Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Arab Rioters Viciously Attack Israeli Family in Jerusalem

Since the terror attack last week that claimed the lives of a three-month-old baby and a young woman, police are proceeding with Operation Guardians of the Walls to quell the ongoing violence. Several Arabs were arrested in the past few days while assaulting the Jerusalem light-rail train, Israeli buses and educational institutions.

One family's story can properly exemplify what Israelis encounter when attacked by Palestinian-Arab assailants in their own capital.

Driving in their van with their seven children, between six months and 10 years of age, in the vicinity of the Jerusalem District Court, an Israeli couple encountered a massive hail of rocks pelted by Arabs.

The family emerged from the horrific attack uninjured, although the van incurred massive damage.

Police arrived at the scene after the mob fled and launched a search for the terrorists.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a security consultation meeting on Monday with the security and justice ministers and top officials.

The Israeli leader directed the advancement of severe punishment for rock-throwers. Representatives from the State Attorney's office said that they have already called for stiffer punishments for rioters, including the possibility of imposing economic sanctions on the parents of minors who are caught throwing stones.

Arab Rioters Viciously Attack Israeli Family in Jerusalem | United with Israel


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Second one Since The end of Operation Protective Edge

IDF confirms rocket fired from Gaza hit Israel

A rocket fired late Friday night from the Gaza Strip exploded east of the border fence, in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. Israel's alert systems identified a rocket launch, but did not sound an alarm. No injuries or damages were reported.

The incident marks the second time that a rocket landed in Israeli territory since the end of Operation Protective Edge two months ago.
"Overnight a rocket or mortar launched from Gaza struck southern Israel. No damage or injuries reported," Israeli military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Lerner said on Twitter.
IDF confirms rocket fired from Gaza hit Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Top US general: Israel protected civilian lives in Gaza

Chairman of Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey says IDF went to 'extraordinary lengths' to save innocents; America studying methods

srael went to "extraordinary lengths" to prevent civilian casualties during this summer's conflict in the Gaza Strip, the top US military leader said Thursday.

"I actually do think that Israel went to extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties," said General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during a forum at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in New York City.

"In this kind of conflict, where you are held to a standard that your enemy is not held to, you're going to be criticized for civilian casualties," he added, according to Reuters.

The Hamas tunnels "caused the IDF some significant challenges," Dempsey said. "But they did some extraordinary things to try to limit civilian casualties, to include"¦ making it known that they were going to destroy a particular structure."

Dempsey listed Israel Defense Forces measures such as the "roof-knocking" and the dropping of warning leaflets as part of their attempts to protect civilian lives.

"The IDF is not interested in creating civilian casualties. They're interested in stopping the shooting of rockets and missiles out of the Gaza Strip and into Israel," Dempsey argued.

The American general recounted that an American delegation visited Israel three months ago to learn lessons from the conflict, "to include the measures they took to prevent civilian casualties and what they did with tunneling."

Top US general: Israel protected civilian lives in Gaza | The Times of Israel


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Feb 10, 2013
Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein Dies After Clash With Israeli Forces
A Palestinian Cabinet minister died Wednesday after a confrontation with Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian government confirmed.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' announced three days of mourning and halted all contacts and security coordination with Israel after Ziad Abu Ein died in an incident at a protest in the village of Turmus Aya.

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat also condemned what he called an "assassination."

"The Israel government bears full responsibility for the killing of Minster Abu Ein and the systematic crimes committed against the Palestinian people," he said in a statement. "This new assassination will have severe consequences."

Mahmoud Aloul, a leading member of Abbas' Fatah movement, told The Associated Press that Abu Ein had been among dozens of protesters carrying olive tree saplings during a demonstration against land confiscations when Israeli troops fired tear gas at them.

"The minister came to the hospital in a very critical situation, his heart was beating very fast and he had difficulty breathing and bruises on his body," Dr. Rami Abu Khalil told NBC News. "They tried to save his life inside the hospital, but they couldn't." An autopsy was being conducted, Abu Khalil added.

Israel said it was investigating the incident.

"Earlier today, approximately 200 rioters gathered in Turmus Ayya, near Ramallah. [Israeli] forces halted the progress of the rioters into the civilian community of Adei-Ad using riot dispersal means," the Israeli Defense Forces said in a statement. "The IDF is reviewing the circumstances of the participation of Ziad Abu Ein, and his later death."

Adei Ad is a Jewish settlement near the Palestinian town of Turmus Aya.

An Israeli pathologist will join a delegation from Jordan to investigate the circumstances of Abu Ein's death, the IDF added.

Abu Ein headed a Palestinian Authority department dealing with Israeli settlements and the Israeli separation barrier, and had the rank of Cabinet member. Previously, he served as deputy minister for prisoner affairs.

