaz bhatti.

Few of the current important leaders that are living in exile: Pervez musharraf (Living in UK), Altaf Hussain (Living in UK/Africa), Nawaz Sharif (UAE).

Also, Every now and then Army takes command on the country. A country where democracy is joke.

A Country where land reform didn't even happened. Zamindari and feudal system is still going on. This is also a reason why many zamindars wanted Pakistan as country so that they continue their old tradition. Pakistan government has no control on over 50% territory. Balochistan is mainly run by Sardars, FATA is run by taliban, KP is most backward region. Gilgit-Baltistan is Autonomous region due to Non-Acceptance of GoP. In Karachi, Southern Punjab, NWFP, Balochistan, etc. people have all kinds of weapons and No law and order.

Pakistan with all its intrinsic contradiction is a liability for the world, not an asset. The liability has to be protected till it serves its purpose and this exactly US is doing today. The aid flowing to Pakistan is to improve the chances to stabilize Afghanistan. Since, Pakistan don't have anything superior than India, that's why It's fundamental based on inferiority Complex and failed nation too. Pakistan doesn't have good relation with most of the countries on earth. US is helping due to Afghanistan, China due to proxy against India and Saudi Arabia due to battleground of Jihad. A Country which watches our Movies and TV Channel 24x7 but still say we are superior. The reason is Inferiority complex since 1947.

No one has the treatment for Pakistan's complex. It is a genetic disease they have to live with it.
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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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I will post more later. I have taken few important points from various sources and research and compelled into a single article with my opinion as per their false claim. :thumb:
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pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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The Martial race theory is the initial DISEASE that first corrupted Pakistani mind

Do you guys know that after 1962 India's defeat ;Pakistan was absolutely certain that it Hindu India
cannot fight the Martial race and warriors of the Pakistanis

There was a slogan in Pakistan those days

It was like this " Has ke liya Pakistan Lad ke lenge Hindustan "

Translation : We got Pakistan easily and we will now fight and CONQUER Hindustan

This Information I got from a E BOOK by one Mr Shastri on Bharat Rakshak Which is free to Download

( And if anybody wants more proof they can GOOGLE these words which I have written above
and see the results )

The Pakistani dream and desire from the beginning has been

Mr Zaid hamid and his YOUNG EDUCATED ENGLISH SPEAKING Supporters are still carrying this dream

After 1965 and 1971 war PAKISTAN WENT MAD and since Never Recovered

They invested in terrorism instead of economic development and the results are there for us to see


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
what is the use of posting it. everyone knows it dost. moreover the biggest mistake pakistan made was not making or should i say focusing on institution. they believed on tribal system even when they lived in city, preferring army in every sector is an example. a country in which army is doing every thing from guarding borders to making pastries, what more you expect out of it.

they made blunder form time to time and how to make cake a bullshit should be learned from them. they got large no of chances to rise up to the peak but they instead used them to beat India, again a tribal thinking system, acquire power attack, if win plunder enemy else get back and console yourself and population by either making false stories or constructing conspiracy theories. again gain energy by hook or by crook and repeat the above procedure. the only way tribes work is by acquiring superior weapons. thus till now pakis only managed to gain in arms and nothing else because all the intellectuals born on the pakland either migrated( in conducive enivroment) or got killed and now we see them getting radicalized.

as per our basic knowledge tribals are known to trade( barter trade) with other better off civilizations to acquire the weaponry and pakistan did the same thing. getting missiles and other weapons at times through usa and now thru china.

like tribals they have only one enemy which do not change with time ie india in pakland case and again like tribal they focus next to nil on trade.

they also suppress in house opposition just like tribal-leaders.

all in all pakistan is nothing but over grown tribe. a bit civilized( unfortunately in the name of humanity even this feat is getting eroded)


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Pakistan has been listed among 20 failed states of world since 2006

LAHORE: The killing of over two dozen ill-fated pilgrims, aboard an Iran-bound bus, in the mountainous Mastung District of Balochistan on Tuesday evening is yet another terrorism-related incident that gives one a clear indication as to why some of the leading Western think tanks and esteemed media outlets often perceive Pakistan as being one of the most unstable states on the world map today.

