Pakistan's Descent into Chaos: Terrorist & Drone Attacks


Oct 16, 2010
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Another mocker of Americans on their Afghan war. Crazy shit :

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The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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US drone strike kills four militants in Pakistan

Four militants linked to al-Qaeda were killed on Sunday in a drone strike in the North Waziristan tribal agency of Pakistan. The drone hit a girls' school, where the terrorists were hiding. The area borders Afghanistan and the US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan believe they are attacked by militants based in the tribal region of Pakistan. Pakistan has virtually got no writ over the area and terrorists linked to different militant outfits have been operating in the lawless terrain at will. The terrorists have also been running their training camps in the region and also plan their attacks on the US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan there.

Many discerning analysts based here in the United States believe that resumption of the drone strikes in the tribal belt of Pakistan may harm the ongoing dialogue process between both the countries. This drone attack was the first since Pakistan's parliament demanded the United States to end such attacks. Pakistani officials believe that drone strikes in the tribal region of the country are counter-productive and have failed in eliminating high-profile terrorists. Analysts believe that the US is left with no other option but to carry out drone strikes, as Pakistan has denied carrying out military operation in the region despite repeated requests by top US officials.

In a brief statement issued for the local media today, Pakistan's foreign office condemned the drone strike and called for an end to the practice. It is pertinent to mention here that according to a popular belief, the Pakistani government has secretly allowed the US to continue with the drone strikes in the tribal region. Wikileaks revealed that Pakistan's Premier Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani had given his tacit support to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to carry out drone strikes in the tribal region of the country. According to Wikileaks, the prime minister assured the US that they would protest against the drone strikes in public but remain abstained from taking any hard position on the attacks.

It has been around eight years to the drone strikes inside Pakistani border. Now the Pakistani leaders appear a bit concerned about the campaign. The country's parliament recently passed some guidelines for resumption of dialogue with the United States. One of the points of the guidelines is to stop the US from carrying out drone strikes as it is violation of the country's sovereignty. Relations between both the countries went to the lowest ebbs after NATO troops killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in an air raid in November last year. The unilateral operation against al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden dealt another blow to the already strained relations.

US Special Envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan Marc Grossman visited Pakistan last week and held negotiations with the top military and civil leadership of the country. Reportedly, the dialogue failed as the US plainly denied tendering an unconditional apology over the Salala check post attack. Analysts believe the US should exercise discretion and stop drone strikes in Pakistan to mend relations.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Latest US drone attack on Pakistan torpedoes reopening of Nato supply route

I was really concerned that no drone strike has happened over the last month or so. This comes as music to my ears.


WASHINGTON: Undeterred by Islamabad's shrill protests about breach of its sovereignty by American drone strikes culminating in a parliamentary resolution calling for a halt to such unmanned attacks, the US conducted yet another such operation over the weekend. The attack has virtually torpedoed Pakistan's participation in Nato's 25th summit in President Obama's hometown in Chicago on May 20-21 where far reaching decision are expected on the transition in Afghanistan and beyond.

The weekend drone strike came after a lull of nearly a month from the previous such attack during which time Pakistan upped the ante on the issue with its parliamentary review calling for a halt to such violations of its sovereignty. On Monday, the Pakistani foreign office condemned the latest attack which was said to have killed three or four suspected terrorists operating out of an abandoned girls' school in Miramshah.

"Such attacks are in total contravention of international law and established norms of interstate relations," Pakistan's foreign office said in a statement, terming it a violation of its sovereignty. But the attack killed more than just four militants; it also demolished any pretence of consideration for Pakistan's honor and self-respect which its leaders had put at stake with a very public stand on drone strikes.

In Washington meanwhile, the Obama administration went on the offensive, defending the drone strikes and maintaining that they are ethical, proportional, and in keeping with US efforts to spare innocent civilians from being caught up in the crossfire.

"The constitution empowers the president to protect the nation from any imminent threat of attack," Obama's chief of counterterrorism John Brennan said on Monday without referring specifically to the weekend's strike. "It is hard to imagine a tool that can better minimize the risk to civilians than remotely piloted aircraft."

"There is absolutely nothing casual about the extraordinary care we take in making the decision to pursue an al-Qaida terrorist, and the lengths to which we go to ensure precision and avoid the loss of innocent life," Brennan told a meeting at the Woodrow Wilson Center.

