NGO'S Foreign Funding - A Security Threat


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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The Lok Ayukta, along with the Income Tax Department and the Anti Corruption Bureau,IB ,MHA and members of supreme court may form such a regulatory authority
Enforcement Directorate does that. Revenue intelligence and other sort of covert ops in finance sectors, banks, NGO, etc, with the help of other agencies. Bodies are there, but orders used to be missing.


Regular Member
Aug 16, 2012
Why they are not worried about environmental problems caused due to fuel consumption. They should be happy that they are banned. Why they want to travel by air and cause more problems to ozone layer? Consumption is causing more environmental problems than production. If consumption reduces then companies will be forced to reduce production. So why can't green peace of s..t activists help reduce environmental problems by reducing their consumption?


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2014
So priya pillai walks Scott free? Did court lift ban on her travel?
Whose the prosecution, why's GOI not able to win such court battles! What good is reining in on NGO's if court overturns everything


Regular Member
Jan 13, 2012
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It's so nice to have some sinister foreign powers to point to, when you don't have your own house in order. One of the oldest trick in the book.
Yes, there are several of the major NGO's funded by the US. State Department and other nations. But I'm pretty sure that CBI knows who, and they are and keep an eye on them. Everything else in this so-called Hunting is nothing more than a distraction for the masses, and even the Indian upper middle class jumps clearly on the bandwagon, if the answers on this forum are any indicator.
Ahh, the good old mr. Emmanuel Goldstein, always at your service ;-)


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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It's so nice to have some sinister foreign powers to point to, when you don't have your own house in order. One of the oldest trick in the book.
Yes, there are several of the major NGO's funded by the US. State Department and other nations. But I'm pretty sure that CBI knows who, and they are and keep an eye on them. Everything else in this so-called Hunting is nothing more than a distraction for the masses, and even the Indian upper middle class jumps clearly on the bandwagon, if the answers on this forum are any indicator.
Ahh, the good old mr. Emmanuel Goldstein, always at your service ;-)
Typical NRI/PIO rant.

As if anything like that never happened NO? British Intelligence funded the NE terror groups under the garb of "Church Donations". US' involvement in supply of weapons to the ULFA through Bangladesh was recently established. We know well who was behind the anti-Nuclear Power Plant demostration in Tamilnadu.

Better safe than sorry. Nobody is stopping the Indian NGOs having their roots in India from carrying out their activities, but these foreign entities must be kicked out.


Nov 28, 2010
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It's so nice to have some sinister foreign powers to point to, when you don't have your own house in order. One of the oldest trick in the book.
Yes, there are several of the major NGO's funded by the US. State Department and other nations. But I'm pretty sure that CBI knows who, and they are and keep an eye on them. Everything else in this so-called Hunting is nothing more than a distraction for the masses, and even the Indian upper middle class jumps clearly on the bandwagon, if the answers on this forum are any indicator.
Ahh, the good old mr. Emmanuel Goldstein, always at your service ;-)
If the Indian upper-middle class "jumps on the bandwagon", there are probably good reasons for us to do so.

Why don't you read this entertaining and well-written account of just one example of interference by foreign NGOs?

The Kaipullai's Vetti Thoughts : The outer playground of my inner devil | 5 reasons why there is something wrong with the protests in Kudankulam Part:2


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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It's so nice to have some sinister foreign powers to point to, when you don't have your own house in order. One of the oldest trick in the book.
Yes, there are several of the major NGO's funded by the US. State Department and other nations. But I'm pretty sure that CBI knows who, and they are and keep an eye on them. Everything else in this so-called Hunting is nothing more than a distraction for the masses, and even the Indian upper middle class jumps clearly on the bandwagon, if the answers on this forum are any indicator.
Ahh, the good old mr. Emmanuel Goldstein, always at your service ;-)
Kicking western NGOs out is a step in "getting our own house in order".


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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It is VERY interesting the way these Shameless NGO Traitor Terrorists are shouting and yelling on debates.

So much that they need to be really bitchslapped and thrown to some hell hole like Pakistan.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2013
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Social activism funded by foreign based NGOs has become a cottage industry. Just like separatist movements and conversions.

Few trips abroad, some recognition and all the seditious lackeys would do anything as dictated by foreign forces.

Govt isn't"hunting" all foreign NGOs but it has every reason to audit the origin of fundings, nature of activities and finding the true agenda.

Out of so many activists, when a single one is detained then there must be a good reason by IB to do so.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I think we need to be careful about what is happening in India. There is no "crush NGO" but there is scrutiny.

