Mobiles, Gadgets and Gizmos


The southern Man
Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Now the 'mouseless' mouse

Can an invisible computer mouse be a more useful alternative to the real one?This virtual mouse can be used the way one would use the real one, except that some of the interactive gestures are different. Users rest their palms and fingers on a flat surface and perform the actions. The 'Mouseless' device has been developed by the Fluid Interfaces Group at the Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Pranav Mistry of Sixth Sense fame, who leads the project, says it is made up of an infrared laser beam and an infrared camera. The laser beam module is fitted with a filter which converts the laser point into a laser line, and an infrared layer of sorts is created just above the surface on which the computer is placed.
Motions of the hand are detected by the infrared camera and then interpreted in terms of cursor movements and mouse clicks.
Both the laser beam module and camera are embedded in the computer.
A fully functional prototype of 'Mouseless' cost $20 to build.
But what are the chances of an invisible mouse catching on in a world dominated by the real mouse? What about the ease-of-use factor?
Mr. Mistry says: "We haven't done any long-term user study with 'Mouseless' yet. But it is certainly more ergonomically relaxing to use. The reason is that one can use the pose one wants to use. We did some preliminary studies, and the results are amazing."
Library of gestures
With improved computer vision algorithms, "an extensive library of gestures" could be implemented, apart from the common ones related to the mouse movement and clicks.
For instance, gestures to zoom in and out, as well as novel ones such as balling one's fist, could be included. A wider range of free hand motions would be possible if multiple laser beams were used. The resulting gestures would be indicative of action that a hardware mouse could not typically support.
Mr. Mistry had earlier won global attention with his 'Sixth Sense' project, a 'wearable gestural interface' that projects a digital interaction plane into the immediate physical environment and lets users interact with it by way of gestures.
The 'Mouseless' project fits in well with the kind of research that he has been doing on virtual interfaces. It remains to be seen whether it will make its way to the desktops, and hearts, of users.


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2010
India unveils prototype of $35 tablet computer
I am skeptical.I googled and found that the ipad's touch screen alone costs $100.Even if you half that how will it be possible to get the said capabilities at only $35?


Regular Member
Oct 2, 2009
Update of the $35 tablet

*Android OS
*cost of 1500 rupee's , of which 750 will be subsidy anyway.(So Indian insinuations can buy this machine for just 750)

Interview and Review (10 min)

Just review with spec's (2 min)

another Interview (5 min)

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India's $35 Tablet is No Vaporware
Rahul Srinivas, Aug 12, 2010 1228 hrs IST

Comes with Android, Wi-Fi, 2GB RAM and other features

If you thought the Indian HRD ministry's attempt at making that $35 (Rs. 1,500) laptop is pure government fantasy and the usual pep talk we see from the Indian government, be ready to be surprised. Not only does the tablet exist in a prototype form, it actually works pretty well - and how!

Before I start, let's take a look at the brief history behind the story. The first time we heard of the tablet was last month when the HRD ministry, out of no where announced its plans to bring this $35 wonder to the student community of India. Back then, it was welcomed with the usual suspicion and skepticism that the Indian and world media has regarding anything that is remotely connected to the Indian government.

A month on, when all the hype about the tablet was just about to die, folks from NDTV Gadget Guru managed to scoop an interview with HRD Miniter Kapil Sibal (if you don't know who he is, you REALLY need that tablet) who carried the tablet with him to the studios. And that resulted in the first video hands on of the device. Our first impressions?

Well, it's no beauty contest contestant. The looks are nothing much to home about. If you were expecting something curvy like the iPads or the JooJoos or the Notion Inks of the world, be prepared for a nasty, boxy surprise. But hey, this is no lifestyle product. This is pure utilitarian stuff so if it does the job, that should suffice.

