NGO'S Foreign Funding - A Security Threat


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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I studied some effects of the caste system on the rape cases, but obviously it is a topic not popular here, so I do not want go deeper to it.
Did you ever do any research on why Vatican has become a haven of paedophiles? Perversion in Christianity?


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Let me answer your first question, I think it has to be left out of this post for now. You have to get your self tested for language skills since you missed your own mistake at the beginning of your post. My question is why would you even think of calling Holocaust to be BS. It is something that has happened and all the proof of the tragedy is there to be seen. You are telling us it is BS or in other words that it did not happen.
I mean that when Germans tried to talk finns about race and jew agenda they had, the finns said " thats BS!". It is in the history books, german high command said " national socialism is good for germany democracy for Finland".

I am not trying to whitewash anything, just saying that there are everyday living and horrors done by few, average German soldier were no different from any other.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
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I mean that when Germans tried to talk finns about race and jew agenda they had, the finns said " thats BS!". It is in the history books, german high command said " national socialism is good for germany democracy for Finland".

I am not trying to whitewash anything, just saying that there are everyday living and horrors done by few, average German soldier were no different from any other.
I beg to differ from your opinion because it was planned genocide by State and the total number is 6 million, I do not understand how you can downplay the reality of that time in our history.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Are you an Indian then? Why do you do research on us alone?
I already knew about Catholics problems, they have been at news for over two decades. Indian caste system was new to me and I got interested about it when those "strange" rape cases came public. They are totally different from cases in Europe.


Regular Member
Dec 16, 2014
And the western nations in the 60's and 70's damaged the environment beyond repair. Where was Green Peace then?
Yes Eu is so developed, there are hardly any trees left, what should greenpeace do then... there is just nothing to save anymore.

These organisations are all only here to divert, all of them. its totally obvious that, their own nations and the monotheist leadership of the jews and christians is purposely and planned destroying worldwide all nature. They are totally evil, raping and murdering every living being, on the planet. it happens planned and systematical. You think this greenpeace would say a word? About the pope or the jewish elite? Its racism and antisemitism! THe jews can destroy the world really, if someone says a word he is a "hater" and anti semit! These ngos only make actions in Russia fe, while their EU nations completely wipe out any forest in for example Lithuania. In the last 30 years Lithuania was totally deforested, because it became western. You think greenpeace said a word? they dont even have an office in these baltic states. They are totally deforested, by some capitalists, monocultures on whole Lithuania not a single living being left alive... There was not a single word said about, but Greenpeace making actions in Russia. Open a map in Switzerland look the forest areas... There is in the whole country no larger forest than 20-30 ha. Extreme overpopulation, nature reserves only in mountain areas were most lifeforms cant exist anyhow.

It is all a farce, sure. But this is also happening in India in the same way, the corruptism and capitalism is taking over, nothing is done against it at all. The elite jews that control all the money can do what they want, there isnt even a party existing that is really against it. or where is it? Greenpeace? Yes sure.


Regular Member
Dec 16, 2014
My question is why would you even think of calling Holocaust to be BS. It is something that has happened and all the proof of the tragedy is there to be seen. You are telling us it is BS or in other words that it did not happen.
It is BS, history was written by the winners. The germans did not have any gas chambers. The concentration camps of the germans were in fact in much much better conditions than in any other nation in the second world war. The Zyklon B was in fact a anti parasite measure. The other nations didnt have such measures in their camps and thats why they invented the story that the gas would have been used for killings. When the war went to an end, the malnutrition was the problem and thats why these pictures happened with the skinny people... But the malnutrition was the same problem with all other nations, and in fact the english purposely killed hundred thousands germans after the war PURPOSELY by malnutrition.

The thing is after official numbers given out by the WINNERS, the germans would have killed up to 6 million jews... Ooooh, thats a lot, when we think that in a single massacre in Bangladesh 3 million Hindus were killed and nobody cares two hoots about it. In a single massacre. There is not a single jew even knowing about. AFTER NUMBERS of the revistionists there were approx. 2 millions jews ONLY KILLED. THE RUSSIANS KILLED BUT in the Gulaks i dont know 30-40 millions... But yes... poor poor jews and thats then a reason for stealing a whole country and make wars since 70 years and kill i dont know at least 50 million peoples in the meantime... because of a fake holocaust that never happened and maximally killed like 6 millions? How sick can it be? Are the jews worth ten times a normal human life or hundred? What is the coefficient some jew shall say...
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Regular Member
Dec 16, 2014
This greenpeace aso are so corrupt, that even their enemies are a farce, and paid to do their desinfo work. This is all the work of the Christians knights and secret orders. They exist and are the oldest secret services that exist, and the papacy and jewish-christian elite controls the whole world through them. The muslims... are not the problem, dont be naive, they are just agitated. You must see the whole picture and you must go to the source. You shall not remain with some smaller parties that are against the cause and source too, you would better unify with them, it are also your neighbors instead of fighting each other to the enjoyment of the real force that is behind this whole shit that is happening on this planet.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
Do you know that last year China surpassed Germany as a largest developper and user of renewal energy in the world? They took huge leap and you are wasting time to these trivial discussions.
china will be much more tough on foreign funded ngo,even i dont think there any of ngo in china.

