LCA TEJAS MK1 & MK1A: News and Discussion


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Nov 1, 2022
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Here's what the Americans themselves think of the A-10 with details about it's performance from an AF general in 1991 itself what to speak of now .

It's a slow moving lumbering aircraft past it's sell by date & used to do well in uncontested air spaces. With the advent of a new generation of ADS particularly MANPADs it's suicidal to think about it with respect to CAS against even inferior enemies.

A-10s vs. F-16s

Q: Did the war have any effect on the Air Force's view of the A-10?

A: No. People misread that. People were saying that airplanes are too sophisticated and that they wouldn't work in the desert, that you didn't need all this high technology, that simple and reliable was better, and all that.

Well, first of all, complex does not mean unreliable. We're finding that out. For example, you have a watch that uses transistors rather than a spring. It's infinitely more reliable than the windup watch that you had years ago. That's what we're finding in the airplanes.

Those people . . . were always championing the A-10. As the A-10 reaches the end of its life cycle-- and it's approaching that now--it's time to replace it, just like we replace every airplane, including, right now, some early versions of the F-16.

Since the line was discontinued, [the A-10's champions] want to build another A-10 of some kind. The point we were making was that we have F-16s that do the same job.

Then you come to people who have their own reasons-good reasons to them, but they don't necessarily compute to me-who want to hang onto the A-10 because of the gun. Well, the gun's an excellent weapon, but you'll find that most of the tank kills by the A-10 were done with Mavericks and bombs. So the idea that the gun is the absolute wonder of the world is not true.

Q: This conflict has shown that?

A: It shows that the gun has a lot of utility, which we always knew, but it isn't the principal tank-killer on the A-IO. The [Imaging Infrared] Maverick is the big hero there. That was used by the A-10s and the F-16s very, very effectively in places like Khafji.

The other problem is that the A-10 is vulnerable to hits because its speed is limited. It's a function of thrust, it's not a function of anything else. We had a lot of A-10s take a lot of ground fire hits. Quite frankly, we pulled the A-10s back from going up around the Republican Guard and kept them on Iraq's [less formidable] front-line units. That's line if you have a force that allows you to do that. In this case, we had F-16s to go after the Republican Guard.

Q: At what point did you do that?

A: I think I had fourteen airplanes sitting on the ramp having battle damage repaired, and I lost two A- 10s in one day [February 15], and I said, "I've had enough of this." It was when we really started to go after the Republican Guard.

Initially, much of the air assets were devoted to strategic targets, to make sure we got those down, while we were also hitting the frontline forces. As we killed off the research and development stuff-storage, those kinds of targets-we brought more and more assets into the Kuwait Theater of Operation. We really started heating the battle up in the KTO.

Q: General Schwarzkopf said that he didn't care to kill the Republican Guard; his goal was to break its will.

A: He never emphasized the killing of people. I think that is personally abhorrent to him, as it is to most of us. It really didn't serve any purpose other than to ensure hatred in the postwar era. What we had to do is destroy the enemy's capability to inflict casualties on us. Since we were fighting tanks, the way you do that is destroy tanks and artillery. I think we were very successful at that.


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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What's with bringing in religious texts of a particular religion in a discussion not remotely connected to the Rafale ? The religious texts of other religions are replete with instances of people levitating / flying etc. Why don't you allude to them ? If you have a disagreement with the said member there are other ways to settle the matter
Mullo ko jo sab bolta hnu, isko thodi na bolne ka koi matlab hy ....

It's a meme trope about hindus (everything-was-Vedas-once-modern-science-is-simply-copying thing)... Arre laudu hy wo banda. Thik hy I was not going to do it much more. Thoda to tang khichne de.
Wo gandu to ku6 bhi gai-gobar likh deta hy.

Knock knock,
Hemlo Brozzer.
View attachment 223490

Did someone call for the Close Air support..
4 x 1000lbs Bombs express parcel on way.
(Midboard fuel might be 800 ltr)
View attachment 223491
It'll be 5...
LCA Tejas... lowest & highest payload configurations.


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Mar 6, 2021
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I would like to have laughs, I want all west to sanction India for this , then see what happens, I really want this to happen.
I feel sad to see a member whose posts were science focused, rational, largely a political and even instructive to other members lose his way and degenerate into filthy non relevant garbage.

Every religion has its share of probably unscientific miracles and happenings. Hinduism is not alone. Christianity and Islam both have their quota of totally unscientific beliefs and so called miracles happening. So why target Hinduism alone.

Have you even gone through all the scriptures/religious books in Christianity and Islam.

I don't support blind dogma in Hinduism but is everything in Hinduism bad. Temper your criticism and language.

I am sure many would like to know your motivation. Why hide behind anonymity. State your religion.

Are you an Hindu born leftist /atheist. Indian leftists believe that their indoctrination into Communism/Socialism cannot happen without first repudiating their religion of their birth(Hinduism). They can prove their loyalty to Communism only by spewing hate against all things Hindu.
But surprisingly Indian Leftists have no qualms in sucking the Muslim and Christian cocks. Those religions are all good and holy.

An irony when even the original Communists, the Russians/Soviets are re embracing their religion of their birth Orthodox Christianity.