The situation had become very bad under UPA government (totally out of control) when some organizations were using inducements to convert openly in small towns. I was also approached by a Christian organization to convert two years back.

A lot is happening right now. The USA led grouping is using all foul means to achieve its ends. However this is a very tough fight. The enemy is very resourceful and smart. @pmaitra we need to recognize the strength of the enemy.
I agree. There is scrutiny, and I think that is a step in the right direction. It is easy to kick them out, but it is necessary for common Indians know what nefarious activities they are involved in, and how they pretend to be benefiting India, but are actually working to hurt India. The crushing part does not necessarily have to be arresting and putting them in jail. The crushing part begins with making public their activities. Let the people of India know.

This shouldn't be very difficult. Indians have an instinct to be distrustful of the west.
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Crush NGO spree :D

The China-Russia NGO Crackdown
Authorities in both countries apparently aim to cripple NGOs with foreign patrons or partners.

Over the past few years, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have commenced nationwide crackdowns on civil society. Authorities are attempting to cripple non-government organizations (NGOs) with foreign patrons or partners. Which factors drive Russian and Chinese decision-making? Are the two nations acting independently, learning from each other, or even collaborating with each other? Most importantly, what are the ultimate objectives of leaders in Moscow and Beijing?

Securing Secrets and Spotting Spies

President Vladimir Putin signed a controversial new treason law in July 2012. Russia's previous law defined high treason as threatening the state through "espionage, disclosure of state secrets, or any other assistance" to foreign nations or organizations. The new law expands the definition to prohibit "financial, technical, advisory, or other assistance" in pursuit of damaging Russia's security, especially its "constitutional order, sovereignty, and territorial and state integrity."

Critics argue that Russian authorities are using the law to target domestic NGOs and activists who share documentation of human rights abuses – including open source information – with foreign governments; intergovernmental organizations, such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe; and international organizations. "Russia is tightening the noose around groups that are critical of the government, propose reforms, and promote human rights," asserted Human Rights Watch Europe and Central Asia Director Hugh Williamson. "The government seems intent on suffocating prospects for independent scrutiny."

Prominent human rights lawyer Pavel Chikov also criticized the new treason law, arguing that its sheer breath could enable Russian authorities to "target absolutely legal, lawful activities of nongovernment organizations, civic activists, journalists, and even businesspeople." Yet, during a meeting with the Russian Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, President Vladimir Putin insisted that the NGO law was meant solely to "ensure that foreign organizations representing outside interests, not those of the Russian state, would not intervene in our domestic affairs. This is something that no self-respecting country can accept." He added that he does not believe "there is anything in this law that contradicts democratic development in our country."

Moscow began inspecting hundreds of NGOs in early March 2013. According to Human Right Watch, "at least 55 groups received warnings not to violate the law and at least 20 groups received official notices of violation directly requiring them to register as 'foreign agents.'" The Russian Ministry of Justice and prosecutor's office subsequently "filed at least 12 administrative cases against NGOs for failure to abide by the 'foreign agents' law and at least six administrative cases against NGO leaders. Additionally, the prosecutors brought civil law suits against six NGOs for failure to register under the law." Domestic human rights groups attempted to fight the new law, but were largely unsuccessful. By October 2014, at least six NGOs decided to cease operations rather than allow Moscow to label them as "foreign agents." The government nevertheless continued to insist that the term did not possess negative connotations and was not mean to "persecute or discredit" NGOs.

On June 4, 2014, Moscow signed into law amendments that gave the Ministry of Justice authority to single-handedly register any NGOs accepting foreign funds and involved in "political activity" as "foreign agents." It has since garnered the ire of civil society actors by registering 16 NGOs as "foreign agents" without their consent. Human Rights Watch maintains a comprehensive list of NGOs registered as "foreign agents" as well as information regarding those legally threatened or prosecuted by the government.

Back in the People's Republic of China, the official media reacted favorably toward the new law. CCP mouthpiece The People's Daily stated:

Last year, following the Russian national Duma elections, mass protests and a chaotic situation took place inside Russia. Putin"¦. pointedly said that some foreign powers attempted – through their "foreign agents" in Russia – to use NGOs to disrupt the elections. Putin said that some "opposition politicians are just like jackals and scavengers, obtaining funding from foreign embassies and consulates." He stated that these anti-Russian people want to turn Russia into a destabilized problem country.