The immediate consequence -- which does not in the least seem to faze Washington -- of the attack is that Pakistan is likely to defer its decision to re-open the US/Nato supply route to landlocked Afghanistan. The addition of drone injury to the insult of not proffering an apology for the Salala bombing in which Nato forces killed 24 Pakistani soldiers also means Islamabad may be forced to boycott the Nato meeting in Chicago, although Pakistani officials said no decision had been taken in this regard.

The US never made it clear if Islamabad was invited for the summit, but Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani was expected to attend the summit, in part as a move to resurrect his own political fortunes after adverse court verdicts linked to domestic politics. The engagement was also expected to build on the recent visit to Pakistan by US special envoy Marc Grossman. Although that trip was deemed a failure over lack of agreement on a public apology over the Salala incident, some progress was expected over the Nato supply route resumption since it is also linked to Coalition Support Funds (CDF) payments which are vital to Pakistan's financial survival.

But the latest drone attack, a virtual slap in the face of the Pakistani parliamentary resolution, establishes the principle that President Obama enunciated in his meeting with Gilani in Seoul in March and which Brennan implicitly referred to: Washington will be mindful of Pakistani sovereignty, but not at the cost of the security of the United States and its allies.

The US has long made the case -- unevenly and sporadically -- that Islamabad cannot protest about violation of its sovereignty when it cannot, or does not or will not, act against terrorist groups that freely operate in Pakistan, in some cases with knowledge and support of its establishment. Washington is also said to have been angered by renewed attacks in Kabul by groups operating out of Pakistan.


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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US drone strike kills six militants in Pakistan

A US drone attack targeting a militant compound early on Saturday killed at least six insurgents in a troubled Pakistani tribal district along the Afghan border, security officials said.

The Pakistani officials said two missiles hit and destroyed the compound in Shawal area, some 70 kilometres (45 miles) west of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan.

Waziristan is the most notorious militant stronghold in Pakistan's semi-autonomous northwestern tribal belt. Washington considers it the main hub for Taliban and Al-Qaeda to plot attacks on the West and in Afghanistan.

"A US drone fired two missiles at the compound. At least six militants have been killed. The death toll may rise," a security official in the northwestern city of Peshawar told AFP.

Two security officials in Miranshah confirmed the strike and death toll and added that militants were using the compound as a training centre.

Pakistan and the United States are currently taking tentative steps to repair a serious crisis in relations over last year's covert American raid that killed Osama bin Laden and US air strikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

Pakistan says the drone strikes are counter productive and undermine government efforts to separate tribes from militants, violate Pakistan's sovereignty, kill civilians and fuel anti-US sentiment.

Saturday's attack was the second strike since Pakistan's parliament in March approved new guidelines on relations with the United States, which included a call for an end to drone attacks on Pakistani territory.

Pakistan raised the issue with Marc Grossman, the US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, when he visited Islamabad last month amid efforts to mend fractured relations.

The frequency of the strikes has diminished in recent months, but US officials are believed to consider them too useful to stop them altogether.

US President Barack Obama in January confirmed for the first time that US drones target militants on Pakistani soil, but American officials do not discuss details of the covert programme.

According to an AFP tally, 45 US missile strikes were reported in Pakistan's tribal belt in 2009, the year Obama took office, 101 in 2010 and 64 in 2011.

The New America Foundation think-tank in Washington says drone strikes have killed between 1,715 and 2,680 people in Pakistan in the past eight years.

