Paris Terror Attack 13/11

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
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LOL a dedicated thread created in honor of this ignorant racist bigot Frenchie. :rofl:


France, rapes and toilet
And that's all I need to show why these filth don't deserve any of our sympathies.

The only take away as far as I am concerned is what we can learn from this incident. Besides that, shedding tears on these scum is a waste of tears and our time. These scum don't serve it. Let them reap what they have sown. Who are we to deny karma her due justice
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Feb 16, 2009
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One positive from this incident many Governors in USA are going against Obama and refusing Syrian refugees in their states

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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And that's all I need to show why these filth don't deserve any of our sympathies.

The only take away as far as I am concerned is what we can learn from this incident. Besides that, shedding tears on these scum is a waste of tears and our time. These scum don't serve it. Let them reap what they have sown. Who are we to deny karma her due justice
On topic...

Nothing much could come from this France attack... the fight against terrorism and between terrorist groups has gone much complex and everyone involved is being responsible in a cycle.

All would say "World should be united against Terrorism" but all support terrorism through good/bad terrorism and the leader is Civilized America who is Founder of ISIS and Mujahiddin et al.

India needs to stand it's own guard and not expect much from other countries.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Hot air Balloon soon to burst and this government will fall in the next elections. Hollande you are about to step down as a president of france.

Paris attacks: 'France will destroy IS' - Hollande
And there would be a boom boom all over France by Peace loving Religion followers. :rofl:

And guess what... who would be a happy person... he belongs to a very Civilized country :hmm:



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@Gabriel92 French Govt. (as a major player in EU) chose to OFFICIALLY fund, arm & train ISIS (under various pseudonyms like FSA, moderate rebels fighting tyrant no-democratic Assad :) etc. This has been going on for almost 2-3 years.

You feed a venomous snake, & expect it to not bite you back ?

All Western nations are more or less on same page. Keep raising Wahabi-Islamist terrorists/insurgents factions (of course, moderate ones) across resource-rich &/or strategically-located nations to make them overthrow their govt. & act as a tool against progressive developing nations to keep them in check or stop them in tracks.

Dont worry, Ummah will be headquartered in heartland of EU with active connivance of your govt.
Or perhaps they should uphold their "European Values" (Freedom of Expression or whatever they bleat about) and mock the victims like they mocked the victims of the Russian plane crash?

The truth is depicted below:



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
After Russian involvement , the paradigm hast shifted in a complete confusing manner. Of course IS was raised to overthrow Assad. But after Russian intervention and air strike, looks like the proxy has been abandoned by it's creators and the proxy is frustrated hence catching collar of it'S creator's ally through these attacks and asking, why, why and why did you abandon us to be killed by Russians.

Now the proxy will be hunted by all, including the creators, as Proxy failed to finish it's assignment successfully, now time has run out. And US will have a safe escape without a blame. That's my hypothesis.
Frankenstein effect. Some politician in the US said that there will be another 9/11 in the US. Well, I suppose even if it happens, some people in the US will continue to prop up such terrorists in the hope they will counter Russia.

Above factors combined with pressure from allies like Saudi, Turkey, Qatar, Bahrain (Sheikhs who fund the electoral war-chest of hopeful candidates in West) led me to believe that IS will never be abandoned completed. Taliban style exit route (Recall the evacuation the Paki's carried out for Taliban commanders & Mullah Umar ?) will be definitely provided to Daesh for tempers to cool down & then, then funding, arming, training against Russia & Shia-run regimes would resume.

@jackprince @pmaitra @rock127 @rockey 71 @Screambowl @DingDong
Plenty of ISIS mercenaries were evacuated following Russian airstrikes and relocated to Yemen aboard a Turkish airplane, allegedly with assistance from the US.
Hahahaha...US practically invented Wahabi-ism out of nothing. It's their brainchild & their most potent weapon that even humbled the erstwhile Superpower (USSR). The tool called Wahabi Islam remains as useful & potent as it ever was, especially in the days of declining US hegemony & assertive, revisionist powers like Russia, China & India.

Any hope that US would ever abandon (leave alone, act) their womb-child is inane.
Wahhabism came in the 18th century, as stated below. The US has found a convenient group that believes in Wahhabism to counter Russia, but the US did not invent Wahhabism.
Technically, you are wrong. Wahabbism was founded in 18th century, but much after Mongols had raped the whole world.