Before signing the new "NGO Law," Putin met with Russian State Duma legislators on July 19th [2012], where he called for democratic development on the basis of existing laws. Putin stated, "Don't be afraid of democracy. We must understand that democracy is different from a state of anarchy. Of course democracy implies a rule of law. [If we] fail to comply with existing national laws, democracy cannot exist."

Imitation as Flattery?

Two years after the passage of Russia's high treason law, China's National Security Commission (NSC) began to officially investigate foreign NGOs.
A notice posted on the Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province government website on June 17, 2014 (since removed) stated that "according to requirements outlined by the National Security Commission of the CPC, a nationwide probe into overseas NGOs and their activities will be carried out between May and the end of July, to prepare for the strengthening of regulations in the future." Authorities will use the results of their investigations to facilitate the strengthening and standardization of NGO management in China, with the ultimate goal of "safeguard[ing] the security of the national political system and social stability." A number of NGOs confirmed that security officials approached them to conduct surveys, resulting from their work with foreign patrons or partners.

Prominent Maoist website Utopia – which provides insight into the left-wing faction of the Chinese Communist Party – spoke out in praise of both the Russian crackdown on NGOs as well as China's own recent efforts to constrain their activities. In a June 2014 essay, Utopia called upon the government to "guard against malicious Westerners who seek to split China with the help of local funding recipients." Author Chen Jia argued that "In today's China, U.S. proxy forces nurtured by NGOs are already powerful, spread out among government organs, academies and higher learning institutes"¦. The forces have already misled Chinese economic policy-making, causing huge losses and posing substantial political risks." Leading NGOs, such as the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ford Foundation, allegedly further U.S. "global hegemony" and commit "gross interference" in China's internal affairs. It also argues that American NGOs use their relationships with PRC universities, the Academy of Social Sciences, and other research institutions to cultivate careful relationships with Chinese scholars. These individuals "become spokesmen for the United States in China, misleading people regarding socialist economic policy and subverting the Party's ideological sphere."

The essay references a People's Liberation Army film that accuses Western governments, NGOs, and Chinese dissidents of attempting to undermine the CCP through the spread of so-called American values. A video produced by the Chinese military, Silent Contest also condemns continued American support for the Dalai Lama and Uyghur leader Rebiya Kadeer, who the Chinese blame for unrest in ethnic minority regions.

Utopia describes "foreign penetration by U.S. NGOs" as part of an "American global strategy" to meddle in the affairs of foreign countries. It cites United Russia parliamentarian and former FSB Director Nikolay Kovalyov, who argued that American NGOs are simply attempting to create a disorderly situation in Russia by agitating for another color revolution.

This fear is mirrored in China, whose leaders watched the fall of the Soviet Union and subsequent "people power" movements with great anxiety. The abortive February 2011 Jasmine Revolution caused the Chinese Communist Party to crack down further on political dissidents, foreign journalists, and the Internet in a successful attempt to thwart regime change. Such concerns arise in Silent Contest, which "bemoans the fall of the Soviet Union and warns that China faces a similar fate if it fails to counter Washington's nefarious efforts to infiltrate Chinese society." Consequently, as the Hong Kong protests garnered international attention and support, The People's Daily published a strongly worded editorial that warned against holding similar protests in China: "As for the minority of people who wish to initiate a 'color revolution' inside China via Hong Hong, they are simply daydreaming."

As China completed its nationwide investigation into NGOs, retired People's Liberation Army Major General and former military attaché to Russia Wang Haiyun published an article on foreign agents, their proxies, and the specter of a color revolution in the PRC. Wang continues to hold a number of influential positions. He serves as vice chairman of the History of China-Russia Relations Research Institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, senior consultant with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and as a senior advisor to the China Institute of International Studies, a think tank attached to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In an op-ed for the Global Times, General Wang asserts that although many scholars and officials believe that a color revolution could never take place in China, they must in fact remain on guard against constant "mass incidents that target the government." Arguing that "the conditions for a color revolution have already been brewed," he accuses the United States and Japan of not only attempting to contain China, but also colluding with individuals within the PRC to foment "social disturbances" or spark a color revolution to topple the Chinese Communist Party. "Chinese authorities should eliminate the danger brought by pro-Western agents when easing social conflicts and striking at corruption. We can learn from Russia by introducing a "foreign agent law," so as to block the way for infiltration of external forces and eliminate the possibilities of a color revolution."