US drone strike kills six militants in Pakistan - NY Daily News


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
MIRANSHAH: Militants attacked a Pakistani military convoy in the country's troubled northwest on Sunday, injuring three soldiers, officials said, a day after a US drone strike killed 10 insurgents.
The attack triggered a gun battle that raged for more than two hours near Miranshah, the main town in the notorious militant stronghold of North Waziristan, with troops killing at least three militants, tribal police official Taj Mohammed told AFP.
Security officials confirmed the clash while witnesses said helicopters were seen circling overhead.
The convoy came under attack from about a dozen militants armed with rockets and automatic rifles, officials said, and followed a US drone strike on a militant compound in North Waziristan on Saturday in which at least 10 insurgents were killed.
Waziristan lies in northwestern Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal belt which Washington considers the main hub for Taliban and Al-Qaeda to plot attacks on the West and in Afghanistan.
Pakistan says the drone strikes are counter productive and undermine government efforts to separate tribes from militants, violate Pakistan's sovereignty, kill civilians and fuel anti-US sentiment.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
MIRANSHAH: Two soldiers have been beheaded after being captured during fighting with militants in North Waziristan that killed nine other security personnel, officials said Monday.
Gunmen armed with rockets attacked a military convoy on Sunday, sparking gun battles near Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan.
The military said nine soldiers were killed in the clashes over several hours and claimed that "heavy casualties" were inflicted on the militants.
Three worshippers were also killed and 15 wounded when a shell hit a mosque near Miranshah on Sunday, security officials and residents told AFP.
The heads of the two soldiers were found dumped without their bodies – one hanging from a barbed wire fence in the neighbourhood of Makane Bagh and the other in Zafar Town, local officials said.
Gunbattles between soldiers and militants are relatively rare in Miranshah.
Pakistan has resisted US pressure to launch a full-scale operation against al Qaeda and Taliban in North Waziristan, which is instead frequently targeted by US drone strikes.
The latest such attack killed at least 10 militants on Saturday, according to Pakistani officials.
The fighting in Miranshah follows the murder last week of a senior Muslim cleric, Maulana Naseeb Khan, who taught at a madrassa near Peshawar where several Taliban leaders studied.
The cleric, who came from North Waziristan, was kidnapped near Peshawar and found dead on Thursday. After his funeral, the Taliban distributed a pamphlet blaming the army and vowing to avenge his killing.


Regular Member
Feb 22, 2012
'Five militants killed' by US drone in Pakistan'

By Hasbanullah Khan (AFP) – 4 hours ago

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan — A US drone strike on a militant compound killed five insurgents in northwest Pakistan's lawless tribal region near the Afghan border, officials said.

"The drone fired two missiles on a house in Hassokhel town," 25 kilometres (16 miles) east of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan, a security official said.

"So far five bodies have been recovered from the compound, which is ringed by militants."

Two other officials confirmed early Thursday attack, saying the number of casualties may go up.

Washington considers Pakistan's semi-autonomous northwestern tribal belt the main hub of Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants plotting attacks on the West and in Afghanistan.

North Waziristan is a stronghold of the Haqqani network -- Afghan insurgents blamed for a series of spectacular attacks on Western targets in Kabul -- and Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud.

Islamabad has been resisting US pressure to launch a sweeping offensive against militants in the area.

Thursday's drone strike came after one on Wednesday that killed four militants in the same region, and followed a summit of NATO alliance leaders in Chicago earlier this week.

Pakistan says the missile attacks are counter-productive, violate its sovereignty, kill civilians and fuel anti-US sentiment.

Residents and local officials said Thursday's strike also damaged a nearby mosque where three worshippers believed to be Central Asian nationals were wounded. There condition was serious, one source said.

A neighbour, Mohammad Rafiq, told AFP the missile attack triggered fire at the compound. The dead militants, wearing joggers, were exercising in the courtyard when the missiles landed.

It was the fourth US drone strike reported in Pakistan since parliament in March demanded an end to them.

Relations plunged into crisis after US air strikes killed 24 Pakistani soldiers on November 26, prompting Islamabad to shut its Afghan border to NATO supplies and evict US personnel from an airbase reportedly used as a hub for drones.

Despite Pakistani criticism US officials are believed to consider the drone attacks too useful to stop altogether. They have argued that drone strikes are a valuable weapon in the war against Al-Qaeda and other Islamist militants.

Pakistan signalled last week that it was prepared to end the NATO blockade, but hopes of clinching a deal appeared to break down over the cost of transit rights.

US President Barack Obama snubbed Pakistan at the NATO summit, only seeing President Asif Ali Zardari in passing and voicing frustration with Pakistan.

Islamabad has been incensed by Washington's refusal to apologise for the November air strikes and US officials have so far rejected Pakistani proposals to charge several thousand dollars for each alliance truck crossing the border.

The blockade has forced NATO to rely on longer more expensive routes through Russia and Central Asia, even as it plans a large-scale withdrawal of combat troops and hardware from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

According to an AFP tally, 45 US missile strikes were reported in Pakistan's tribal belt in 2009, the year Obama took office, 101 in 2010 and 64 in 2011.

The New America Foundation think-tank in Washington says drone strikes have killed between 1,715 and 2,680 people in Pakistan in the past eight years.

Five militants killed' by US drone in Pakistan | AFP

:p :p :p


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in suspected U.S. drone strike

(CNN) -- A suspected U.S. drone strike killed nine militants in Pakistan's tribal region on Sunday, the second such attack in 24 hours in the region, a local government official said.

The drone fired four missiles at a militant compound in Wacha Dana, a village in South Waziristan near the Afghanistan border, the official, Javed Marwat, told CNN.

