J20 Stealth Fighter


New Member
Apr 10, 2010

black eagle

New Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Why didn't the Indian Government order a study on the JF-17, J-11, J-10, ETC. Those are claimed by China/Pakistan as pretty potent fighters.

You have to admit the facts, this J-11 can SERIOUSLY alter the balance in Asia.
You never know, may be they did but was not reported by the media because these studies are mostly done in secret & their outcomes are kept classified... This time the J-20 has created much hype around it & btw i never suggested that the J-20 is not a good aircraft.. By the looks of things it appears to be much more stealthy than the PAK-FA...


New Member
Apr 10, 2010
You never know, may be they did but was not reported by the media because these studies are mostly done in secret & their outcomes are kept classified... This time the J-20 has created much hype around it & btw i never suggested that the J-20 is not a good aircraft.. By the looks of things it appears to be much more stealthy than the PAK-FA...
yes yes, I have mistaken you.


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Sep 14, 2009
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for my nation security every small thing is important i dont know why govt has close eyes toward china why they are sleeping

why we are lacking against china and if the ratio will be same then what will be result

wakeup call for our nation

guys if we dont start to move then it will be too late what our security ageineces are doing

well no doubt china has upper hands but we have to make our best effort to change the things

DRDO what these guys are doing is any one in my country can give me answer

why ??/

as an indian nation security is fisrt and most important then rest thing govt should know that thing else door is open for them

StarShip Enterprise

New Member
Sep 21, 2010
I have a sneaking feeling that Russians sold the tech for J-20 to China through Mig and taking India for a ride through PAKFA. I just wished that we were more committed to LCA & AMCA.

J-20 been revealed as soon as we signed the formal deal with Russians for PAKFA=T-50.

Chinese have been intelligent just to buy the technology while making their own product but we have mortgaged our defence R&D + production for next 30 years to the Russians

Realizing the LCA dream had been a himalayan task for. now the IAF is nt satisfied with it that we had to close the designing counter for MK-1 to avoid embarassment and start MK-2 to make LCA a real worthwhile and a formidable aircraft the IAF wants.
If this is the case, AMCA would be equal to putting-man-on-moon for ADA/HAL/DRDO.
We simiply dont have the technology or designing expetise.
Its unfortunate and our ill fate that we have to take the PAKFA route to get the learning curve, even though all we are being offered for all our money the Russian's will use, we get only children's lolly-pop to cock our mouth from asking anything thats too much.

But my anguish is : Our Ruling Elite from V.P.Singh to Chandrashekar to Govda to Vajpayee to present Manmohan-
why did they not Tap the tech-pool of soviet when it was crumbling.
USA lost no opportunity to tap all the German scientific minds (after WW-II) who later formed a large part of NASA.

I honestly think, we still have time to do it. But we lack the thrust/motivation to do it.
Well, afterall how can a country even though it knows the security concern surrounding us still doesnot have limb to expedite defence procurement but keeps on issuing and re-issuing RFP to global companies be expected to have the vision to do what it takes to make India a atlest if not superpower but a safe country to live in when we have non-rational aggressors on our borders.

We have poor thrust-to-vision t/v ratio.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Realizing the LCA dream had been a himalayan task for. now the IAF is nt satisfied with it that we had to close the designing counter for MK-1 to avoid embarassment and start MK-2 to make LCA a real worthwhile and a formidable aircraft the IAF wants.
If this is the case, AMCA would be equal to putting-man-on-moon for ADA/HAL/DRDO.
We simiply dont have the technology or designing expetise.
Its unfortunate and our ill fate that we have to take the PAKFA route to get the learning curve, even though all we are being offered for all our money the Russian's will use, we get only children's lolly-pop to cock our mouth from asking anything thats too much.

But my anguish is : Our Ruling Elite from V.P.Singh to Chandrashekar to Govda to Vajpayee to present Manmohan-
why did they not Tap the tech-pool of soviet when it was crumbling.
USA lost no opportunity to tap all the German scientific minds (after WW-II) who later formed a large part of NASA.

