Naxals/Maoists Watch

Should the Indian government use armed forces against the naxals/maoists?

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Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Alright boys, knock it off.... No one abuses anyone and no one gets personal. Everyone is entitled to an opinion within the forum rules. I expect all the posts that were in bad taste be edited by the respective posters,


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2009
Sabir, didnt you just get personal with him here. Reference to his drawing room was that not an indirect personal attack. You were more subtle, clever and artistic while Dark Prince was more straight forward. What is the difference between his post(in terms of personal reference) and yours? The only objection could be use of abuses.

Also, did Dark Prince say he supports the present system with all its inefficiencies and corruptions? He was against these factors being used to shield and justify the violence being perpetuated by the maoists/naxals.
Even I did not say JP supported it. I just advised him not to abuse others and avoiding hot speech because it looks like a comic character. At the end of the day we forget everything once our blood cools down.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
Yeah I will remain a Comic Character for Sure, atleast unlike Mr. Praveen I don't support these Maoist! Thses Drwing room commies are more dangerous I hv seen JNU morons collecting money and showing pics of their successful operations in Universities!

I dont't Gv a Damn Ban me from DFI, Bollocks!

I will never VOTE for Congress again! I will educate people right on, starting from my maids family who is a Congress supporter (I never engaged her before) then others in her locality!

I swear on my Motherland If I see Arudhati i will surly kick her ass hard!I mean very hard, I hv seen her at IHC!
Dark Prince,
Both Sabir and you are on the same page on this one. Only a misunderstanding. I agree with you, those people who support and spread this dangerous ideology are bigger villians and are indirectly responsible for every blood drop that is spilled by the naxal violence. JNU indeed has become a naxal propaganda ground. But I have seen a similar thing in Osmania University also. This is more dangerous. Even the lecturers at these places are supprotive of these ideologies.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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If you wan to win against naxals eleminate the thakur .mahajan and tiwari at the local level.this may look racist but thats the fact.Get them more medical facilities.Give the local mahua tenders to the tribal co-operative societies.Give the younger ones opprotunities in their own states .Cut the recruitment grounds for naxals
sorry your logic is flawed ,i do-not from where the hell this mentality of hating upper caste for every tom-****-harry problem.i know upper caste people in past had done hell lot of on poor people .but this is solution for taking gun`s. and if think this naxalities wont development then why do not they attack politician,why poor crpf jawans,police etc.if this people want development why do not they them self start it .this people doesn't want development but power so that after coming to power they will as whatever they can without having fear of anybody .


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2009
Yeah I will remain a Comic Character for Sure, atleast unlike Mr. Praveen I don't support these Maoist! Thses Drwing room commies are more dangerous I hv seen JNU morons collecting money and showing pics of their successful operations in Universities!

I dont't Gv a Damn Ban me from DFI, Bollocks!

I will never VOTE for Congress again! I will educate people right on, starting from my maids family who is a Congress supporter (I never engaged her before) then others in her locality!

I swear on my Motherland If I see Arudhati i will surly kick her ass hard!I mean very hard, I hv seen her at IHC!

Bro...dont take my word seriously.....

You have seen students in JNU showing pictures of their operation, collecting money.........Did you kick their A$$ then and there??? You didn't.

And misinterpret JP's post. He did not support d maoist.

Solid Beast

Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
I hope someone can forward this 12 page transcript to the people making the bad decisions in this fight against Maoism and Junglii-ism.


Regular Member
Jan 31, 2010
Bro...dont take my word seriously.....

You have seen students in JNU showing pictures of their operation, collecting money.........Did you kick their A$$ then and there??? You didn't.

And misinterpret JP's post. He did not support d maoist.
Don't Give answers from my side! I have engaged AISA and md them shut up on many occasions, I hv been a very active anti AISA activist on DU campus, hated by commies to the core!

