North East - Developments & Debate


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
^^ but its not possible..even if India make greater nagaland with in India why would Myanmar will allow its parts to secede?Moreover with in india its geographically impossible.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
/\/\/\ Right. Thit is why this issue is lingering for so long. The GoI's apathy towards the N-E has added fuel to fire.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ULFA military chief held in Bangladesh

United Liberation Front of Asom military wing leader Ranjan Chowdhury was arrested in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh on Monday.

Chowdhury was arrested from a nursing home in Sherpur where he was undergoing treatment, said a Bangladeshi news agency.

He may be handed over to India, it added.

Chowdhury's wife Sabitri Sangma had confirmed the arrest over telephone Bangladesh's New Age newspaper.

Five ULFA leaders, including its chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa, were arrested and handed over to India earlier this year.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
From a different source.

ULFA leader arrested in Bangladesh

DHAKA: Bangladesh has arrested ULFA leader Ranju Chowdhury from a northern district, months after the chief of the separatist outfit Arbinda Rajkhowa was handed over to Indian authorities.

Ranju Chowdhury alias Rattan Sarkar, a leader of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) was arrested on Sunday from northern Mymensingh district, local sources said.

The elite anti-crime Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) troops arrested Chowdhury as he was being treated at a health facility in Mymensingh, local newsmen familiar with the case told PTI on phone.

Chowdury hailed from Silchar in Assam but was hiding in Bangladesh as his in-laws are based in the frontier Sherpur district in northern Bangladesh.

RAB officials, however, declined to confirm the report with its chief Hasan Mahmud Khondker saying "I have no idea".

"We have heard that he (Chowdhury) has been arrested but have nothing in details to tell you. RAB has not informed us...," a senior official of Mymensingh police said.

The report came months after Dhaka is believed to have extended hands to India in capturing ULFA chief Rajkhowa.

Rajkhowa was reportedly picked up from Bangladeshi territory along with several accomplices as he was hiding in Bangladesh.

Dhaka had at that time declined the report of his arrest and his subsequent handing over to India.

Another ULFA stalwart Anup Chetia was arrested from Dhaka during the past 1996-2001 Awami League regime and still is in "security custody" despite the expiry of his jail term for cross border intrusion.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ULFA leaders in Bangladesh, Myanmar to surrender: Pillai

Guwahati, June 6 (IANS): Union Home Secretary GK Pillai says a number of top commanders and leaders of the outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) based in Bangladesh and Myanmar are expected to surrender shortly and join the peace process.
"Some of them are senior leaders and commanders based in Bangladesh and Myanmar who have expressed their willingness to come overground," Pilla told IANS in an interview here. Pillai was in Meghalaya on a three-day visit to review the security situation that concluded Saturday.

"The Assam Government has already initiated the peace process with the ULFA and we are very optimistic about a settlement," the Home Secretary said in Guwahati while returning to New Delhi after his trip to Meghalaya.

He said the presence of the elusive ULFA commander-in-chief Paresh Baruah was important for the peace talks, but claimed the rebel leader would find himself in a spot if he keeps away from the dialogue process.

"Paresh Baruah would be marginalized if he remains adamant and fails to respect the voices of the people of Assam," the home secretary said.

Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi last week set the ball rolling by way of a cabinet decision to open peace talks with the ULFA leadership, majority of them in jail now.

Six top ULFA leaders are in jail and that includes chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa, 'deputy commander-in-chief' Raju Baruah, 'foreign secretary' Sasha Choudhury, 'finance secretary' Chitraban Hazarika, 'cultural secretary' Pranati Deka, and political ideologue Bhimkanta Buragohain.

ULFA vice chairman Pradeep Gogoi and publicity chief Mithinga Daimary are out on bail and currently drumming up public opinion for peace talks.

The only top ULFA leader who continues to be at large is Paresh Baruah.

"Paresh Baruah is probably somewhere in the borders between Myanmar and China's Yunnan Province," Pillai said.

ULFA general secretary Anup Chetia is in protective custody in Bangladesh since his arrest in 1997 in that country. His jail term was over, but continues to remain in Bangladesh as he had moved a writ petition seeking political asylum there.

"There are legal problems in extraditing Anup Chetia as he had moved a petition seeking political asylum," the home secretary said.

