Nirbhay Cruise Missile Test 2013

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Feb 17, 2009
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Copy-paste logic ! which says that indigenous things doesn't work, only copied-pasted things work. :p

On topic,

Wreckage was really damaged which proves that it was self-destructed.
they could have added recovery shoot like in Lakysha and nishant.



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Feb 17, 2009
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Another stupid reason can be they had some problem project director decided to abort the mission then some one extra smart like me said lets crash it on our coast so that we can examine the parts. Like aircraft crash investigation.

We have debri to examine rather then data only.


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Another stupid reason can be they had some problem project director decided to abort the mission then some one extra smart like me said lets crash it on our coast so that we can examine the parts. Like aircraft crash investigation.

We have debri to examine rather then data only.
We could have tried subsonic cruise missile interception capabilities from the MKI trailing it.


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
^^^^ even machine gun on MKI can do that. What is important is tracking of CM.
I commented on a lighter side............. yes you are correct the debris will be analysed. The debris have been taken back to ITR Chandipur the same evening.

The details of debris that fell over land and eye witness account as it appeared in local newspaper has been posted by me in this thread.


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Mar 6, 2011
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It looks on target to me...

We will offer you anything but you keep buying it. IAF doesn't think Rafale is such a pussy cat and will spend more buying it than all expenditure on Flankers combined. They are already working out details for follow-on orders... I know how this will go so don't worry.

I am not going to bash this guy because I have respect for him. He only says what should be, not what is. He is mistaken about MMRCA, they have a successful business aviation unit and testing line besides Rafale. Another assumption he makes is that you can buy Dassault and make Rafale, there are more companies in the team. You cannot buy Thales and Safran with that money. The market cap is bigger than BAE or Lockheed Martin.

He actually outlines exactly what is wrong with DRDO and HAL. When India destroys public control of production and research let me know.

Anyway, this guy destroyed a career of distinction with his disrespect and insubordination of the decision of his superiors.
This guy could have walked away with cool 14 crores offered to him for clearing the next tranche of TATRA trucks purchase. You call him "insubordinate " for that !!! By throwing light on the bribes tainted military procurement this insubordinate is a DEFENCE MINISTER material.

But sorely the family firm which has a very"clean and honest " defence minister could not cope up with really honest V.K.Singh .
So it has to punish him for a small mistake in writing made when he was a teenager, which he later corrected legally.

His tenure was terminated to disturb the natural line of succession which would have been followed , had he been allowed to complete his term.

You can say RAFLE is a starship for the next 30 years. But it is just another well made 4.5th gen fighter among a crop of fighters.It is no F-22. Will it detect and track J-20 before being targeted by it?
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Mar 6, 2011
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Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence
"The lift-off from the canister, the booster separation, ignition of cruise vehicle engine at high altitude, wing deployment, control guidance and way-point navigation capabilities have been proven. For a missile designers these are crucial milestones achieved," Avinash Chander, Chief Controller (Missiles and Strategic Systems), DRDO told Express from Bhuvaneshwar.

He claimed that for a first flight, the objectives achieved are encouraging. "We were able to launch it as a missile first, then convert show its longevity as an aircraft. We will study what went wrong and get back with another missile within six-eight months so as to go the full distance. We have enough data from this flight and we have tested all stages of the missile, which was very crucial," Avinash said.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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What went wrong for Nirbhay
Published March 14, 2013 | By admin

What exactly went wrong? This million dollar question has started haunting the DRDO big wigs after the Tuesday's fiasco in which India's first indigenously built sub-sonic cruise missile Nirbhay deviated from path forcing the mission team to destroy it mid-way.

The fearless missile, as its name suggests, left the residents of a seaside village in Jagatsinghpur district scared as its wreckage's fell in a cashew nut orchard, just 50 meters away from human habitations after it was blown off through self-destructive mechanism.

While an inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the reasons behind the debacle, DRDO scientists are analyzing the data collected during the mission. The missile debris collected from the village also has been sent to the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur for further verification.

Though the local defence authorities are tight lipped on the causes behind the technical disaster, reliable sources at the test range told 'The New Indian Express' that the missile veered off as snags developed in its inertial navigation system (INS), which leads a missile till its target area.

"Besides, there could be metallurgical malfunction in any of the sub-systems, which, we suspect, failed to sustain the aero-dynamic pressures. The vibration in the engine is a pointer to the fact," the sources informed.

Even as the DRDO claimed that the missile covered nearly 200 km in 20 minutes before its deviation from the intended flight path, the source said the missile traveled much less as it fell in Gadaharishpur, an area hardly 100 km from the launching complex aerially.

Chief Controller (Missiles and Strategic Systems) of DRDO Avinash Chander however ruled out that there was fault in the INS or metallurgical error. "We suspect the technical glitches might have developed one of the sub-systems in the missile system after it attained certain height and cover certain distance besides displaying some excellent maneuvers," he said.

Chander, the man behind Agni missiles said it would take time to pin-point on the exact cause of the fiasco. "Data collected during the mission is being analysed properly at the defence laboratory. It requires time as we need to cross-check all data very thoroughly. Once we ascertain the faults, there will be absolutely no problem to fix them. The missile will again be ready for trials within some months," he added.

Nirbhay is India's first home made cruise missile having a strike range of nearly 1,000 km. Though already it has two versions of 290-km range supersonic cruise missile BrahMos in its arsenal, the weapon has been developed in collaboration with Russia.

