Nirmala Sitaraman Selected as India's New Defense Minister


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Nirmala sitaraman has a proven track record as an administrator and a hard nosed negotiator. Both traits very much in need for the DefMin post.

I will disregard all the nonsense posted by pot smoking juveniles on this thread.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
A lot of sexist drivel in this thread.
We have a full time Raksha Mantri now and a lot of work to be done. Focus should be on that.
The absolute rot iam reading in this thread against a woman def min is beyond belief.

Never knew this forum is peopled by cave-dwelling men who bash the brains of a woman if she doesn't spread her legs for him or cook the dead animal he brings home.

This thread has been hijacked beyond repair and is best deleted.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
Not everybody can be brutal as Indira gandhi,What I am trying to say is that lets take a scenario in which Bharat and Pakistan engage each other in a conflict.And if Bharat captures paki land. Lets face it guys it is quite evident that the Jihadis would retaliate. Historically only way we can destroy Jihadi proxies is being more brutal than them( for example;- Mongols,and presently the Chinese)and to curb it army has to commit war crimes which IMO a male leader is more psychollogicaly strong to allow such decison of then a women leader. A women leader might back down to human rights group and tell army to be more meek.
Decisions like the ones you mention above are not taken on the whims and fancies of a single minister be it a man or a woman.


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Few Points everyone should know about New DM
  1. She was the one who had put a paper on 100% defence FDI relaxation need after meeting almost all OEMs who wanted a MII venture for hi end technology building in India but were wary of stringent policies of home country not allowing it without full control.
  2. She was met by Marilyn Hewson Chairman, CEO and president of LM last July 2016 and held a detailed discussion about LM plan under MII . it was called India Innovation Growth Programme where Ms Hewson met all stake holders from politicians to government officials to industrialists.
  3. DM NS had nudged LM towards Tata Group for F16 programme and had suggested how this will help towards MII and Skill India both and help increase the footprint for localised supply. In case of a critical tech, a one off view can be taken on merit basis. It was suggested that over time LM plant in India will make certain critical parts for F-35 for cost efficiency but they cannot do it so under a JV owing to Senate restriction, F35 program partners issues and since the entity is not directly under US gov control. The defence sectors reform will be undertaken where the MII and Skill India is as per GOI needs and relaxation in the form of reforms will be done as well.
Thanks, for the useful information.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Is that the best you can come up with? Laxmibai, the only instance you can quote from a history of India spanning 5000 years?
That too when she ruled as a representative of someone else?
I wrote a long post to answer you back but deleted all.

Let me ask you first. What is your objection with a Lady becoming DM of India ?


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Notice the excitement and agitation on this thread. Is it reminder of memories of mother...(for some men here) when she used to slap and punish them when they were children. A woman defence minister can provoke some of these childhood fears in some men and hence this anxiety and opposition.
In this day and age, its not the brawn but the brain which matters most when making crucial decisions related to defense of a nation. She seems a capable, dedicated and loyal Indian and I am fine with a woman like her being defense minister.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Let me ask you first. What is your objection with a Lady becoming DM of India ?
That we can find no man for the post. Defence is not a subject for experimentation. Status Quo mus be maintained at all costs, even at the cost of social justice.
She will be used as a propaganda material for more SJ nuisance like women in frontline combat, transgenders etc.
She has still miles to go before becoming someone capable of sitting in the same table as Sushma Swaraj and Rajnath Singh.
She is a Modi sycophant, just like that actress who was previously Edu minister and screwed up big time.
When all the top military nations of the world, all of them much more developed than India have male DMs, what is this tearing urgency to make a lady a DefMin?


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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Raksha Mantri must know how to drive a tank and lay mines.....................

wooohuuuuuuuuu..............the award of biggest chauvinist cuckold goes to this thread.
Hey you bloody SJW, India is surrounded by enemies and therefore needs a DM who can fire drive a tank, fly a fighter and can fire a MG from the hip, Rambo style.

On topic: NS is a great choice for Raksha Mantri. I am a card member Gen V K Singh fan club, it would have been disaster if he were made RM. Army already has 80% of manpower and roughly similar influence.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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You are simply throwing big words around and barking up the wrong tree mate.
Your concern is valid only if the DM is an integral part of the operational military chain of command. Our DM is not. NS will be in charge of the policy framework and providing wherewithal to the Armed Forces to discharge their responsibilities in the context of the defence of the country. She will be there only for general budget matters and procurement of equipment - a role NS can handle with great ease.