Chetia would have to withdraw the petition for political asylum for enabling him to come to Assam and join the peace process.

Pillai, however, warned of possible strikes by the ULFA and the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) in Assam. NDFB chief Ranjan Daimary was handed over by Bangladesh to Indian authorities last month and is now in the custody of Assam Police.

"When militant groups get weakened they try to strike out of desperation and hence such a possibility for violent attacks is not ruled out and so a general alert and stepped up vigil is always there," the home secretary said.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Maoists move to set up base in North East
R Dutta Choudhury

GUWAHATI, June 7 – The security agencies have come across disturbing inputs of efforts by Maoist groups to make inroads in the North East and according to reports, the newly constituted Eastern Region Bureau of the rebels has been entrusted with the task of establishing foothold in the North East.
Highly placed security sources told The Assam Tribune that the Eastern Region Bureau of the Maoists was initially entrusted with the responsibility of launching operations in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and parts of Orissa. But recently, the Bureau has been given the additional responsibility of the North East region. The Bureau is headed by Prashanta Bose alias Kishan da, who is originally from West Bengal but now spends most of his time in Jharkhand. Interestingly, one person from Assam is also a member of the Bureau. Sources, however, refused to disclose his name and only said that he is from an area bordering West Bengal.

Sources said that the Maoists have recently adopted a resolution to support the "nationality struggles" all over the country including North East and Jammu and Kashmir and with a good number of militant outfits active in the North East, there is need for keeping a close watch on the situation. The Government of India is also keeping a close watch in North East to prevent the Maoists from making inroads as the situation in the region would deteriorate fast if the Maoists manage to establish strong links with the militant groups active in this part of the country, sources added.

Security sources said that there is enough evidence to prove the links of the Maoists with Manipur based outfit PLA and the NSCN (I-M) and there have been efforts by the Maoists to establish links with the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA). Though there is strong apprehension that the Maoists are getting weapons from the rebel groups of the North East, the security agencies still do not have conclusive evidence of it. "The militant groups of North East have abundance of sophisticated weapons and the Maoists have started using such kinds of weapons in recent times. This raised doubts on whether the Maoists are getting weapons from the militants of NE," sources pointed out.

Sources pointed out that the Maoists normally go step by step while making inroad in any part of the country. They first conduct surveys of the target groups of people among which they can establish bases and normally economic struggle is the first step of movement. The economic struggle then evolves into "resistance struggle" and guerilla warfare is the final stage of their movement. In Assam, there are several groups of people whom can be targeted by the Maoists to establish their bases and the tea labourers can be the most vulnerable. Moreover, the flood and erosion hit farmers can be lured by the Maoists as they established strong foothold in Northern Bihar by working among the flood hit people. According to information available with the security forces, the Maoists formed a lower Assam Zonal committee in the 1990s but the committee could not survive and the possibility of similar attempts in near future cannot be ruled out.

It may be mentioned here that Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi recently commented that the Maoists were trying to establish bases in the state but they have not yet been able to make inroads because of strong vigil maintained by police and security forces.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Emergence of Hills Tiger Force raises questions

