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Apr 29, 2015
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GSLV Gyan: Why Experts Think the Mk III Is a Big Deal for ISRO and India
It is not often that a single rocket inspires conversations across history, politics, astronomy, engineering, communications and business at once.

The GSLV Mk III at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. Credit: ISRO

At 5:28 pm on June 5, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will attempt to launch the Mk III variant of its Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). It will be an historic occasion for the country’s space programme. The Mk III is ISRO’s most muscular launch vehicle to date, being able to lift 4,000 kg of payloads to the geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) and 10,000 kg to the low-Earth orbit. These capacities have been enabled by a third stage powered by an indigenous cryogenic engine, the development of which has engaged ISRO’s best for over two decades. Naturally, the success of this rocket will mean a lot for India, in a variety of ways that can be difficult to assimilate.

So The Wire asked five experts – in space policy, space science, commercial spaceflight, geopolitics and journalism – to chip in. Their comments, edited for clarity, are presented below.

Rajeshwari Rajagopalan Pillai, Senior fellow and Head, Nuclear & Space Policy Initiative, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi

The GSLV Mk III launch slated for early June, which will showcase ISRO’s fully indigenous cryogenic upper stage, is a major achievement for India. So far, India has relied on the French Ariane 5 rocket to launch its heavy satellites and it has remained an important component of India-France space cooperation. Two decades ago, this technology was denied to India by the Soviet Union under pressure from the US. Export controls on strategic technologies were used to prevent India from developing missile or nuclear technology. Today, the equations have changed and India is on the other side of the table.

Since the early 2000s, the rationale of technology export control regimes and its dynamics have undergone some change. Despite technology controls, the West, and the US in particular, had to recognise the new reality, that they could not entirely control the spread of technology. But more importantly, changing global political dynamics, especially the rise of China, provided new impetus to the US to change these regimes to include others, such as India, with which there was common interest regarding China.

At a practical level, India’s development of the GSLV Mk III, capable of launching four-tonne satellites into geostationary orbit, relieves India of dependency on foreign players to launch its heavy satellites. This has been an expensive proposition: the launch cost of heavy payloads is estimated to cost upwards of Rs 400 crore. A successful GSLV Mk III test can make India somewhat self-reliant in launching heavier communication satellites. Some of the other launchers in the market, such as Ariane 5 and the Delta IV Heavy, can launch even heavier payloads, of course.

India’s capability to launch heavy satellites also has significant positive commercial spin-offs. This will make India an important player in the multibillion-dollar global satellite launch market, making India a cost effective and reliable partner for heavy satellite launches, generating additional revenue for ISRO. Given that the future satellite launch market will have a big focus on heavy communication satellites, India has a strong incentive to master this launch vehicle, as it has done with its PSLV. The heavy launcher has the potential also to be used in a future Indian human space programme, even though it is not clear that a political decision on whether India wants to do one or not has been taken yet. Lastly, the enhanced launch capability builds up India’s potential to undertake deep space exploration more seriously.

Rajaram Nagappa, Visiting professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru

On the heels of the successful launch of the South Asia Satellite on May 5, 2017, ISRO is gearing up for the maiden flight of its four-tonne class GSLV Mk III vehicle in early June. The vehicle will launch the 3,200-kg GSAT 19 satellite, which will carry communication, scientific and experimental payloads. The launch will bring to fruition the efforts put in by the scientists and engineers of ISRO in realising the GSLV Mk III. Having said that, the vehicle development has been substantially delayed from the initial estimate. The first launch of GSLV Mk III was expected to happen in the 2011-2012 timeframe as per the Department of Space Annual Report of 2009-2010.

The GSLV Mk III lower stages are derived from proven technologies of PSLV and GSLV. The cryogenic third stage, C25, however, uses elements of technology different from the cryogenic upper stage (CUS) of the GSLV Mk II. The CUS employs a staged combustion cycle. The C25 on the other hand employs a gas generator cycle. The gas generator cycle has a lower specific impulse (of the order of 4%) but is less complicated and provides a certain level of flexibility in testing. The lower performance with lesser complexity of the stage engineering seems to be a conscious trade-off. The GTO capability of the launcher is now pegged at four tonnes.

It is seen from newspaper reports that integration of the vehicle has commenced. The GSLV Mk III D1 launcher [that will be launched on June 5] will carry the 3,200-kg GSAT-19 satellite (with Ku and Ka band payloads), scientific experiments and an indigenous lithium-ion battery. Knowing the ISRO culture of documentation, strict adherence to laid out processes and the rigour of design/flight readiness reviews, one can expect a successful mission outcome.