The hardware on this thing is pretty impressive by the looks of it. I am not sure what processor does the number crunching inside but it looks quite meaty to handle most tasks thrown at it. It has 2GB of RAM which is quite sufficient for web browsing, the occasional video streaming and document editing tasks that this is expected to do. The tablet is particularly impressive when it comes to connectivity options. Apart from Bluetooth, it seems to have all you need - ranging from Wi-fi, USB ports, Video out and SD card slots to SIM card slots for 3G ready connectivity. There is a camera at the rear (the megapixel count is still under wraps) that should suffice for normal photography. Besides, I don't expect anyone to take this on an African Safari anyway - so, the camera is pretty much sufficient for something that won't cost more than $35. One disappointment might be the screen which is resistive in nature. But then, for $35, it's criminal to expect a capacitive display on this - that too a 7-inch one.

On the software front, while we all thought it would run some real excuse of an OS based on Linux, I was surprised to see it running Android OS! Yes, I know Android is based on Linux as well. The good thing about this bit is the fact that there is considerable activity on the app development front when it comes to Android and this would actually make the tablet appealing to people who are just looking for a pure, no frills tablet. While the version of Android doesn't look to be the latest one, it still is pretty much usable. Also, I think it is likely that the tablet is powerful enough to get an update to Gingerbread once that arrives. Let's hope the processor is clocked at 1Ghz or more so that its eligible for the update.

Sibal, during the entire course of the interview, emphasised that the $35 price is pretty much real and that had it been under the retail sales, the price would have been considerably higher. However, this project is government subsidised and has no intention to go retail. Surprisingly, he also confirmed that he is aiming to bring the cost down to $10 later! By 2011, he expects at least a million units of the $35 tablet in the hands of Indian students. He adds that once that is done, we are ready to take the next step and take the tablet global.

What we think about this $35 wonder from India? For once, India has proved and has actually made something that isn't just there on paper or in pictures. It is pretty much real and more importantly, it works pretty well. If the idea is taken forward, there is no doubt that this will positively impact the education of millions of children who do not have access to basic computing. Think of it - an Internet tablet for under $35. Only Indians could pull off this one!

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Early take on India's $35 tablet: 'Fairly impressive'

Remember that $35 tablet out of India we told you about last month? If you want to see the much-talked-about prototype in moving color, a gadget show on Indian television just featured an exclusive hands-on that could help dissipate some of the skepticism about the device.

"Everybody actually said, 'It cannot happen, a $35 tablet,' and not only does it exist, it works and it works brilliantly," said Rajiv Makhni, co-host of the show "Gadget Guru," who took the computer through its paces with show cohort Vikram Chandra and then talked all aspects of the gadget with Kapil Sibal, the country's Minister for Human Resource Development and the same guy who officially unveiled the super-cheap touch-screen device. Aimed at the country's students, it's being called India's answer to Nicholas Negroponte's famed OLPC laptop.

While originally presented as a Linux device, the prototype on the show runs on Android (and handles the operating system "fairly smoothly," the surprised Gurus say). It has a virtual keyboard, camera, full video capability, Wi-Fi for browsing that the Gurus found to be "simple and quick," an e-reader, and 2GB RAM. They say the touch screen is a bit slow to respond. All in all, though, they call it a "fairly impressive little package," particularly for the price, and a game changer for India and possibly beyond.

"We really didn't think it would be as functional as we have found it be," Chandra said.

The tablet is part of a larger initiative aimed at improving India's educational system through technology. It will originally be delivered by mid-2011, subsidized, to higher-education institutions for the estimated $35, Sibal said. (He acknowledged that it will surely cost more at retail.)


My Comments:

I have my Hope's up right now , but let's wait and see how long that will last. The device looks solid , runs a proven OS. I have an Android phone , it's a good OS and gives the user a number of options.

Again still concerns over pricing but they seem very determined to make this as cheap as possible. Let's not be the cynic with out giving them a Chance, at the very least it will be subsidized.

What really is still the question now , is scale. How big is this tablet initiative going to be.

On that end i hope they do team up with Nicholas Negroponte , a man with a Midas touch , and founder of One Laptop per Child Association (OLPC) , as well as MIT Media labs(We all remember Pranv Mistry's sixth sense don't we).

It seems that the Solar powered version is an optional feature , that will cost more. At least for now. Price of solar panels also going down.

