Pakistan Armed Forces-Pictures & Videos


Tihar Jail
Feb 3, 2013
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Though I can also put links reports even from those agencies from where Pakistani missiles came from,

I'm just giving you the chance of thinking over it.
Pakistani R&D budget is mere $2 billions compared to India's staggering $49.5 billions.
Without money, no sophisticated research facilities and institutions, how can you start it at first place.

From world intellectual property indicatorsto USPTO, India's patents range from 50 to 200 times of Pakistan every year, India's patent per capita is your 15-40 times per year.
In 2015, India filed 3416 patents compared to Pakistan's just 16 in USPTO, meanwhile in WIPO, India sent 45,658 applications compared to your 800.

Just keep that aside;
Number of MCTR Technologies produced by the following nations out of total 94 technologies:

India : 81
Pakistan : 39
China : 92
Iran: 21
Israel: 74
Turkey: 4
France: 93
Japan: 93
Saudi Arabia:0
North Korea:25
South Africa : 34
South Korea: 42
Vietnam: 0
You know about turbofan engines in Babur cruise missile? Pakistan has not been listed anywhere for global production of turbofans, it's obvious it's not developed.

It is pretty clear that if Pakistan does not make the technologies, it must be getting from somewhere. I don't think you must even try to prove it. (I'm more dangerous than any other member when it comes to prove your missiles copies :biggrin2:).

Let's have a look. IMO, Pakistani Missile program got it's route in 60s when it Rehbar-1 tech from US for SUPARCO which was later modified by KRL (Khan Research Laboratory) for making missiles.

Thereafter, further research would have been carried out by Pakistan but not completely. And that's why so many Pakistani missiles are derivatives (e.g.: Nasr from Weishi or Hatf-8 from Kh-55).

I believe after this statement that China will give you MIRV & MaRVs sooner before you start your own research program.

And hey, it seems that (from title) you posted the thread for proving Pakistani Missiles homegrown.
So, a complete explanation or research papers and failures (we want the failures if research really occurred), though, you won't be able to.
Origins of Pakistani, DPRK, Iranian (and some Saudi Missiles) are from extensively from USSR/PRC extensively and entire world knows that.
Indian Missiles were mobile derivatives of early Indian space launchers meanwhile.

In development PSLV-3S reflects that.

Though, we have moved beyond towards much bigger rockets now.:peace:
You have raised many issues in one comment and all are different from each other but i will try to reply.
Our way of defense research is different and cost effective. Do you know how many universities were opened and run by the armed forces for a reason?
Universities like NUST , NDU , Air University and many others are actively involved in defence research.
PHD studenets write thesis on various segments of defence tech and thats how our Military research happens. Fresh young minds researching for a degree is far better than same being done by some old guy who earns a salary by doing hi 9-5 job at some Government defence institution.
For example only last year Pakistan's defence research institute NESCOM accepted the final design of Pakistan's own Ground surveillance radar NR-V1 (Google it).
NESCOM despite being a defence research institution be designation does not do it anymore but outsources it to various universities in the country.
The NR-V1 was worked upon by 20 PHD students over a period of 5 years and every line of code , antenna design , circuitry was made in Pakistan and tested. The final product was then picked up by NESCOm and now up for mass production for being deployed on borders .The whole reserach project took a few hundred thousand dollars mainly as payment to universities for intellectual properties and use of their labs and to PHD scholars.
Give same project to a 9-5 "Babu" in some government institute and then see the cost ballooning into tens of millions.

About lack of patents that is more of an administrative issue not an issue of capability. It's the job of universities grants commission in Pakistan to send research papers written by Researchers at various universities for publishing and to help in filing patents , but they dont. Research papers are written in large numbers in Pakistan but intellectual property paperwork not done. So there is the problem.

