Pakistan's Ideology and Identity crisis

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010

This thread is about discussing Pakistan's ideology and its identity crisis not about what India should do about Pakistani Hindus. Stick to the topic of the thread. Any more off-topic posts will be delted
Okay..................... :)


Regular Member
Sep 1, 2010
ofcourse any pakistani hindu loyal to pakistan is our enemy...but a pakistani hindu who is loyal to india is not our enemy...and i can guarantee you if they tech that stuff in basic school they cannot win the loyalty of hindus...u imagine if indian school texts start teaching that hinduism is superior to islam or christianity instead of teaching that all religions lead to god and are equal will the minorities be able to be loyal to India..dont think so....if india is declared a Hindu state will the minorities be loyal to india?..Pakistan is a declared Islamic state..Hindus shud not suffer just because they couldnt cross the border in 1947..... ..if u think the west doesnt protect and promote western culture and christianity then i dont have anything to debate....yes thay are secular and i respect them for it..protecting christians is not equal to killing other religions....India shud allow all Pakistani minorities specially hindus caz only their religion and way of life is being mocked there ...Caz They expect this from India and have evry right to expect this from india and If India cannot do this for them..for the very people whose ancestors fought for its freedom (which it wouldnt i know caz the politicians donot have time from thinking how to win the next to balance the majority and minority sentiments)then india have no right to be a secular nation representing freedom

Pakistani Hindu population is negligible and they don't have a political or strategic importance unlike the Indian muslims. The most that India could do is to welcome the Pakistani Hindus and give them citizenship, if they are willing.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
where have i said we should grant Indian citizenship to them ???
Your exact words were and I quote

why should we care what happens to citizens of another country ?
The words you spoke are "Why do we care" and this is the part I was responding to. So next time you climb on the high horse about the Palestinian issue, please try and remember your own words.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
what about pakistani muslims not wanting to go back ?
Give them Indian Citizenship. Ask them to take an oath swearing their loyalty to the Constitution of India and it's people. We should attract the best as US, UK et al does.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Your exact words were and I quote

The words you spoke are "Why do we care" and this is the part I was responding to. So next time you climb on the high horse about the Palestinian issue, please try and remember your own words.
i couldn't give two shits about palestine or israel for that matter....but that doesn't mean i cant have an opinion on the subject. having an opinion is different than saying we should go out of our way to help others.

Give them Indian Citizenship. Ask them to take an oath swearing their loyalty to the Constitution of India and it's people. We should attract the best as US, UK et al does.
the so called "best" have already left pakistan for greener pastures. only the elite remain to loot the country. i dont want to invite pakistanis whether they are hindu, muslim,sikh, christian etc we already have our own problems. one can only help others when his own house is in order.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Najam Sethi: Pak National Security State (1,2,3/12)

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Najam Sethi: Pak National Security State (4,5,6/12)

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Najam Sethi: Pak National Security State (7,8,9/12)

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Najam Sethi: Pak National Security State (10,11,12/12)

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The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Before i watch that can you inform me whether he is sane person or delusional like other loonies in the pak govt ?

Because the vid seems quite long!


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Before i watch that can you inform me whether he is sane person or delusional like other loonies in the pak govt ?

Because the vid seems quite long!
I have listened to all of them. Trust me. He talks a lot of sense. In fact there are videos where he has been branded a traitor (YouTube - TRAITORS najam shetti and dr aeisha siddiqa EXPOSED barking about Lahore attacks both traitors) and Indian agent (YouTube - Najam Sethi Exposed working for his Indian Masters) by radicals. The posts are there. Watch the first part and you will be drawn into listening to all the subsequent parts.

There are plenty of other such discussions which I will try and post one by one. I went through all the posts on this thread before posting these to make sure that they are not reposts. Expect more such videos from me. IMHO, they are a must see for anyone who is interested in the topic of this thread.

Do let me know what you think of these videos.
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Najam Sethi: Pak Needs Peace with India (1,2/2)

Salient Features of these videos:
  • Inherent weaknesses of Pakistan.
  • Attitude of many Pakistanis reflect in the questions that are posed to Najam Sethi by Pakistani viewers.
  • Obsession among most Pakistanis with India.
  • Ambitious desire among many Pakistanis to see India pushed onto the backfoot.

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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
i couldn't give two shits about palestine or israel for that matter....but that doesn't mean i cant have an opinion on the subject. having an opinion is different than saying we should go out of our way to help others.
That too Sir, counts as an opinion or do you believe otherwise?

I vaguely recall reading an article in India today a long time ago, which mentioned that government of India has a policy where Pakistani Hindus (and possibly Sikhs) can surrender their Pakistani passport and take up Indian citizenship with more ease than any other ethno-religious group. This article was about a group of Hindus who had escaped to Rajasthan after persecution. Can some forum member confirm this?

I for one think it's very unwise to allow this without proper investigation.


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2009
Najam Sethi is probably the best person in Pakistan who talks sense, though he aint the that brainy but best among Pakistani's.

If you see all his videos, he always talks both sides/2 ways. His patent dialogue is "Do bathe hogi".