Special Correspondent
SILCHAR, June 4: The sudden appearance of yet another militant outfit masquerading as Hills Tiger Force in Dima Hasao district after peace and tranquility has returned after decades of bloody insurgency can hardly be overlooked and dismissed as 'freak'. Since the 80's, the erstwhile North Cachar Hills has been witness to the growth and rise of a surfeit of extremist organizations beginning with Dimasa National Security Force (DNSF) followed by DHD which split into two factions- one led by Dilip Nunisa and the other by Jewel Gorlosa. Along with that came up KLO, KNF besides forays by NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and HPC (D).
Quite significantly, the hills based outfits have been motivated, trained and armed by NSCN (IM) with the sole objective of extending its influence in the Naga inhabited areas as a part of its greater Nagaland or Nagalim design. It was under the tutelage of NSCN (IM) that all these outfits have been carrying on unabated extortions, ransoms, kidnappings and killings to create chaos and anarchy and disturb the State notwithstanding their own struggle for a home land. Extortions were done on the basis of 70:30 ratio between the outfits and NSCN (IM). All these facts came out from the grilling of their leaders and cadres.
But more out of frustration and growing disillusionment among rank and file, besides crackdown by the Sheikh Hasina Government on the bases and hideouts of Northeast rebels in general along with flush out operations by Indian security forces, the outfits realizing the ultimate fate of their campaign for home land had no option than to surrender and opt for dialogue. Disgruntled elements among them however continue to roam in jungle, perhaps in search of some moorings for resurgence which however looks remote, considered against the backdrop of NSCN (IM)'s talks with the Centre entering a crucial phase, besides its general secretary Thuingelang Muivah's greatest discomfiture in not being able to make it to his native village of Somdal in Ukhrul district due mainly to the stiff opposition of Manipur Government and the Meitei people.
The floating of Hills Tiger Force cannot be viewed in isolation. With the naming of North Cachar Hills as Dima Hasao and as approved by the State Government, united voice of resentment and protest by various non Dimasa bodies has been raging across the district. These bodies of Zemes, Kukis, Karbis, Jaintias, Hmars, Vaipeis, Baetis and Hrangkhals have cried foul, apprehending discrimination by the autonomous district council and also an exercise to drive them out. They have even cautioned if the earlier name of the district is not restored, it will again boil. The bandhs called by these organizations under the banner of Indigenous People's Forum over the issue of bifurcation of the district into two have already caused a sort of ethnic divide.
A look at the leaders forming the Hills Tiger Force led by Kapchy Naga, chairman, Arnal Kuki, secretary general, Hrangthang Hmar, 'commander-in-chief', Lunnel Kuki, secretary publicity and Stephen Lungchuong, secretary finance, with base in Borail Hills gives an indication of the material and logistic support it might get from the sources in the event of its attempt to fish in trouble water, taking advantage of the simmering ethnic divide. It might look for support to Kuki or Naga or Hmar extremist groups. It has already begun its operation by serving 'extortion notices'. Or is its emergence to put psychological pressure for reverting to the original name of North Cachar Hills? Intelligence and security agencies will have to keep a tab on the development in order to foil its any mischievous design.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ADB grants $20 m for Sikkim tourism

GANGTOK, June 7 – Sikkim Tourism Department has received a tourism infrastructure development grant of $20 million from the Asian Development bank (ADB) for development of tourism in the State.
BS Gautam, Additional Project Director of Tourism Department said that the Government of India chose Sikkim since the State has already undertaken a lot of tourism-related development work within the State. He further said that the Tourism department had projected a total 28 million dollars as its developmental requirement but the ADB has provided 20 million dollars and the balance amount will be borne by the State Government.

Survey to identify the development areas would be undertaken after some days and after the survey, the department will issue a tender notice for the purpose. Gautam further added that five agencies from Sikkim, Delhi and Mumbai have already filed their applications with the department expressing their desire to participate in the tender process, but the department is yet to give confirmation to the agencies, it was informed.

The department has plans to construct a training institute under the department at Chemchey to impart basic tourism training. It also plans to develop the Rumtek circuit where the department will construct stalls, restaurants, roads and foot paths, and overall tourism infrastructure in the State, informed Gautam.

Work is scheduled to start from September this year , this being the first time Sikkim Tourism is getting a tourism development fund from the ADB. It may be added here that the ADB has provided funds similar in nature to Bangladesh, Nepal and other States in India.

It was further informed that the department has already formed a committee in this regard and the committee will look after the development work. There would be two types of committees – State level and District level with government officers as committee members.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Tripura rejects FDI proposal from Centre

AGARTALA, June 7 – The Tripura Government has turned down a proposal by the Centre for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail business in the State.
"Recently the Central Government wanted to know our opinion about FDI in the retail business and we have clearly informed it that the Tripura Council of Ministers do not support it," State Minister for Food and Civil Supply, Manik De told reporters here today.

He said, about seven to eight crore people in the country earned their livelihood from the retail business who would be hit if FDI was allowed in the retail market.

