ISRO General News and Updates

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Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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ISRO unit in city to focus on navigation systems

Thiruvananthapuram: Distinguished space scientist M V Dhekane who took charge as the director of ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU) at Vattiyoorkkavu here on Friday, said his priorities are development of navigation systems and inertial sensors for the upcoming space launches this year.
"ISRO is gearing up for eight launches this year, including the next PSLV-C35. So here at IISU, we are focused on ensuring the advanced navigation systems for launch vehicles through computerized systems, motion sensors (accelerometers) and rotation sensors (gyroscopes). Timely modification and design of the navigations systems is crucial for space missions to inject the satellites in the precise orbit," said Dhekhane. Further, he added that a review meet will be held shortly to take stock of the developments and to work ahead for continuous modification and updation.
An expert in digital auto pilot system for space launch vehicles to place the satellite in the precise orbit with advanced navigation systems, Dhekane has played a key role in the ISRO's launch missions for the last 30 years. Right from ISRO's mission of augmented satellite launch vehicle, polar satellite launch vehicles, geosynchronous satellite launch vehicles and reusable satellite launch vehicle Technology demonstrator, he played a key role in ensuring navigation systems.
Dhekane has wide experience and expertise in the launch vehicle control and guidance design, on-board software development and mission design and analysis. Previously, Dhekane had held various positions in ISRO such as VSSC control, guidance & simulation entity deputy director, VSSC chief controller and associate director (research and development).

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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ISRO help for state's development

Guwahati: The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has joined hands with the Assam government for using space applications to develop the state.
After a meeting between science and technology minister Keshab Mahanta and Isro chairman AS Kiran Kumar, the Isro chairman and his team promised all cooperation and assistance to Assam in use of space technology for larger public good. Mahanta, at a meeting held with the ISRO chairman on Monday, requested the space research organization to set up an Indian Institute of Remote Sensing and Indian Institute of Space Technology in Guwahati.
The minister said the initiative will provide the youth of the region an opportunity to participate in space programmes of the country. He stated that such regional institutions are important for the strategically important and natural hazard-prone NE region. Isro was also requested to assist the Assam government in preparing a strategy for the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana to develop the agricultural sector.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Madhav Dhekane took over as Director of ISRO Inertial Systems Unit

Noted scientist Madhav Dhekane on 1 July 2016 assumed the office of Director at ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU), Department of Space, at Vattiyoorkavu in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Dhekane is the seventh director of IISU.
Who is Madhav Dhekane?
Madhav Dhekane obtained a B-Tech degree in electrical engineering and an M-tech degree in Systems and Control from Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai.
He had joined Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) in 1983.
He holds wide experience and expertise in the launch vehicle control and guidance design, onboard software development and mission design, and analysis.
He had also held various significant positions in ISRO such as Deputy Director, Control, Guidance & Simulation Entity at VSSC, Chief Controller at VSSC and Associate Director (R&D) at VSSC.
About ISRO Inertial Systems Unit
The ISRO Inertial Systems Unit is a research and development unit of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
IISU is located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
It specialises in inertial sensors and systems in satellite technology.
Its specialized fields include the fields of launch vehicle inertial systems, spacecraft inertial systems, inertial sensors evaluation and simulation, inertial system production and more.
The unit has the total capability to design, engineer, develop, qualify and deliver inertial systems for the entire Indian Space programme.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Necessary to integrate innovation with science: ISRO Chairman
Former ISRO Chairman K Kasturirangan today stressed on integrating innovation with national science and technology and emphasised the need of mega science projects in future.
"There are increasing multiple development demands, which has to be met within limited resources. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate innovation with the science and technology policy for ensuring sustainability and inclusivity," Kasturirangan said here during 24th Prof Daulat Singh Kothari Memorial oration lecture.
Kasturirangan gave an overview of the five decades of growth of ISRO to self reliance and becoming reliable partner for leading countries, an official release said.
Kasturirangan showed the roadmap of planned major activities of all the four major science and technology agencies with boost in research and development expenditure from 1 per cent GDP to 2 per cent."He described the contributions of ISRO in Disaster Management Support to the country's tele education and telemedicine ventures," the release said.
S R Vadera, director of defence Lab Jodhpur, CVR Murty, Director of IIT, Jodhpur and guests were present at the programme.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Space Tourism not presently on ISRO cards- Kiran Kumar