About components of Missiles from abroad. Yes we don't Re-Invent the wheel. If a component is available we will get it and use it. saves time and money.
In the world of defence production no medals or trophies are to be won. If the weapon system works that's what matter. No matter from where the components came from.
Babur uses NPO engine bought in bulk just after collapse of USSR and stored. Also uses various systems from south African Denel which were available from them far cheaper than building own,and with TOT because they were in financial trouble. So were bought and used. No wonder we have a Cruise missile fully functional and deployed since 2005. We don't see anything wrong with it.
If India thinks it is forbidden then it;s their pl icy. Ours is different.


About China Giving us MIRV. yes we can thank Modi for that as his constant intimidation towards China worked in our benefit.
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Tihar Jail
Feb 3, 2013
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And forgot to reply to Indian SLV bit. We say good luck if India is building space rockets, but it isn't a must have.
For example most Europe countries outsource their satellite launch. Japan or Germany aren't going to the moon or Mars.
Despite having the money and technology.
So it may be a matter of different priorities that we are no building space rocket.
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Edit: Europeans and Japanese have very active space programs.
the total launch missions previous year:
(Number/Success/Partial Failures/Failures):

USA: 23/22/0/1
PRC: 22/21/0/1
Russia: 19/18/0/1
Europe: 09/09/0/0
India: 07/07/0/0
Japan: 04/04/0/0
Israel: 01/01/0/0
DPRK: 01/01/0/0
India actually conducted, 9 launches but doesn't include experimental launches, 2 which occurred last year.
In two years, India has target increase launch frequency to 20-25 launches every year at par with US, Russia and China.
You have raised many issues in one comment and all are different from each other but i will try to reply.
I don't think so, a lot contributes in development of final product.
Our way of defense research is different and cost effective. Do you know how many universities were opened and run by the armed forces for a reason?
Universities like NUST , NDU , Air University and many others are actively involved in defence research.
PHD studenets write thesis on various segments of defence tech and thats how our Military research happens. Fresh young minds researching for a degree is far better than same being done by some old guy who earns a salary by doing hi 9-5 job at some Government defence institution.
For example only last year Pakistan's defence research institute NESCOM accepted the final design of Pakistan's own Ground surveillance radar NR-V1 (Google it).
NESCOM despite being a defence research institution be designation does not do it anymore but outsources it to various universities in the country.
The NR-V1 was worked upon by 20 PHD students over a period of 5 years and every line of code , antenna design , circuitry was made in Pakistan and tested. The final product was then picked up by NESCOm and now up for mass production for being deployed on borders .The whole reserach project took a few hundred thousand dollars mainly as payment to universities for intellectual properties and use of their labs and to PHD scholars.
Give same project to a 9-5 "Babu" in some government institute and then see the cost ballooning into tens of millions.
Giving project to University won't result a magic.
Students are students and babus are babus. And who told you that you can bear same technology from Universities by pouring same amount of money?

Look even in India,
This what students delivered in last decade.

And babus! Beyond Comparison! Bravo :biggrin2:

Team Indus (Indian Institute of Technology)

VS ISRO (animation because they release complete view only while launching missions)

Difference will be there that things made my Indian Universities or Institutes may never be inducted or even if inducted, in limited service because they stand nowhere against PSUs. Agree or not, these babus can deliver which students can't ever dream off and cost overruns in advanced projects aren't a new thing, be it any country.
Indian babus get only 2% of defence budget for defence related research over that.

And that's why clarified in MTCR, Pakistan produces only 39 out of 94 missile technologies compared to India's 81.

One more thing to be noted is that, a major part of India's defence budget are directed towards other types of weapons and civil purposes.
From building, world's largest particle observatory to world's fifth largest DDG class.
About lack of patents that is more of an administrative issue not an issue of capability. It's the job of universities grants commission in Pakistan to send research papers written by Researchers at various universities for publishing and to help in filing patents , but they dont. Research papers are written in large numbers in Pakistan but intellectual property paperwork not done. So there is the problem.
India annually files more than 5 lakh 93 thousand research papers compared to Pak's 9000.
India has been ranked third worldwide for it's research in nanotech, India is a part of ITER, India is working with your all weather friend to make world's biggest telescope.