However, there is still a gap between transponder requirement and availability. To bridge the gap, heavier satellites carrying more number of transponders as well as increase in launch frequency will be called for. S. Chandrashekar has studied the international communication satellites launched during 2005-2015. His findings indicate that 12% of the satellites fall in the <2,500-kg category; 30% in the 2,500-4,200-kg category; 27% in the 4,200-5,400-kg category; and 31% in the very heavy 5,400+ kg category. This trend is witnessed in ISRO satellites as well. Of the twelve GSATs flown since 2010, five are in 3,000+ kg category. The GSAT-11 under assembly at the ISRO Satellite Centre weighs 5,700 kg and is beyond the GSLV Mk III’s capability. The following suggestions are pertinent in this regard:

  • Close GSLV Mk II after GSLV Mk-III enters operational phase
  • Increase Mk-III production capacity through an ISRO plan for involving industry in a significant way in space production/operation activities
  • GSAT-19 carries a bus system experiment in electric propulsion. Substitution of chemical propulsion with electric propulsion in spacecraft must be done on priority.
  • Growth options of GSLV Mk III must be exercised
Jayant Murthy, Senior professor, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru

Scientists always want bigger and better. The primary mirror for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) is 30 metres wide, with even larger mirrors in the offing. Contrast this with the 2.4-metre telescope on the Hubble Space Telescope, with a mirror weight (alone) of 800 kg and a spacecraft weight of 11 tonnes. Our own flagship Astrosat spacecraft has a mass of only 1.6 tonnes and the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope has a mirror diameter of only 35 cm. Clearly, we have much ground to cover. The additional lifting capacity of the GSLV Mk III launcher will let us start planning for more ambitious missions with larger mirrors and more advanced instrumentation. The greater lifting power also allows for planetary missions with more sophistication than the relatively underpowered instruments on Chandrayaan and the Mars Orbiter Mission.

The Indian astronomy community has several goals that require more than the PSLV. The first might be a successor to Astrosat. We have now begun to exploit the capabilities of the Astrosat mission and are already missing opportunities because we don’t have the larger and more specialised instrument – perhaps an ultraviolet spectrograph – to follow-up on some of the exciting discoveries. We are expanding heavily into solar physics, with the National Large Solar Telescope (NLST) and the complement of experiments on Aditya, a solar observatory. A possible follow-up might be an observatory to observe the solar poles, but this requires more energy and will not be possible with the PSLV. Finally, there has been considerable interest in Mars since the discovery that there was once large amounts of water on the planet and that it is possible that primitive life may be hiding somewhere on the surface.

Unfortunately, these require a commitment to science that has not been shown by ISRO or the government in the past. Investment in an energetic space exploration pushes the boundaries of feasibility and seeds the revolutions of the future. A dedicated science plan involving the GSLVs and their eventual successors would pay rich dividends.

R. Ramachandran, journalist, Frontline

The new beast from ISRO’s stable, the GSLV Mk III a.k.a. LVM-3, standing on the launchpad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota to be launched on June 5, is a testimony to the decades of perseverance of ISRO scientists to master the complex cryogenic combustion technology. ISRO’s decision in the late 1980s to abandon its indigenous cryogenic engine development programme – ready in 1984 with a 15-volume report for a 12-tonne-thrust engine, and to acquire the technology from Russia instead – has proved costly. The resulting setback was for about a decade and a half. This is really significant if you are looking to capture a share of the global market in the heavier than INSAT-class satellite-segment.

ISRO’s internal think-tank, responsible for tracking technical trends and international affairs and nurtured by former ISRO chief Satish Dhawan, had warned that significant hurdles to technology acquisition would crop up through the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), constituted in 1987. ISRO paid no heed to it and went ahead to sign a deal with Glavkosmos. The latter, as we now know, subsequently reneged on the agreement under the pressure of sanctions from the US, which had masterminded the MTCR.

Having acquired seven off-the-shelf engines from Russia, and having spent lot of money on it, the route to indigenous development of the cryogenic engine became defined almost as a fait accompli. Developing the GSLV Mk I provided firsthand experience in handling cryogenic propellants, with feed and monitoring systems suited to the design of the Russian engines. However, the vehicle turned out to have a success rate of one in three – so not very successful.