U know nothing about me, so I would say stop creating opinions!! It's because of people like me and others active on University Campuses, that universities such as DU have not become like JNU the breeding ground for Naxals! (hate to brag but had to mention facts abt me, in the wake of ur comments)

PLZ read JP's comment calling us all Bas***** and sympathizing with Naxals. I hv no doubt he is a drawing room commie! You can very well bond with him, I hv no issues BUT Dont expect me to appreciate ppl like JP, who do not feel for the Poor Families of Dead 75 Jawans! I do!

Enough with Poor Tribal BS they do not own our mines, for development learn from China (the pro-development china not erstwhile-commie) if u hv to!

1000's of Jawans dead, They want War they should get a War!


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Don't Give answers from my side! I have engaged AISA and md them shut up on many occasions, I hv been a very active anti AISA activist on DU campus, hated by commies to the core!

U know nothing about me, so I would say stop creating opinions!! It's because of people like me and others active on University Campuses, that universities such as DU have not become like JNU the breeding ground for Naxals! (hate to brag but had to mention facts abt me, in the wake of ur comments)

PLZ read JP's comment calling us all Bas***** and sympathizing with Naxals. I hv no doubt he is a drawing room commie! You can very well bond with him, I hv no issues BUT Dont expect me to appreciate ppl like JP, who do not feel for the Poor Families of Dead 75 Jawans! I do!

Enough with Poor Tribal BS they do not own our mines, for development learn from China (the pro-development china not erstwhile-commie) if u hv to!

1000's of Jawans dead, They want War they should get a War!
Dude let it go. It's time to mourn.

Action when it will be, will be massive.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
Don't Give answers from my side! I have engaged AISA and md them shut up on many occasions, I hv been a very active anti AISA activist on DU campus, hated by commies to the core!

U know nothing about me, so I would say stop creating opinions!! It's because of people like me and others active on University Campuses, that universities such as DU have not become like JNU the breeding ground for Naxals! (hate to brag but had to mention facts abt me, in the wake of ur comments)

PLZ read JP's comment calling us all Bas***** and sympathizing with Naxals. I hv no doubt he is a drawing room commie! You can very well bond with him, I hv no issues BUT Dont expect me to appreciate ppl like JP, who do not feel for the Poor Families of Dead 75 Jawans! I do!

Enough with Poor Tribal BS they do not own our mines, for development learn from China (the pro-development china not erstwhile-commie) if u hv to!

1000's of Jawans dead, They want War they should get a War!
Well done, mate. Appreciate the efforts of guys like you who follow up their words with actions. Sabir is also same kind of bloke. Both of you should get along like chuddy buddies. :)
As for JP, he says he is an IPS but sympathises with maoists and their ideology. Thats strange for me...


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
OK folks, cut it off. Enough of bickering about drawing room commies and blah blah. Post something worthy or otherwise refrain from posting on this thread.


Senior Member
Feb 23, 2009
These jawans were trained at CIJWS?
Hell no! If they were, they wouldn't have committed such a stupid mistake.

They're CRPF troopers, a basic paramilitary force designed largely for law & order problems under the aegis of the Ministry of Home Affairs. They train at these institutions
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New Member
Mar 22, 2009

Standard procedures not followed; CRPF casual & nonchalant
7 Apr 2010, 0433 hrs IST,Prakash Singh,

Three factors could have led to the Dantewada incident. First, lack of coordination and cooperation between the CRPF and the state police. There is a complete lack of understanding between the two — the state police complains about the central forces while the CRPF has reservation about the state police. Second, if 1,000 Naxals were part of the attack, Chhattisgarh Police should have provided intelligence. There is enough information in the states, but the question is how much of the information is shared.

The third factor is complacency on the part of the CRPF; they did not follow standard operating procedures. It is a well-known fact that in these areas one should not take the beaten track. One is not supposed to use vehicles on the beaten track as it is mined, you must move on foot, as it is less dangerous. The maximum casualties happened due to the explosion. You can only blame the leader for this kind of a situation. Even home minister P Chidambaram said something had horribly gone wrong.

