Pokhran II not fully successful: Scientist


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Feb 16, 2009
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sayar this maybe only one video of one test but the other videos may not be released fo the public????


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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yes LF this video was made for the general public..........

i think DRDO/BARC/IA must have taken the video of test from helicopter to have arial shot of the event.

Even the Indiatoday coverage of the shakti test shows Thermo nuke being lowered into shaft and one of the army men is taking videographi of the entire event.


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Feb 16, 2009
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India capable of making Neutron Bomb: Santhanam

India capable of making Neutron Bomb: Santhanam

CHENNAI, September 9: After-H-bomb it could be the N-bomb. DRDO's Chief Technology Adviser and one of the principal architects of Pokhran'98, Santhanam, said that India is capable of fabricating a neutron bomb - an enhanced radiation weapon.
``Though there are no immediate plans to produce the neutron weapon in view of various binding factors, ``sometime, somebody should tell us (the scientific community) we need it (neutron weapon) and we will make it,'' he said.

Speaking at a function organised by the Rotary Club of Madras, where he was presented the ``For the sake of honour Award,'' Santhanam said described the neutron bomb as a capitalist's bomb and cautioned that the enhanced radiation of x-rays and gamma rays from the bomb would be deadly for human beings, although concrete structures will remain intact.

``India as an independent thinking country must know what kind of weapons it needed, in what quantity and for what purpose it was required,'' he said. However, the post-Pokhran stand of Prime Minister Vajpayee too should be considered. One should keep in mind the declared doctrine of `no first use' of nuclear weapon and the moratorium on nuclear tests announced by the Prime Minister, he said.

``Neither should we forget the era of cold war when several disasters were caused due to the indecent and obscene arms race between the USA and USSR,'' he added.

To another question on Pakistan's claim on the capacity of the nuclear tests conducted by it, Santhanam said, ``in all probability they had conducted one major test with a capacity of about 8 to 10 kilotons, which was based on China's trigger technology.''

Tracing the genesis of India's weaponisation programme, he said though India demonstrated its nuclear capability in 1974 it was compelled to continuously review its nuclear option in the light of Pakistan's clandestine nuclear weaponisation programme with Chinese assistance and its nuclear and missile modernisation programme. It was against this backdrop that the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was instructed to ``discreetly weaponise'' in the late eighties, he said.

The weaponisation aimed at increasing reliability, productivity, maintainability and safety of a weapon, he added. The need for nuclear testing was governed by the arrival of new materials and concepts and significant improvements made in the nuclear core and implosion (inward directed explosion) assembly. ``The tests also enabled the transfer of knowledge and experience to the next generation scientists and engineers,'' Santhanam said.

``The natural and mutually reinforcing partnership between the DRDO and DAE dated back to the early 1970s,'' he said, adding, ``the complimentary technological capabilities of nuclear technology and defence technology resulted in a new weapon technology and system.''

Copyright © 1998 Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd.


Bhagat Singh

New Member
May 17, 2009
Do you think the British would've conquered India if she had a weapon that threatened mutual destruction? The whole idea of MAD is make your enemies believe that you can destroy them. Now with this report of failed nuclear tests, it puts doubts into their minds that India can effectively launch a counter-attack.
British conquered India because Indian states were never united. British played Indian against Indian and ruled us.

India is now united and together we can fight anyone who wants to invade.

I have no doubt in Indian security. Nuclear weapons are part of the defence mechanism. It is not begining and end of all.

We tested these nearly decade ago. Do you think our enemies were relying on this scientist to tell them that we do not have credible nuclear weapons? They would have been first to check the outcome and concluded we have sufficient arsenal to defend.


Guys whether that H-bomb failed or exploded succesfully or partially exploded it doesnt matter, the thing that matters is that no nation can build a credible H-bomb with a single test and that our Thermonuclear device was not a complete weapon and that too with a 45kt yeild, now thats something to worry about. Now can we declare with a single launch of new a missile or a weapon without going for test trials and army trials that the new missile or weapon design is fool proof and will work perfectly, no it is not possible with any weapon or a missile or a nuke, you have to test them a few times and not declare a success when you havn't actualy seen it working 100 %.