The indigenisation (or reverse engineering) of the cryogenic stage that followed – based on data and drawings that had been acquired before the deal imploded – was not easy, especially because of the complex staged combustion cycle (SCC) that the Russian design used, instead of the gas generator cycle (GGC) that ISRO scientists were familiar with. Nonetheless, the rocket that was built as a result, the GSLV Mk II, achieved a success rate of 80% and stood as testimony to the skill of ISRO scientists to master difficult and diverse technologies.

However, the Mk III is a different animal altogether. For its CE20 engine, ISRO decided to return to the GCC route because of the flexibility of control it offered. Engineers also did away with the twin vernier engines, used to control the trajectory of the rocket while the main engine provided the thrust, that the Russian design had persisted with.

So, the long and complicated route that ISRO has taken to achieve its goal, whose beginnings date to 1971, was like – as a Tamil saying goes – touching the nose by taking the hand around the head instead of doing it straight. If only the organisation had not ignored the warnings from within its ranks, it might have got to this stage a while ago. This lesson also underlines the importance of understanding international geopolitics in science and technology affairs.

Gagan Agrawal, analyst, Northern Sky Research (India); ex-ISRO (launch vehicle technology)

Demand and supply is of key importance in the open market for commercial satellite launches, and commercial spaceflight is an area in which ISRO aspires to do well in the medium to long term. The Mk III, with its ability to lift over 3,500 kg to the GTO, assumes pole position in ISRO’s plan to cater to both domestic and international markets.

From a domestic perspective, there are two principal problems. First: Being able to launch payloads of 3-4 tonnes will reduce India’s dependence on foreign nations to launch home-built satellites. Currently, the European company Arianespace is being used to launch many of India’s GTO satellites. Second: the communications market has been limited by the number of transponders available in Indian skies. So focusing on increasing the Mk III’s payload size to 4-5 tonnes will be key in determining whether ISRO can push the transponder envelope to greater than 48 per satellite and launch them onboard a domestic vehicle in the future. Overall, the domestic capability would augur well for ISRO – not just with respect to the 40-50% savings on launch costs but also on the R&D and human capital gained from the project.

From an international perspective, the commercial market traditionally supports a maximum of three players, with a few peripheral players. This leaves little room for the GSLV MK II or even the MK III to compete. Currently, the world’s main launch vehicles are Ariane 5, Soyuz, Falcon 9 and ULA’s Delta/Atlas. Newer vehicles anticipated from the stables of Arianespace and Blue Origin and the market is getting more crowded. So with the bulk of the satellite communication launch demand today served by Ariane 5 and Falcon 9, it is their space that the Mk III will have to penetrate. It remains to be seen if this will happen – especially by also remaining as a lower-cost option. For starters, a good success rate like its predecessor, the Mk II, will go a long way in establishing international confidence in the Mk III to launch medium- to high-range communications satellites.

And in the aftermath of such success, ISRO is bound to place fewer orders to launch geosynchronous satellite launches that have been historically addressed by Arianespace. Its rise could also signal the emergence of a new, competitive option that fledgling space nations could look up to, other than the US, Russia, Europe and China.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Make in India boosts first advanced cryogenic fridge
While the market price of an imported dilution fridge is around Rs 2.5 crore ($387,000), the production cost for the VECC initiative is around Rs 1.2 crore. Representative Image.
By Sahana Ghosh
KOLKATA: Suspended in the air, at the Department of Atomic Energy's Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) here, this gizmo, resembling a scaled-up thermos, works silently amidst a labyrinth of tubes under the watchful eye of a computer.
Its makers claim it is India's first indigenously-designed advanced cryogenic technology reaching temperatures slightly toasty than the very, very cold world of space.
Technically the cryogenic device is called a dilution refrigerator. It can provide continuous cooling to temperatures as low as 2 miliKelvin (-273.148 degrees Celsius). This is roughly how cold space is. The technology developed at the Helium Technology and Low Temperature Physics lab at VECC dips down to about a relatively warmer 50 miliKelvin.
Dilution refrigerators are essential for applications in quantum computing (cooling computer chips), photonics and spintronics (emerging field of nanoscale electronics), condensed matter and nuclear research -- and much more.
"India is now the world's eighth country to have designed a dilution refrigerator reaching 50 miliKelvin in the laboratory. India procures dilution refrigerators from Germany, the UK and other countries. Under the recent thrust on Make in India we have attempted to do something which has not been tried earlier in the country," VECC scientist Nisith Kr Das told IANS.
Proudly explaining the importance of each component, Das said not only does the device showcase a technological advancement for India's indigenisation, it is also a huge confidence booster for the country's scientific workforce.
"It is a milestone in India for cryogenic research," Das said.
While the market price of an imported dilution fridge is around Rs 2.5 crore ($387,000), the production cost for the VECC initiative is around Rs 1.2 crore.
"We will provide all support if it is commercialised and adopted for production. The price will also go down when it is produced on a larger scale," Das said.
The innovation is documented in the Current Science journal. Jedidiah Pradhan, Bidhan Ch Mondal, Anindya Roy, Z.A. Naser and Pradeep Kumar are the co-authors of the paper.
Trawling through four years of research data, patent information and expert advice, the birthing process of the refrigerator has been immensely challenging, the researchers said. More so because of the frivolous nature of liquid helium, which lends the machine its cooling power.
"Liquid helium at the temperature creeps out and so we had to ensure the entire system was leak proof. Moreover, the device was suspended in the air to prevent any vibrations from causing unwanted heating and evaporation of the helium," co-researcher Pradhan said.
"The cryostat (cold chamber component of the refrigerator) was mounted on a stainless steel-supported structure with air spring and suspended in the air below ground level," he added.
According to Das, all of the components (including the heat exchanger and tubing) were fabricated and assembled bit by bit at the VECC lab.
"However, we had to purchase the vacuum measuring apparatus from abroad," said Das, adding that currently, in India, a dilution refrigerator purchased from Leiden Cryogenics, The Netherlands, is available at Mumbai's TIFR.
The lab is now exploring the realm of cryogen-free dilution refrigerator which cools down samples to even lower temperatures without the need for liquid helium.