The CRPF was not following standard operating procedures; they were casual and nonchalant. The problem is that there is a tendency to opt for the easy way. I have this uncomfortable feeling that one reason for this is the tremendous expansion of the CRPF. They have increased intake, and you can get manpower given the levels of unemployment. But you need to equip, train and motivate these men. The home ministry should see if the CRPF has the right training. You need to have pre-induction training before sending them to the battlefield.

The state police should bear the brunt. In Punjab, the tide turned after the police took on the terrorists head on. The CRPF, the BSF and the Indian Army play a supporting role. The state police are sons of soil; they know the terrain, the language. They must be motivated, given training and the right kind of equipment. The state police need to be raised to a level to take the Naxals head on. West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar have been lukewarm; they have been reluctant partners. The CRPF when deployed gets battalion from all over, and they have no knowledge of the terrain or the local language.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
One can see all state govt. supporting these people. Give these CMs ultimatum of 7 days to disrupt the assembly and see the difference. Once criminal always criminal we have to live with it, least we can expose or make these criminal ineffectual if can not kill. One has to cut their hands.

Solid Beast

Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
People like me will never invest in India if we know there is a threat looming in the bloody jungles. This threat which is executing civil servants and upholders of the law. You will never see a Euro, Dollar, Franc from our end until you can wipe out this menace. I have spent countless hours berating people with authority, but it seems that the VVIP are not interested.

RIP to the Fallen.

Death to Maoists.
Feb 16, 2009
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Strange timing that this occured during the Geithner trip to India where India and USA are starting serious economic cooperation plans and when China is being pressured about their currency, just coincidence I guess.
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Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
Few posts from BR. A very astute analysis and some good observations:

Security forces on spot will obviously have a better handle on this, but I find the number 1000 a bit too much. Our eminent histroians teach us to ridicule many zeros after big numbers. What is the favourite expression of Thaparites - "a few zeros too many"!

Let us consider the hypothesis, that there were one small group of heavily armed Maoists who had planned the ambush. Marksmen had been placed all round at strategic positions. In dense forest cover on uneven ground, it is not that difficult to create the impression of being surrounded by huge numbers and hopelessly cut off. But an enemy that has chosen his ground with a small number of skilled marksmen can inflict severe casualties in such cover over a larger but less familiar-with-the-ground forces.

I would think that killing all and keeping no survivors was undertaken to (1) hide the actual strength of the Maoists (2) create the impression of a huge force and base in the area which will then keep a large force busy for some time combing the area (3) they will plan an escalation in a distant part soon.

The smaller group would explain why they were not caught on "intel radar", their mobility, their quick dispersal. I do not think nay large semi-permanent base will be found there. They would not have taken the risk of such an operation near to base.
^ Maoists had also booby trapped trees with anti personnel jawans who ran for cover towards trees triggered them.

Every top Maoist leader is from AP whether u catch him in Bengal or Andaman. It is like every islamic-terrorist has link to Pak. No wonder these people want Telanagana.
B Raman writes

The fact that only one member of the police was killed in the ambush makes one suspects possible collusion between the Maoists and some members of the district police.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
75 tricolors as souvenirs again:
The fabric of this flag has become immune to all remorses and grieves, so as Indians. People here will talk about what went wrong how trained they were or not and all the possible technicalities but no one will talk about how helpless we have become because of selfish politics of this nation.A nation quietly accepting dead bodies of her brave men and doing nothing is worst then a hell. People can burn them self for separate states to feed and empower more bastard politicians.
But can not ask to punish all involved. Now it is a trend in India as my Dad always says, a jihadi will ambush to kill 2-3 officers and ran away the nation won't mourn but will curse a fictional hand and move on. I wonder what would be the response of any developed nation if their constable will be killed in an ambush by goons. We do not learn, we do not console, we do not avenge, we do not cross the lines, we do not dare, we do not remember. We are hopeless bunch of spivs those who have learned the art of earning money but have forgot the art of war to defend our way of life. At what age we be able to challenge the cursed history which has been thrust upon us. Time for some action, let the diplomacy be into to dormancy.
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