Pakistan selling nuclear materials to North Korea – CIA's explosive revelation; US informs India


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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New Delhi, too, joined the world to denounce the nuclear test by North Korea on Friday. A press statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs noted that New Delhi remained “concerned about the proliferation of nuclear and missile technologies”, which had “adversely impacted” national security of India.
Do we really have to condemn North Koreans?

We were in the same position 18 years ago.

North Korea has done nothing against us.

Their nukes are aimed at US and Japan. Not us.

Highlight Pakistan yes; denounce North Koreans no.


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2015
Do we really have to condemn North Koreans?

We were in the same position 18 years ago.

North Korea has done nothing against us.

Their nukes are aimed at US and Japan. Not us.

Highlight Pakistan yes; denounce North Koreans no.
North Korea is in Chinese sphere of influence,which makes them another tool in the hands of the Chinese to use against anyone who are a threat to it's ambitions of hegemony in Asia and the world.

They should be denounced along with Pakistan


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Do we really have to condemn North Koreans?

We were in the same position 18 years ago.

North Korea has done nothing against us.

Their nukes are aimed at US and Japan. Not us.

Highlight Pakistan yes; denounce North Koreans no.
Reasons for the same are as follows;

1. Pakistan takes missile tech from North Korea, so indirectly NK is funding weapons against India.
2. Pakistan helps NK in nuke tech. So indirectly, NK is our enemy. (Friend of a enemy is an enemy).
3. Since we have better relations with US & Japan & SK, we need to show the same time and again.
4. If we want to gain entry in NSG/UNSC, we need to gain support. To gain support we need to speak the tongue of influential countries, which means denouncing NK.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Do we really have to condemn North Koreans?

We were in the same position 18 years ago.

How many times have India threatened any other nation with the nukes?

North Korea has done nothing against us.

Their nukes are aimed at US and Japan. Not us.

Highlight Pakistan yes; denounce North Koreans no
NoKo nuke program is sponsored by pak.
NoKo Tests nuke for pakis
pakis get missiles from Noko.
pakis are India's threat
so we have to condemn NoKo.

North Korea's nuclear test may be its largest ever
NoKo says it tested a miniature war head..
What does that mean?
That means ..... pakis and tactical nukes


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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How many times have India threatened any other nation with the nukes?

NoKo nuke program is sponsored by pak.
NoKo Tests nuke for pakis
pakis get missiles from Noko.
pakis are India's threat
so we have to condemn NoKo.

North Korea's nuclear test may be its largest ever
NoKo says it tested a miniature war head..
What does that mean?
That means ..... pakis and tactical nukes
The possibility of a NK missile coming towards this part of the world is almost null.

Pakistanis don't sponsor it; they gave them the blueprints in exchange for ballistic missile technology.

Pakistanis can barely sponsor themselves and you're talking about funding another country.

My point is; we don't have to take side for North Korea.

Focus on our hostile neighbour.

We have neutral ties with NK.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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The possibility of a NK missile coming towards this part of the world is almost null.

Pakistanis don't sponsor it; they gave them the blueprints in exchange for ballistic missile technology.

Pakistanis can barely sponsor themselves and you're talking about funding another country.

My point is; we don't have to take side for North Korea.

Focus on our hostile neighbour.

We have neutral ties with NK.
Its not about NoKo missiles against India from NoKo..
But through pakis.

NoKo tested nukes to miniaturize the warheads. This is what pakis want...
And pakis have always used the NUKES as a threshold to promote terrorism in India.
So far pakis have been using the range of their missiles as a capacity to push India with terrorism.

The tactical nukes and miniaturization gives them more power to push that envelop against India further.

pakis are not funding NoKo...china is funding NoKo through pakis.

We are having very good ties with NoKo bilaterally but that didnt stop them from selling to pak..
Thats how "interests" work


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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This is about what I was going to say.Few things...

1. What is US going to do about it actually other than informing India? DPRK getting Nuclear stuff is more dangerous to US and it's allies Japan and South Korea.