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Jan 30, 2017
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Isro's GSAT-19, GSAT-11 satellites: Game changers in communications

NEW DELHI: Isro's upcoming endeavours - the GSAT-19 and the GSAT-11 satellites - are potential game changers and can revolutionise communications by empowering a digital India and providing internet services and streaming like never before.

Isro is undertaking a mega experiment at India's rocket port at Sriharikota: a spanking new monster rocket is all set to launch an altogether new class of communications satellite.

Tapan Misra, director of the Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad, where the GSAT-19 satellite has been designed, calls it "a game changer communications satellite for India".

If it succeeds, the single GSAT-19 satellite will be equivalent to having a constellation of 6-7 of the older variety of communication satellites in space.

Today, out of a constellation of 41 in-orbit Indian satellites, 13 are communication satellites.

"A truly 'made in India' satellite that will empower a digital India that is in the making," says Misra of GSAT-19.

India's heaviest rocket till date, the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark-III (GSLV Mk-III) that weighs equivalent to the weight of five fully-loaded Boeing Jumbo Jets or as much as 200 fully grown elephants is attracting all the attention.

This is India's rocket of the future as it will undoubtedly be human rated to carry Indian astronauts likely to be named 'gaganauts or vyomanauts'.

Former Isro chairman K Kasturirangan, the man who conceived the GSLV Mk-III, confirms it will be India's vehicle to ferry Indians into space.

On this maiden mission, the GSAT-19 satellite this monster rocket will ferry is in a technological class that has no parallels in the country.

The satellite weighing 3,136 kg is equal to the weight of a single elephant being lofted into space, but this novel satellite promises not to be a 'white elephant in space'.

As space experts say rockets are like taxis, it is the passenger who is more important and hence in this forthcoming launch even though all eyes are on the GSLV Mk-III, the real focus should be on the unique passenger which is as Misra emphasises "the country's first satellite capable of providing internet services using a space-based platform".

Internet services may not be unleashed immediately but what the country is putting together is a capability in place which is very important especially to connect places that are literally off the fibre optic Internet backbone.

At over 3 tons, the GSAT-19 satellite will be the heaviest satellite made and to be launched from India and is a voluminous animal.

Misra says "by volume it is the most enormous satellite made by India".

The satellite is indeed a test bed for many new technologies.

GSAT-19 is going to be powered for the first time with indigenously-made Lithium-ion batteries. These batteries have been made so that India's self-reliance quotient can increase. In addition, similar batteries can then be used to power electric vehicles like cars and buses.

According to Isro, the GSAT-19 "carries a Geostationary Radiation Spectrometer (GRASP) payload to monitor and study the nature of charged particles and the influence of space radiation on satellites and their electronic components".

An important experiment to understand how to make space-based components more radiation resistant.

Isro says GSAT-19 also features certain advanced spacecraft technologies including "miniaturised heat pipe, fibre optic gyro, Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) accelerometer". These are all important developments being tested so that they become mainstay systems on future missions.

