Pakistan Armed Forces-Pictures & Videos

aditya g

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Jan 14, 2014
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Anyway; i'm proud that a small force of irregulars managed to do much more damage than inflicted. The Pakistan Army was so impressed by the NLI that they were inducted into the regular forces....
It was done to prevent mollify the troops - pervent mutiny.

Zulfiqar Khan

New Member
Apr 13, 2016
It was done to prevent mollify the troops - pervent mutiny.
NLI is the most loyal and patriotic regiment in Pakistan. They joined Pakistan on their own and sacrificed thousands of lives for a country that wasn't even properly solidified yet.

I'm a Northern myself and have several relatives serving in the NLI - the induction was needed because they needed a strong regular force in the far North and NLI was fit for the job.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
What about it?
I saw you athletes/wrestler/weightlifter performance in SAG games (only 14 Gold) you female were even worse and here you showing a pic of a lifter who don't even dress properly because of religious reason.

In any case Pak female int wrestling (famale) record is 00 as of 2016.

Rahul Khanna

New Member
Apr 12, 2016
Regarding the SSG

Pakistan has lost 780 Operators in 2 years of Zarb-e-azb. This is after you have waged a COIN with F-16s, Cobras, Heavy Artillery and Armour AND backed by US Predators.

"That’s what Pakistan did in its nearly two-year Operation Zarb-e-azb targeting al-Qaida and its offshoots in North Waziristan, at a tremendous sacrifice of some 780 special forces, according to Maj. Gen. Tahir Masood, commander of the Pakistani Special Services Group (SSG)."

That is a Horrible Horrible Record. IMO the reason for this is that The SSG has been doing duties of Elite Light Infantry rather than SOF duties. When the regular PA failed in much of what they were trying to do the SSG took over and has payed a very bloody price. You have been loosing an Operator a Day.

While the SSG has a raised strenght of "7000" the meat of the fighting men is around 3000 - So you have lost nearly 1/3 of your SSG strenght. Thats a Significant hole in your orbat. (Specially considering you utterly incompetent the Rest of the PA is)

Zulfiqar Khan

New Member
Apr 13, 2016
Regarding the SSG

Pakistan has lost 780 Operators in 2 years of Zarb-e-azb. This is after you have waged a COIN with F-16s, Cobras, Heavy Artillery and Armour AND backed by US Predators.

"That’s what Pakistan did in its nearly two-year Operation Zarb-e-azb targeting al-Qaida and its offshoots in North Waziristan, at a tremendous sacrifice of some 780 special forces, according to Maj. Gen. Tahir Masood, commander of the Pakistani Special Services Group (SSG)."
First off; he was most likely misquoted - what he meant was that we've lost over 780 special forces SINCE the beginning of war on terror.

Most of these casualties were from 2004-2009; from terrorist attacks against SOF facilities. One more thing to point out is that the SSG is only one of many SOF units and LCB is also sometimes misconcepted as a 'Special Forces' unit - but it's actually Pakistan's equivalent of India's RR.

Pakistan has lost approx 587 soldiers and 2,194 injured to Operation Zarb e Azb; while the Taliban has around 3,500 confirmed and over 4,300 estimated with over 1000 surrendered, arrested or nabbed.

That is a Horrible Horrible Record. IMO the reason for this is that The SSG has been doing duties of Elite Light Infantry rather than SOF duties. When the regular PA failed in much of what they were trying to do the SSG took over and has payed a very bloody price. You have been loosing an Operator a Day.
You're wrong again; we have a unit called the LCB for light infantry action. SSG is sometimes held back as a support unit or special teams are sent to secure positions that they are trained to do. SSG was credited for capturing many peaks, securing compact urban environments and clearing tunnels/caves.

While the SSG has a raised strenght of "7000" the meat of the fighting men is around 3000 - So you have lost nearly 1/3 of your SSG strenght. Thats a Significant hole in your orbat. (Specially considering you utterly incompetent the Rest of the PA is)
All SSG are fighting men but only around 500 are serving in active war zones. There is also a significant amount of SSG operators abroad.


The LCB was created to close the conventional-unconventional gap within the Pakistan Army. Our army was trained to fight a conventional war with India and was not prepared for a prolonged insurgency against the Taliban. Despite all that; we've performed much better than US/ISAF forces in Afghanistan. We are now experts in CT and our soldiers are battlehardend in unconventional warfare.

Combat phase of Operation Zarb e Azb is basically over; all terror infrastructure is destroyed and they no longer hold an inch of land. Whatever remnants have fled to Afghanistan, been captured or are starving in some isolated cave without any weapons to fight us. The last phase of Operation Zarb e Azb is underway; now that we've kicked the terrorists out - we'll be erecting a massive fence/wall/ditch to keep them out.
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Zulfiqar Khan

New Member
Apr 13, 2016
Some LCB Pics

KPK FC capture a wounded high-ranking Taliban Commander

Medical Operation underneath a collapsed building
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Pak's version of Garud........................................

You can look for more of this program called mahaaz, gives some insight into their forces...

Zulfiqar Khan

New Member
Apr 13, 2016
Pak's version of Garud........................................

You can look for more of this program called mahaaz, gives some insight into their forces...
Mahaaz is a very criticized program - because it doesn't deliver what it's meant to be.

For example; that episode was supposed to give a direct insight into the SSW - but instead it was basically a video of a joint-mock training with QRF and SSW Cadets...

Even clips from media highlights, although from 2007 (before many army stuff became censored) - gives a better insight.
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Zulfiqar Khan

New Member
Apr 13, 2016
just by pak pilots siting in Z-10 does not its commissioned. can u provide link or source to back your claim
Pakistan has been looking for for attack helicopters other than Cobras to bolster it's Helicopter Attack Fleet.

China gave Pakistan 3 Z-10s to trial and evaluate. Pakistan is planning to either induct the T-129 Attack Helicopter or the Z-10; which we plan to produce through ToT.

Till then Pakistan has ordered 4 Mil Mi-35 Hind - 15 Bell AH-1Z Vipers - 15 UH-1Y Venom - 10 Armed AS555 Fennec
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