2. Pakis are thinking if they can make the Nuclear Triad.DPRK recently tested SLBM and Pakis are dying to get hands onto it since India has K-15 and the Indian Navy is going to be stronger than ever.

3. US acknowledging that Pakis cant get into NSG stuff due to its constant proliferation.

China and Pakistan enabling North Korea's nuclear Program, may face sanctions: Experts
ANI | Washington D C [USA] September 15, 2016 Last Updated at 14:02 IST

Washington D C [USA], Sept.15 (ANI): China and Pakistan are "passive enablers" of the North Korean nuclear program and may face some secondary sanctions for violating UN approved sanction, say U.S.-based experts, with China being a bigger issue.

"The right way to describe China's role is that they actually have been a passive enabler by providing generalized support to the North Korean regime," says Scott Snyder, Senior Fellow at the Council for Foreign Relations. Chinese support has led Kim Jong-Un to believe that China will vote for stability and not go so far as to threaten his regime security, he adds.

North Korea carried out its fifth nuclear test last Friday, its second in less than a year. Experts have concluded that the underground explosion was stronger than the previous four triggering a magnitude 5.3 seismic event. The test was condemned by the international community and has led to increased tensions in the region with both China and US trading blame for not working to restrict North Korea's nuclear program.

Siegfried Hecker, former head of the Los Alamos National Laboratory concluded that North Korea may have "a stockpile of sufficient fissile material for approximately 20 bombs by the end of this year and a capacity of adding approximately 7 per year."

China has long been accused of not putting sufficient pressure on North Korea and not implementing UN sanctions by allowing movement of goods and money across its border, a claim it has denied. Experts believe that China wants North Korea as a buffer between its border and US and its allies.

"Why use the word accused, the evidence is pretty clear. China has agreed to do a lot of things that it hasn't. A US news channel was filming cargo going back and forth on the North Korea-China border without any inspection. It is pretty clear that North Korean related organizations are operating in China," says William Newcomb, Visiting Scholar at the United States Korea Institute in Washington DC and former UNSC panel member who helped impose sanctions on North Korea.

He believes that the Chinese are making a strategic blunder by confusing status quo with stability especially as North Korea is "90% a failed state" and the Chinese leadership is in effect implying that the "Chinese military will not be able to protect Chinese borders if North Korea collapses."

North Korea's nuclear program is also known to have ties with Pakistan, which supplied it with schematics for nuclear weapons while the former is thought to have provided help on the Pakistan's missile program. Egypt and Iran have also coordinated with North Korea in the past. The blatant violation of UN sanctions by some countries has raised the question of consequences for their actions.

Newcomb believes that violators should not be allowed to get away and that the UNSC should find ways to make violators to pay a price for their actions.

United States law requires the imposition of secondary sanction on entities that trade with North Korea. Here again, analysts believe that China can be a bigger target than Pakistan and Iran.

"The most interesting case really is China because of the extent of trade. There are more potential targets for secondary sanctions located in China. I think that you couldn't necessarily rule that possibility out," says Snyder.

According to him, Pakistan and Iran could also meet the threshold if the US intelligence community can come to a conclusion that there is sufficient linkages to warrant secondary sanction on entities from those countries. But the imposition of secondary sanctions after the current nuclear test will depend on US domestic politics especially given that the Obama administration is on its way out.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration's policy of 'strategic patience' with respect to North Korea has come in for a lot of criticism from experts across the board. "Obama has failed abjectly and completely. There is no policy. It's head in the sand approach, " argues John Merill, former head of the Northeast Asia Division of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the US Department of State.

Merill believes that the sanctions have completely failed and doubts the US government's ability to come up with a better policy. The only thing that can be done, he says, is for everyone to reduce tensions and to sit down for talks with the North Koreans and see what can be worked out.

"Strategic patience was a policy that was justified on the basis of the idea that we had the luxury of time to convince North Korea to change direction," says Snyder. The problem with such a policy, he adds, is that if time is not on the US side the policy options move to the extremes, either acquiescence or use force to achieve the objective of denuclearization and he thinks we might be headed in that direction.

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