Proof from yesterday

Terrorists who killed more than 150 people shouted “Allah Hu Akbar” – (God is the greatest) as they opened fire and exploded bombs ... don't forget allah was a Arab god.

I didn't said any rule, I simply asked your opinion on "shameless non arabs who worshiping Arab god&Pedo desert Warlord?"

So you believes believing Arab god&Arab Warlord than natives is good!!. No doubt traitor&terrorists are same.
You call that proof?

Have you even for a moment bothered to acknowledge more than 8,000 Syrian Army Soldiers who have died fighting ISIS? Or are these facts an impediment towards your repeated attempts at blaming all Muslims?
@Sakal Gharelu Ustad @Mad Indian @saty

Why are you banging head on a brick-wall? This agnostic dude has proven long back that far from being an agnostic, he is a Hindu-basher and Islam apologist, trying to be more acceptable in the garb of being 'Agnostic'. He could be anything by religion, but his agenda in this forum is same as @genius or @rockey 71 , which tells whatever is relevant about him. He would be trying to divert the topic and in the name of introspection, he would claim outlandish theories to be truth to vilify every other religion while simultaneously denying all the evils that permeated (even if for argument's sake I accept that were not present at the time of inception, which I don't accept) Islam. He would mulishly pander that Islam is religion of peace and only 90% of the followers believe in the violent form of it.

So, why bother entertaining him?
I am sorry I disagree with you. First of all, I don't see why you would want to worry about the messenger when you can worry about the message. @Agnostic_Indian correctly stated or any random person could state that not all Muslims are terrorists. Either you say that not all Muslims are terrorists or you say that all Muslims are terrorists.

The ultimate sacrifice is when one loses his life. To call all Muslims terrorists is insulting those brave Syrian soldiers who are Muslims and have been sacrificing their lives fighting ISIS. They could have left Syria and moved to Merkel's lap, but they chose to stay behind and fight. Without these ground forces, Russian air strikes alone would achieve little and not much progress would have been made against ISIS.

When we succumb to emotions, we fail to think rationally.

well gents this attack sure is from ISIS but the weapons are coming courtesy of KGB, here's why...

Roughly 3 weeks ago, an ill-fated Russian aircraft is bombed, 200+ killed and Russia is in deep mourning and few days later, Charlie Hebdo releases an image mocking the Russian dead, more so mocking Putin. Putin is pissed, hell all of Russia is pissed. Knowing Putin and Russia, this is not to go unpunished. Initial plans probably wanted Charlie HQ to be bombed but it serves no purpose but then the plan smoothens out to arming the N number of cells active in Western EU. With Russia dolling out the biggest punishment on ISIS in Syria they have plenty of Intel on ISIS cells in EU including those in Belgium, France & Germany. They get in touch through various other means I.e. low level mafia gun runners, they arrange for around 3-4 duffel bags of weapons and kit suddenly made available for these plans to be carried out. These nut jobs probably got the weapons couple of days prior.

Now, KGB touch is feather lite so no evidence will ever be found off course. Once they have the weapons, the plan needs to be set in motion because the longer they wait, the higher the risk being busted. So a car is rented, a group of rag-tag nut jobs get in, drive to Paris in 3 hrs. and execute the plan. They are rag tag, run off the mil poorly trained terrorists who have seen some action in Syria. They are no way as trained as the ones in Mumbai who had plenty of SSG Navy & ISIS training. These dip shites go in kill a few and blow themselves up.

Pre-attack, everyone was bitching against Russia, but now they want a partnered action towards the whole thing. Secondly, Putin gets the message across, mocking the victims isn't nice now that the French too have victims. Russian bombing campaign is all of sudden the way to go. ... h-cartoons ... st-2172878

If one really understands the utter mockery of the dead in those images that Charlie published, I myself was pissed enough to hope KGB would blow up Charli HQ and I am not even Russian. Those images were mocking the dead not even a week after the incident while the nation mourns. Do you really think Putin, KGB or any 'not to be ****** with Russian' would take this lightly? No way, this is not the way Russia works, thankfully they still live in a world where there are consequences. Also, Charlie basically raised a middle finger to Putin himself when he himself called this blasphemy.