De said, though the Central Government proposed to appoint a regulatory commission to control FDI, the Left Front Government in the State felt that it would protect the interest of investors and not retailers. – PTI


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Solve Kuki problem before Naga issue: Kuki Inpi

IMPHAL, June 7 – The apex body of Kuki community – Kuki Inpi, Manipur, Assam and Nagaland – has reportedly appealed to Union Home Minister P Chidambaram to first bring an amicable solution to the long pending demands of the Kukis regarding the genocide committed against the Kukis by the NSCN-IM before arriving at a solution between the Naga rebel group and the Government of India.
According to a report in Manipur-based daily Hueiyen Lanpao, A Lenthang, Kumpi of Kuki Inpi, in a fax message sent to the Union Home Minister, P Chaidambaram, has urged that the Government of India first solve the issue of massacre of 900 innocent Kukis, 360 Kuki villages uprooted and 100,000 Kukis rendered homeless by the outlawed NSCN(I-M) before bringing a solution and lasting peace in the Northeastern region.

He said, without a peaceful settlement of such enormous crimes committed, any kind of possible agreement between the Indian Government and one faction of NSCN would certainly cause much bigger problem in the land, the news report said.

"Because, the Northeastern indigenous peoples, the Kukis in particular, have been suffering so much so that your agreement would certainly call for the wrath of all indigenous peoples," Lenthang reportedly warned, it added.

He further said, "We want peace, therefore, kindly avoid a possible civil war".

Meanwhile, NSCN (K), referring to the peace talk between the Centre and NSCN-IM in Kohima, stated that if the meeting does takes place as reported,GPRN/NSCN would only hope that the time tested peaceful co-existence between the Meiteis and Nagas of Manipur would be restored to its rightful position.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Karimganj PHE division achieves record targets

KARIMGANJ, June 7 – Karimganj Public Health Engineering division has set a record in implementation of Total Sanitation Campaign project works during the last financial year in different development blocks.
Physical target for construction of individual household latrines (IHHL) for the financial year 2009-10 in Badarpur, North Karimganj, South Karimganj, Patherkandi, Lowairpoa, Ramkrishnanagar and Dullavcherra development block were 2000, 2000, 5000, 2500, 2500, 750 and 750 Nos. respectively, whereas the PHE, Karimganj division constructed IHHL in these blocks are 1864, 1705, 4051, 2388, 2008, 418 and 510 respectively.

The target for construction of school sanitation block (SSB) were Badarpur 140, achieved 140, North Karimganj 132, achieved 132, South Karimganj 238, achieved 238, Patherkandi 14, completed 14, Lowairpoa 20, completed 20, RK Nagar 124, executed 124, and Dullavcherra 102, executed 102 Nos.

The target for construction of baby friendly toilet (BFT in AWC) were as follows: Badarpur-25, North Karimganj-133, South Karimganj-127, Patherkandi-148, Lowairpoa-83, RK Nagar-115 and Dullavcherra-155. The achievement in construction of BFT in anganwadi centre were in Badarpur-14, North Karimganj-84, South Karimganj-46, Patherkandi-69, Lowairpoa-81, RK Nagar-72 and Dullavcherra-133.

Cumulative achievement since inception upto March '10 are as follows: IHHL-Badarpur-9057, North Karimganj-5484, South Karimganj-10342, Patherkandi-10831, Lowairpoa-5644, RK Nagar-1666 and 1340.

The Karimganj PHE is very much keen to cover all the problem inhabitations under water supply scheme. With a view to implement the Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi's commitment this division is continuing its effort to achieve the goal. According to PHE Karimganj division they executed the construction of 17 Nos. of W/S/S during the last financial year. A total of 65000 villagers have been benefited and a sum of Rs. 7 crore has been involved in the construction work. The three W/S/S were also implemented at Longai, Ishabeel and Vidyanagar TE, which are managed by Assam Tea Corporation.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Manipur cracks whip on Naga protesters

IMPHAL/SHILLONG: The Manipur government launched a massive crackdown on Naga protesters who have blocked national highways 39 and 53 since April 12.

''We have so far held two NSCN(I-M) militants who will face charges under the National Security Act (NSA). Besides, we have arrested six activists of the All Naga Students Association (Ansam), Manipur,'' chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh said in Imphal on Friday.

The CM's announcement coincided with Union home secretary G K Pillai's warning that Ansam should immediately lift the blockade that has triggered an economic crisis in Manipur. ''The government's patience is running out. We have to come down with a hard hand on those who are imposing the blockade. I think the organizations should call it (the blockade) off immediately. This blockade is illegal,'' Pillai said in Shillong. Earlier on May 21, Manipur Police had arrested two Ansam activists. ''The duo was released three days later after they promised not to take part in the blockade. Four other Naga activists are being detained at two police stations,'' Ibobi said. According to sources, the government was exploring possibilities to slap NSA on them.