Further, University ranking is a big factor.
From a Pakistani string theorist:
"There are a lot of examples of countries closer to home that have limited resources and yet they have made their culture much more conducive to scientific research than ours. Look at India and the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs); they have phenomenal educational institutes and good centers for research, especially in the field of string theory.

When I was doing my post-doc in Harvard, there were a lot of Indian Assistant Professors who were on the prestigious tenure track. Some of them left to go back to their home environment and a decade later, they’re still in India. They are publishing their research and their careers and reputations haven’t suffered because India gives them enough of a research atmosphere."
I can a lot of Pakistani scientists here.

Oops, I'm risk of changing topic to chest thumping. Sorry.
Till you change my view, let me assume that Pakistani Universities play the role of PSUs also.
About components of Missiles from abroad. Yes we don't Re-Invent the wheel. If a component is available we will get it and use it. saves time and money.
In the world of defence production no medals or trophies are to be won. If the weapon system works that's what matter. No matter from where the components came from.
Babur uses NPO engine bought in bulk just after collapse of USSR and stored. Also uses various systems from south African Denel which were available from them far cheaper than building own,and with TOT because they were in financial trouble. So were bought and used. No wonder we have a Cruise missile fully functional and deployed since 2005. We don't see anything wrong with it.
If India thinks it is forbidden then it;s their pl icy. Ours is different.

As your wish but won't be good in long run.

All I can say that Pakistan is well positioned to spend 5 times more on research (Pakistan can spend about $10 billions against current $2 billions) if it reduces it's defence budget to $5-6 billions.
About China Giving us MIRV. yes we can thank Modi for that as his constant intimidation towards China worked in our benefit.
That's called spirit now.:biggrin2:
And forgot to reply to Indian SLV bit. We say good luck if India is building space rockets, but it isn't a must have.
European colonizers could rule the world because they made ships. Now, a next generation of colonization starts from deep space.
It's not cold war era space race in which Americans landed on Moon for showing off to Soviets, if anyone lands on Moon today, they'll get resources hell out of there.:biggrin2:
NASA, ESA, CNSA, ISRO, ROSCOSMOS, JAXA everyone is conducting surveys for resources and minerals (though mining may be a century ahead). You don't have any idea about what would be the cost of minerals on a planet or asteroid.
For India, all I know about India's long term space goal,
India is preparing Atlasses for Moon and Mars (specially Moon for Helium 3) and planning for Jupiter & asteroid plus establishing some small laboratory on Moon.
This is 2017, so we are lucky. Long Term plan will officially be declared in mid year.
For example most Europe countries outsource their satellite launch. Japan or Germany aren't going to the moon or Mars.
Despite having the money and technology.
So it may be a matter of different priorities that we are no building space rocket.
Who told you that?
Japanese and Europeans have extensive space research programs.
And somewhat Indians aspires to be. If on schedule, India will overtake Japan by launch capacity and Europeans with our upcoming Venus and Jupiter missions.

If you are interested in Indian Space Program BTW,

General Indian Space News

Human Spaceflight Program and Space Station

Program on fast track now, we have developed space suits, capsules, required rockets and life support systems, so a lot of testings in upcoming years before Indians hit the orbit to make space stations.:biggrin2:

Spy Satellites:

Moon Program
(One sent, one in pipe, two more on drawing board)

Mars Program (one sent, second in pipe)

Space Telescopes

I have posted a lot about India's upcoming heavy and super heavy launchers in general thread.

Strategic Weapons:

Anti Sat Weapons

Overseas Bases:

Lost the research paper due to data loss last year.
Yet, I have something to share.
Mumbai based Zeus Numerix has prepared for simulations.

