Next Round of Indian Nuclear Tests


New Member
Dec 30, 2009
It's to do with the regimes like NPT. There is nothing that we can do about it but work out way into it. That is why I said we need to keep testing the hearts and minds of the western world. I don't think India is sanction proof yet. We need a bigger economy than what we have right now and also more militarization.
India is not yet sanction proof, but it is getting there. also India is running trade deficits with most of the major economic, U.S , china , japan etc. which means they lose more than India in case of sanctions. India's trade policy is very cleverly designed to trade with all countries and hence we able to push our exports to all countries in latin america, africa etc. these are all the prerquites required for a thermonuclear test. we will test for sure, just at the right time. that's one reason why US sanctions over iran has not detereed india. India runs trade deficits with the U.S . given the condition of the U.S economy they will relying on exports from now onwards in the future. there domestic consumption is decreasing. india's trumph card is domestic consumption. as long as it is there we are fine. agni-v is the first milestone. India is going to prove it's mantle to the world. just wait.


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
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Relevant article, YB won't like his judgement on the thermonuclear bomb though..

From available evidence, it appears that India will deploy boosted fission warheads on missiles like Agni-5. It confirms that the thermonuclear devise tested on the first day of Pokhran II failed. The boosted fission trigger worked but couldn't ignite the paired fusion bomb.

The Indian nuclear scientific establishment has its own explanation for the low yield of the thermonuclear device. It has never satisfied the world. You can take the attitude that it doesn't matter what the world thinks. In other walks of life, that may work. But not when it comes to deterrent weapons.

Deterrent weapons not only have to be repeatedly tested for perfection. But they must satisfy the rest of the world. Only from world satisfaction comes credibility for a weapon system. If a deterrent is not credible, it is not worth having, and positively dangerous to flaunt.

It is possible that India has built a viable thermonuclear device after the Pokhran II fizzle. But this or a future Indian government will have a hard time testing it, especially as it will have a bearing on the Indo-US nuclear deal and the uranium fuel and reactor contracts flowing from it. Sooner or later, however, India has to overcome the obstacle and test -- and the sooner the better.

The Agni-5 test has produced little protest from major powers, which means there is greater reconciliation to India's military nuclear status. That should give India the creative opportunity and space to test a thermonuclear weapon. To stress, the sooner it is done, the better.

Boosted fission warheads that Agni-5 and longer range missiles are expected to carry have the bang, so to speak. But thermonuclear devices have more bang for the buck. With far better yield-to-weight ratios than fission or boosted-fission devices, smaller and lighter fusion warheads would cause vast destruction at greater distances. Which is where, therefore, Indian weapons' designs and tests must head, if the country must be counted as a serious weapons' power.
The Public Affairs Magazine-


NRI in Europe
New Member
Aug 10, 2009
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I agree with your points however two issues that should prompt us to test much earlier should be.

1) NSG membership: If the NSG treats us with disdain then we have to treat them with disdain. We have to make it clear that we will barge in if we are not let in
2) UNSC reforms - timeline commitment from P5 for reforms. If timeline is too stretched or untenable or if no timeline is set, we test, both a long range missile as well as large warheads.
shouldnt be a surprise at all that india would be able to handle the two factors youve mentioned - the only other missing factor would be the size of the economy and that would distinguish it from any of paks effort to resemble similarity - a larger economy - and that might take some time yet .


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Mar 24, 2009
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LB, the debate has been on since the test about the TNW being a success or a fizzle.

The author is this article too is apprehensive about sanctions. The thing is, the nuclear deal has given us external fuel which has freed out enrichment facilities from supplying to civilian reactors and that means all of the enriched uranium goes into weapons and related programs like nuclear submarine. We plan to build and operate 5 nuclear submarine. We need to amass a lot of enriched uranium for that. We need all of our fuel enriched to be spared out for this. This is the reason why the nuclear deal is important.

Those thinking that we are deficit economy and that we are sanction proof are wrong. The western resolve for NPT is as high as ever was. The trouble even the US had to get us waiver in NSG is proof of their commitment. They were made to come around but it did take a lot of US effort.

This is why I mentioned that we need to bide our time. 5 years is not too long. Fast economic growth coupled with decline in US economy and rise of china means we will have out time.


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Aug 15, 2010
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GOOD GOING YUSUF bhai...............:thumb:

Day by day you are developing as a writer and editor too..............

Keep it up and going.........


New Member
Mar 24, 2012
while the argue ments given by Yusuf are pretty solid i have my reservation on conducting nuclear test.

pakistan is falling apart day by day. terrorist attacks, insurgent movements, political instability and a very weak economy have brought pakistan to brink of disaster and people are very much disgruntled. now in this situation why would u give them chance to unite.

nuclear tests by india would invariably lead to tests by Pak which will result in clelbrations and again give them chance to unite. the Govt will get chance to consolidate power which is bad for India.


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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while the argue ments given by Yusuf are pretty solid i have my reservation on conducting nuclear test.

pakistan is falling apart day by day. terrorist attacks, insurgent movements, political instability and a very weak economy have brought pakistan to brink of disaster and people are very much disgruntled. now in this situation why would u give them chance to unite.

nuclear tests by india would invariably lead to tests by Pak which will result in clelbrations and again give them chance to unite. the Govt will get chance to consolidate power which is bad for India.
1)I don't advocate nuke tests right now. I have kept a 5 year time frame.
2) lets stop re-coupling India and Pakistan by looking at our needs through their prism.

India has to define and project a role for itself and safeguard her interests.

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