Free Karma

Senior Member
Oct 3, 2013
Unblock foreign contributions received by Greenpeace India: Delhi High Court to Centre | The Indian Express

MHA should appeal
The Delhi High Court on Tuesday directed the government to remove the freeze on the IDBI Bank account of Greenpeace India, which has foreign contribution of Rs 1.87 crore from Greenpeace International. The court observed that the government had not brought any "evidence on record" to support its action of freezing the account.
"According to me, there is no material on record to restrict the petitioner from accessing the bank account with the IDBI Bank in Chennai," said the court of Justice Rajiv Shakdher. It said that the "amount in fixed deposited
in the bank be unblocked and transferred to the NGO's account".
The court took note of the submissions made by the Ministry of Home Affairs, which had alleged that the "foreign funds" had been contributed by Greenpeace International, which was on its watchlist, but observed that the ministry's directions to freeze the account had been given before any notice was issued to the NGO.
"How do you respond to the NGO's allegation. At least, you should say something. First you freeze the account then you investigate the case, which is very, very uncommon," observed the court, adding that the ministry had not been able to show on record any evidence that the NGO had been engaged in activities that went against national interest.
"NGOs are entitled to have their viewpoints," said the court, adding that the NGO cannot be accused of acting against national interest "merely because its views do not match the government's viewpoint".
The court also noted that the directions to the bank to freeze the accounts were "arbitrary" as the government had not been able to prove its stand.
The court, however, said the government was free to take action against Greenpeace India in future if it found violation of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) provisions.
The court order came during hearing of a petition filed by Greenpeace India, which alleged that the government had taken action "without any rhyme or reason and without complying with the provisions of FCRA".
The home ministry had directed the Reserve Bank of India in June 2013 to take prior permission of the ministry's FCRA department before clearing any foreign aid to Greenpeace India from Greenpeace International and Climate Works. The order resulted in blocking the direct funding of the NGO from abroad since each transaction had to be cleared on a case-to-case basis by the RBI.
During the proceedings, the government's standing counsel Jasmeet Singh opposed the NGO's contentions and said the home ministry had a problem with the donor, Greenpeace International, which was on its watchlist.
Greenpeace India advocate Sanjay Parikh had argued that the "uncommunicated and illegal prohibition imposed by MHA in not allowing credit of the foreign funds in the petitioner's FCRA Bank Account" had "violated the rights of Greenpeace".


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
You are only shooting yourself to own leg with these bans. India is already at 132nd place when measured social capital globally. These actions show that you are on the right place: corrupt and unwilling to develop. This NGO witch hunt is only trying to divert public opinion from more serious problems India is facing.!/ranking


Nov 28, 2010
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You are only shooting yourself to own leg with these bans. India is already at 132nd place when measured social capital globally. These actions show that you are on the right place: corrupt and unwilling to develop. This NGO witch hunt is only trying to divert public opinion from more serious problems India is facing.!/ranking
What a stinking pile of bullshit.

NGOs are the ones who are preventing development. We have explained it a million times already, but you don't want to reason it out and provide substantial points. You just want to keep crapping all over the thread again and again with the same points.

You have not answered a single point that I posed on this thread, when I explained reasonably and patiently, about the misdeeds of various assorted NGOs. Yet, you are back with another gob of shit.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Fcuk the "Christian will to help the less fortunate". When I see a majority of the "aid" going towards real poverty alleviation, to the really needy ones, then I'll believe that claptrap. All I see now is efforts to proselytize, disguised as "Christian will to help the less fortunate".

This "harvesting souls" business is creepy enough to begin with. On top of that, you have the agenda disguised as "helping the less fortunate". If you want to do any "harvesting", declare it and do it openly, not by subterfuge. The demographic changes that are being affected by these organized clinically precise massively funded NGOs is no joke.
The problem is that in order to get Indian people develop, they have to first learn to read and write in order to understand. If the Christian NGO is doing the teaching when GOI is unable, does the NGO automatically become a threat?

And you compare this with Hare Krishna? That underfunded tiny cult? And Jews don't even proselytize. Muslim Wahhabi groups funded by Gulf money are a problem for a different reason, but you can continue to bury your head in the sand and pretend that its not an issue.
Luckily the Wahhabi is not problem here, I do not know about India, but I doubt that they run any schools in Indian village to teach children ( not jihad, but to read and write)

The worst part of it is their anti-development agenda. As I said before, the aim of many Western NGOs is not to lift people out of poverty, but to perpetuate poverty by denying industrialization and development. As long as the "souls are harvested", who cares about upliftment, right? To this dangerous mix, add the fact that these NGOs attract the worst sort of leftist hippie crowd. Brainwash villagers against dams, against nuclear power, against expressways and high-speed trains - constantly create chaos.
You take this soul harvesting way too seriously, my bet is that evangelist NGOs are a minority, most just want your kids to learn basic skills. I bet that if you do it in sustainable way nobody is against progress, but for it. Also in democracy NGOs provide just one viewpoint, are you really so weak that you want to suppress it?