India capable of making Neutron Bomb: Santhanam

India capable of making Neutron Bomb: Santhanam

CHENNAI, September 9: After-H-bomb it could be the N-bomb. DRDO's Chief Technology Adviser and one of the principal architects of Pokhran'98, Santhanam, said that India is capable of fabricating a neutron bomb - an enhanced radiation weapon.
``Though there are no immediate plans to produce the neutron weapon in view of various binding factors, ``sometime, somebody should tell us (the scientific community) we need it (neutron weapon) and we will make it,'' he said.

Speaking at a function organised by the Rotary Club of Madras, where he was presented the ``For the sake of honour Award,'' Santhanam said described the neutron bomb as a capitalist's bomb and cautioned that the enhanced radiation of x-rays and gamma rays from the bomb would be deadly for human beings, although concrete structures will remain intact.

``India as an independent thinking country must know what kind of weapons it needed, in what quantity and for what purpose it was required,'' he said. However, the post-Pokhran stand of Prime Minister Vajpayee too should be considered. One should keep in mind the declared doctrine of `no first use' of nuclear weapon and the moratorium on nuclear tests announced by the Prime Minister, he said.

``Neither should we forget the era of cold war when several disasters were caused due to the indecent and obscene arms race between the USA and USSR,'' he added.

To another question on Pakistan's claim on the capacity of the nuclear tests conducted by it, Santhanam said, ``in all probability they had conducted one major test with a capacity of about 8 to 10 kilotons, which was based on China's trigger technology.''

Tracing the genesis of India's weaponisation programme, he said though India demonstrated its nuclear capability in 1974 it was compelled to continuously review its nuclear option in the light of Pakistan's clandestine nuclear weaponisation programme with Chinese assistance and its nuclear and missile modernisation programme. It was against this backdrop that the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was instructed to ``discreetly weaponise'' in the late eighties, he said.

The weaponisation aimed at increasing reliability, productivity, maintainability and safety of a weapon, he added. The need for nuclear testing was governed by the arrival of new materials and concepts and significant improvements made in the nuclear core and implosion (inward directed explosion) assembly. ``The tests also enabled the transfer of knowledge and experience to the next generation scientists and engineers,'' Santhanam said.

``The natural and mutually reinforcing partnership between the DRDO and DAE dated back to the early 1970s,'' he said, adding, ``the complimentary technological capabilities of nuclear technology and defence technology resulted in a new weapon technology and system.''

Copyright © 1998 Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd.

Now theoretically we are capable of making every and any type of weapon. Is that you want hear and get assured by those claims or you will be assured if only and only we test that toy succesfully???


It does no such thing. If you read the Colonel's posts, lower yield devices are effective enough for deterrance purposes. Do you seriously think China will now take India more lightly than before?
Seriously you think those megaton nukes on DF-21 are not much ahead in their effectiveness and destructive power than our Indian nukes(15-100kt range), for your kind information a 3.3 megaton chinese nuke will simply wipe Mumbai or Delhi in a blink of eye(complete anhilation). Just imagine that before blinking your eye there was a city called New Delhi on Global map and just after the blink it is no more there. Now if you think that our little fire crackers can do the same to Chinese cities you are highly misguided and yea officer is right that we will be counting the no of cholera deaths in various chinese cities from the heavens, lol that is absolute bullshit.

You guys dont know commie ideaology, they can sacrfice a share of their population for bigger and long term gains.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Bull-I posted this qoute by the same scientist after the 1998 tests because he was so happy with the success of the tests that he felt we were ready to test a neutron bomb and now 11 years later he is claiming the tests were not a complete success? There is a much bigger game being played? The simple truth maybe we need to test and we have nukes hopefully MEGATONS ready to test? we should have tested right after 26/11.


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Feb 17, 2009
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their is no doubt in the fact that we need to test thermo nuke now, in 1998 it was vintage design, we want new thermo nukes for Agni iii (mirv).

our deterience is at present base on fusion device...(it appears so) since thermo nuke is not tested more then one time, that too in controversies, it would be better to test few of those once in far all, with different versions.

Regarding chines, those commies as bull says wont hesitate to sacrifice its population.

but we need to remember that we should give then a reply that will send then to stone age. it they tried some thing stupied. for that we need thermo nukes.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Guys whether that H-bomb failed or exploded succesfully or partially exploded it doesnt matter, the thing that matters is that no nation can build a credible H-bomb with a single test and that our Thermonuclear device was not a complete weapon and that too with a 45kt yeild, now thats something to worry about. Now can we declare with a single launch of new a missile or a weapon without going for test trials and army trials that the new missile or weapon design is fool proof and will work perfectly, no it is not possible with any weapon or a missile or a nuke, you have to test them a few times and not declare a success when you havn't actualy seen it working 100 %.
I don't know why you are doing this propaganda?

