Like for all ERA - with Kontakt-5 and Relikt. For almoust all ERA in shape thin "brick" ( efectivness is depend on angle. And if ERAWA-2 can stop 66% PzF-3IT warhed (900-1000mm RHA perforation) for angle of incidence equal to 30 degrees. (
what is without any doubt given in tekst -its fakt not opinnion) then perforamce for bigger degree (60) will be mucht mucht worse.
But its typical for all ERA -including Kontakt-5 and Relikt. Sorry but all ERA casette are simmilar in this problem. Of course there is solution - like in most of the ERA for side armour when whery thick ERA module (unposible to place this on turret roof) have 2-3 ERA layers whit...yes, again angle of incidence equal to 30 degrees but inside the casette. (like hee: I have hope that this what I had wrote is clear.
All ERA whit thickness like thin brick have the same problem - relatio between angle and efectivness. Its the same problem for ALL ERA: ERAWA-1, ERAWA2, CERAWA, Kontakt-5, Relikt, etc. Becouse single ERA casette is dependend on angle.
This problem is lower in thic side ERA modules like ARAT, or NII Stali side modules or Blazer becouse in that kind of ERA internal ERA layout still give between 30 and 60 angle.
Of course one ERA (ERAWA-2, Relikt, Dyna, Nóż) using many diffrent metods can achive bigger protection for "diffciult" angle of incidence then oder ERA (ERAWA-1, Kontakt-1, older Kontakt-5) in even better angle of incidence. Its a matter of technique used and internal ERA laout, used material HE etc.
What you describe is basic working method of planar reactive armour. It is the same effectiveness dependance based on angle of incidence (obliquity of elements, plates against cumulative jet), be it Kontakt, ERAWA or Kontakt-V in several degrees.
But this is against single warhead, and there is no relation at all against tandem Panzerfaust test. It is impossible for such elements to have interaction lenght long enought to match delay of main warhead, they will only affect tandem warhead when it is situated over plate, elements flying path, when it will be destroyed without initiation as I showed on scheme.
Erawa-2 will only affect tandem warhead at angle of incidence of 30 degrees in middle-upper part of cassette, same will happen with Kontakt-V, etc, this is very basic and generally known fact, that main warhead will be destroyed in angles close to normal, thus author mentions tests close to normal of 15-30 degrees which are most favorable conditions, if it was as you say, it would be the opposite, when it is more effective the bigger the angle there is from normal.
In rest of situations it is not effective at all. Effectiveness is required not only by geometry, but interaction time.
You still don't understand it's not simple "double" somthing. It's diffrence in used HE material in ERA bricks, in HB scale in RHA plates and others.
Point would be comparing ERAWA with Kontakt, there is no point on arguing over superiority based on ERAWA-2 which is double element.
Becouse for assumed and required cover in +/-30 for longitiudal axis of turret and hull is enought and more then enought:
And it's stupid to pretend that a single ERA brick can stop HEAT warhed whit perforation equal ~1000mm RHA + precursor when angle of hit is bigger then 30 degree.
And when we back to the topic: there is no diffrence between placed ERAWA-2 or Relikt on tank turret roof - ERA hit on more then 60 degree for "diving" top-attack ATGM wil be ineffective and roof will be perforated. Even if ERA effectiveness will be close to ~70% (what is impossible for that angle!) then warhed whit perforation 700-800 still will have enought big perforation vaue to perforate 40-70mm RHA thick roof. It's really simple. And there is no one known test when ERA casette in thickness like for ERAWA-2 or Relikt was able to stop even single SC warhed when angle of incidence was equal between 70 and 85 degrees (like for diving top attack ATGM's) and protected by ERA armour has only 40-70mm RHA thick. Thats reson why APS are so necessary.
Back to original point, Relikt will destroy Javelin, Spike warhead without initiation in angle of incidence from normal to 30 degrees. In rest of situations (30-70 degrees...) due to high obliquity of thick high hardness metal plate interacting with main cumulative jet during about 200 microseconds, it will completely destabilise and destroy it, with neglible parasitic effect. Javelin, Spike has little chance against top protected with Relikt and such modern reactive armour.