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2010
is a traitor in my book and i would have the same view if any Indian muslim was loyal to pakistan.

there are similar texts during bjp reign that twisted history and made the muslims look like the devil himself.

why should we do anything for pakistanis ? we already have problems with poverty why should be look after another countries citizen.

answer this -> which is more important for you country or religion ?
I have studies in BJP rule ...never in my schoolin any text book showed islam as an evil or inferior religion, for that matter neither christianity nor sikhism.....Again i say that country is not just boundaries....Hindus have only one country to look upto and that is India..dont u get it....Muslims have an entire islamic world to look up to..christians have an entire western civilisation...and everyone knows to what extent israel go to protect jew rights....its not their mistake that they couldnt cross the border,...theres no pakistani muslim who loves India and it is a well known need to debate on that....but under those circumstances i know Pakistani Hindus definitely want to live in India...What poverty..what nonsense...if this is the case then deport all the beggars and poor people from India as they are spreading poverty....I cannot talk abt other religions caz hiostorically hindus have a sense of attatchment with this land ...with India,,,,they do not have anywhere to go ....and if pakistani muslims had a sense of loyalty for the mother land pakistan would never have formed,,,,,India is the only country that the hindus around the world look up to...its a fact..u cannot change it....indus have been living here since time immemorial so they have only one land which gives them the sense of home or security..i say it again..Hindus have every right to look upto India as a saviour and if India,the homeland of hindus cant do anything abt it....then it doesnt have nayright to be a nation that stands for freedom....No a hindu not loyal to pakistan under those circumstances cannot be termed as traitor because they openly want Indian citizenship..and if that is the case than Indians my friend helped traitor Bangladeshis ...that means India is the bad nation not Pakistan...Hitler was not bad then as jews were traitors..according to you then Hitler did the right thing by trying to exterminate jews

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
That too Sir, counts as an opinion or do you believe otherwise?

I vaguely recall reading an article in India today a long time ago, which mentioned that government of India has a policy where Pakistani Hindus (and possibly Sikhs) can surrender their Pakistani passport and take up Indian citizenship with more ease than any other ethno-religious group. This article was about a group of Hindus who had escaped to Rajasthan after persecution. Can some forum member confirm this?

I for one think it's very unwise to allow this without proper investigation.
I have studies in BJP rule ...never in my schoolin any text book showed islam as an evil or inferior religion, for that matter neither christianity nor sikhism.....Again i say that country is not just boundaries....Hindus have only one country to look upto and that is India..dont u get it....Muslims have an entire islamic world to look up to..christians have an entire western civilisation...and everyone knows to what extent israel go to protect jew rights....its not their mistake that they couldnt cross the border,...theres no pakistani muslim who loves India and it is a well known need to debate on that....but under those circumstances i know Pakistani Hindus definitely want to live in India...What poverty..what nonsense...if this is the case then deport all the beggars and poor people from India as they are spreading poverty....I cannot talk abt other religions caz hiostorically hindus have a sense of attatchment with this land ...with India,,,,they do not have anywhere to go ....and if pakistani muslims had a sense of loyalty for the mother land pakistan would never have formed,,,,,India is the only country that the hindus around the world look up to...its a fact..u cannot change it....indus have been living here since time immemorial so they have only one land which gives them the sense of home or security..i say it again..Hindus have every right to look upto India as a saviour and if India,the homeland of hindus cant do anything abt it....then it doesnt have nayright to be a nation that stands for freedom....No a hindu not loyal to pakistan under those circumstances cannot be termed as traitor because they openly want Indian citizenship..and if that is the case than Indians my friend helped traitor Bangladeshis ...that means India is the bad nation not Pakistan...Hitler was not bad then as jews were traitors..according to you then Hitler did the right thing by trying to exterminate jews
Im talking about small govt schools in small towns and villages. muslim friend of mine doesn't look upto middle east...he looks upto India.

In anycase lets not derail the thread further...we all have made our views clear and everyone is entitled to one. Lets agree to disagree on the subject.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Pervez vs Zaid: Is Pak A Rogue State? (1,2/2)

Dr. Prof. Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy (Urdu: پرویز ہودبھائی) (born 11 July 1950) is a well-known Pakistani nuclear physicist, essayist and political-defence analyst. He is the professor of nuclear and high-energy physics, and the head of the Physics Department at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He graduated and also received PhD from MIT and continues to do research in Particle physics. He received the Baker Award for Electronics in 1968, and the Abdus Salam Prize for Mathematics in 1984. He has authored various scientific research papers in peer-reviewed journals.

- courtesy Wikipedia: Pervez Hoodbhoy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

N.B.: Notice the way Dr. Hoodbhoy talks and the way Zaid Hamid talks. This clearly shows the difference between education and indoctrination, between cultivation and philistinism, between sense and baloney.
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Regular Member
Sep 1, 2010
Before i watch that can you inform me whether he is sane person or delusional like other loonies in the pak govt ?

Because the vid seems quite long!
Najam Sethi is as sensible as a journalist could ever get. And the talk show is great. Intelligent discussion without taking sides. Wish we had such talk shows without people on steroids.

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