Udaipur : ISRO Chairman and Secretary, Department of Space, A.S. Kiran Kumar said India is making use of the space technology exceptionally well for developmental initiatives and for improving the living standards of her people. “ Though we are quite capable of doing it, but sending men to mars for leisure is presently not our priority.
We would rather spend our knowledge to provide relief to people in distress than explore the potential in space tourism” Kumar said. The scientist was answering queries of inquisitive school children during an interaction program held here on Tuesday by Shantipeeth, India, a voluntary organization working for peace and fraternity. He elaborated the increasing significance of space research applications in India like disaster management, tele-medicines, bio diversity mapping, forest fire monitoring, weather forecasting, crop yield estimate, water resource management and satellite education. While answering another question Kumar negated the theory of aliens. “ Aliens are purely fictitious and we have not got a single evidence of their presence all these years” he affirmed. Reiterating the organization’s commitment for human welfare, the ISRO chief said “ Of our various satellites 13 are for communications, 7 for navigations, 14 for remote sensing purposes.

Through advance weather forecasting, we are able to disseminate information to thousands of people inhabiting the country’s long coastline. We helped people during the Uttrakhand tragedy. Through water mapping, we inform the fishermen of the hazardous zones in oceans and seas and even tell them where they can find fishes in abundance” Kumar said. Talking about the recent big achievement of launching 20 satellites in a single flight, the ISRO chief said that 17 co-passenger satellites were of other countries including America, Indonesia, Germany and Canada. “ The cost of sending a rocket to launch a small satellite is very huge. We did not do this free of cost, we charged them and thus met our expense for the launching” he informed.
Space technology to enhance rail network
Later delivering a lecture held in the memory of scientist D.S. Kothari, at the railway training institute, Kiran Kumar elaborated the series of development initiatives undertaken by ISRO to help governments in increasing their efficiency and delivering good governance. “ In the coming future, we will be using space studies to enhance the railway network. We will help the Railways to reduce fatalities specially those at unmanned crossings which takes away lot of life each year” Kumar asserted. Similarly ISRO is also collaborating with the postal department in developing mobile applications for helping postmen for faster delivery of parcels and letters. “ Through mapping, ISRO has guided to agencies to locate the availability of water resources and some 3.5 lakh tubewells were drilled heeding to our advice. Ninety five percent of the predictions have been success” he added.


NRI in Europe
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Aug 10, 2009
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watch Team Indus and their mission to the moon..

can i politely ask our Pakistani friends where is that so-called " parity" and upsetting the so-called "balance" in so-called "south asia " and all that two nation theory BS where you are trying to be superior to india ? ?

do you know what i am saying ?

,,,even your iron friend has been dropped out of the competition ...... there are only three teams which are in serious competition , the rest are out - the 3 are from israel india and usa , sorry , but that is a fact !

still, i humbly and politely invite you to join us, instead of seeking to hurt us as it seems you are trying to

you are always more than welcome to join us in cultural, language activities and other sharing of common ground that we do indeed share --

...- and please stop the silly aggressive attitude towards us ....instead do join us in cultural matters it is our invite to you ( at least , it's my invite .... to ALL of you )

........ and dont worry we wont eat prohibited things, just veggies and maybe chicken for some of us who want it .

@Akask kumar
@angeldude13 @Abhijat @Ancient Indian @anupamsurey @aliyah @Alien @angeldude13 @Abhijat @Ancient Indian @anupamsurey @aliyah @Alien @Aravind Sanjeev @A chauhan @asingh10
@aditya g @asianobserve @Bahamut @BATTLE FIELD @bose @Bornubus @brational @blueblood @Blackwater @Blood+ @bhai-117 @Bangalorean @bengalraider @Bengal_Tiger @biswas_k11
@cobra commando @Chirag @Chris Jude @Chinmoy @Cadian @DingDong @dhananjay1 @ersakthivel @FRYCRY @Gessler @garg_bharat @guru-dutt @Hari Sud @hit&run @HeinzGud @indiandefencefan @I_PLAY_BAD @Indian Devil @Indibomber @Jangaruda @Jay Patel
@jackprince @Kshatriya87 @LETHALFORCE @laughingbuddha @mhk99
@MetsaMan @Mark Antony @manutdfan
@maomao @Navneet Kundu @Neil @Nicky G @OneGrimPilgrim @pmaitra @parijataka @PaliwalWarrior @Pulkit @PrashantAzazel @Rowdy @Razor @Rashna @rock127 @R.parida @shade @sasum @smestarz
@Sakal Gharelu Ustad @Srinivas_K @sunnyv @sgarg @sabari @Sameet2 @saik @sorcerer @Superdefender @sydsnyper @Sridevi @SREEKAR @Screambowl @Sylex21 @Tactical Frog @TejasMK3 @The enlightened @tejas warrior @tharun @thethinker @tsunami @VIP @VaghaDeva @Vishwarupa @Vishal Guts @Yusuf @Yumdoot @Zebra