Unfortunately you appear to many as an frustrated ass hole who gets his daily orgasm by spewing anti Hindu rhetoric.
You appear as an Christian ass licker or a Muslim ass licker. If you are really a Hindu you seem like an spineless degenerate pussy.

This forum, I believe is not meant for espousing political beliefs. Unfortunately you seem to be trying to carry out your own political agenda.

I hated using such language. But I am forced to respond to an unnecessary provacation.

Now you can respond with your quota of epithets and insults.
What next, should we call each other mother fuckers and father fuckers.
Do we really want this forum to turn into filth.
I think you can be better than that. It's up to you to uphold sanity and ethics or not.
In this forum we have some of the most S0intofically brilliant atheist minds who are enlightened by their own intelligence we mortals never going to achieve such wisdom. Ignore them.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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Here's what the Americans themselves think of the A-10 with details about it's performance from an AF general in 1991 itself what to speak of now .

It's a slow moving lumbering aircraft past it's sell by date & used to do well in uncontested air spaces. With the advent of a new generation of ADS particularly MANPADs it's suicidal to think about it with respect to CAS against even inferior enemies.
I think there is still a space for dedicated attack aircraft, since helis do have shortcomings especially on unobstructed terrain.


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Jul 29, 2018
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I try to be technical & apolitical, but when people from only one particular fairytale fan-cult are in a forum, when they spew stuff like "Gl0b0h0m0s" in every disagreement, I won't make joke about him being an inbred cousin fucker, will I?
And speaking about commie hypocrisy, y'all surprisingly be fine with hate-speech UNTIL Hindus here start receiving back their own medicine...with literally one exception where a mod deleted my posts for replacing arse with allah 🤣

So please don't pretend you really think what i said was "unnecessary provocation". He brought up some old grudge, from when he said at stuff like that & got retaliated at.
Appreciate your moderate response.
I admit it must have taken some fortitude and strength not to retaliate in invectives.

I don't support any member using phrases like 'globohomos'. It should be condemned. The temptation to resort to personal level attacks and insults when one is unable to reply convincingly with reason and logic is often too much for some members.This type of response is best avoided.

But as we all know two wrongs don't make a right. Probably you have the option of bringing the use of such unacceptable language to the attention of the moderators.

Anyway Indian Defence is too important a matter to be ignored and let's hope all members maintain decorum and concentrate on the issues.


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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Here's what the Americans themselves think of the A-10 with details about it's performance from an AF general in 1991 itself what to speak of now .

It's a slow moving lumbering aircraft past it's sell by date & used to do well in uncontested air spaces. With the advent of a new generation of ADS particularly MANPADs it's suicidal to think about it with respect to CAS against even inferior enemies.
You could also argue that the purpose of the A-10 is valid only when the airspace is sanitized, operated as a low cost, high cargo bomb truck. The gun allows excellent firepower capability with mininal collateral damage which is helpful during danger close CAS operations - so it only goes once SEAD/CAP/SWEEP has done its job, and it can operate relatively unharrased.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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I think there is still a space for dedicated attack aircraft, since helis do have shortcomings especially on unobstructed terrain.
Which is why you're seeing a hybrid development of a cross between an aircraft & a hptr in the next generation US line of CAS hptrs. Beyond that the next step or concurrent development will be unmanned. Ditto for battle tanks. The risk in both these categories are far too high & as of now or in the near to mid term future, we don't see much alternatives to them.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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You could also argue that the purpose of the A-10 is valid only when the airspace is sanitized, operated as a low cost, high cargo bomb truck. The gun allows excellent firepower capability with mininal collateral damage which is helpful during danger close CAS operations - so it only goes once SEAD/CAP/SWEEP has done its job, and it can operate relatively unharrased.
One of the most fundamental battle philosophies is you don't add too many caveats. Once you do that the philosophy itself is compromised so would be the solution.

The concept of a totally sanitized air space in this age of mass proliferation of MANPADS is an untenable idea . Any & every solution one has must factor this in & decide if the RoI is worth it for these platforms will be brought down one way or another.


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
You could also argue that the purpose of the A-10 is valid only when the airspace is sanitized, operated as a low cost, high cargo bomb truck. The gun allows excellent firepower capability with mininal collateral damage which is helpful during danger close CAS operations - so it only goes once SEAD/CAP/SWEEP has done its job, and it can operate relatively unharrased.
You missing the point. All major Armies having manpads, not good for low altitude flying low speed aircraft, and A10 only good taking damage from anti air guns, not against missile. There is nothing airforce can do against manpads. except flying high
The major weapon used for CAS is AGM 65, F16 also carries them
USAF prefer AGM 65 over A10 gun for CAS.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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There are no "rules of engagement" to be adhered to... if one starts something, then have no control over the consequences. But still I didn't bad-mouth Hinduism, I made fun of the mentality of hardliner Hindus.

Sure buddy... Totally gonna happen. Aaaanytime now. Not like y'all
You insult the Vedas the holiest of holies in the pantheon of Sanatan scriptures & claim casually I didn't bad mouth Hinduism just made fun of the mentality of hardliner Hindus . This is the kind of stuff I used to read in PDF or by Pakistanis on SM & of late by Khalistanis.