On the lighter side, she might turn out to be as good or as bad as any of the macho senior citizen MALES who have graced the DM chair in the past. Why the sudden concern? :D
If this role was so easy, why did this post never before go up for a full time female minister? If this post is so easy as you say, why not take some burden off AJ and NaMo himself could handle some, or even Rajnath. This appointment is more focussed on optics than anything else. That is unexpected and unbecoming from Modi. Would have been fine with Manmohan.
Why concern? Read my objections.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
If this role was so easy, why did this post never before go up for a full time female minister? If this post is so easy as you say, why not take some burden off AJ and NaMo himself could handle some, or even Rajnath. This appointment is more focussed on optics than anything else. That is unexpected and unbecoming from Modi. Would have been fine with Manmohan.
Why concern? Read my objections.

Do you know that the only role of DM as of now is technology acquisition and negotiation. Nirmala was seen to be a hard bargainer. Parrikar got Kaveri offset because of the same reason - hard negotiating.

The art of negotiating is high amongst women in general. See that in markets of stores.

Rahul Prakash

Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2017
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They can either defend the Army men and give a free hand to them or stop it,During the rape in berlin even Stalin's warnings to the Red Army didn't worked and they continued to rape German Nazi women.
@TPFscopes My last off-topic post in this thread.
Its not that i am anti women its just that i dont trust them.

Everywhere in the world where they have been give freedom,they treat their men bad proportionally to the rights they have been given and do all sorts of anti national activities in proportion to their rights.

Muslims in spite of treating their women like shit experience the least amount of internal unity problems.

I dont want india to lose as a civilization because we are eager to prove to westerners that we are good followers of the religion of human rights(which is not even our own creation).

And this universe is atheistic,it does not care about human rights,it cares only about the eqn(strength + will + tactics/strategy = power) of power btw players.Stalin did not win against hitler because he had a better human rights record(read he didnt), he won because his side was more pwerful.

In the end if india should survive we must stop caring about bullshit sj issues and care about how wars are won.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Sorry those are your opinions and none of them backed by hard data.
Tell me what your real objection to NS being our Def Min?
Upset at the ultimate male bastion broken?
Whatever. My objections are my opinions, the same.
Ultimate male bastion, pray, what is that? There is no ultimate male bastion. Men control everything outside home, women inside. That is the law of nature. Any deviation from that law and nature will make you suffer.
What kind of hard data do you require? See Europe and their DefMins. Bunch of pussies. And Europe is now the terror and rape capital of the world.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
And it is women who have least interest to back the nation,exception do not disprove the rule.These minorities and women are the ones who are the spearhead in destroying western civilization.

do you think other civilization's are any different.china will be more protected than us as they are not a democracy,the womans vote will not be in the eqn and they will always act in favour of their han civilization.they are also less burdened by religion of human rightsto deal with the muslim problem.
You are the most confused poster I have ever seen.

Few bad apples shouldn't be used for all cases. Only 10-30% that too teenage and hippie liberal girls are feminist type. I may be wrong. Who cares about west??

Indian women are different. Our Dharmic women are more so.
They are the torchbearers of Dharmic Nationalism in India. I have seen more than 50% contribution from women to Nationalistic cause. Here you come and bash the very idea of it.

Get a grip. We get it. Some of the dudes here thrashed by their girlfriends in their life.

Nirmala Sitharaman is one of the few politicians who actually work instead of posing before cameras. Every two-bit poster comes and bashes her, questioning her credentials.

We had worst politicians in past. Still have. Guess we deserve shitty politicians because we are so spoiled and righteous in every aspect.
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Rahul Prakash

Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2017
Country flag
Whatever. My objections are my opinions, the same.
Ultimate male bastion, pray, what is that? There is no ultimate male bastion. Men control everything outside home, women inside. That is the law of nature. Any deviation from that law and nature will make you suffer.
What kind of hard data do you require? See Europe and their DefMins. Bunch of pussies. And Europe is now the terror and rape capital of the world.

These defence types dont understand war is total.It is not confined to just making thing in india ,it is social,economics,narrative,propaganda,signaling,demograpghics,etc all put together.

These guys will not complain about these issues and will even allow these sj issues to fester and 50 to 100 years from now india will be in the same or worse shit that of europe and we would have grown our own country for nothing as it will slip onto the new invaders.

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