@Neo @Zarvan @islamkingdom
Last edited:


Ghanta Senior Member?
New Member
Jan 1, 2015
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can i politely ask our Pakistani friends where is that so-called " parity" and upsetting the so-called "balance" in so-called "south asia " and all that two nation theory BS where you are trying to be superior to india ? ?

do you know what i am saying ?

,,,even your iron friend has been dropped out of the competition ...... there are only three teams which are in serious competition , the rest are out - the 3 are from israel india and usa , sorry , but that is a fact !

still, i humbly and politely invite you to join us, instead of seeking to hurt us as it seems you are trying to

you are always more than welcome to join us in cultural, language activities and other sharing of common ground that we do indeed share --

...- and please stop the silly aggressive attitude towards us ....instead do join us in cultural matters it is our invite to you ( at least , it's my invite .... to ALL of you )

........ and dont worry we wont eat prohibited things, just veggies and maybe chicken for some of us who want it .

@Akask kumar
@angeldude13 @Abhijat @Ancient Indian @anupamsurey @aliyah @Alien @angeldude13 @Abhijat @Ancient Indian @anupamsurey @aliyah @Alien @Aravind Sanjeev @A chauhan @asingh10
@aditya g @asianobserve @Bahamut @BATTLE FIELD @bose @Bornubus @brational @blueblood @Blackwater @Blood+ @bhai-117 @Bangalorean @bengalraider @Bengal_Tiger @biswas_k11
@cobra commando @Chirag @Chris Jude @Chinmoy @Cadian @DingDong @dhananjay1 @ersakthivel @FRYCRY @Gessler @garg_bharat @guru-dutt @Hari Sud @hit&run @HeinzGud @indiandefencefan @I_PLAY_BAD @Indian Devil @Indibomber @Jangaruda @Jay Patel
@jackprince @Kshatriya87 @LETHALFORCE @laughingbuddha @mhk99
@MetsaMan @Mark Antony @manutdfan
@maomao @Navneet Kundu @Neil @Nicky G @OneGrimPilgrim @pmaitra @parijataka @PaliwalWarrior @Pulkit @PrashantAzazel @Rowdy @Razor @Rashna @rock127 @R.parida @shade @sasum @smestarz
@Sakal Gharelu Ustad @Srinivas_K @sunnyv @sgarg @sabari @Sameet2 @saik @sorcerer @Superdefender @sydsnyper @Sridevi @SREEKAR @Screambowl @Sylex21 @Tactical Frog @TejasMK3 @The enlightened @tejas warrior @tharun @thethinker @tsunami @VIP @VaghaDeva @Vishwarupa @Vishal Guts @Yusuf @Yumdoot @Zebra

@Neo @Zarvan @islamkingdom
the problem is they lack capability to join ... and the capability from tech transfer if they get will be used in defence. So you know what is itching them.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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can i politely ask our Pakistani friends where is that so-called " parity" and upsetting the so-called "balance" in so-called "south asia " and all that two nation theory BS where you are trying to be superior to india ? ?

do you know what i am saying ?

,,,even your iron friend has been dropped out of the competition ...... there are only three teams which are in serious competition , the rest are out - the 3 are from israel india and usa , sorry , but that is a fact !

still, i humbly and politely invite you to join us, instead of seeking to hurt us as it seems you are trying to

you are always more than welcome to join us in cultural, language activities and other sharing of common ground that we do indeed share --

...- and please stop the silly aggressive attitude towards us ....instead do join us in cultural matters it is our invite to you ( at least , it's my invite .... to ALL of you )

........ and dont worry we wont eat prohibited things, just veggies and maybe chicken for some of us who want it .

