Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

Galaxy 7

Regular Member
Feb 14, 2018
Not only sheer incompetence by these Paki turds, they are trying their best to drive a wedge between India and China to deflect their inability to rein in the terrorists so their Chinese masters don't pile up the pressure and castigate them.
I will not be surprised pakis themselves killing Chinese to create more misunderstanding between china and Pakistan


Sep 7, 2015
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If Pak is put on the grey list at the FATF in Paris on 18 Feb, they'll be heading for the financial boondocks!! There will be no money to produce items for export for three months due to various verification processes. Without ready cash to manufacture, their economy will sink even further.

And that, friends, is good news!


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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If Pak is put on the grey list at the FATF in Paris on 18 Feb, they'll be heading for the financial boondocks!! There will be no money to produce items for export for three months due to various verification processes. Without ready cash to manufacture, their economy will sink even further.

And that, friends, is good news!
They were in the grey for three years since 2012 to 2015. They are actually lobbying to be put on the grey list, since the alternative is being blacklisted, which will mean being in the same condition as Iran, but without the oil.


Sep 7, 2015
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They were in the grey for three years since 2012 to 2015. They are actually lobbying to be put on the grey list, since the alternative is being blacklisted, which will mean being in the same condition as Iran, but without the oil.
Hmmm....So they're stuck between a rock and a hard place? Even better! :biggrin2:

Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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Cousin Of Disappeared Sindhi Journalist Also Picked Up By "Deep State"

A government school teacher was allegedly whisked away by men in civvies and police uniform in Sindh's Badin district on Friday, a day after his cousin, a former Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) activist, was picked up in a similar fashion.

The men who arrived in police mobiles and other vehicles whisked away Ubaidullah Jarwar, a primary school teacher, from a village some 70 kilometres away from Badin early on Friday, said his cousin Naseerullah Jarwar.

Naseerullah, whose brother Rafaqat Jarwar was taken away while he was sitting at a shop in Badin's Tando Bago town on Thursday, while talking to Dawn said Ubaidullah was whisked away in an identical manner as his brother. He said Badin police, including Badin SSP Abdul Qayyum Pitafi, was still denying that local police had been behind the "arrests".

Local journalists and workers of various political parties staged demonstrations in Tando Bago, Talhar, Matli and other towns of Badin and demanded the release of the two men.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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Cousin Of Disappeared Sindhi Journalist Also Picked Up By "Deep State"

A government school teacher was allegedly whisked away by men in civvies and police uniform in Sindh's Badin district on Friday, a day after his cousin, a former Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) activist, was picked up in a similar fashion.

The men who arrived in police mobiles and other vehicles whisked away Ubaidullah Jarwar, a primary school teacher, from a village some 70 kilometres away from Badin early on Friday, said his cousin Naseerullah Jarwar.

Naseerullah, whose brother Rafaqat Jarwar was taken away while he was sitting at a shop in Badin's Tando Bago town on Thursday, while talking to Dawn said Ubaidullah was whisked away in an identical manner as his brother. He said Badin police, including Badin SSP Abdul Qayyum Pitafi, was still denying that local police had been behind the "arrests".

Local journalists and workers of various political parties staged demonstrations in Tando Bago, Talhar, Matli and other towns of Badin and demanded the release of the two men.
That's Napakiland for you.
The brainwashed qaum will defend their authorities to no end in front of us but their stratocratic government has no problem lying, killing, threatening and making their own citizens disappear.

Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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Pakistan has the worst infant mortality rate in the world, reveals UNICEF report

WASHINGTON: A UNICEF report on child mortality revealed Pakistan to have the worst new-born mortality rate.

Released on Tuesday, the report said babies born in the world’s poorest countries, most of them in Africa, still face ‘alarming’ risks of death that can be 50 times as high as those in the richest countries.

The differences are stark. A baby born in Pakistan — the country with the worst newborn mortality rate — faced a one in 22 chance of death, while a newborn in Japan had only a one in 1,111 risk of dying, the report said.

Of the 10 highest-risk countries, eight are in sub-Saharan Africa, countries where “pregnant women are much less likely to receive assistance,” due to poverty, conflict or weak institutions, according to the report.

Those eight countries are the Central African Republic (a one in 24 chance of death); Somalia, Lesotho, Guinea-Bissau and South Sudan (all with a one in 26 chance); Cote d’Ivoire (one in 27) and Mali and Chad (both with a one in 28 chance.

Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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Disclosure about toll plaza contract startles Senate

"The disclosure by a federal minister on Tuesday that a lucrative toll plaza contract had silently been awarded to a military-owned construction company for 20 years without a competitive bidding process set off alarm bells in the Senate, with a vocal senator terming it a disturbing development and asking the chair to refer the matter to the relevant standing committee.

The revelation was made by Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmad, who told the house that the contract had been awarded to the Frontier Works Organisation (FWO) for an extended term of 20 years after the previous contract expired last year.

Speaking on an issue of public importance, Senator Farhatullah Babar criticised the 20-year extension in the contract for toll collection by the National Highway Authority without bids, without discussion in parliament and even without making it public."