It is not for the first time that a missile was destroyed mid-way as it deviated from the path. On July 29, last year Indo-Russian joint venture BrahMos crashed mid-air after a vertical lift-up and fell into the Bay of Bengal before covering its pre-coordinated path.

Earlier on September 24, 2010 Prithvi-II missile fell down immediately after take off. Later it went straight horizontally and hit the seaside wall at Chandipur test range before catching fire spreading panic among defence personnel who ran away to save themselves.
What went wrong for Nirbhay |


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Feb 17, 2009
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Because what happened is crappy.....
Earlier on September 24, 2010 Prithvi-II missile fell down immediately after take off. Later it went straight horizontally and hit the seaside wall at Chandipur test range before catching fire spreading panic among defence personnel who ran away to save themselves
Army artillery guys were firing this or SFC


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Dec 17, 2009
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This guy could have walked away with cool 14 crores offered to him for clearing the next tranche of TATRA trucks purchase. You call him "insubordinate " for that !!! By throwing light on the bribes tainted military procurement this insubordinate is a DEFENCE MINISTER material.
He wasn't tossed under the truck for revealing bribery. He was dismissed for being too old, and unlike a good soldier he had to fight it in court and make himself look like a power hungry jack ass.

But sorely the family firm which has a very"clean and honest " defence minister could not cope up with really honest V.K.Singh .
So it has to punish him for a small mistake in writing made when he was a teenager, which he later corrected legally.
When you hit the max age of service, then you retire. Was VK treated any differently than other generals that reach that age? Was it not the age he accepted officially three times? He was the first officer to ever take GoI to court. What does that say about his character? He didn't like their decision so he is going to set a new precedent if you don't like what your superiors tell you, sue. He lost too.

His tenure was terminated to disturb the natural line of succession which would have been followed , had he been allowed to complete his term.
If he was such a champion against corruption, why didn't he file a full report on the incident as his commander in chief instructed? If he was going to be champion against corruption he would have made a huge stink of it before he got axed, not after.

You can say RAFLE is a starship for the next 30 years. But it is just another well made 4.5th gen fighter among a crop of fighters.It is no F-22. Will it detect and track J-20 before being targeted by it?
It is a 4.5 gen airframe with 5th gen avionics. So you could really call it 4.75 gen being more advanced then the claimed 4.5 gen fighters out there, like EFT. At best J-20 is LO, it certainly isn't VLO so an RBE2 AESA will not have a problem locating it, especially when it will be emitting a PESA radar that doesn't even meet Irbis waveforms. Yes, it is more than a match for any future Chinese fighter, they do not have the advanced avionics or weapons to compete.


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Feb 17, 2009
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DRDO says aborted Nirbhaya missile test "80 % successful" news

A day after the long-range cruise missile 'Nirbhay' deviated from its course during its maiden launch off the Odisha coast and had to be destroyed in mid-air, scientists of the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) today began the post-mission analysis to locate the fault.

The sub-sonic missile that was launched from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur-on-sea in Balasore district, about 230 km from here, deviated from its intended course after travelling approximately half its course.

Scientists of the DRDO who were involved in the development and launch of the missile met at Chandipur and started analysing the telemetry data.

"We should not rush to any conclusion because it involves a large amount of data. We are doing a very, very thorough investigation," a scientist involved in the mission told IANS.

"It will take at least a month," said the scientist on the expected time required to complete the investigation. He said the post-mission analysis committee has already started looking into the matter.

Describing the test, senior scientists said the launch was perfect and the booster established the missile in cruise mode correctly. Nirbhay flew more than 200 km along the Odisha coast, skimming the Bay of Bengal, watched by radars along the coastline. The navigation too was perfect, with the Nirbhay correctly touching the first two ''way-points'', which marked the route that the missile was to take.

Things went wrong after 15 minutes of flight, when the missile deviated significantly from its path. Since it was close to the inhabited coastline, a self-destruct mechanism inside the missile was activated to destroy it.

Avinash Chander, DRDO's missile chief and a key architect of the Agni ballistic missile programme, said, ''I would call the test 80 per cent successful. The Nirbhay demonstrated that it could take off correctly, establish a cruise profile, and navigate to its initial waypoints.

''These were new performance parameters that we had never tested before, so we are satisfied that the test proved those. But then, one of the sub-systems malfunctioned and we had to terminate the test. All that remains is to determine why this happened and to rectify the flaw.''

The Nirbhay missile is claimed to be similar to the US Tomahawk, which can fly like an airplane and is capable of travelling up to 1,000 km.

Developed by the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), a DRDO laboratory based in Bangalore, Nirbhay could be launched from land, sea or air. The surface-to-surface missile has good loitering capability, advanced navigation system and can provide high degree of accuracy.

It can travel at a very low altitude at a speed of 0.7 mach (nearly 840kmph) and has the ability to fly around the target till it gets an opportunity to attack it.

A key hurdle to developing a long-range cruise missile is the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which forbids signatories from assisting or providing technology to any other country developing a cruise missile with a range of 300 km or more.

India and Russia could collaborate in developing the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile because its range was pegged at 295 km, just below the MTCR limit. In building the Nirbhay, however, India has had to go it alone. : DRDO says aborted Nirbhaya missile test "80 % successful"

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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With 15 minutes of flight @840 kmph i.e. 14 kmpm it will travel about 210 kms, that means above claim of DRDO is correct!
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