Russian covert involvement shouldn't be a surprise, if anything, with one swell swoop they got everyone else on the table pushing the political process forward. As for the innocents who died, well innocents always die, they are the price you pay for state craft.

Either ways those attacks would have happened at one point, regardless of Russian involvement. Sure, they would be of a much smaller scale but the scale, the weapons, the explosives and the timing suggests KGB just nudged it forward, a few simple encrypted msgs to high ranking Mafia members around Western/Eastern Europe to allocate a couple of bags of ***k shit up to a few low level gun runners frequented by jihadists, gangs, drug dealers etc. who in turn with sudden availability of fresh stock in quantity would automatically forward the duffel bags to the nutjobs.

There is plenty of KGB/FSB presence in all of Western Europe particularly in Belgium, Germany, France & UK.
This is a KGB masterstroke, sure innocents died but innocents always die, but this is the price paid in state craft. This unites everyone from US & Russia, brings them on the same direction and ISIS's days are therefore numbered.
I don't know whether this is true or not, but I am open to competing theories.

Assuming this is true, I would say this Charlie Hebdo cartoon was a step too far. The Europeans have been very disdainful about the systematic ethnic cleansing and cultural assault on Russians in Ukraine to the point the Europeans even went on to support the Ukro-Nazis. The EU continues to bleat about Russian invasion while the pro-Russian civilians, thousands of them, were slaughtered. Then the EU leaders stood on the grave of the MH-17 victims and played dirty politics.

Guilty unless proven innocent. So much for "European Values."

Europeans are not as civilized as they present themselves to the outside world.
You are forgetting the basic nature of Islam.Every one Jews,Buddhist,Atheist(Chinese),Hindus,Xians &(____) fill as per your wish hates Islam.

Even Nazi Hitler/Mao'ists are 1000 times better than Islamists.In a civilized world there is no place for Arab God,Arab desert warlord,Terror Manuel and their worshipers.Period. :mad2:
Are you aware of the fact that some victims of Maoist attacks were beheaded? Do you understand that beheadings are carried out to strike terror and fear in the minds of people? How are they any better than those Wahhabi head choppers?
We are on a defense forum and not conspiracy theorem.
What's wrong with theories? I saw your argument with @Immanuel. It is possible you are correct. It is possible he is correct.

The thing is, even mass surveillance was dismissed as "conspiracy theory" by the US, but then Snowden came, and we know where the conspiracy theories were coming from.

Also, New York Times Trash came up with WMD stuff and some aluminium tubes (Michael Gordon). We know WMD was a theory peddled by the US. We know that it was a conspiracy whereby the US sought a casus belli to invade Iraq. So, that is a conspiracy theory. Going back into the past, we would have still discussed it, right? I think we should be open to all possibilities.

Surely, we can afford that liberty to ourselves?

Here is an example of Reuters conspiracy theory: "Russia contends its bombing targets only Islamic State."


Frankly, this is more of a blatant lie than a conspiracy theory. I would take conspiracy theories over lies any day.
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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
French pride --

France won’t dine with Iran unless wine is served

Ahead of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s landmark European trip kicking off this weekend, French officials reportedly nixed plans for a formal meal in Paris with President François Hollande following a dispute over the menu. The Iranians, according to France’s RTL Radio, insisted on a wine-free meal with halal meat — a request based on Islamic codes that amounted to culinary sacrilege in France, a nation that puts the secular ideals of the Republic above all else.

The French, RTL said, counter offered with a presumably alcohol-free breakfast — which the Iranians promptly rejected because it appeared too “cheap.” The two leaders will now reportedly settle for a face-to-face chat next Tuesday.

the Oriental Pearl, Shanghai


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

Cameron (speaking): 'Let's work together to annihilate ISIS'
Putin (thinking): 'You're lucky we are not inside a Judo ring'

Anyway, what does the body language suggest?

P.S.: See the responses to this Tweet.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2013
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Canadian Sikh Wrongly Pictured as Paris Terrorist; Image Photoshopped

An innocent Canadian Sikh journalist was wrongly accused of being involved in the Paris attacks after his Photoshopped image went viral on social media and a Spanish newspaper printed the snap identifying him as a terrorist.

