Nag will require a big vehicle to carry them and they just offer some 1.5 KM range extension advantage. India has already bought a huge numbers of Russian and Israeli missiles. Even if Nag succeeds, what Indian army will do with them. Nag should have come a decade ago.
Agreed. Nag/Namica role always appeared funky to me! In fact I feel they should ditch the original design of Nag (that was restricted to work with LOBL mode) and use the heli based Nag (Not the current version of Helina - but the stop-gap Nag variant created with an RF link and extended range to test on Rudra, this has the LOAL mode and 7km range). This would come close to Spike. Perhaps even extend it's range further and make it like Spike-ER.
The Spike missiles purchased were not in very large quantity (they're pretty expensive!!!).
The Russian Invars (again very expensive) are slated to be fitted onto BMP-2 during their upgrade.
Namica may be ditched in entirety. The future FICV may hold more promise for Nag like missile.