The ever-growing perception over the years that Pakistani rulers have failed to make the country fulfil its responsibilities as a sovereign government has made "The Fund for Peace," an independent American think tank place
Pakistan among the most disastrous nations witnessing the erosion of a legitimate authority to make collective decisions and not capable enough of providing public services.

"The Fund for Peace," a Washington DC-based non-profit research and educational institution functional since 1957, publishes the annual Failed States Index, used by researchers, educators, and governments across the world.

For the last five years in a row, since 2006 at least, this Failed State Index has been ranking Pakistan along with Iraq, Afghanistan and some of the banana republics in the African continent after "assesses the pressures experienced by nations based on social, economic, and political indicators such as demographic pressures, refugee flows, uneven economic development or severe economic decline and human rights, among others."

This Failed States Index is published regularly by America's prestigious "Foreign Policy" magazine, published since 1970 from Washington DC and is the three-time winner of the National Magazine Award for General Excellence in 2003, 2007 and 2009.

Claiming a serious readership at both academic and policy-making levels in 160 countries, the "Foreign Policy" magazine is also published in Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Korean, and Spanish languages.

Though the famous Failed State Index has been subjected to criticism because it takes institutions and data to draw its conclusions, it is still very widely quoted world over.

According to the 2011 Failed States Index, which was released on June 20 this year, Pakistan ranks 12th among the 20 most failed states in the world.

The 2011 edition of the index draws on some 130,000 publicly available sources to analyse 177 countries and rate them on 12 indicators of pressure on the state during the year 2010 — from refugee flows to poverty, public services to security threats.

Here follow the 2011 rankings: Somalia (1), Chad (2), Sudan (3), Congo (4), Haiti (5), Zimbabwe (6), Afghanistan (7), Central African Republic (8), Iraq (9), Ivory Coast (10), Guinea (11), Pakistan (12), Yemen (13), Nigeria (14), Niger (15), Kenya (16), Burundi (17), Guinea Bissau and Burma (18) and Ethiopia (20).

The list above shows that Pakistan is even worse than the likes of Yemen, Nigeria, Niger, Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Burma and Ethiopia.

Pakistan had starred 10th in the 2010 Failed State Index.

Here are the top countries in the 2010 Failed States Index: Somalia (1), Chad (2), Sudan (3), Zimbabwe (4), Congo (5), Afghanistan (6), Iraq (7), Central African Republic (8), Guinea (9), Pakistan (10), Ivory Coast (11), Kenya (13), Nigeria (14), Yemen (15), Burma (16), Ethiopia (17), East Timor (18), North Korea (19) and Niger (19).

By the way, Pakistan had secured 10th position in the 2009 Failed State Index.

Here follow the top 20 countries in the 2009 Failed States Index: Somalia (1), Zimbabwe (2), Sudan (3), Chad (4), Congo (5), Iraq (6), Afghanistan (7), Central African Republic (8), Guinea (9), Pakistan (10), Ivory Coast (11), Haiti (12), Burma (13), Kenya (14), Nigeria (15), Ethiopia (16), North Korea (17)), Bangladesh (18), Yemen (19) and East Timor (20).

Pakistan had managed to clinch 9th slot in the 2008 Failed State Index.

Here are the top 20 countries in the 2008 Failed States Index: Somalia (1), Sudan (2), Zimbabwe (3), Chad (4), Iraq (5), Congo (6), Afghanistan (7), Ivory Coast (8), Pakistan (9), Central African Republic (10), Guinea (11), Burma (12), Bangladesh (13), Haiti (14), North Korea (15), Uganda (16), Ethiopia (17), Nigeria (18), Lebanon (19) and Sri Lanka (20).

Pakistan was ranked 12th in the 2007 Failed State Index.

The top 20 countries in the 2007 Failed States Index were: Sudan (1), Iraq (2), Somalia (3), Zimbabwe (4), Chad (5), Ivory Coast (6), Congo (7), Afghanistan (8), Guinea (9), Central African Republic (10), Haiti (11), Pakistan (12), North Korea (13), Burma (14), Uganda (15), Bangladesh (16), Nigeria (17), Ethiopia (18), Burundi (19) and East Timor (20).