On the retail side however it wont be $35 , but you can expect the price to be well below $100. So it will still cost you less that what you pay for your phone. But they are still looking for a private sector partner to manufacture and market this item on the retail market(As i understand it however , this has no bearing on the governments plan's to distribute it to educational institutions however).

Microsoft has also offered Windows CE OS at a negligible price. This again gives the device more flexibility and options
(for those unfamiliar with Windows CE, i was not)

A Linux OS is also always on the table(they are all free).
(ubuntu Linux OS)

Memory is whatever SD card or Flash disk or even portable hard drive you put in it. You can probably even plug a keyboard in there.
Why because you have a USB port , as well as a micro USB port for storage device, as well as SD card slot , which makes it million times better than the IPad.
By the way it also has a camera , which i think you don't even need but hey it has it.

This device seems for the most part to be what it is , A Basic computing device at a low price.
It's not going to replace your laptop or even your smart phone.

But Much like India's other low cost alternative the Tata Nano that let people who don't have car's get cars ,
it will give people who don't have a cost effective solution to computing a chance to compute , connect and network.

I can talk about this with stars in my eyes , for a lot quite a bit more time. But i will save that for when it does become the crazy success that we all hope it can be.

Bottom Line: They have the Software and the Hardware of a functional machine. But can they sort out the pricing and they these device's , into the hand's of children not only in this Country but perhaps even around the world.
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Regular Member
Oct 2, 2009
Bump , come on guys. I am sure some of you have something to say about this ?


Regular Member
Aug 23, 2009
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What a joke! Buy the tablet from China, put new label on, and it comes India's great achievement.

India's $35 tablet:

is produced by Chinese company Hivision.
Model number Speedpad/PWS700HA.
First shown at CeBIT exhibition.

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On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
It will be a shame of Indian govt. is showing off some one else's invention as its own. But we need to get more details if this is true. Is Indian govt. sourcing these tablets from HiVision or the govt. has designed and gave it to HiVision for manufacturing. Let's wait and see.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Best Smartphone and mobile OS?

Hey Everyone,

I would like to know your suggestions and opinions about the best (and latest) smartphone available in the market, secondly, I would also wish to know your view on different OS available.

I have shortlisted few phones such as:

Blackberry Torch


Dell Streak

Nokia N8

Samsung i9000 (Galaxy S)

If you know some other latest smartphone do let me know (p.s: I am not interested in iPhone 2G/3G/4G)

Operating systems:

Blackberry OS 6.0

Symbian 3

Android 2.2 (Froyo)

Windows OS 7

I personally find Windows OS 7 simply out of this world, other OSs are somewhat similar, however, Windows OS 7 is a beauty.....what are your opinions, do let me know?

Waiting for some helpful suggestions!


maomao baba
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I use HTC Legend. I like it. Powerful processor, but not the most powerful in the market. Reasonable battery life. Great AMOLED screen. Not too large and fits well in my pocket.

Of course, better phones are available today.

Regarding OS, I am firmly in the Android camp, so expect me to be biased against Apple stuff.



Regular Member
Oct 2, 2009
I use the Google Nexus one

I stick with Android phones , due to the apps and flexibility of the OS.


Nov 16, 2009
Country flag
I recently switched to Android OS with my new Samsung Galaxy S -

Previously I was looking for Sumbian^3 phone like N8 or E7 but came to know that not too much advancements are obtained in this OS & though there is upcoming firmware fixes taken from scrapped Symbian ^4, it really isn't very charming platform anymore. Nokia/Intel will be launching Meego OS by end of June so the support for Symbian is uncertain. Even Samsung withdrew from using Symbian in its phones recently.

Android is nice OS, one can root the phone & enjoy modding. Not to forget thousands of apps available for android results in great productivity. Setting up your internet connection via cellphone can be tricky in India for Galaxy S. I found few loopholes in interconnected apps of Android making it vulnerable for hackers but its the best one can get right now unless you're iPhone 5 fan already! :Dc
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The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
I have HTC HD2 and it can run 5 different OS's.

Best phone i ever purchased.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks Pmaitra, gogbot, nrj and Ernesto......btw I am not an I phone fan!! :)

What are your views on Windows 7 OS?