The Madrid-based La Razon included a picture of Canadian freelance journalist Veerender Jubbal, with the caption "one of the terrorists".

However, the picture had been doctored to add what appeared to be a Quran and a suicide vest.

"One of the terrorists may have entered Greece along with Syrian refugees. The unidentified attackers were between 15 and 18 years and acted in three teams," the text by the image of Mr Jubbal read. The paper apologised on Sunday afternoon.

In the original photo, Mr Jubbal appears to be holding an iPad. But, in the edited picture, the iPad has been turned into what appears to be a Quran and a suicide vest has been added.

When the edited image began to spread, Mr Jubbal posted the original as evidence that he had had nothing to do with Friday night's murderous attacks in Paris that killed 129 people and injured more than 350 others.

"I hope everyone has caught up with what is going on with me. I went viral due to a Photoshopped image claiming that I am a terrorist," Mr Jubbal tweeted.

"People are editing, and Photoshopping my selfies as if I am one of the people causing the issues/problems in Paris," he said.

"Never been to Paris. Am a Sikh dude with a turban. Lives in Canada," he added.

It is unclear who edited the image and why, though some have suggested that Mr Jubbal's criticism of the Gamergate movement was the motivation for the smear, The Guardian reported.

Many of its adherents say Gamergate, which started in earnest as a reaction to claims made about the private lives of a female games developer and a male journalist, as a fight for more ethical coverage of video gaming. But many of its opponents say it is a misogynistic harassment campaign.

The long-running debate has been marked by accusations of abuse from both sides.

"Gamers are absolute garbage like I have been saying for a full year," Mr Jubbal said.

People will not stop harassing, and bothering me.


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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I don't see how Putin connection has come here, but seriously can someone illuminate me on how Putin is figured here?
1. Thread topic is 'Paris Attack 13/11'
2. The attacks are claimed to be carried out by ISIS for something going on in Syria.
3. Russia is bombing ISIS in Syria.

To me it looks like a direct connection. Seriously can someone illuminate me on how there is no connection?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
1. Thread topic is 'Paris Attack 13/11'
2. The attacks are claimed to be carried out by ISIS for something going on in Syria.
3. Russia is bombing ISIS in Syria.

To me it looks like a direct connection. Seriously can someone illuminate me on how there is no connection?
Frankly, I do not see a direct connection, as in what you stated. The link, I think, is elsewhere.

France has been bombing ISIS oil facilities (whereby ISIS sell oil to Turkey and make profits which finances their terror operations), and this had infuriated ISIS. That is most likely a reason why ISIS struck Paris.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Every crime/inal is not qualified to call as a terrorist.

Are you aware Genghis Khan beheaded Millions of men and raped their women!.But no one consider him God'son/Prophet/Any holy man.

If any one consider Pedo,terrorist,Murderer,Looter,Killer and liar as a Prophet or Holy-man is himself a Pedo,terrorist,Murderer,Looter,Killer and liar.Period.

See what CIVILIZED world thinks about Islam&Muslims.This is not one many many demonstrations all around Europe.

I made one point very clear in my post. Thousands of Muslims, who are Syrian soldiers, are fighting against ISIS, and thousands have already sacrificed their lives. The recent progress against ISIS would not have been possible without these Syrian soldiers.

You are not only being disrespectful, but also dishonest (emphasis added) towards those Syrian soldiers by broadbrushing all Muslims.

I am not defending/opposing Chengiz Khan. I am not defending/opposing a Polish crowd. What a bunch of Poles are doing on a bridge is not even a hundredth as important as those Syrian soldiers, and Muslims, fighting against ISIS. So, keep staring at that picture you have posted. If you want to see the real face of war, see the links in this post. There are two links in that post, and there is a warning that it is for mature audiences.

My comment was not a debate on what is civilized and what is not. This is war. War in itself is brutal, and war destroys civilization(s).