@Akask kumar
@angeldude13 @Abhijat @Ancient Indian @anupamsurey @aliyah @Alien @angeldude13 @Abhijat @Ancient Indian @anupamsurey @aliyah @Alien @Aravind Sanjeev @A chauhan @asingh10
@aditya g @asianobserve @Bahamut @BATTLE FIELD @bose @Bornubus @brational @blueblood @Blackwater @Blood+ @bhai-117 @Bangalorean @bengalraider @Bengal_Tiger @biswas_k11
@cobra commando @Chirag @Chris Jude @Chinmoy @Cadian @DingDong @dhananjay1 @ersakthivel @FRYCRY @Gessler @garg_bharat @guru-dutt @Hari Sud @hit&run @HeinzGud @indiandefencefan @I_PLAY_BAD @Indian Devil @Indibomber @Jangaruda @Jay Patel
@jackprince @Kshatriya87 @LETHALFORCE @laughingbuddha @mhk99
@MetsaMan @Mark Antony @manutdfan
@maomao @Navneet Kundu @Neil @Nicky G @OneGrimPilgrim @pmaitra @parijataka @PaliwalWarrior @Pulkit @PrashantAzazel @Rowdy @Razor @Rashna @rock127 @R.parida @shade @sasum @smestarz
@Sakal Gharelu Ustad @Srinivas_K @sunnyv @sgarg @sabari @Sameet2 @saik @sorcerer @Superdefender @sydsnyper @Sridevi @SREEKAR @Screambowl @Sylex21 @Tactical Frog @TejasMK3 @The enlightened @tejas warrior @tharun @thethinker @tsunami @VIP @VaghaDeva @Vishwarupa @Vishal Guts @Yusuf @Yumdoot @Zebra

@Neo @Zarvan @islamkingdom
China is surely in the league in fact ahead ahead of US, India and Israel.
GaoFen series are most powerful spy satellites in the world.
Good News is that India will be launching similar series called GISAT(not get confused with GSATs) for similar capabilities and roles.
For pakis
Do you still notice them?
We have kicked idiotic musings thread out of strategic section, clear message we don't wanna see them.
We have been ignoring them more and more as possible and urging you to do the same.
They think they have parity, their problem, not our concerns.

For Indians who take fun in their jealously, ignore them and then see their butthurt. Sometimes silence hurts more than words.

India is ready to re achieve it's pre colonial glory in next few decades. So, discuss issues and countries only which can really affect us.
Pak has no role and will just play as an irritant to show itself as a rival and potential proxy against India.
Best way against them is total ignore.


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
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China is surely in the league in fact ahead ahead of US, India and Israel.
GaoFen series are most powerful spy satellites in the world.
Good News is that India will be launching similar series called GISAT(not get confused with GSATs) for similar capabilities and roles.
For pakis
Do you still notice them?
We have kicked idiotic musings thread out of strategic section, clear message we don't wanna see them.
We have been ignoring them more and more as possible and urging you to do the same.
They think they have parity, their problem, not our concerns.

For Indians who take fun in their jealously, ignore them and then see their butthurt. Sometimes silence hurts more than words.

India is ready to re achieve it's pre colonial glory in next few decades. So, discuss issues and countries only which can really affect us.
Pak has no role and will just play as an irritant to show itself as a rival and potential proxy against India.
Best way against them is total ignore.
US had much more capable sensors almost decade ago than what you see in Goafen series of satellites.

Again in US you never know what sensor goes in what satellite in case they want to keep it under wraps as the client agency show up as Classified when a sale is made or it just might be some other reason that you and I are not aware off, of why they don't have a sat like Gaofen.

Check out the Exelis CorvusEye sensor


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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US had much more capable sensors almost decade ago than what you see in Goafen series of satellites.

Again in US you never know what sensor goes in what satellite in case they want to keep it under wraps as the client agency show up as Classified when a sale is made or it just might be some other reason that you and I are not aware off, of why they don't have a sat like Gaofen.