I honestly think, we still have time to do it. But we lack the thrust/motivation to do it.
Well, afterall how can a country even though it knows the security concern surrounding us still doesnot have limb to expedite defence procurement but keeps on issuing and re-issuing RFP to global companies be expected to have the vision to do what it takes to make India a atlest if not superpower but a safe country to live in when we have non-rational aggressors on our borders.

We have poor thrust-to-vision t/v ratio.
well when the project started only the project director believed it, now it will get IOC and later on FOC, what is learn from LCA is going to be big help for AMCA.

BTW you need confidence, but some one said to me once (it is not available in market).

And this is JXX not LCA or AMCA (that is why short answer)

StarShip Enterprise

New Member
Sep 21, 2010
LCA is 4th Gen aircraft and AMCA is project to be 5th Gen aircraft.
Remember LCA was facing problems with "Landing Gear" bcos people manufacturing 4++ Gen Su-30MKI could not design landing gear for light weight aircraft - LCA.
surely progress made from LCA will find its way to AMCA,



New Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Perhaps. If the first flight has already happened and this is only a PR stunt, then why do we not see the supposed first flight even after 12 days after pics were released. PR stunts are great, but at least the Russians showed a flying prototype rather than having the T-50 warm the tarmac as we see in the J-20.
Yes, it is more like a PR campaign, but for what reason the authority launched this campaign remains unknown.

Something you should understand is that CCP doesn't have to prove anything to the Chinese people, so the authority is under no pressure to disclose every detail of the J20 project. Neither it is a race between J20 and T50, CCP won't be that childish to show pictures of J20's flight tests(if these was any) just because Russia published pictures of a flying T50.

For those who are complaining about CCP not disclosing enough information, we should take what we have already seen here as a bonus. Normally, CCP is not so generous to expose such a highly confidential military project before it succeeds. This is also the reason why I am speculating the authority has finished the maiden flight test before letting the public know its existence. CCP can't bear the risk of failing the first flight before the public.

Here is a report from LianHeZaoBao in Singapore, in which it is mentioned J20 has conducted many flight tests already.




  十一时许,一架波音七三七客机带来了专程来看首飞的高级官员,其中包括大批高级将领。在嘉宾抵达后,「歼 20」随即进行了滑行展示。「飞行员很有信心,飞机高速滑行,引擎声震耳,其间飞行员还拉起了机头,前轮离地,再弹射出减速伞将飞机减速停下。」目击者说。




Online English translation
Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily reported that on the eve of the U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited China, Chengdu, Sichuan China yesterday, led by stealth fighters, "F-20" (J-20) held its first flight ceremony, but due to the weather good factors for high-speed taxiing aircraft and the only ejection parachute display, and did not leave the ground. The news said, "F-20" Recently, at any time choose the first flight further.

Yesterday morning, try front of the building covered with the airport the red carpet, put up the inflatable Arc de Triomphe. A number "2001", "F-20" stop on the runway, next to two two-seater to fly with "F-10" aircraft are on standby. The scheduled flight time is three pm, the Chengdu International Airport and in the time suspended all civil flights taking off and landing.

Eleven o'clock, a Boeing passenger plane brought seven hundred thirty-seven came to see the maiden flight of the senior officials, including the large number of senior generals. Upon arrival, the guests, "F-20" was immediately slide show. "Pilots are confident that high-speed taxiing aircraft, engine noise deafening, during which the pilot also pulled up the nose and front wheel off the ground, and then ejected from the parachute to slow the aircraft to stop." Witnesses said.

Unfortunately, after noon, Chengdu weather gradually deteriorated into a shadow from the sunny, fog big up slowly. Three o'clock, several leading car appears in the "F-20" fighter side, there is still along the escalators leading into the "F-20" cockpit visit, next to the technical staff to explain. Some leaders boarded the morning then flew the plane to leave.

The message said that while yesterday's "J-20" in the first flight is not successful, but in fact, "F-20" has already conducted several test flights, only yesterday, is a national leader and senior generals to the scene of the first flight ceremony. And yesterday the planned flight is half open, there was no blockade of the airport surrounding areas have attracted thousands of onlookers to the scene. Mainland major military website yesterday friends live there, the authorities did not stop.