The most innovative development on GSAT-19 is that for the first time there will be no transponders on the satellite.

In fact, the word 'transponder' will not be associated with this new bird in the sky, says Misra.

Instead for the first time, Isro is using a whole new way beaming data down using multiple frequency beams and hence it is dubbed "a high through put satellite".

Misra explains that earlier the entire country was lighted with a single beam that meant all users had to share the same bandwidth, with the new suite of technologies on-board GSAT-19, it has 8 beams so that data can be pumped down in much higher capacities.

Almost 6-7 times more data can be beamed down. GSAT-19 is a fore-runner for the technologies that Isro seeks to unleash on the country.

In fact, scientists at Isro suggest that GSAT-19 is just a trailer, the real movie which is the GSAT-11 satellite will go up in a few months and that is a mighty communications platform.

The GSAT-11 weighs a whopping 5.8 tons and since India still does not possess a space truck big enough to send it in orbit, it will be launched using the Ariane-5 rocket from Kourou in South America.

Don't get confused by the numbering, in Isro's space-time warp sometimes the younger brother can get married before the older brother, hence GSAT-19 is lifting off before GSAT-11.

The GSAT-11 is a mega satellite whose panels are the biggest India has ever made at over 4 metre in height, in addition this giant bird will have effectively 32 beams streaming data like never before.

"It is not a single satellite but like a constellation of many satellites all working from a single platform and in unison from the sky," Misra says.

Once this satellite hits the orbit, satellite-based Internet streaming will become a total reality for India, he says.

In the ever-changing cyber security environment, India urgently needs an all new Internet backbone since New Delhi just can't rely on optical fibres, copper based telephony and mobile cellular services as an alternative.

Today satellite-based internet services are a robust and secure form of communication.

"For a vast country like India, satellite-based communication where voice, data and streaming video all combine on a single platform holds immense potential," Misra says.

Isro chairman A S Kiran Kumar says it is a huge experiment with an all new vehicle and an all new satellite.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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LAUNCH PAD COORD: 134312.00N 0801348.00E
1230N 08240E 1315N 08250E 1245N 08410E
1200N 08400E
1130N 08515E 1220N 08525E 1155N 08645E
1105N 08635E
0810N 09420E 0900N 09440E 0825N 09615E
0735N 09555E


END PART 1 OF 2. BTN 1130-1530, 05 JUN 11:30 2017 UNTIL 28 JUN 15:30 2017. CREATED:
26 MAY 15:49 2017

Thanks Input~2


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Aug 9, 2014
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ISRO to launch high-thrust cryogenic engine today after over 30 years of research

When India fires the high thrust cryogenic engine CE-20 to launch GSLV Mk III in its first experimental flight from Sriharikota on Monday, it will propel ISRO's biggest dream albeit about 13 years later than it was originally planned. ISRO would have used the CE-20 powered GSLV Mk III in 2003 if not for the US sanction and a foisted case. The launch, a culmination of a long and arduous journey spanning more than three decades, will set the ball rolling for ISRO's future projects including Chandrayaan-2 and the manned mission.

It will also be a first step towards setting its foot in the global heavy payload market.

"If there was no sanction, we would have operationalised GSLV Mk-II in 1999. By 2003-2004, we would have launched what we would be witnessing on Monday ," said former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan, who was the project director for the development of cryogenic engine in the early 1990s.

Even as the Indian space agency struggled over the years to get a cryogenic engine for its heavy launch vehicles, the delay also helped it in mastering the technology . A cryogenic engine involves a tricky job of using liquid hydrogen at -253oC and oxygen at -183oC as fuel and oxidiser. Only the US, Russia, China, Japan and the European Space Agency have achieved this feat.

ISRO began work to build indigenous cryogenic engine in the 1970s, though it gained momentum after Russia denied transfer of technology . But it was delayed as the space agency had to focus on their immediate requirements including development of Vikas engine, which now powers both PSLV and GSLV .

"With limited resources, manpower and budget, we had to give priority to immediate requirements including projects like SLV , ASLV and PSLV . It was the same team working for all," said K Sivan, director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre. In the late 1980s the erstwhile Soviet Union offered three engines and a technology transfer at a reasonable price. Talks with Japan, US and Europe to borrow cryo genic technology had failed due to prohibitive costs. But after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Russia backtracked on its pact.

Finally when Russia sent seven KVD-1 engines to India after redrafting the contract post the US sanctions, it was a mix of enthusiasm, confusion and uncertainty , as it was only a supply of hardware and not a technology transfer. "Our technology related questioned were not going to be answered. We were neither able to continue nor able to drop the project," Narayanan recalled. But soon Narayanan, who was in the thick of things, was arrested on charges of espionage, which further affected the team's morale.