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
Thanks Pmaitra, gogbot, nrj and Ernesto......btw I am not an I phone fan!! :)

What are your views on Windows 7 OS?
I think windows OS7 is very new and I don't think anyone here would have experience on it. May be you should try and let us know the experience.

Samsung Omnia 7 is a windows OS7 based. Have a look at it.


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2010
If you really want an awesome phone + Os - get the galaxy. Android is awesome and seriously fast, and the swype functionality in Android is unbelievably efficient. My cousin got one a fortnight ago and I spent a day just typing memos because it was so fun. The screen on the phone is pretty awesome to - I like it better than the iphone 4, but otherwise apart from some Android features, they are virtually the same.

I think the camera is slightly worse, and it doesn't have flash... so if you take a lot of pics of you partying hard at night (lol) then perhaps look elsewhere.

My father has a Windows Os phone, but having an Iphone 3g myself, I found it a bit hard to transition into the different layouts etc. Plus, I think they were far less applications I could get compared to the Apple Store or Android Apps. I also noticed slightly sluggish performance, slight delays in tasks not evident in android/iphone os.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks DD! Before buying Windows 7 OS phone, I would rather take an opinion from a person who has used it, instead me trying it first and then providing suggestions to others. :D


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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If you really want an awesome phone + Os - get the galaxy. Android is awesome and seriously fast, and the swype functionality in Android is unbelievably efficient. My cousin got one a fortnight ago and I spent a day just typing memos because it was so fun. The screen on the phone is pretty awesome to - I like it better than the iphone 4, but otherwise apart from some Android features, they are virtually the same.

I think the camera is slightly worse, and it doesn't have flash... so if you take a lot of pics of you partying hard at night (lol) then perhaps look elsewhere.

My father has a Windows Os phone, but having an Iphone 3g myself, I found it a bit hard to transition into the different layouts etc. Plus, I think they were far less applications I could get compared to the Apple Store or Android Apps. I also noticed slightly sluggish performance, slight delays in tasks not evident in android/iphone os.
Which Windows OS you've been using? Is it 6.5? Because OS 7 is a completely different platform, moreover it has improved features. If you have been using OS 7, then, that means you have used all the latest OSs, so I would definitely take your advice on switching over to Android!

P.S: I have seen OS 7, its just too pleasing. As you have suggested that its sluggish, then I would reconsider it.



Regular Member
Sep 26, 2010
Which Windows OS you've been using? Is it 6.5? Because OS 7 is a completely different platform, moreover it has improved features. If you have been using OS 7, then, that means you have used all the latest OSs, so I would definitely take your advice on switching over to Android!

P.S: I have seen OS 7, its just too pleasing. As you have suggested that its sluggish, then I would reconsider it.

Hehe, unfortunately I am no longer sure. My father has gone back with my mother to meet friends in RSA, so I cannot really confirm. I think it was the new one (7), the one with the big blocks on the home screen right?

Personally, I just didn't like the setup - but my experience with the Iphone has probably biased my opinion somewhat.

If you want what I really recommend as a great site to refer to:

Its sister site (notebookreview) is awesome and I made some pretty big decisions ($-wise) based on info on that site, I really think its not as biased towards iphone etc as some other sites.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
Country flag
Hehe, unfortunately I am no longer sure. My father has gone back with my mother to meet friends in RSA, so I cannot really confirm. I think it was the new one (7), the one with the big blocks on the home screen right?

Personally, I just didn't like the setup - but my experience with the Iphone has probably biased my opinion somewhat.

If you want what I really recommend as a great site to refer to:

Its sister site (notebookreview) is awesome and I made some pretty big decisions ($-wise) based on info on that site, I really think its not as biased towards iphone etc as some other sites.

Yeah I think your dad was using OS 7:

I will definitely go through the site you have recommended, however, let me tell you that IOS 4G is one of the most efficient and speedy OS available in the market. I may consider Android, any suggestions on Dell Streak?


The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Well my HD2 had windows 6.5 and now i have put android on it and its miles better than windows.

Trust me android > windows. and iphone is shit.

I suggest you wait 2 months because dual-core phones will be released which will be miles better than current phones.

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