And Pakistan had stood 9th in the 2006 Failed State Index.

The top 20 countries in the 2006 Failed States Index were: Sudan (1), Congo (2), Ivory Coast (3), Iraq (4), Zimbabwe (5), Chad (6), Somalia (7), Haiti (8), Pakistan (9), Afghanistan (10), Guinea (11), Liberia (12), Central African Republic (13), North Korea (14), Burundi (15), Yemen (16), Sierra Leone (17), Burma (18), Bangladesh (19) and Nepal (20).

Pakistan has been listed among 20 failed states of world since 2006



New Member
May 26, 2016
Reasons behind inferiority Complex and Failure of Pakistan

Fundamentals of the state of Pakistan

Pakistan's inferiority complex is an understandable. The basic fundamental of Pakistan is extremely weak. A country created out of blue, with no history of its own, no cultural back ground or a history of struggle for freedom. It was all between Indian national congress and British to deliver a state to the Muslim leaders. Even Mohd. Ali Jinnah wanted to make Pakistan as Muslim majority secular state like today's U.A.E. but it becomes a fundamentalist Islamic state gradually.

A Confused State of Pakistan

Pakistan was confused from day 1. Soon, after its creation they always tried to seek refuge in the history of others. 90% Pakistanis are converted Hindus including the founder Jinnah whose grandfather was a Gujarati Baniya. Many Pakistani always said "We ruled India for many centuries". It's not only wrong but totally inferiority Complex. Once Hitler said "Make a big, make it simple and keep repeating it and everyone will believe". Those who ruled India were Mughals a mixture of Turks, Persian, etc. When they came India for 1st time, India was 100% with Indian religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Sikhism came later around 15th Century). Those Muslim invaders lost many battle but gradually won many and finally entered India. They converted Millions of Hindus forcefully (Jainism/Buddhism population were negligible at that time). Many declined to convert, So They were killed. During 7th Century, They started entering India and entered Balochistan, Sindhe, Punjab, Kashmir, etc. Pakistan is a county whose ancestors were not only Hindus, But It may look odd but Today's Pakistani ancestors were mostly cowards and less resilient. History is based on barbaric mughal Muslim invaders and Indian Hindus and other Indian religion and nothing to do with Pakistan population.

Pakistan was a hollow country in its intrinsic nature. Soon after its creation they always tried to seek refuge in the history of others. They were using the history of Arabs, Indian Muslim Rulers and Afghan history. It was a search for self-identity, which was not really in existence. It was the craftsmanship of British to graft religion to the genesis of a country. That proved to be wrong, not after a long time; but the country was split in two after 24 years of its creation. The graft of religion could not hold it to gather. It was an incompatible transplant in the globe. The rejection phenomenon could be delayed but not stopped. The process is still going on and the world has realized that the country is no viable, after all. But it is needed for some time, if not forever, by the global powers for their strategic interests.

It is up to Pakistani rulers to ignore it, but international fraternity cannot ignore deep cultural, historical and financial breeches in the body of Pakistan. The inflow of anti-rejection drugs, in this case; aid in the form of Dollars and Riyals, are being pumped in to the country to hold it together; till the strategic ultimate end is achieved in South West Asia, South Asia and Central Asia. Pakistan sensitivity is understandable. At times it starts screaming to be treated equally with India. At present they are gripped with fear by the terminology used by Mr. Obama, AfPak. They are grumbling that they have been equated with Afghanistan, being a nuclear power. They are forgetting that the nuclear facility holding by Pakistan is the basic reason of anxiety and worry for the international powers, which matter in maintaining world peace. A non-viable country having non-viable state with nuclear facility; is always a threat to world peace, in case it falls in to irresponsible hands, as in the case of disintegration of U.S.S.R.

Pakistan is a country and not motherland

Pakistan is a Balkan state like Yugoslavia and others. The Soviet might kept them together; as the mentor melted away the Balkan states crumbled one after the other.