I shall repeat once again, you are not only being disrespectful, but also dishonest (emphasis added) towards those Syrian soldiers by broadbrushing all Muslims.
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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
The RSS & BJP top brass/old guard is compromised. If you do not allow scams/corruption - ecosystems combine regardless of their apparent differences. Recently RSS top leadership + Sonia combo - met pranab mukherjee. Then the internal rebellion started within BJP led by Advani (Sonia had written a letter to him back in Jan). Then Shiv Sena has been upset because their hafta-wasooli business has been hampered. Connect the dots. A lot of jealous people around because a low caste chaiwallah achieved something they never could - unite Hindus across regional and caste divides.
I think you have almost isolated all the reasons.

To add further It is the bigoted loud mouth upper cast Hindu breed who are nothing but edifice of cowardice, treachery and backstabbing. Everyday I see them cursing Modi and sucking up to Sonia Gandhi. These people create divide. These scoundrels in higher political positions start sabotaging anything that starts making sense to larger Hindu population regardless of their caste and creed. BC population only reacts to their buffoonery for right reasons as they see these rats flip flopping and being a deprived entity they go for any political patronage to survive.

Look at Upper caste population in Bihar they didn't came out to vote BJP.

That Adwani is a Vibishana. Many many years ago even my father (I hardly agree with) told me that only an Idiot Hindu will listen and follow to this dogala (fork tongue) Adwani.

RSS leader Bhagwat is another floating piece of wood who will never be able to cruise in one good direction.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2010
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:rofl: Did you forget English for a second there? Because you have not refuted what I said- Muhammed was not some creation myth or a conconted story. He was someone who existed and who raped children and it is something documented in history and your holy path to barbarity called quran. This has nothing to do with practices of the time, specially considering that, he claims to be prophet of a god and your co barbarians follow that too. A God's prophet won't rape a child no matter which century he was in- be it1st, 2nd or 21st. Period. It can't be justified as being practice of that time- specially when it is done by a prophet.
i have expalined it in clear language in which any sensible person could understand.

every religion claims their laws and practices are god given and their prophets, god men are messagers messengers of god.religious laws and practice regardless of their claim is not from from any god because there is no god in the first place. All religions and religious laws are a product of the people and culture of that is the behaviour of the historic religious figures or the tails of mythical religious figures or gods. I wonder how will hindu religious figures and tales, laws and practices will fair if judged from today's moral standards sonce you insist that islamic practices should be judged by today morals and standards and completely detached from the situation prevailing back then.
If not, then accept that Muhammed was no prophet

i have never claim him to be sombody devine or messanger of god, i don't consider anybody to be a messenger of god. You making such demands just shows that what ever i have been saying is going above your head.

the practices and laws religions and religious figures followed is immoral and unethical by today standards so one can safly conclude that they are no gods and those laws and practices cannont be god you are right in saying prophet muhmmad was not a messenger of god, but you might not agree with me when i extend the same logic to your religion..your rationalism and commonsense ends when it touches the relgion you follow.

and that Islam as such is a mental disease of imitating a 7th century barbarian. You can't have it both ways- he is either a barbarian ,just like 7th century barbarians of that time, or a prophet who was barbaric. He can't be a prophet who engaged in barbaric acts which are "misunderstood".
You are just writing fluff without addressing what I said hoping people here won't realise your snake oil. Sorry, we have too much practice with your kind for that to happen.
This part is better ignored..let moderators take care of it.
:pound: everyone has called you out to be a snake here. Its only you who is suffering from some kind of delusion to still not realise that your snake oil has no takers here. Seriously, how many here has agreed with you vs how many with me?
sometimes back i commented that i am just looking to provide opposite view points. I enjoy debate, not a ' yes sir yes sir i agree with you ' kind of conversion..i started posting knowing the majority opinion nowadays in this forum.
:rofl: not here of course not. In your previous threads where I said muzzies like you have no place here because you are all uncivilised barbarians, you said true secularism will magically make your barbs into civilised people and why and how majority of your kind is tolerant and not barbs. But now you are claiming the opposite. Keep going snake oil salesman, keep proving me right.
plese give me the link where i have stated majority muslims are tolerant people.I would like to correct it/ rethink about it or explain it.
PS: I see that the only person who agrees with you in this thread is the moron who claimed wahabbism was created to combat mongols:pound:. Sure, I am the one being exposed:rofl::rofl:
What's the point ? If he is a wahabbism supporter and a muslim naturally will agree with some of my points..but that doesn't mean he will agree with me when I say there is no god so there is no scope of a messenger coming from god.