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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Israel scrambles fighters as Hamas parades Ababil UAV

Israel's air force scrambled fighters on 14 December afterHamas militants launched an unmanned air vehicle to fly over a parade in Gaza marking the 27th anniversary of the organisation's establishment. Israel was concerned the UAV might be sent into Israeli airspace, either to conduct an attack or to perform reconnaissance. However, the UAV was not shot down as it did not veer towards Israeli territory. Israeli sources subsequently identified the aircraft involved in the parade as an Iranian-made Ababil. Capable of carrying a40kg (88lb) payload – potentially including an explosive charge – the typehas a maximum operational radius of 81nm (150km) and a service ceiling of 14,000ft. During Israel's Protective Edge campaign in the Gaza Strip earlier this year, three UAVs operated by Hamas from Gaza and a Syrian- deployed system were shot down on trying to infiltrate Israeli airspace.The aircraft were destroyed using air-to-air missiles launched from Lockheed Martin F-16s and by Raytheon Patriot surface-to-air missiles. Sources suggest Iran is the only supplier of unmanned systems for use by Hamas. In recent weeks, Israel has also identified attempts by the organisation to operate quadcopter air vehicles near the border. Yiftah Shapir, senior research fellow and head of the Middle East Military Balance Project at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, says unconfirmed information suggests Hamas is operating an "assembly line" of Iranian-made UAVs in Gaza. However, he notes that there is no indication about the autonomous capabilities of the Ababil – a key factor in considering the level of threat the type poses.
Israel scrambles fighters as Hamas parades Ababil UAV - 12/15/2014 - Flight Global


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Feb 10, 2013
Palestinian Bid Overshadows Kerry, Netanyahu Meeting
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said before talks Monday with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry he would defy any U.N. move to "dictate" a time-frame for withdrawal from land Palestinians seek for a state. Before the two convened in Rome, Israel put the United States on notice it expected Washington to exercise its Security Council veto against any resolutions setting a time-frame.

Jordan has circulated a draft Palestinian resolution to the 15-member forum calling for Israeli occupation of Palestinian land to end by November 2016. U.S. officials have indicated that Washington didn't find the Palestinian draft acceptable, but said that with matters still fluid, it was premature to take a position on any particular Security Council resolution.

"Whether we have the nine votes at the Security Council or we don't, the decision has been taken to present the Palestinian-Arab resolution in the Security Council on Wednesday," said Wasel Abu Youssef, an official of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, the Palestinians' highest decision-making body. Shortly before leaving for Rome, Netanyahu said: "We will not accept attempts to dictate unilateral, time-bound moves to us," he told reporters. "I will say these things in the clearest manner. Even if there are dictates, we will stand up to them firmly."


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Israeli warplanes strike Hamas targets after Gaza rockets land in Israel

The group that claimed responsibility for firing the rockets at Israel, calling itself the Omar Brigades, said the rocket fire on Wednesday was in retaliation for Hamas's killing of an Islamic state supporter a day earlier in Gaza.

Israel retaliated on Thursday for rockets fired at it from Gaza with bombing raids against three militant training camps, and a radical Islamist group sympathetic with Islamic state claimed responsibility for the attacks on Israel.

Witnesses and medics said the predawn attacks on two camps belonging to Hamas Islamists who dominate in Gaza and the Islamic Jihad group caused some damage but no casualties.

The Israeli military confirmed the strikes saying that in response to rocket fire it "struck three terror infrastructures in the Gaza Strip," and added that "hits were confirmed."

The rockets aimed at the Israeli city of Ashkelon and town of Netivot were the second such launchings at Israel in the past week, marking an escalation since a hiatus in cross-border fire since a 50-day Israeli war with Hamas ended with an Egyptian-brokered truce in August.

A radical Islamist Salafist group posted a statement on Twitter claiming responsibility for firing the rockets. Calling itself the Omar Brigades the group said the rocket fire on Wednesday was in retaliation for Hamas's killing of an Islamic state supporter in a shootout a day earlier in Gaza.

"We are continuing with our jihad against the Jews, the enemies of God and no one will be able to deter us," the statement said, using the term in Arabic for holy war.

In last week's rocket fire, Gaza militants had launched their deepest strike at Israel since a 50-day war of last summer, hitting near the port city of Ashdod.

Israel blamed Islamic Jihad militants for that rocket assault and launched retaliatory air strikes them as well.


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Jun 06, 2015, 10:30PM

A rocket exploded in southern Israel

For the second time in three days, Palestinians fired a rocket towards southern Israel. The rocket fell in an open area without causing casualties or damage.

Earlier this week, 3 rockets were fired at Ashkelon and Netivot Regional Council. The three rockets were fired from the Deir al-Balah area in Gaza and exploded in unpopulated areas. IDF has located the precise launching spot, yet the shooters remained unharmed. An IDF source told Channel 2 News: “We see Hamas as responsible for everything that is done from the Gaza Strip.”