Check out the Exelis CorvusEye sensor
I do not believe what china says. Her scientist had critisized chinese satellite program some time back and said that China is in catching up game.


Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Because ex ISRO chief radhakrishnan said GSLV MK2 a naughty boy because it took a long time to fall in line. May be .
Off course,
And naughty boy will become most adorable boy in third consecutive succesful launch occurs in September/October.
I will change my avatar and title according to that.


New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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India’s Dream Space Vehicle RLV to hit the space sooner than planned

ISRO details its plans to unveil Dream Space Vehicle RLV
Encouraged and enthused by the success of the “test flight” of the Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) held at Satish Dhavan Space Centre, Sreeharikotta on May 23, 2016, scientists and engineers of Indian Space Research Organisation have decided to go ahead with the next mission sooner than that was decided earlier. The RLV technology has become a game changer of the country’s space research as the team which developed the vehicle ‘hit the bull’s eye’ with the first test flight itself, according to Shyam Mohan, project director, Team RLV.

Shyam Mohan, an aero- space specialist, told PGurus that the RLV-TD worked as per the “story board” scripted by the team members. “The next stage in the development of the reusable vehicle was to conduct another test and make the vehicle land on a pre-determined spot like a specially developed runway akin to an airport. We may need a runway of 3.5 length and were planning to construct one at Satish Dhavan Space Centre at Sriharikotta itself. But chances are that we may go ahead with the second test fight of the RLV and use one of the existing runways in the country,” said Shyam Mohan, who has a masters in engineering (IIT Madras) and Ph D from IIT Bombay.

What made ISRO to speed up the second ‘test flight’ of the RLV was the performance of the RLV-TD flown on May 23 which worked as per the “script”prepared by Shyam Mohan and team. “This is a rare feat. The mission which lasted for 200 seconds was a flawless operation as per the analysis held by us during the last couple of weeks,” said Shyam Mohan.

The winged rocket (that’s how Shyam Mohan describes RLV) had a length of 6.5 meters and had a wingspan of 3.6 meters. It weighed 1665 kg. “An HS-9 booster rocket powered by solid propellant was used to take the RLV to a pre-determined height. The RLV-TD was integrated to the booster rocket and the taking off looked like the vertical take- off of an aircraft . The booster rocket fired for almost 92 seconds and it took the RLV to a height of 30.2 km. Once the booster rocket completed the burning at the end of the 92 seconds, the RLV blasted off from that point at a speed which was more than 5 Mach (more than five times the speed of sound, in a lay man’s language),” explained Shyam Mohan and R Purushothaman Nair, one of his colleagues.

The RLV flew for 90 seconds at a speed of 5 Mach and when it reached a height of 65.39 km, the speed was decelerated as per the command given from the control room and it started its downward journey, described by Shyam Mohan as the most crucial phase of the mission. “We brought down the speed of the RLV from Mach 5 to that of an ordinary aircraft. When it entered the earth’s surface, the speed was a mere 121.4 meter per second,.” Said Shyam Mohan.

The RLV entered the earth’s orbit as per the instructions and guidance issued by the control cum guidance system of Team RLV-TD. “It landed at a spot 420 km east of Bay of Bengal and the landing was similar to that of an ordinary aircraft. This encouraged us and we are going ahead with the second mission and you will be able to see the next RLV landing on one of the runways in the country. All we need is a 2.5 km long runway,” said Shyam Mohan.

The May 23 experiment was the culmination of 11 years of perseverance and industrious work by Shyam Mohan and colleagues. “It all started in 2004 with the then space commission chairman G Madhavan Nair giving the go ahead for the RLV project. We could convince him that the satellite launch expenses could be brought down to unbelievable rates. Presently, 90 per cent of each launch is to develop the launch vehicle which burns up at the end of each launch. The fuel and other components cost hardly 10 per cent of the launch. Once the RLV becomes fully operational, we can bring down the launch bill and more and more countries will approach us for launching the spacecraft developed by them,” said Shyam Mohan.

Madhavan Nair said the RLV would have become fully operational by this time had the ISRO went ahead with mission with urgency. “But there was a lull after 2009 and many projects were put into the back burner by my successor. If one checks the number of space missions undertook by ISRO during this period you can understand it. We still lag behind by almost six years. But Shyam and his team has done a wonderful job,” said Nair.

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