The international world has started to understand the difference between, "WATAN" (the mother land) and a country. The countries are made and disintegrated by men. The motherland is more near to the nature and has the intrinsic strength of the Mother Nature.

Afghanistan is going through a bloody drama for the last three decades, completely destroyed having nothing except land, no infra structure or a system of government or an army like Pakistan of seven lakh men in uniform. It is the intrinsic strength of the Mother Nature, holding it together.

Pakistan is formed with mainly 4 parts. Sindhe, Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pasthuns and later Kashmir came. Khyber Pasthuns are close to Afghanistan. One should remember, KP was part of Afghanistan for many centuries. British took KP and merged into India for 100 year treaty like Hong Kong which is already expired few years back. Today, Pakistan is illegally occupied KP. Balochistan also same story. Balochistan wanted a seperate state, But on the name of Islam, Pakistan occupied illegally since 1947. But failed to hold till date due to major separatist movement. Kashmir was never part of Pakistan in any way, so that is irrelevant. Sindhe 50% population is based on Mohajir, Hindus and tribal belt of Rajasthan. Punjab is only region which is running the country.

Pakistan is not capable like India

Pakistan fought 4 wars with India, They lost all 4. India didn't compromised an inch of land after 1947 wheras we took Siachen. It's because of inferiority Complex, Pakistan taught wrong history to their citizen like we won 1961, etc. Also; we divided Pakistan in 2 parts i.e. Pakistan and Bangladesh. They even surrendered part of Kashmir to China. A Country which can't hold the territory is nothing but just a country with population from here and there. Pakistan always says they are full of Martial race and better than Indians. I always saw many times that they say 1 Pakistan=10 Indians. In Pakistan, There are 6 main martial race as per British. Various clans of Rajput, Pathans, Jats, Gujjars, Baloch and some tribals. Pashtuns were originally from Afghanistan, Baloch were never part of Pakistan and rest of them like various Rajput Muslims, Jatt Muslims, Gakhars were not only Hindus earlier, But Two-third of them are still Hindus and living in India. In Addition, We have some 20 more martial race and 90%+ living in various part of country like Gurkhas, Mahar, Kodava ,Dogra, Garhwalis, Marathi, Coord and many others. India has 5 times more if martial race is important. If Rajput Muslim is martial race then original RAJPUT is better martial race as they were more resilient and didn't gave-up their religion. Like Mahrana Pratap generation. In Short, Indians are not only better martial race but 5 times more in number and they are born here 1,000's of years ago. Pakistan is not capable of anything par with Indian, but due to inferiority Complex - They claim tall claims based on zero Knowledge.

PS note: I don't think Martial race is important but since Pakistan claim always, so necessary to highlight.

Bankrupt Economy

Pakistan says "We are agriculture based country and we are/can do better than India" They can't. 2 reasons: Pakistan total cultivated land is 25% and India 51%. Their arable land is 1/8th of India. Land use statistics by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2nd, they are dependent on Indian water which comes from Kashmir. Pakistan don't have any major industry like Auto, Steel, etc. which is in top league. They always say Israel is dependent on US. They forget their own country. Pakistan has asked for 11 bailouts in the past two decades against India's one bail out way back in 1991. A Classic example of bankrupt economy. Pakistan is 2nd biggest Aid taker from US after Israel. They also take lots of AID from GCS, Japan, Europe and China (Military Aid). A country whose 50% money goes to Debt servicing and military expenses and remaining 50% to run the country.

Religious extremist

In 1947, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians were around 30% (26% Hindus). Today, It's only less than 2%. Pakistan is worst country for Non-Muslims. Baniya is used as a pejorative term in Pakistan is similar in contextual use to ******s.After finishing off non-Muslims; they are eradicating different sects of Muslims like Shias, Sufis, Ahmediyas. Pakistan calls herself as Flag bearer of Muslims, but There are infighting among various Muslim sects including many in Sunni sects also. Killing of Shias is also one reason why Iran is not good friend of Pakistan and KSA is. They have destroyed Hindu and Buddhist culture due to inferiority Complex.