ISRO launched a project to build a cryogenic engine in 1994 and the knowledge their engineers acquired through pilot projects like the development of a 12-tonne thrust engine, one-tonne and seven-tonne engines in the 1980s came in handy . According to Isro scientists, the engine CE-7.5 can be called an indigenous version, working on a staged combustion cycle, with Russian design.

While work to develop a high thrust CE-20 engine began in 2002, the technical issues of its predecessor delayed the project. On April 15, 2010, the engine failed 800milliseconds after ignition during the launch of GSLV-D3 carrying GSAT-4 satellite. Isro used one of the last two Russian engines for their next launch, but the liquid fuel boosters failed. Another attempt at launch using an indigenous cryogenic engine on August 18, 2013 had to be aborted.

"When we started work on C25 stage, we faced problems with the CUS (cryogenic upper stage). If not for the issues with CUS we faced between 2010 and 2015, we would have completed C25 long ago," Sivan said.

But developing CE-20 engine was equally challenging, as it was a completely new technology than CE-7.5.CE-20 engine was designed to provide double the thrust and lift double the payload weight than the previous engine. "The beauty of this technology lies in the simplicity to correct design flaws faster," said S Somanath, director, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre.
"The testing of the engine was also challenging. The systems had to be tested first in water medium, then in liquid nitrogen and in actual fluids progressively . Ignition and start sequence development were the key . It took us time to develop the engine due to the technology complexity , manufacturing and testing," Somanath said.

Meanwhile, GSLV Mk II tasted its first success in January 2004. With CE20, there were several tests that improved the design and analysis to make it flight ready . "We conducted around 200 tests on the system and its subsystems in the past few years. The advantage of the technology is that changes can be made as and when the sub-systems are tested," said PV Venkatakrishnan, director, Isro Propulsion Complex.


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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ISRO's Largest Rocket To Carry Hopes Of Taking Indians To Space: 10 Facts

The GSLV Mk III, India's heaviest rocket, is scheduled to be launched today

New Delhi: India's largest rocket, which may carry humans to space some day, is expected to be launched today. The 640-ton GSLV Mk III rocket - as much as 200 full-grown Asian elephants or five Jumbo jets - will be on its maiden flight from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 5.28 pm. The 24-hour countdown has already started. For now, the rocket will carry a satellite. It is expected that one day -- in over 7 years -- it will carry astronauts to space.

Here are the 10 facts:
  1. The rocket was developed over 15 years at a cost of Rs 300 crore. The "Monster Rocket", as it has been dubbed by scientists, is as high as a 13-storey building and can launch satellites as heavy as 4 tonnes (4,000 kg).

  2. Currently, India has to take the help of foreign nations if she wants to launch communication satellites beyond 2.3 tons. Today, it will carry a 3,136 kg satellite. Not only will GSLV make India self-reliant, it will also open the way to attracting foreign customers.

  3. The rocket is powered by anindigenous cryogenic enginethat uses liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen as propellants.

  4. "The success of GSLV Mk III will usher a new era of our self- reliance in the context of launching our own four ton class of satellites for geosynchronous missions," said former ISRO Chairman Dr K Kasturirangan.

  5. The ISRO has asked the Centre for Rs 12,500 crore for its mission to put humans in space. If approved, the work is expected to take roughly seven years.

  6. The Indian space agency has already developed critical technologies for a human space mission. The space suit is ready and a crew module was tested in 2014.

  7. The space agency has suggested that the first person to fly into space from India could be a woman.

  8. So far, only Russia, USA and China have sent astronauts into space. The first man in space was Yuri Gagarin, who travelled in Russia's Vostok 1 spacecraft on April 12, 1961.

  9. The US sent a man in space the next month. On May 5, 1961, Alan B Shepard took off in the Freedom 7 spacecraft from Florida.

  10. The first Indian to fly into space was Squadron leader Rakesh Sharma. He went into space in 1984 as part of a joint programme by ISRO and the Soviet Intercosmos space programme.


New Member
Jul 1, 2015
Today's successful launch will be an historic event, it will open path to development of heavy vehicles and deployment of heavy communication satellites.
Also we won't have to rely on other international players for launch of our heavier satellites.
Also it will open path towards human spaceflight programs, optical telescopes,space stations and may be in 2030 we will land on moon.
Good luck!.