ARDE's rail gun might in fact be a coil gun rail gun hybrid using bitter coil based transmission line along with rails.

In media,
[Reddit is more fictional though].

Fine, I think I will create thread for Indian Electromagnetic gun project.:)

I have a lot more though.
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Hassain Ghazini

New Member
Nov 1, 2016
Hassain saab could you post the regimental uniforms of your army
Unfortunately, that is one of my weaknesses. I don't know much about different regiments, I think regiments are simply differentiated through berets. But there are some units which have unique uniforms.

Northern Light Infantry:

AJK Regiment

Will post more if I find, it's hard searching for them - since regiments isnt really a big thing here.


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
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And forgot to reply to Indian SLV bit. We say good luck if India is building space rockets, but it isn't a must have.
For example most Europe countries outsource their satellite launch. Japan or Germany aren't going to the moon or Mars.
Despite having the money and technology.
So it may be a matter of different priorities that we are no building space rocket.
European countries outsource their satellite mostly to European countries look at Germany holdings

so what missile do japan and Germany has it is completley unto the nations ?

and well if you don't know Japan did try to send satellite to moon and mars mars do a bit of research yourself to find the moon one.

Your logic is totally flawed buddy.

And don't even compare the education between india and pakistan and how students are helping in Pakistan in R&D.

I met few students from Pakistan in Canada and we did the same course. Most of them have no clue what was going on in the class.

Few years later they went back to pakistan as they did not get jobs in their respective field and could not immigrate and their relatives call them back thanks to provincial nominee program in Canada.

I work for one of the top ten defence manufacturer in US, let me tell you my company is filled with Indian people when I visited US branches. mostly all the project managers and few high post like VP are taken by Indian and not one pakistani I have met till now in my company. Though my company sells more defence related equipment to Pakistan rather then India.

There was one pakistani hired as a temporary worker in our company for a project and everyone use to treat him so bad and I also felt bad about it but later found out he was the reason himself why everyone hated him.

Well first he didn't knew much about the tech but he use to tell everyone that they didn't know anything and then he would say that you should believe in god and then if you keep on listening he will say you need to believe in Allha.

He use to advice people and how they use water to clean their asses rather then tissue, you can't talk shit like that in a corporate world man there are something you can talk about and somethings you can't.

Well anyways I still feel bad for how he was treated by his boss and colleague but he had it coming.

I also met a pakistani in my previous job well I got him a job when our previous company got shut and he would have never got a job if I didn't help him. (in previous company he got a job because of his brother knew a Indian in US who was the head of IT department)

He was a network technician from pakistan and he knew very little of networks, I mean that's how the standard of education in pakistan is. I have seen average Indian student perform much more better than average pakistani student just because of education. Well but I have to say Indian punjab education exceeded as it is not any better than pakistani education. Not generalizing but the average pakistani and few average punjabi students were at same level.
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Tihar Jail
Feb 3, 2013
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Various stages of development of Pakistan remote sensing satellite at SUPARCO labs.
Here the main body with fuel tanks in the middle and equipment bays cab be seen.


First prototype with 600 Watt solar panels, assembled and tested at SUPARCO


Individual module testing by Pakistani engineering staff at SUPARCO.


Another view of SUPARCO satellite building and testing lab.
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Tihar Jail
Feb 3, 2013
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Air lock for entry into the clean room of SUPARCO satellite labs Pakistan.


Off the shelf Components put together with locally coded Firmaware for Pakistan remote sensing satellite on board control unit.


Tihar Jail
Feb 3, 2013
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Pressure testing of satellite Onboard thruster combustion chamber at SUPARCO labs Pakistan


Locally made circuitry for Pakistan remote sensing satellite , at SUPARCO labs with On chip programming .


Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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View attachment 12917
Various stages of development of Pakistan remote sensing satellite at SUPARCO labs.
Here the main body with fuel tanks in the middle and equipment bays cab be seen.