We've seen enough of this. The Western NGOs need to behave. If they are soooo concerned about poverty, they can donate money to the poor and get the fcuk out. No "harvesting" shit, no funding protests and anarchy/chaos. Another aspect that constantly surprises me is why they don't focus their energies on the poor in Europe and the US? The number of poor/homeless people is less in the West, but they do exist. I have been mobbed by poor and homeless people in Chicago, Munich, Frankfurt, Dublin, etc. and even in the smaller towns like Portland.
I think that corruption in India is too high and people who donate want to be sure that money goes to the needy, thats why these NGOs are seen as more trusted than some local bodies. There are NGOs helping also poor in the west, but the poverty is different here it is many times linked to alcoholism etc.

There are enough Indian charitable organizations for us to donate to. I request all DFI members to donate to their nearest charitable trust that has a physical brick-and-mortar presence. Never ever donate online. I donated nearly 2 lakh rupees over the course of 2 years, to various organizations online. Even to some Western ones. Never do that. Just drive down to the nearest charitable institution, make your payment in cash or kind, and leave. For those of you who are in Bangalore, I can point you to some great institutions in various parts of the city. Orphanages, schools for the underprivileged, skill development centers for the handicapped, cancer care trusts, etc. All these organizations also accept donations in kind. You can donate a bunch of blankets, or a carton of disposable syringes, a crate of medicine, a load of toys, etc. etc. Not just money.
Of course in developed countries this work is done with tax payers money, NGOs only compliment that, I hope one day it will be like so in India also


Nov 28, 2010
Country flag
So @jouni, this is where I disagree. I think Western NGOs are less reliable than Indian social-service organizations. I have outlined in the last paragraph of my post which you quoted, about the way to donate to reputed Indian charitable organizations.

Western NGOs will divert money to anti-development protests, hippie crap, proselytizing, etc. That danger is not there with Indian charities.

I reiterate, for the benefit of all Indians who read this:

There are enough Indian charitable organizations for us to donate to. I request all DFI members to donate to their nearest charitable trust that has a physical brick-and-mortar presence. Never ever donate online. I donated nearly 2 lakh rupees over the course of 2 years, to various organizations online. Even to some Western ones. Never do that. Just drive down to the nearest charitable institution, make your payment in cash or kind, and leave. For those of you who are in Bangalore, I can point you to some great institutions in various parts of the city. Orphanages, schools for the underprivileged, skill development centers for the handicapped, cancer care trusts, etc. All these organizations also accept donations in kind. You can donate a bunch of blankets, or a carton of disposable syringes, a crate of medicine, a load of toys, etc. etc. Not just money.
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Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Greenpeace is facing action in many countries not just India . It is well known that greenpeace is used as an instrument to stall projects .
In business terms it is really easy you see . If there are 2 companies from 2 different countries and say company A does not want any competition they send greenpeace and their ilk to stall the projects of their competitor .Also it is in the interest of the backers of greenpeace to stop poorer countries from developing their resources .

As for the conversion issue .Most people living in India know people who have converted under inducement . Where money or housing is provided only to those who convert . Or school and college admission being dependent on you getting baptised (I faced this situation myself) . I don't care about this either way . But i believe in similar rules being applicable to all . If such practices are acceptable then there should be no uproar over the activities of RSS .


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2014
Greenpeace is facing action in many countries not just India . It is well known that greenpeace is used as an instrument to stall projects .
In business terms it is really easy you see . If there are 2 companies from 2 different countries and say company A does not want any competition they send greenpeace and their ilk to stall the projects of their competitor .Also it is in the interest of the backers of greenpeace to stop poorer countries from developing their resources .

As for the conversion issue .Most people living in India know people who have converted under inducement . Where money or housing is provided only to those who convert . Or school and college admission being dependent on you getting baptised (I faced this situation myself) . I don't care about this either way . But i believe in similar rules being applicable to all . If such practices are acceptable then there should be no uproar over the activities of RSS .
All depends on GOI convincing the court. As usual our libtard media is also backing these crooks even to the extent of airing anti govt sermons given by these people


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
You are only shooting yourself to own leg with these bans. India is already at 132nd place when measured social capital globally. These actions show that you are on the right place: corrupt and unwilling to develop. This NGO witch hunt is only trying to divert public opinion from more serious problems India is facing.!/ranking
Finland's educational ranking is 5 in this so called ranking. Yet, if your comments are a benchmark to go by, then most Finns are ignorant about their history and ancestry, pathetically suffering from a littoral state syndrome, take pride in the fact that they are neck deep in debt, are basically a bunch of debt slaves, and are extremely enthusiastic about spreading their vulgarity using their postal department. Considering the decadent nature of "education" that is imparted to the dislocated Euro-Asiatic wannabe-German Finns, that just about demonstrates that this ranking can only be appreciated by mindless plebs who are programmed to take instructions and follow them and have next to no capability of logical thinking.

No, we are not shooting ourselves in the foot. We will shoot anyone who tries to distribute cookies and/or toss Molotov cocktails in India (figurative). We are not blind. Our education system makes us capable of separating wheat from chaff.

If Modi is tightening the screws on these foreign NGOs, more power to him.

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