Ansam started the blockade on April 12 opposing Manipur's decision to hold Autonomous District Council (ADC) elections in the tribal-dominated hill districts. It claimed that the ADC Act ''suppresses the rights of tribals''.

Later, more Naga activists joined the blockade when Manipur didn't allow NSCN (I-M) general secretary Thuingaleng Muivah to visit his native village, Somdal, in Ukhrul district. The blockade has caused immense hardship to people of Manipur with essential commodities, life saving drugs and fuel becoming scarce.

Ibobi said his government had ''officially'' asked Ansam to come for talks, but in vain.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NSCN chairman Muivah head to Delhi for talks

The Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland(Isak Muivah) general secretary Thuingaleng Muivah has finally given up his mission to visit his birth place, Somdal in Ukhrul district and left Nagaland for New Delhi to participate in another round of peace talks with the centre's interlocutor R S Pandey. The fresh round of talks are likely to be held later this week or early next week.

According to NSCN-IM sources in Nagaland, 'this time, talks are progressing well. Most of the issues are almost resolved. The ticklish item like the incorporation of Naga areas of neighbouring states is, however, yet to be resolved. In his last meeting with Mr R S Pandey in Kohima, Mr Muivah had pointed out that 'although I understand Centre's limitations on this burning issue, a decision can not be imposed upon the Nagas.'

Pandey also admitted that this issue was discussed with Muivah, but no progress has been made on this particular issue. He also reiterated that Manipur state's boundary would not be redrawn. While Muivah and his men are making all possible efforts to organize meetings and rallies to mobilize support for Muivah in Nagaland, and other Naga inhabited areas, the NSCN(K) faction led by S S Khaplang and general secretary Khitobi, ridiculed and criticized Muivah's rigid stand on visiting his birth place Somdal and not asking for the formation of a 'greater Nagalim.'

Meanwhile, the Union Home Secretary G K Pillai, talking to rediff, indicated that the 55-day long economic blocade might be withdrawn by next week. Only two days earlier, Pillai stated in Shillong that 'the centre will come out with heavy hand and take stern action against those who are organizing economic blockade on the national highways in Manipur, if the concerned state governments of Nagaland and Manipur fail to work out a solution soon.'

It is reliably learnt that the Nagaland government and Naga elders including village Council leaders and various NGOs are trying to influence on the United Naga Council of Manipur to withdraw the blockade at the earliest.

Sujit Chakraborty in New Delhi


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Hardcore ULFA leaders may come overground
Staff reporter

GUWAHATI, June 8 – A number of hardcore militants belonging to the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) have sent feelers to the police and security forces to express their desire to come over ground following the arrests of the top leaders of the outfit.
Security sources said that a number of militants are already in touch with the police and security forces. Some vital information regarding the strength of the outfit in the bases of the 28th battalion in Myanmar have also been divulged by them. Sources said that a number of cadres of the outfit are frustrated and given a chance they would like to come overground.

Sources revealed that the council headquarters of the ULFA in Myanmar is headed by senior leader Jiban Moran, while, another camp is headed by Prakash Baruah, while, the headquarter of the 28th battalion located near the NSCN (K) camp is headed by Bijoy Das alias Bijoy Chinese. The total strength of the ULFA cadres in Myanmar would be around 100 or so.

Those who are in touch with the security forces revealed that they were lured to join the outfit because they were feeling frustrated due to unemployment. They were told that the gun would give them the power and authority in their villages and they would be taken to a foreign country for training from where they would be able to come back to fight for Independent Assam. They were taken to Myanmar for training for three months, but now they are feeling frustrated as they have realized that independent Assam was an impossible dream.

The ULFA members in touch with the forces said that the behaviour of the senior leaders towards the lower level cadres is one of the reasons for their desire to come overground. The senior leaders are given different accommodations along with the camps and though complaints of ill treatment was lodged against several senior leaders, no action was taken against them. A number of cadres are suffering from malaria and other diseases, but they are not getting treatment because of shortage of medicines and they are also not allowed to return home for treatment, sources added. The arrests of senior leaders also caused frustration among the lower level cadres of the ULFA, sources said.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Crisis-hit Manipur to import rice from Myanmar
Surajit Khaund

GUWAHATI, June 8 – To overcome the food crisis due to the economic blockade called by various Naga groups, the Manipur Government will import 1000 MT of rice from Myanmar.
Manipur Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) which is engaged in promotion of small-scale industries and border trade, has been asked by the State Government to import the rice.