View attachment 12918
First prototype with 600 Watt solar panels, assembled and tested at SUPARCO

View attachment 12919
Individual module testing by Pakistani engineering staff at SUPARCO.

View attachment 12920
Another view of SUPARCO satellite building and testing lab.
Here's related thread where I'm reposting it.

And sorry for trolling attempted to run the thread.
Again, primitive satellite tech is needed a lot to be worked out. The tech seems to be decades old from Graphics.

Here's somewhat India does possess.


Tihar Jail
Feb 3, 2013
Country flag
Here's related thread where I'm reposting it.

And sorry for trolling attempted to run the thread.
Again, primitive satellite tech is needed a lot to be worked out. The tech seems to be decades old from Graphics.

Here's somewhat India does possess.
likewise there must be dedicated threads on here for indian members to post their star wars , star trek level space prowess? But they keeo posting here? a thread about Pakistani missiles?
Bur hey.. carry on. Indians like to live in their supermacy bubble and dont want it to be busted.
I am not sure if u ar being nice here? But i wont reply to any trolling. Members can keep trying me all they want.
Moving on.
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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likewise there must be dedicated threads on here for indian members to post their star wars , star trek level space prowess? But they keeo posting here? a thread about Pakistani missiles?
I can't understand what the heck your talkin about, but dedicated thread for all updates on a specific topic, are usual qualities of a Potent Military News Platform unlike PDF where you create a thread for "everything" for just more members and traffic.

You are still posting threads because we are Indians, who are tolerating you. If you were on your all weather friends' SinoDefence (Chinese) Forum, you would have been banned till now.
They apply these rules stricter.
Bur hey.. carry on. Indians like to live in their supermacy bubble and dont want it to be busted.
Who stopped you from "busting our bubbles"?:devil:

Statistics, reports and facts speak louder than your rants. No matter how much a tiny insignificant country can jump to feel itself important, there's a difference between technical expertize gained from 40 years of Research and Development vs gained from ToT.

Bahar ki clear ho jaati hai, par apne mulk ki entrance clear karte karte phat jaati hai.

Do you have any idea students from how many and which countries study in India (includes Pakistan too)?
Zindagi jhand ho gayi sali padhte padhte, hamare bubble burst karenge!:rolleyes:
I am not sure if u ar being nice here?
I'm a Defence Enthusiast present on a number of forums, served even as mod with other username elsewhere.
So, it's my personal duty to welcome someone if interested in discussion.
Though, if turns out to be a troller, I'm worst and make him pi$$ off without trolling!:dude:
You can check out the history of the forum, I collect the screenshots of stupid comments.
Chale the mujhe sikhane! Morons who post 2001 GSLV rocket failure to say Agni 5 has failed!:lol:
But i wont reply to any trolling. Members can keep trying me all they want.
Moving on.
Members like @Just telling Truth, @Behind the enemy lines and @rizwan78 have enough entertained us by out of the fact trolling. Make sure you don't go.

As long as your posts remain technical, you are safe.


Tihar Jail
Feb 3, 2013
Country flag
I can't understand what the heck your talkin about, but dedicated thread for all updates on a specific topic, are usual qualities of a Potent Military News Platform unlike PDF where you create a thread for "everything" for just more members and traffic.

You are still posting threads because we are Indians, who are tolerating you. If you were on your all weather friends' SinoDefence (Chinese) Forum, you would have been banned till now.
They apply these rules stricter.

Who stopped you from "busting our bubbles"?:devil:

Statistics, reports and facts speak louder than your rants. No matter how much a tiny insignificant country can jump to feel itself important, there's a difference between technical expertize gained from 40 years of Research and Development vs gained from ToT.

Bahar ki clear ho jaati hai, par apne mulk ki entrance clear karte karte phat jaati hai.