For comparison, ERAWA-2 has no chance in angle of incidence of more than 30 degrees as it is impossible for it to reach 400 microseconds duration.
Greate - but there is no one article (and I don'y find that article) when is showned Relikt and it's possibilities to o stop single SC warhed when angle of incidence was equal between 70 and 85 degrees and protected armour is only 40-70mm RHA thick.
Do you have this evidence? I don't.
You try to put article about side BMP protection using thick ERA modules whit multi layers ERA (whit angle 30-60 degree inside) to proof that completly diffrent in layout Relikt or Kontakt-5 can stop HEAT warhed in case when angle of incidence is between 70 and 85 degree and covered armour is only 40-70mm thick. Sory - no way.
In such angle, main warhead of missile will be destroyed by steel plate without initiation. In rest, second reflected plate will destabilise and destroy cumulative jet completely due to high obliquity (more than 30 degrees).
Imperative of Relikt developement was to lenghten interaction to 400 microseconds to match delay of main warhead. The other situation is a given for all reactive armours (Kontakt, ERAWA, etc). Look at scheme...
I've already explained that exactly in older posts.
You can contradict test results, and try to explain how delay of main warhead is matched by ERAWA.
You miss specific situation which I explained.
No, it's not. Back to the photos or pdf. There was alway single ERAWA-2 casette against HEAT warhed so this CD example is pointlles, and the result was achive by using more sophisticated materials and layout then you try to input.
It has little to do with situation which I explained.
It is same situation as scheme of Kontakt in CD. I'll explain you this way, so you could see.
Get figures for lenght of ERAWA-2 cassete, and lenght of Panzerfaust from precursor to main warhead.
Place Panzerfaust with angle of incidence of 15-30 degrees in middle part of ERAWA cassette. Calculate lenght of Panzerfaust in horizontal axis, and see how it is directly above of reactive armour element. In all such situations reaction will affect main warhead.
Now understand why it is staged ??
No, Kontakt-1 can't deal whit dobuble HEAT.
ERAWA-2 have nothing common whit Kontakt-1:
- totally different internal design and layout
- diffrent material use
- havierRHA plates (in fact Kontakt-1 is very delicate adn ERAWa-1/2 can stand even napalm)
And for ERAWA-2 anti-tandem properties are normal in use - ERAWA-2 slightly can deal with SC warhed whit precursor for angle about 30-35 degree. As I mentioned and put photos about Panzerfaust, LAW, PG-7VR test...
And this angle 30-35 degree can achive completly normal protection for MBT on battelfield.
Every single planar reactive armour will deal tandem warhead at incidence close to normal, in situations which I explained.
But it is impossible to match delay of main warhead, thus guarantee protection at most angles as does Relikt.
You event don't try to read what I posted. Precursor in most HEAT warhed (PzF-3, LAW, PG-7VR, RPG-29, RPG-32) have small diameter (30-50mm) and can perforate only about 150-200mm RHA. Due to hight HB scale, thick external plate and angle 30-35 degree jet from precursor must overcome more then twice external LOS plate whit about 500HB scale - after that jet hit thin high sensitivity HE material layer and external RHA plate just eliminates the precursor jet. Even if (it's not so obvious...) jet from precursor perforate internal RHA plate there is very different in properties insensitive HE. Time reaction between blow out external HE (and in the same external RHA plate) and internal HE layer and RHA plate is extended up to that point when the jet from main HEAT warhed will be hit by internal RHA plate and HE blast. Thats the reson why ERAWA-2 have only 46mm thick cassette and can deal with HEAT warhed whit precursor. Germans and Swedish developers where veru suprised ERAWA-2 perforamnce.
Precursor of Panzerfaust, RPG is different from ATGM, it has no such delay regulator.
Vampir RPG warhead was developed to destroy reactive elements without initiation, rather than detonate. That was achieved in tests even without perforating plate by hydraulic effect, more intense, the thicker the cassete (cover) is, or by controlled action of fragments.
Against ERAWA-2 with it's explosive element, Panzerfaust would cause initiation as was seen in your tests.
If you try to say that there will be localisation of effect, no, it is not possible.
In fact your theories and explanation of working method would contradict tests which you showed.