"We have submitted a proposal to the Food Corporation of India (FCI) and we are waiting for its green signal," highly-placed sources told this correspondent today. They further added that last year drought had severely affected rice production in the State and therefore the Government decided to import rice from Myanmar to meet the daily demand.

An indefinite economic blockade enforced by various Naga tribal groups to protest the Manipur government's decision not to allow separatist leader T Muivah to visit his birthplace has literally brought the state to a halt.

According to available statistics, Manipur produces nearly 5.18 lakh MT rice annually against the demand 6.21 lakh MT. But last year the State produced only 2.50 lakh MT.

To speed up the process of rice import, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between North East Federation of International Trade (NEFIT) and Union of Myanmar Border Trade Chamber of Commerce, Tamu and Kaley at a meeting in Manipur recently.

Providing feedback on the MoU, M Chandra Kishore Singh, vice president of NEFIT informed that Myanmar Government was keen on expanding trade ties with the North-east. "U San New Win, Director of Myanmar Border Trade who was present at the meeting laid emphasis on increasing bilateral trade by way of involving traders of both the nations," he said.

It may be recalled that the Commerce Ministry has already granted permission to the Manipur Government to import 50,000 MT of rice from Myanmar annually. Myanmar is said to be the rice bowl in Asia and its three varieties-ayemin, sanshei and pasan are very popular in Manipur.

Singh informed that Indo-Myanmar border trade was still in the nascent state due to poor participation of the North East traders. "Though Myanmar is a big market for the North East traders, we are yet to reap the benefit. To create awareness among the traders, we are going to organise meets across the region soon," he said.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Drug peddlers target school students
Staff reporter

GUWAHATI, June 8 – Drug peddlers operating in the North East region have set educational institutions, especially schools as the prime target areas for their business, a fact that law enforcing agencies claimed to have acquired after making a detail assessment of the racket.
A source closely associated with the Assam Police's narcotic cell has claimed that schools located in and around Guwahati have always been a target area for the drug peddlers but of late reports of an intensified effort to reach out to the teenagers has been noticed.

"Even during the questioning of a few such peddlers, it was found that students of many city-based schools, mostly belonging to well off families, are exposed to drugs at an early age, most of the time at a very low price," said the source.

"The price of the drugs goes up once they become addicted to the substance and the students resort to unfair means to meet their demands," the source pointed out.

The source, however, was not in the favour of naming the educational institutes saying that the matter would be discussed with the school authority, as and when necessary.

"In fact, more than the school authority the onus lies on the parents to ensure that their wards do not fall prey to such abuse," the source stated, adding that drug abuse among the teenagers is on the rise.

An Assam Police official, when asked, opined that the police as well as the non-government organizations must put in a concerted effort to tackle this menace.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Dimasa apex body appeal to non-Dimasa MACs

HAFLONG, June 8 – The Jadikhe Naisho Hoshom (JNH), the Dimasa apex body, has appealed to all the eleven non-Dimasa MACs (Members of Autonomous Council) of Dima Hasao district not to be misguided by the evil design of the IFF (Indigenous Peoples' Forum) and the ISF (Indigenous Students' Forum) a press release issued by LK Nunisa, general secretary, Jadikhe Naisho Hoshom (JNH).
The release alleged that the IFF and the ISF were formed purely on communal line excluding the majority indigenous tribal people and the indigenous non-tribal communities. Hence, these organisations have very narrow outlook of creating communal division amongst the peace-loving people of the district. At present their motive was to bifurcate the district for their vested interest without considering the harmful results on all other communities. The IFF and ISF were run only by a section of people belonging to only three communities. These bodies were not popular bodies.