The Utopia essay praises Putin's "highly effective" NGO law. Chen Jia argues that after the Russian President accused Western countries of funding extremist elements in Ukraine and ultimately overthrowing the government, Putin recognized that Russia also faced the same threat from the "foreign interests" backing NGOs. "
Today's Russia is always alert in regard to NGOs, because the harm they do cannot be overlooked." The essay concludes that "Russia's serious treatment and management of NGOs serves as useful inspiration for our country." It urges the Chinese National Security Commission to "arrest officials and intellectuals who have clearly been infiltrated by foreign forces," in order to prevent the United States from "succeeding in its peaceful transformation of China" while "defend[ing] Chinese socialism."

It thus appears that Beijing has indeed turned west for answers, but not as far west as leaders in Washington would like. According to Chinese researcher Chen Min, an outspoken former Southern Weekly columnist and visiting fellow at Columbia University, the CCP has "reportedly sent agents to Russia and Central Asia to study how to prevent" a "color revolution." Chen, who is better known by his pen name, Xiao Shu, argues that "Xi Jinping has clearly shown he is fond of Putin. Xi doesn't want to go back to Mao's path, but he doesn't agree to Western democracy, either. So Xi will follow the third path – Putin-style democracy, a controllable democracy – by shutting down the NGOs that are not submissive and supporting NGOs that are useful to government."

Similarly, during a speech at the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Australia, former White House National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley expressed his fear that Vladimir Putin is privately arguing to Xi Jinping that the United States and its Western allies are "seeking to destabilize and change both governments; that it is this effort that is responsible for the instability and demonstrations in both Ukraine and Hong Kong; that the agents of this Western effort are civil society groups, NGOs, free media, and dissidents; that these "agents of foreign influence" must be stamped out in both Russia and China; and that the United States and its allies need to be confronted at nearly every turn." Hadley argues that these ideas are not simply "fanciful," but rather supported by "the fact that Chinese authorities seem to be adopting some of the same tactics against NGOs, the media, and dissidents" as Putin.

Although it is difficult to ascertain the precise extent to which Russia and China are in dialogue, both governments believe that limiting the influence of civil society will enhance their ability to stifle dissent in the name of stability and ultimately regime longevity.

From Russia With Love: The SPECTRE of a New Chinese Law?

Approximately twenty governments worldwide have either already placed restrictions on NGOs receiving foreign funds, or are in the process of doing so. These crackdowns overwhelmingly target NGOs promoting human rights or democratic development. Rather than seeking to enhance transparency or bolster effectiveness of NGOs, these new laws are meant to weaken them.

China now appears ready to pass its own legislation. A draft foreign NGO management law was recently submitted to the National People's Congress Standing Committee. According to Vice Minister of Public Security Yang Huanning, "overseas NGOs will have to register with and be approved by Chinese authorities if they want to set up representative offices in the mainland or temporarily operate on the mainland for a certain program." He added that "the bill aims to regulate the activities of overseas NGOs in China, protect their legal rights and interests, and promote exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreigners." The law would regulate, manage and supervise how foreign NGOs in China conduct their operations and engage in fundraising. Authorities at all levels of government "are obligated to provide policy consultation, assistance and guidance for overseas NGOs so that they can effectively and legally operate." NGOs that fail to follow the new law will face punishment. As if to emphasize the urgency of the legislation, The Beijing News stated that the Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences estimates that there are 6,000 foreign NGOs in China, 40 percent of which are American. Conversely, a Tsinghua University report estimates that 10,000 foreign NGOs are currently operating there.

Guangzhou City recently passed a law regulating local NGOs, which came into effect on January 1, 2015. The draft law originally stipulated that the city would ban organizations that received the majority of their funding from overseas or otherwise had close links to overseas institutions. Authorities removed the provision following public outcry. The final version indicates that NGOs receiving overseas funding and donations should "report to regulators 15 days before they accept the money. The groups must provide details regarding their activities, personnel, funding and location when organizing projects with the participation of foreign partners." Regardless, the local government may well pressure NGOs not to accept substantial foreign funding, which could place severe financial strains on their ability to operate and eventually force them to close.

Once passed, the national laws will enable China to crack down further on foreign NGOs. Many such NGOs have hitherto registered as businesses to avoid the cumbersome NGO registration process. The registration process is so difficult, in fact, that some domestic and foreign NGOs operate illegally in China. Organizations that work with sensitive populations, such as sex workers or drug addicts, face particularly close government scrutiny.