Paki diplomats introduce themselves as Indian in Afghanistan to prevent humiliation(1:30)

Freudian slip by ISPR puppet Amjad Shoaib at 9:30-Kulbhushan was kidnapped from Iran


Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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A Nuclear Angle to the 2014 PNS Zulfiquar Attack?

A September 2014 attack by terrorists affiliated with Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) on a Pakistani frigate, PNS Zulfiquar, may have targeted a nuclear warhead on board the vessel. This disturbing detail is included in Steve Coll’s latest book, Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and sourced to an Indian intelligence report at the time. (Hat-tip to Vipin Narang for pointing out the excerpt from Coll.)

Coll writes that “six weeks after the attack [on PNS Zulfiquar], India’s principal external intelligence service, the Research and Analysis Wing, citing an agent reporting from Karachi, informed India’s national security adviser that a nuclear warhead had been on board the PNS Zulfiquar at the time of the attack.”

Coll notes that “if the Indian report was accurate,” the PNS Zulfiquar attack would be the “first known armed terrorist attack in history” that came close to seeing a hostile nonstate group gain control of a vulnerable warhead. At the time, Al Qaeda’s propaganda suggested that the attackers would have seized the Pakistani frigate and used it to attack U.S. Navy vessels in the Arabian Sea.

Taking a cue from varsities, madrasas also offering Chinese language course

Expecting to land a lucrative job in the ongoing Chinese projects, especially under the umbrella of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), thousands of people, especially students, have become interested in learning the Chinese language, and for this purpose, a large number of centres have popped up across Karachi -- in public and private universities, religious seminaries and small coaching centres.

Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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Pakistan moves against terrorists “superficial, reversible”: U.S

The Donald Trump administration is not satisfied with the measures taken by Pakistan in recent months to crack down on terrorist groups, a senior U.S official has said. “So far, these steps have been reversible, superficial, and steps that we have actually seen them take in the past, in periods of high pressure,” the official told The Hindu in an exclusive conversation on background.

The official said the U.S was concerned about tensions between India and Pakistan, “two nuclear armed states,” but added that the onus was on Pakistan to create conditions conducive for talks and improvement in relations.

The official said the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) plenary in Paris was yet to take a decision on action against Islamabad on the question of terrorism financing. “My understanding is that the FATF discussions are ongoing, FATF is aimed at ensuring that the countries are implementing the statutes and the laws that are necessary to counter terrorist financing, money laundering and those sort of things…” the official said, refusing the elaborate more, since the meetings were still on.

‘Zero tolerance towards terrorism’

The Trump administration has zero tolerance towards terrorism, and terrorist sanctuaries inside Pakistan, said the official. “President Trump has been clear that we need to see decisive action, not superficial action and half measures.. but decisive action against terrorist militants in Pakistan,” said the official.

The official said the U.S had been “very clear with Pakistan about our expectations.”

“We have been very specific and detailed in what we expect Pakistan to do, in our numerous visits of senior officials as well as several phone calls between senior military officials on both sides. So I think Pakistan understands what we are looking for. Unfortunately we have not seen the strategic shift in behavior that we are seeking..We have seen some responses..What we have seen is that they definitely want to be seen as taking action..Which is good..They are not completely thumping their nose at the U.S…They are taking steps, and they want to be seen as responsive.” However, the U.S has not seen “that determination, in really going after terrorist leaders that operate freely on their territory,” the official said.

On India-Pakistan ties

Asked about the current state of India- Pakistan relations and its impact on the U.S policy for the region, the official said: “We are concerned about the status of India-Pakistan relations. Two nuclear armed states… we know there is potential for things to escalate very quickly, and we are very concerned about terrorist groups that continue to function inside Pakistan, and have the the ability to conduct terrorist attacks inside India. We are concerned about the situation. But until Pakistan really demonstrates seriousness in cracking down on LeT or Jaish-e-Mohammad, there is not going to be that conducive atmosphere for any dialogue or talks to take place.”

The official noted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had reached out and traveled to Pakistan in 2015. “…and six days later you had the major attack on Pathankot. I think there is probably some hesitation in India about reaching out and the potential impact or backlash to any effort to reach out to Pakistan. Situation between Indian and Pakistan, it is really not moving forward, and I think this is unfortunate, but we need to see Pakistan demonstrate that it is serious about cracking down on LeT and JeM,” said the official.

‘Moving in the wrong direction’

“Frankly, they are moving in the wrong direction. The release of Hafiz Muhammad last November was a step in the wrong direction. We will continue to monitor the situation closely…you have skirmishes, almost on a daily basis. (But) we don’t have any interest in trying to mediate the dispute over Kashmir. That is something for the two sides to deal with. We are not seeking any kind of role.”

Asked whether the U.S put the onus on Pakistan to improve relations, the official said: “You cannot expect a country to be interested in negotiations when there is threat of terrorist groups conducting an attack whenever they see that. So, I think there is an expectation that Pakistan is serious in cracking down on these terrorist groups.”

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