Do you have any idea students from how many and which countries study in India (includes Pakistan too)?
Zindagi jhand ho gayi sali padhte padhte, hamare bubble burst karenge!:rolleyes:

I'm a Defence Enthusiast present on a number of forums, served even as mod with other username elsewhere.
So, it's my personal duty to welcome someone if interested in discussion.
Though, if turns out to be a troller, I'm worst and make him pi$$ off without trolling!:dude:
You can check out the history of the forum, I collect the screenshots of stupid comments.
Chale the mujhe sikhane! Morons who post 2001 GSLV rocket failure to say Agni 5 has failed!:lol:

Members like @Just telling Truth, @Behind the enemy lines and @rizwan78 have enough entertained us by out of the fact trolling. Make sure you don't go.

As long as your posts remain technical, you are safe.
So Cute ......

There is no obligation for me or infact even you to post here . So kindly keep those "Ban threats" for somewhere else.

These days i have some time at hand so posting and may stop altogether due to other things in life.

Its a very common Indian superiority complex online. If a Pakistani is seen posting on Indian discussion forums he is told what a great privilege it is for him to post on Indian majority website . May be online posting is the only thing to feel good in some people over here's life,but i have other things too,so wont mind.
In the last 3 years i have barely posted 100 messages here so that shows my level of enthusiasm.
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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There is no obligation for me or infact even you to post here .
Ya sure about that?
Its a very common Indian superiority complex online. If a Pakistani is seen posting on Indian discussion forums he is told what a great privilege it is for him to post on Indian majority website . May be online posting is the only thing to feel good in some people over here's life,but i have other things too,so wont mind.
In the last 3 years i have barely posted 100 messages here so that shows my level of enthusiasm.
Then, go to other websites. You will find same story with India.
Though US, Russia and PRC will be looking down at India but Pak even not comes in picture.
You are complaining because it's an Indian Majority Forum dominated by Indians?

Go ahead, open Chinese Forum, do what you are doing here and let the results do the talking. No need to seek approval from me.


Tihar Jail
Feb 3, 2013
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Currently Pakistan has 11 Types of Deployed Nuclear armed missiles and two in Development while deployed. Total of 13.

Shaheen-1A (Version 1)
Shaheen-1A (version 2,in testing while deployed)
Shaheen-3 (testing while deployed)
Babur Cruise milssile
Ra'ad ALCM
Nasr Battle field ballistic missile.

India has

Dhanush (Prithvi naval version)

Agni-5 Not deployed yet. K-series not deployed yet. Nirbhay not deployed yet.

Total types of Indian deployed nuclear missiles 8
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New Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Currently Pakistan has 11 Types of Deployed Nuclear armed missiles and two in Development while deployed. Total of 13.

Shaheen-1A (Version 1)
Shaheen-1A (version 2,in testing while deployed)
Shaheen-3 (testing while deployed)
Babur Cruise milssile
Ra'ad ALCM
Nasr Battle field ballistic missile.

India has

Dhanush (Prithvi naval version)

Agni-5 Not deployed yet. K-series not deployed yet. Nirbhay not deployed yet.

Total types of Indian deployed nuclear missiles 8
All the Prithvi will be retired in next 4 to 5 years only agni series will be left and logistics cost will reduce.


New Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Currently Pakistan has 11 Types of Deployed Nuclear armed missiles and two in Development while deployed. Total of 13.

Shaheen-1A (Version 1)
Shaheen-1A (version 2,in testing while deployed)
Shaheen-3 (testing while deployed)
Babur Cruise milssile
Ra'ad ALCM
Nasr Battle field ballistic missile.

India has

Dhanush (Prithvi naval version)

Agni-5 Not deployed yet. K-series not deployed yet. Nirbhay not deployed yet.

Total types of Indian deployed nuclear missiles 8
We have to make our systems from sratch mister unlike you who can beg and borrow from the DPRK or PRC
The above mentioned post reeks of a classic example of dick measuring
Who told you sir our systems are not deployed
We are under no obligations international or otherwise to let anyone know of our deployments