Prominent Chinese human rights activist Zeng Jinyan argues that "fears of collective expression and action – rather than individual acts of political criticism or protest – greatly influence state policy." Authorities in Moscow and Beijing are clearly leaving nothing to chance. A toothless civil society that can barely bark, let alone bite, cannot counter authoritarian overreach.

The China-Russia NGO Crackdown | The Diplomat
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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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President Vladimir Putin signed a controversial new treason law in July 2012. Russia's previous law defined high treason as threatening the state through "espionage, disclosure of state secrets, or any other assistance" to foreign nations or organizations. The new law expands the definition to prohibit "financial, technical, advisory, or other assistance" in pursuit of damaging Russia's security, especially its "constitutional order, sovereignty, and territorial and state integrity."

The China-Russia NGO Crackdown | The Diplomat
We need a law like that . I can only hope the current govt. is keeping an eye on these so called HRAs .


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2009
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India witnessing NGO boom, there is 1 for every 600 people

NEW DELHI: For a country which till recently had a weak civil society movement, India is now witnessing a boom in the NGO sector. With a population of 1.2 billion, the country could well be the land of opportunities for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with the Central Bureau of Investigation conservatively estimating 20 lakh of them already operating in states and union territories.

The mind-boggling figures boil down to one NGO per every 600 people. Compare this to the latest government data on police. According to the latest figures from the Union home ministry, India has just one policeman for every 943 people.

But there is an accountability deficit among the NGOs. And that's how CBI got into the picture as the Supreme Court responded to a PIL. Many don't submit details of receipt of grant and spending to income tax authorities, the CBI told the apex court.

On the SC's order, the CBI sought information from the states and UTs about operation of NGOs and status of audit of their funds. Major states — Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh and Himachal Pradesh — have provided no data about the number of NGOs operating in their territory.

Without the statistics from these major states, the CBI was informed by other states about the existence of 13 lakh NGOs making the agency conservatively estimate that their number could go well be over 20 lakh. In Uttar Pradesh alone 5,48,194 NGOs are operating.

Kerala had 3,69,137 NGOs, Maharashtra 1,07,797, Madhya Pradesh 1,40,000 and Gujarat has 75,729 NGOs. While Kerala and Maharashtra have given details of finances of the NGOs operating in their area, Madhya Pradesh gave partial information about their funding. Gujarat was completely silent.

According to information received through RTI queries by Asian Centre for Human Rights, the Union and state governments between 2002-09 released Rs 6654 crore to various NGOs, averaging almost Rs 950 crore per year.

For the financial year 2010-11, available data show that about 22,000 NGOs received a total of more than $2 billion from abroad, of which $650 million came from the US.

On a PIL filed by advocate M L Sharma alleging misuse of funds by Anna Hazare's NGO Hind Swaraj Trust (HST), a bench headed by Justice H L Dattu had last year asked additional solicitor general Sidharth Luthra to engage the CBI to find out details of the funding of NGOs across the country and whether these were filing their income tax returns.

From the information made available by the state governments and presented in tabular form by the CBI to the Supreme Court, it was apparent that most NGOs had not filed income tax returns regularly.

Responding to Sharma's PIL alleging that large amounts of government funds were being doled out without taking proper account of utilization of grants by NGOs, Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology (Capart) in an affidavit denied any wrongdoing by HST and annexed an audited account for the utilization of Rs 1 lakh.

Capart had given a grant of Rs 1 lakh to Hazare-led HST for watershed development in three villages in 1999-2001,but more than 90% of the money was spent on honorarium, travelling, printing and stationery, the Supreme Court was told.

In two years, the trust spent Rs 63,243 on paying honorarium, Rs 20,347.50 was accounted towards travel expenses and Rs 6,487.50 was spent on printing and stationery. This means, of the Rs 1 lakh granted for watershed development in three villages, the trust spent Rs 90,078 on honorarium, travelling and printing and stationery.

Capart functions under the ministry of rural development and assists over 12,000 voluntary organizations across the country in implementing a wide range of development initiatives.

India witnessing NGO boom, there is 1 for every 600 people - The Times of India
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The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
NGOs are great for making a living.

And they are great conduits for foreign nations influencing public opinion and political fortunes of developing countries so that neo colonialism can flourish at will since many a developing country no longer require foreign aid (always with strings).

So, what is the way?

Love, Compassion, and various other fancy populist ideas like health, wealth generation and out of poverty, literacy enhancement and so on, when it actuality, there is always the covert ulterior intentions playing a large role.
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