The JNH believes that all the eleven Non-Dimasa MACs were not willing to bifurcate the district on communal lines but somehow they have expressed in a press release to create more districts. Such creation of more districts was not appropriate or necessary under the present circumstances of the district. It would only bring more troubles to the peace-loving people of Dima Hasao district which had been witnessing peace and tranquillity during the last more than several months since September 14, 2009 in which non-ceremonial surrender of arms by the DHD(J) militants was held. The MACs were elected to work for the welfare of the people in general. Therefore, they must consider the welfare of all people.

The JNH hoped that the eleven non-Dimasa MACs would understand that peace, harmony and development were the need of the hour. Regarding their desire to implement Article 244(A), the JNH supported the same for all-round development of the district which can only be achieved by the united efforts of all sections of the people irrespective of caste, creed and religion.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Manipuri students launch Nagaland blockade
Sobhapati Samom

IMPHAL, June 8 – A Joint Action Committee (JAC) formed by 12 organisations under the aegis of All Assam Manipuri Students' Union during a joint meeting held at Manja in Karbi Anglong has launched a 36-hour road blockade on NH 39 (Numaligarh to Dimapur) and NH 36 (Nagaon to Dimapur) from 5 am today, reports said.
The blockade is against trucks carrying essential goods and petroleum products into Nagaland. The blockade on the these Highways shall be extended, if ANSAM, UNC and other Naga organisations extend and intensify their blockade in Nagaland and Manipur, it added.

The JAC was formed to carry out various democratic agitations to remove the hardship faced by the tribal and non-tribal people of Manipur due to the prolonged economic blockade on NH 39 and NH 53 by ANSAM and UNC in Manipur and supported and intensified by Naga Students' Federation (NSF) in Nagaland on NH 39.

The formation of the JAC is a follow up action of two rallies and a meeting held at Hojai on May 17 and at Amarjan village on May 26. The JAC has started sending its volunteers to all strategic locations to launch the blockade, it further said.

In another development, the European Manipuri Assocition (EMA), London, United Kingdom has urged the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh to take immediate steps to diffuse the humanitarian crisis prevailing in Manipur.

In a letter which was made available to the local press here, EMA drew the attention of the PM to "the profound humanitarian crisis continuing in Manipur due to the on-going economic blockade by ANSAM and others since April 11.

It said, "As you are aware, the NH 39 and NH 53, are the only proper conduits linking Manipur to mainland India. They are the lifelines on which millions of Manipuris depend for all their essential supplies".

"The blockade of the National Highways has effectively choked the entire population of Manipur resulting in acute shortage of food, medicine and other essential commodities in the State. The price of food grains and other household supplies has escalated to such a level that ordinary people are being driven to starvation".

The EMA further said that school children have been denied the most basic rights to education as school vans and buses have halted service due to fuel shortage. If the situation continues unabated the entire infrastructure and support system in the State would collapse.

"The tragedy is that it is not the first time Manipur has faced a crisis of such magnitude. Time and again, various groups have blockaded NH 39 and NH 53 as a form of collective punishment taking the entire population of Manipur to ransom.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Illegal substances continue to flood Nagaland
A Correspondent

DIMAPUR, June 8 – Coming as proof that there is still no ebb in the flow of liquor and other illegal substances into Nagaland, a huge cache of seized substances were destroyed here.
Altogether, 937 cases of assorted IMFL, 2,000 kg of contraband ganja, 36,000 capsules of Spasmo Proxyvon, seven packets of opium and a huge quantity of 'gutkhas' worth several lakhs of rupees were burnt on the banks of Dhansiri river near Referral Hospital here.

The contraband bonfire was made as ordered by District Sessions Judge S Jukato Swu in presence of Dimapur Naga Women Hoho, police and judicial magistrates. The items were all part of seizures made and kept in various police stations in Dimapur district.

Interacting with the media, Additional District and Sessions Judge Ramlia said the State is still being flooded with spurious liquor. It is found that most of the liquor being illegally sold is spurious which the public consume out of ignorance and pay a heavy price with their health, he stated.

The Dimapur Naga Women Hoho president Hukheli Wotsa, lauded the efforts of the police towards checking the bootlegging trade. She had earlier set fire to the seized items.

Officials from the judiciary speaking to media persons, felt that lifting of the Prohibition Act would help check the influx of spurious liquor. With the Act in force, there is no way of regulating the products being sold by bootleggers, it was opined, a view voiced by various concerned citizens in various platforms.

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