Do you trust anyone India who is saying that thermonuclear explosion was with perfect yield?

Do you know how we calculate yield?

Yesterday you were quoting a two day old news with 5 year old stats about computer simulation calculations capacity of Indian supercomputer.
If north Korea has tested N-bomb for Pakistan and china then please tell me if it was thermonuclear device or fission bomb only?

H-bomb is a liability;India knows how to make it very well! yes very well and can tip it on any missile of your choice. But we don't have any charm to waste our resources on this liability with a scope off endless improvement. You have to tell your scientists when is the limit otherwise they are never satisfied.
India has its credible nuclear deterrence which is operated upon a well defined nuclear doctrine. we can not simply operate or develop our nuclear technology like rough nations (china & Pakistan).

India do not give damme..... shit to any sanctions or international pressure. if it has to do more test it will go ahead.

After Pokhran II we were ready to do more testing before its disclosure but there was/is no need till this date and for very long future.

Just one hint: if north Korea has conducted not H-bomb but fission device recently, it means Pakistan and china are still struggling to develop fission device and TN device is distant dream for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
Seriously you think those megaton nukes on DF-21 are not much ahead in their effectiveness and destructive power than our Indian nukes(15-100kt range), for your kind information a 3.3 megaton chinese nuke will simply wipe Mumbai or Delhi in a blink of eye(complete anhilation).
Ten 100kt nukes have more effectiveness than 1 Megaton nuke. With MIRV capability it is possible to deliver multiple 100kt nukes and still be effective.


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
my take in this whole matter is K Santhanam is doing an ultimate sacrifise, matrydom.. the person who was assigned to cover up the pokharan II and did it most efficiently ( no us satelite could find the test preparation/nor any double agents knew about it).
he is concurrance with GOI , and he has done it. as was expected/ Now how on earth GoI is going to sign CTBT ? thats it.. end of CTBT, no Indian govt will sign CTBT. and that was the sole purpose of the entire revalation.
Our official position is that CTBT is discrminatory. Given that, I would have thought no government would have signed CTBT anyway. I see no use of this particular controversy


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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DD we need to test our TN that is the bottom line, GOI is not doing that..........


New Member
May 24, 2009
DD we need to test our TN that is the bottom line, GOI is not doing that..........
I don't think they're going to risk it since the energy demand of India is desperate for proven nuclear fuel, and you can kiss any nuclear deal with the French or Americans bye if nuclear weapon is detonated.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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I don't think they're going to risk it since the energy demand of India is desperate for proven nuclear fuel, and you can kiss any nuclear deal with the French or Americans bye if nuclear weapon is detonated.
nuclear energy wont solve indians problem, what the deal was offereing us was duel use tech......... which was being denied to us for long.....

their are alternative source of energy, we can tap those sources effectively.


New Member
May 24, 2009
nuclear energy wont solve indians problem, what the deal was offereing us was duel use tech......... which was being denied to us for long.....

their are alternative source of energy, we can tap those sources effectively.
The 123 Nuke deal was never intended for military purpose as India is not even a signatory of the NPT.


On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
DD we need to test our TN that is the bottom line, GOI is not doing that..........
No doubt we need to test, but it will be done at our time of choosing. Just because Dr. Santhanam blabbered something about our nukes, we don;t have to do the tests right away. We have to take many things into consideration before going into this venture.


I don't know why you are doing this propaganda?

Do you trust anyone India who is saying that thermonuclear explosion was with perfect yield?
Propaganda, lol i am just getting anxious about my nation's capability and yes do you realy consider me worth of spreading propaganda, i think that is too much for me or i am realy getting onto your nerves.:blum3:


Ten 100kt nukes have more effectiveness than 1 Megaton nuke. With MIRV capability it is possible to deliver multiple 100kt nukes and still be effective.
Agree 100% but for that we have to test a few time more.
People these are just my views , the views of a common Indian, no propaganda in it.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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I don't think they're going to risk it since the energy demand of India is desperate for proven nuclear fuel, and you can kiss any nuclear deal with the French or Americans bye if nuclear weapon is detonated.
maybe that is the intention???