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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I made one point very clear in my post. Thousands of Muslims, who are Syrian soldiers, are fighting against ISIS, and thousands have already sacrificed their lives. The recent progress against ISIS would not have been possible without these Syrian soldiers.
The fighters of ISIS came from the similar social group of Syria. The SAA earlier attacked Israel several times on the basis of supposed Islamic values which called for ejection of jews from Israel. The Syrian involvement against Israel might have been geopolitical, but the motivation for the SAA was religious. The fight between ISIS and SAA is more political than religious, same as Al Nusra or FSA vs. ISIS. The difference is only in degrees. When I will admit that SAA is much more acceptable than ISIS, Al Nusra or FSA, that doesn't say much about them. Hell, even Hezbollah is fighting ISIS?!!!!! You know the reputation of Hezbollah I suppose?

You are not only being disrespectful, but dishonest (emphasis added) towards those Syrian soldiers by broadbrushing all Muslims.
All the muslims bear the responsibilities as they carry a viral religion that goes dormant only to reappear with more vigor. If you see the new recruits from western nations into the terrorist ranks, you will see most of the recruits are either 2nd Gen western citizen whose parents have come there with more open mind or the new converts. What makes followers of a particular religion to be so violent and so destructive, unless there is something wrong in the religion itself? Could you possibly perceive followers of any single other religion in this world who can form a group like ISIS and go rampaging with such brutality for such a long period and still find such a huge support base worldwide? SAA is fighting for its own survival, so their sacrifice may be great from their POV, but I don't find anything exemplary which can differentiate them from other patriotic soldiers of any other nations. Hell, the SS in WWII fought till death and sacrificed themselves for their nation, doesn't absolve them of their crimes or criminal ideology for that!
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Liar liar you call me dishonest.You are the biggest dishonest person in the world. You know Syria army is Shiit army (alawite) fighting against Sunni (ISIS) but deliberately misleading people.

This is the war between less barbarians(Shia) Vs full Barbarians (Sunni).BTW no one denied civilized West playing games. :D
You calling me dishonest hardly makes me dishonest.

Yes, Syrian Army is Shia. Does that in anyway contradict what I said? Shia or Sunni, they are Muslims, and you have been broadbrushing Muslims right since the get go.

Who is misleading people?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
The fighters of ISIS came from the same social group of Syria.
ISIS has people from all over the world (Euro-converts, Chechens, Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Uighurs from PRC). It is not limited to the same social group of Syria (whatever social group you are referring to).

The SAA earlier attacked Israel several times on the basis of supposed Islamic values which called for ejection of jews from Israel. The Syrian involvement against Israel might have been geopolitical, but the motivation for SAA was religious. The fight between ISIS and SAA is more political than religious, same as Al Nusra or FSA vs. ISIS. The difference is only in degrees. When I will admit that SAA is much more acceptable than ISIS, Al Nusra or FSA, that doesn't say much about them. Hell, even Hezbollah is fighting ISIS?!!!!! You know the reputation of Hezbollah I suppose?
Do you know why Hezbollah came into existence? Do you know what happened before Hezbollah came into existence? If you don't, then let me remind you, before Hezbollah came into existence, Israel invaded Lebanon.

All the muslims bear the responsibilities as they carry a viral religion that goes dormant only to reappear with more vigor. If you see the new recruits from western nations into the terrorist ranks, you will see most of the recruits are either 2nd Gen western citizen whose parents have come there with more open mind or the new converts. What makes followers of a particular religion to be so violent and so destructive, unless there is something wrong in the religion itself? Could you possibly perceive followers of any single other religion in this world who can form a group like ISIS and go rampaging with such brutality for such a long period and still find such a huge support base worldwide? SAA is fighting for its own survival, so their sacrifice may be great from their POV, but I don't find anything exemplary which can differentiate them from other patriotic soldiers of any other nations. Hell, the SS in WWII fought till death and sacrificed themselves for their nation, doesn't absolve them of their crimes or criminal ideology for that!
Are you disagreeing with my post or agreeing with it? You have written a lot of things, but there is nothing in your long paragraph that explicitly agrees or disagrees with my post.

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