South Waziristan is one of the seven tribal provinces. The area is thought to be a safe haven for militant groups fueling the insurgency across the border in Afghanistan.

It was the 20th drone strike in Pakistan this year. U.S. officials rarely discuss the CIA's drone program in Pakistan, though privately they have said the covert strikes are legal and an effective tactic in the fight against extremists.

A day earlier, a suspected strike near the town of Wana in the same province killed two militants after the drone fired two missiles at a motorcycle they were riding, Marwat said.

The Obama administration justified its use of unmanned drones to target suspected terrorists overseas in a rare public statement recently, with John Brennan, the president's top counter-terrorism adviser, saying the strikes are conducted "in full accordance with the law."

The program utilizes unmanned aerial vehicles, often equipped with Hellfire missiles, to target al Qaeda operatives in remote locations overseas -- often on the territory of U.S. allies such as Pakistan and Yemen. Brennan said the United States "respects national sovereignty and international law" and is guided by the laws of war in ordering those attacks.


Feb 17, 2009
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Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Nine less terrorists to worry about................:thumb:


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Nine less terrorists to worry about................:thumb:
Those were suspected ...they can be civilians too. and howcome consider children women killed in drones attack as suspected terrorists.


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Good News.

I hope, More terrorist will be killed by US drone!!

Drone attacks in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistan is a typical beggar country, On one side, It's second biggest Aid recipient of US and on another side, Drone Attack. What a Shameless beghairat Islamist terrorist country!


Feb 17, 2009
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Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Those were suspected ...they can be civilians too. and howcome consider children women killed in drones attack as suspected terrorists.
If Pakistani government, who's citizen they are, is not worried why the hell are you worried about them. GOP has implied consent for those killings.
Ofcourse those who are sympathisers of terrorists are most worried about these development. :taunt1:


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Those were suspected ...they can be civilians too. and howcome consider children women killed in drones attack as suspected terrorists.
Pakis always in DENIAL MODE :lol: we all know today terrorists are found in Pakistan only ... you were in denial mode until US raped your sovereignty and killed OBL near Islamabad the capital.This is the reason US don't even ask any permission or give notice before these attacks because you would tell them to run.US owns Pakistan today.

So for last many years US is killing Paki women and children and Paki Army is sitting and looking the tamasha or has no guts taking on the real enemy... this is the reason Pak Army is a Hijra Army.

Now Pak has even left "condoming" drone attacks, they have submitted to US attacks. :lol:


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Those were suspected ...they can be civilians too. and howcome consider children women killed in drones attack as suspected terrorists.
Renounce terrorism.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

If Pakistani government, who's citizen they are, is not worried why the hell are you worried about them. GOP has implied consent for those killings.
So if govt is not worried about its citizenry then others should not be.Like indian govt which too$400 millions from dow as compensation and never distributed to the victims.So tell me why indian public shouts that gas victims didnt get compensation.after all your govt is not worried.
Ofcourse those who are sympathisers of terrorists are most worried about these development. :taunt1:
like the every other safforonist sympathizer on this forum.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Renounce terrorism.
so you mean to say they deserve collective punishment as why not whole india be punished as a society on killing minorities?


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2011
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Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Those were suspected ...they can be civilians too. and howcome consider children women killed in drones attack as suspected terrorists.
Cant Jihadi Children's and Women's be called terrorists ... is there a special name for them ... :rolleyes:
last time i checked you masters were training and using womens and young boys as Suicide Bombers ... :shocked



Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Renounce terrorism.
Pakistan would not renounce terrorism because the base of Pakistan is terrorism and hatred.

Pakistan is NOT a Islamic country but a mental extremist face of Islam which has disgraced Islam all over the world.

SHAME on Un-Islamic country Pakistan the protector of terrorirsts like OBL and AL-Qaida.LeT etc etc.

You are getting what you try to gave others... 35,000 butchered and going towards civil war.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Re: 9 Pakistani militants killed in Pakistan in U.S. drone strike

Cant Jihadi Children's and Women's be called terrorists ... is there a special name for them ... :rolleyes:
last time i checked you masters were training and using womens and young boys as Suicide Bombers ... :shocked

Actually Pakistan uses their children/women as a cover for terrorist activities so that they can cry a river when they get killed when caught in terrorist activities and run to orgs like Amnesty International and similar crappy human rights orgs.

OBL was also living with his wives and children and hid behind one of the wives when US Marines attacked.

But there is no buyer of Paki excuses and denials. :lol:

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