No Control over country

Many elected leaders were either Killed or not living in Pakistan.

Few of the elected leader that were killed: Fatima Jinnah, Salman Taseer,Zulfiqar ali bhutto, Benezir Bhutto, Liaquat Ali Khan, Shahbaaz bhatti.

Few of the current important leaders that are living in exile: Pervez musharraf (Living in UK), Altaf Hussain (Living in UK/Africa), Nawaz Sharif (UAE).

Also, Every now and then Army takes command on the country. A country where democracy is joke.

A Country where land reform didn't even happened. Zamindari and feudal system is still going on. This is also a reason why many zamindars wanted Pakistan as country so that they continue their old tradition. Pakistan government has no control on over 50% territory. Balochistan is mainly run by Sardars, FATA is run by taliban, KP is most backward region. Gilgit-Baltistan is Autonomous region due to Non-Acceptance of GoP. In Karachi, Southern Punjab, NWFP, Balochistan, etc. people have all kinds of weapons and No law and order.

Pakistan with all its intrinsic contradiction is a liability for the world, not an asset. The liability has to be protected till it serves its purpose and this exactly US is doing today. The aid flowing to Pakistan is to improve the chances to stabilize Afghanistan. Since, Pakistan don't have anything superior than India, that's why It's fundamental based on inferiority Complex and failed nation too. Pakistan doesn't have good relation with most of the countries on earth. US is helping due to Afghanistan, China due to proxy against India and Saudi Arabia due to battleground of Jihad. A Country which watches our Movies and TV Channel 24x7 but still say we are superior. The reason is Inferiority complex since 1947.

No one has the treatment for Pakistan's complex. It is a genetic disease they have to live with it.
I'm a Pathan from Pakistan and they're statistically more Pathan in Pakistan than Afghanistan and also you do know that even Afghanistan use to be a Hindu nation and also Buddhist too? This whole area was Ghandara from Pakistan to southern Afghanistan.


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2014
I'm a Pathan from Pakistan and they're statistically more Pathan in Pakistan than Afghanistan and also you do know that even Afghanistan use to be a Hindu nation and also Buddhist too? This whole area was Ghandara from Pakistan to southern Afghanistan.
What's the point that you are trying to make?


Regular Member
Sep 5, 2015
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Afghanistan was a Hindu state part of ancient Bharat, when the locals were forcibly converted the doom started. Islam destroyed the land and its people making it a hell hole with help from fellow Islamic nations. It will stabilize when the Afghan realize their ancestry and return back to their original being.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Best thread of the day :)



Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Till 1200 AD Pakis were majority Hindus with small pockets of Buddhist and Muslims specially in Multan.

Their conversion in Punjab started after the successfully invasion of Ghaznavides and later Ghuris.

The last Hindu dynasty was the house of Shahi also known as Kabulshahi.

Mahmud not only persecuted native Hindus but also Shia Muslims of Multan whom he considered heretic.

He destroyed their grand mosque in Multan.


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
Afghanistan was a Hindu state part of ancient Bharat, when the locals were forcibly converted the doom started. Islam destroyed the land and its people making it a hell hole with help from fellow Islamic nations. It will stabilize when the Afghan realize their ancestry and return back to their original being.
Pathans are more closely related to Persians most of Afghanistan except a few parts in the east like Kabul and Nuristan as an extension of Iran


Regular Member
Sep 5, 2015
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The Persians were parsi's before followed the Vedic culture, one of the most successful community of India currently after they were driven out of their homeland. Look at Iran and Iraq now what has Islam given to them.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Pakistan has been listed among 20 failed states of world since 2006
LAHORE: The killing of over two dozen ill-fated pilgrims, aboard an Iran-bound bus, in the mountainous Mastung District of Balochistan on Tuesday evening is yet another terrorism-related incident that gives one a clear indication as to why some of the leading Western think tanks and esteemed media outlets often perceive Pakistan as being one of the most unstable states on the world map today.

The ever-growing perception over the years that Pakistani rulers have failed to make the country fulfil its responsibilities as a sovereign government has made "The Fund for Peace," an independent American think tank place Pakistan among the most disastrous nations witnessing the erosion of a legitimate authority to make collective decisions and not capable enough of providing public services.