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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IAF strikes Gaza targets in response to rocket on Ashkelon

The Israel Air Force struck terror infrastructure in the northern Gaza Strip in the early hours of Sunday in response to a rocket fired at southern Israel the night before. ''

No casualties were reported in Gaza following the air strike, which struck a Hamas training facility.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon ordered the closure of Israel's two border crossings to the Gaza Strip - Kerem Shalom and Erez - until further notice. Only humanitarian cases will be allowed through.

One rocket was fired from Gaza at approximately 9:40 pm Saturday night, landing in an open area near Ashkelon.,7340,L-4665514,00.html


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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BREAKING: Drone from Gaza penetrates into Israeli territory & crashes near the border fence, IDF retrieved the drone, being investigated.



Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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That drone


Drone from Gaza penetrates into Israeli territory earlier today & crashed near the border fence.


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Feb 17, 2009
Israel Denies Entry to Equipment to be Gifted by India to Palestine University
All India | Press Trust of India | Updated: October 12, 2015

President Pranab Mukherjee will be in Palestine on the second leg of his three-nation historic visit to West Asia.

Jerusalem, Israel: A controversy erupted today with Israel unlikely to permit entry of four communication systems to a university in Palestine as part of IT equipment to be gifted by President Pranab Mukherjee to the Al-Quds educational institution.

President Mukherjee is scheduled to inaugurate the state of the art Information Technology Centre at Al-Quds University tomorrow and the four communication systems are its crucial components.

While Israeli customs today cleared the passage of 30 computers which were stuck at the Ashdod port to be moved to the university, the communication systems remained at Ben Gurion airport. It is unlikely to be allowed inside the IT Centre.

Israeli sources sought to downplay the controversy saying that their law doesn't permit for the same.

"Like Indian laws do not permit satellite phones being carried into their territory, there are technical issues around frequencies involved in the communication systems that do not pass our legal requirements," they said.

Mr Mukherjee is also to be conferred an honorary doctorate from Al-Quds University.

The University is caught in current clashes between Palestinians and Jewish visitors, which have been going on since September after Israel banned the Al Aqsa mosque, the third holiest site of Islam located in the compound of Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif site also revered by Jews.

The new controversy came close on the heels of a much publicised objection from Israel to Mr Mukherjee's visit to the Al-Aqsa mosque, given the tense security situation in the region.

President Mukherjee will be in Palestine on the second leg of his three-nation historic visit to West Asia that will also take him to Israel. India has always been a leading partner in educational support and cooperation to Palestine.

Hundreds of scholarships are given to Palestinian students under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme to enable them to take up professional programmes in universities across India.

He concluded his visit to Jordan yesterday where President Mukherjee was honoured with a doctorate in political science for his 50 years of exemplary service to the Indian people and mankind in general by the University of Jordan.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Finnish peacekeepers trying to stop Merkava's from advancing....they should next time get Leo 2s...more even match.



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Feb 12, 2014
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Israeli, Palestinian violence flares along Gaza border | Reuters

GAZA Violence erupted along the Israel-Gaza border on Wednesday as Israeli forces and Palestinian militants exchanged fire and Israeli war jets bombed targets in the enclave, ruled by the Islamist Hamas group.

There were no immediate reports of any casualties in the rare flare-up along the frontier, which has been largely quiet since a 2014 war.

The outbreak of violence coincided with work by the Israeli military to uncover tunnels being built by Gaza militants which Israel fears could be used to infiltrate its territory. The Palestinians fired mortar bombs at Israeli forces operating near the border fence, prompting fire from Israeli tanks and war planes that bombed open areas in the northern and southern sectors of the Gaza Strip. "Our efforts to destroy the Hamas terror tunnel network, a grave violation of Israel's sovereignty, will not cease or be deterred," said military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel PeterLerner.The Hamas armed wing, Izz el-Deen Al-Qassam Brigades, said the raid was a violation of the 2014 ceasefire and demanded that Israel pull out its forces "immediately"."The enemy must not make pretexts and must leave Gaza immediately, they should deal with their fears and concerns outside the separation line," said the group.

On Tuesday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu inspected a large tunnel Israel discovered in April on the Israeli side of the border. Israel said it had been dug by Hamas.

Israeli security sources say half a dozen classified anti-tunnel technologies have long been under development, though held up by funding problems that were partly alleviated by a U.S. research grant of $40 million this year.

Hamas leaders, while stressing they do not seek an imminent war, see tunnels as a strategic weapon in any armed confrontation with Israel and have vowed not to stop building them.

More than 2,100 Palestinians, mostly civilians, were killed during the 2014 Gaza conflict. Sixty-seven Israeli soldiers and six civilians in Israel were killed by rockets and attacks by Hamas and other militant groups.
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