Late last year, there is believed to be the Internet camera phone using the "F-20" photos, many of the Western military fans also believe that the Mainland's "parody work", but a clear picture as more open, and dragged the aircraft on the runway The video appeared, the West was recognized, "J 20" is real. However, comments tend to feel that fighters from the West coast need to test to test for at least five years, the Chinese side did not expect yesterday's flight had been arranged for public aircraft.

Chengdu, the news said that a few days ago the military background of the Chengdu 611 (Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute) and 132 plant (Chengdu Aircraft Factory) to the registration staff in-house information, to arrange the scene to watch, "F-20" open flight. Authorities to use the tour bus yesterday, hundreds of employees will, to test the airport into the warm side of the road near the remote, "the ceremony.


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
what is on in Chengdu now is more like a public stunt! the real maiden flight must have be finished somewhere already!


New Member
May 25, 2009
Yes, it is more like a PR campaign, but for what reason the authority launched this campaign remains unknown.
PR campaigns are meant to show off capability, nothing else. Without it flying it is a failure in PR. Remember my first post in this thread. I said I will comment on the J-20 only after I see its first flight. All military observers want to see a flying prototype to believe in capability.

First flight having been carried out is a possibility, a near 100% possibility. But the fact remains, if you were Russia then just showing the prototype would have been enough to suggest it can fly because of their history with aircraft development which has been proven many times. But China does not even have its own engine on legacy fighters like the J-10 and JF-17. So a static mock up wouldn't be scary at all.

This a either an unintentional leak, or something went wrong for the first flight not to have happened in front of the world eyes. Right now we can extrapolate that it is not an unintentional leak because even CCP did a coverage on it, but we can say that something went wrong because the first flight hasn't happened for so long since the leak. It could be an internal or an external anomaly and time will reveal that.

Something you should understand is that CCP doesn't have to prove anything to the Chinese people, so the authority is under no pressure to disclose every detail of the J20 project. Neither it is a race between J20 and T50, CCP won't be that childish to show pictures of J20's flight tests(if these was any) just because Russia published pictures of a flying T50.
CCP has nothing to prove to the Chinese people. This leak is meant for the so called major powers to gawk at. It is meant to prove China to the world. This is indeed a race between Russia, China and US(F-35) to get a fifth gen aircraft flying ASAP. That's a huge PR boost.

This is also the reason why I am speculating the authority has finished the maiden flight test before letting the public know its existence. CCP can't bear the risk of failing the first flight before the public.
If the J-20 has already had its first flight then they would have shown it flying by now.


New Member
Sep 13, 2009
People here seem to forget 2 important facts:

(1) China is loaded moneywise,
(2) China is full of bright and ambitious young(born in the 1980s) people who are now the mainstream of Chinese air and space industry.

Some of these people are simply genius and hard-working too.

Time will prove that the next 5 years shall witness the arriving of lots of lethal goodies in India's northern neighbour.
listen! what a wise thought.


New Member
Jan 10, 2011
I guess the plane can not fly right now. The reason why Chinese leak it so early is, they want to show something before the US defense secretary visits China and the Chinese president visits US.

Anyway, it is not big deal. To defeat China, the only thing that India needs to do is, to sell advanced Indian weapons, such as LCA/ALH/submarine to Taiwan.


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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It is quite clear from the video it is no fighter. It is longer than an F-111 tactical bomber. The large canards reduce stealth and cause huge drag. If it is using a pair of WS-10s it is way underpowered for its size and can forget about supercruise. If this thing turns on its PESA radar it will be dead meat. This isn't a fighter at all, it is more in line with an F-117 stealth bomber.


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
It is quite clear from the video it is no fighter. It is longer than an F-111 tactical bomber. The large canards reduce stealth and cause huge drag. If it is using a pair of WS-10s it is way underpowered for its size and can forget about supercruise. If this thing turns on its PESA radar it will be dead meat. This isn't a fighter at all, it is more in line with an F-117 stealth bomber.
don't you think WS10 is still a junk?


New Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Anyway, it is not big deal. To defeat China, the only thing that India needs to do is, to sell advanced Indian weapons, such as LCA/ALH/submarine to Taiwan.
This is something can be heard in almost every forum as long as Chinese and Indians are presented at the same time.

Why not consult with your client(Taiwan) to see if they are interested in your weapons before making that claim? And tell me what submarine is India able to build?