"The Fund for Peace," a Washington DC-based non-profit research and educational institution functional since 1957, publishes the annual Failed States Index, used by researchers, educators, and governments across the world.

For the last five years in a row, since 2006 at least, this Failed State Index has been ranking Pakistan along with Iraq, Afghanistan and some of the banana republics in the African continent after "assesses the pressures experienced by nations based on social, economic, and political indicators such as demographic pressures, refugee flows, uneven economic development or severe economic decline and human rights, among others."

This Failed States Index is published regularly by America's prestigious "Foreign Policy" magazine, published since 1970 from Washington DC and is the three-time winner of the National Magazine Award for General Excellence in 2003, 2007 and 2009.

Claiming a serious readership at both academic and policy-making levels in 160 countries, the "Foreign Policy" magazine is also published in Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Korean, and Spanish languages.

Though the famous Failed State Index has been subjected to criticism because it takes institutions and data to draw its conclusions, it is still very widely quoted world over.

According to the 2011 Failed States Index, which was released on June 20 this year, Pakistan ranks 12th among the 20 most failed states in the world.

The 2011 edition of the index draws on some 130,000 publicly available sources to analyse 177 countries and rate them on 12 indicators of pressure on the state during the year 2010 — from refugee flows to poverty, public services to security threats.

Here follow the 2011 rankings: Somalia (1), Chad (2), Sudan (3), Congo (4), Haiti (5), Zimbabwe (6), Afghanistan (7), Central African Republic (8), Iraq (9), Ivory Coast (10), Guinea (11), Pakistan (12), Yemen (13), Nigeria (14), Niger (15), Kenya (16), Burundi (17), Guinea Bissau and Burma (18) and Ethiopia (20).

The list above shows that Pakistan is even worse than the likes of Yemen, Nigeria, Niger, Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Burma and Ethiopia.

Pakistan had starred 10th in the 2010 Failed State Index.

Here are the top countries in the 2010 Failed States Index: Somalia (1), Chad (2), Sudan (3), Zimbabwe (4), Congo (5), Afghanistan (6), Iraq (7), Central African Republic (8), Guinea (9), Pakistan (10), Ivory Coast (11), Kenya (13), Nigeria (14), Yemen (15), Burma (16), Ethiopia (17), East Timor (18), North Korea (19) and Niger (19).

By the way, Pakistan had secured 10th position in the 2009 Failed State Index.

Here follow the top 20 countries in the 2009 Failed States Index: Somalia (1), Zimbabwe (2), Sudan (3), Chad (4), Congo (5), Iraq (6), Afghanistan (7), Central African Republic (8), Guinea (9), Pakistan (10), Ivory Coast (11), Haiti (12), Burma (13), Kenya (14), Nigeria (15), Ethiopia (16), North Korea (17)), Bangladesh (18), Yemen (19) and East Timor (20).

Pakistan had managed to clinch 9th slot in the 2008 Failed State Index.

Here are the top 20 countries in the 2008 Failed States Index: Somalia (1), Sudan (2), Zimbabwe (3), Chad (4), Iraq (5), Congo (6), Afghanistan (7), Ivory Coast (8), Pakistan (9), Central African Republic (10), Guinea (11), Burma (12), Bangladesh (13), Haiti (14), North Korea (15), Uganda (16), Ethiopia (17), Nigeria (18), Lebanon (19) and Sri Lanka (20).

Pakistan was ranked 12th in the 2007 Failed State Index.

The top 20 countries in the 2007 Failed States Index were: Sudan (1), Iraq (2), Somalia (3), Zimbabwe (4), Chad (5), Ivory Coast (6), Congo (7), Afghanistan (8), Guinea (9), Central African Republic (10), Haiti (11), Pakistan (12), North Korea (13), Burma (14), Uganda (15), Bangladesh (16), Nigeria (17), Ethiopia (18), Burundi (19) and East Timor (20).

And Pakistan had stood 9th in the 2006 Failed State Index.