It's like me asking , for immaculate conception did Mary go to God the Father or did God the Father visit Mary & pretty much claiming the rest like you did by way of justification.

Word of advise - Drop it. Don't justify the unjustifiable.


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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You insult the Vedas the holiest of holies in the pantheon of Sanatan scriptures ..... Drop it. Don't justify the unjustifiable.
Ofcourse. I'd already dropped it & moved on until someone dug it back up.

But again, if you're so touchy about your religion maybe you guys should behave yourselves more & not give other people reason to take a stab at it... Just because y'all are so sensitive about it doesn't mean it's gonna be off-limits for me. (But i assure you muzzies face more insult to their religion on a daily basis, in hindus' case its you people that's easy to make fun off, your religion just gets dragged along)



New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Ofcourse. I'd already dropped it & moved on until someone dug it back up.

But again, if you're so touchy about your religion maybe you guys should behave yourselves more & not give other people reason to take a stab at it... Just because y'all are so sensitive about it doesn't mean it's gonna be off-limits for me. (But i assure you muzzies face more insult to their religion on a daily basis, in hindus' case its you people that's easy to make fun off, your religion just gets dragged along)

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Trust you wouldn't have any issues as well if we take a dump on Christian Theology , liturgy & eschatology for the entire edifice is so shaky it's fun at a different level pointing out the shortcomings in Christianity especially since that's what we're here to discuss on a defence forum.

I don't care a damn what you do to Islam . That's between you & them .


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Dec 3, 2013
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Yea if one id using derogatory words one should be prepared to recieve them... Anyways someone else did the sharing. I'm sure the specs of Rafale were originally in Vedas 5000 years ago, western French engineers surely copied from it like they a always do. You should read it again & confirm.

I'll update wiki

(But seriously, Rafale wings can take 9.5tons of ordnance. It'll cut internal fuel & be bomb truck at short range if conditions require. Su-30 wings can take max 8ton ordnance. It'll have much longer range tho)
Is Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-Sickulars your religion???

MC rice bag, Hindu had atleast written something relevant 5000years ago unlike follower of first propaganda on earth (Jesus reborn and shit )

You invoked my religion in derogatory term because you are a slave of Western ideology.

You, yourself are football who kicked between one sect or other and still rootless /identiless.

Get a real life poor rice bag.

Reason, why Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-Sickulars are pissed off now days is their tall mythical claims of Wunderwaffe being destroyed in Ukraine. You are one of them.

You can't digest truth because your religion is incompetent to deal with truth.
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New Member
Apr 14, 2020
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Seems like someone has problems with hinduism and since he/she cannot bear Hindus
If you don't like hinduism or Hindus you can leave anytime
No one is asking here to stay and spew BS
Already we are seeing unprecedented hate against Hindus just for following religion and there is no outrage neither in india nor outside
Bringing veda which is highly important for all Hindus when it's not related shows the mentality
Anti-hindus have luxury that Hindus are not intolerant other wise you would have seen all the abuses thrown till now


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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One of the most fundamental battle philosophies is you don't add too many caveats. Once you do that the philosophy itself is compromised so would be the solution.

The concept of a totally sanitized air space in this age of mass proliferation of MANPADS is an untenable idea . Any & every solution one has must factor this in & decide if the RoI is worth it for these platforms will be brought down one way or another.
That's a good point, however I think the A-10 still has a lot to offer in terms of the sheer payload it can carry with significantly lower operating costs to something comparable, i.e the Strike Eagle, for example. Regarding MANPADS/SHORAD: the A-10 can operate at altitudes which fall outside the misssile envelope for most mass-profilerated MANPAD/SHORADs, with better counter electronic/infrared capabilities.


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Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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That's exactly how the DRDO scientists developed the LCA, going completely off-topic without realizing the wastage of resources. :india:
Back on track.


Continued on a previous convo, these two will be soon able to dual-rack BVRs on their midboards but Mark1A will not have space for it due to it's jammer & dual CCM loadout. It could however sacrifice one CCM (carrying one a single & do it).

HVT once told me that non-symmetrical loadout is also on cards, drop-tank on one side & dual BVRs on other.


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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HVT once told me that non-symmetrical loadout is also on cards, drop-tank on one side & dual BVRs on other.
Does that cause any issues with the fuel feed system of the plane? Like for example, the F-16 has two feeds: AFT/LEFT and FWD/RIGHT, and tanks get emptied first in that order. What sort of feed system does the Tejas have, and will it cause issues like fuel traps/etc


New Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Back on track.

View attachment 223806View attachment 223807
Continued on a previous convo, these two will be soon able to dual-rack BVRs on their midboards but Mark1A will not have space for it due to it's jammer & dual CCM loadout. It could however sacrifice one CCM (carrying one a single & do it).

HVT once told me that non-symmetrical loadout is also on cards, drop-tank on one side & dual BVRs on other.
2 x 1000kg fuel + 3x BVR ( 2 mid +1 underbelly )+ 2 CCM + Jammer
Perfectly balanced agile combination.