The top 20 countries in the 2006 Failed States Index were: Sudan (1), Congo (2), Ivory Coast (3), Iraq (4), Zimbabwe (5), Chad (6), Somalia (7), Haiti (8), Pakistan (9), Afghanistan (10), Guinea (11), Liberia (12), Central African Republic (13), North Korea (14), Burundi (15), Yemen (16), Sierra Leone (17), Burma (18), Bangladesh (19) and Nepal (20).

Pakistan has been listed among 20 failed states of world since 2006
Here we must give a credit to pakistan for progressing in the failed state index. Many countries have a problem because of some international intervention, some have adverse geography, some are poor but failed as they are mentioned in the list such as Nepal , Burma, BD etc. Pakistan was a country with rich indian culture with many rivers flowing in highly fertile land. Looking to its background, Pakistan should have been a a happy prosperous country but the Mullahs, Pakistani Army and Zia ul Haq fu**ed the country up. Now it is a totally brain washed country which can not think anything right (Not for even themselves). A guard shoot down his master and people took a procession to celebrate it. It has an army court which passes the judgement to hand the people. Modi has fu**ed this country very badly and now it is totally isolated. Even no Msulim country is now there with Pakistan. Their citizens are involved in rapes, murder and Bomb blast every where. They are kicked on their back in each and every corners of the world. Saudi hangs a big numbers of Porkies every year. They are even unable to protest. When Porkies are hanged in saudi for small crimes, Porkies leaks saudi feet by writing "Their country their rule" on Pakistan defense forum. Their IT export is not just 2% of Indian company TCS but still porkies think that they can give a tough competition to India in IT. When they got a purchased satellite launched by China, Musharraf declared that they have moved ahead of india in space technology and idiot porkies started celebrating.

They declare all their failed missile test as success. They buy some drone from china and they declare that they have developed it. Their drone takes it first flight on a day and porkies declare that they have developed a drone. Second day it is inducted in their armed forces and third day they declare that its drone targeted some terrorist.

This as such a country on which many books are written on its failure and potential danger on the world and civilized countries. They bag every where from IMF to US and china. As Tarak fatah said it is like a prostitute. Who so ever gives more money her for night. The porkistan is an epic failure. I think all the members of IDF has sufficient material to write a book on the failure of Porkistan.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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I remember an Ahaemadia lady was burnt in pakistan with her 2 grand daughter for so called blasphemy. People gathered around cheer and celebrated to see those Ahamadia girls being burnt. They celebrate each and every incident of genocide. They wrote the poet on Lakhvi for his heroic act and celebrated the genocide of Bombay. They celebrated the killing of Americans in world trade center. They celebrates killing of our soldier on border. The law of Karma is taking its own course and Porkies are treated and killed like dogs every where and in pakistan particularly.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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The only reason they are still surviving (barely) is because of the "bheek" given to them by westerners. The same western countries that these porkis want to kill. How ironic !!


New Member
May 26, 2016
Pathans are more closely related to Persians most of Afghanistan except a few parts in the east like Kabul and Nuristan as an extension of Iran
Actually no, its been proven by the harappa project that Pakistani Pathans are genetically related to Jatt in the region, also, Pashto is an eastern iranic language, last time I checked Jats are Sakas of eastern Iranian branch, Persians are not eastern iranian, also Persians are haplogroup J whereas the Pathans are R1a1 mostly.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Actually no, its been proven by the harappa project that Pakistani Pathans are genetically related to Jatt in the region, also, Pashto is an eastern iranic language, last time I checked Jats are Sakas of eastern Iranian branch, Persians are not eastern iranian, also Persians are haplogroup J whereas the Pathans are R1a1 mostly.
The jeans match because you were Indians who got raped and converted by Persians/Turkish.

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Regular Member
Sep 5, 2015
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The jeans match because you were Indians who got raped and converted by Persians/Turkish.

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Lets not become demeaning, our friend @Pathan is trying to search his roots with some help. We are no experts but sure conversion was brutal and unhuman fir your ancestors. Hope you begin the reversal and do not let your oppressors win, its a long war for ethnic survival.

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