Israel-Palestine Conflict

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May 6, 2009
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Abbas says Hamas preparing to hit Palestinian leadership

16:3601/07/2009 MOSCOW, July 1 (RIA Novosti) - The Palestinian Authority has information indicating Hamas is planning to kill some of its officials, the Palestinian president said on Wednesday.

In an interview with satellite TV channel Russia Today, Mahmoud Abbas said there were people "who are stockpiling arms, ammunition and explosives."

"Hamas is preparing a terrorist attack. Furthermore, we have learned that there is a group that is preparing to kill certain people," he said.

He added that Palestinian enforcement officers had discovered two tons of explosives, small arms, grenade launchers, and machine guns in a residential area.

"We're watching them and we will get them," Abbas said.

The Hamas and Fatah movements, the largest Palestinian political organizations, split in June 2007 when Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip and pushed the Fatah movement out of the enclave of 1.5 million. Hamas has since remained in power in Gaza, independent of the officially recognized government of Fatah in the West Bank, which is headed by Abbas.

Abbas says Hamas preparing to hit Palestinian leadership


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2009
AI: Israel used Gazans as human shields

AI: Israel used Gazans as human shields

Amnesty International says Israel used Gaza children as "human shields" during its recent offensive in which over 1,400 people lost their lives.

In a 117-page report on the Israeli war against the Gaza Strip, the London-based rights group accused the regime of war crimes saying Israeli forces inflicted "wanton destruction" in attacks that targeted civilians.

Based on the report, Israeli troops forced Palestinians to stay in one room of their home while turning the rest of the house into a base and sniper position effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk.

"Intentionally using civilians to shield a military objective, often referred to as using 'human shields' is a war crime," Amnesty said.

"Hundreds of civilians were killed in attacks carried out using high-precision weapons, air-delivered bombs and missiles, and tank shells," read the report.

Confirming the death of at least 300 children in the Israeli war on the strip, Amnesty said "women and children were shot at short range when posing no threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers."

"Willful killings of unarmed civilians are war crimes," the rights group concluded.

In its report, Amnesty also criticized Hamas's rocket attacks on Israeli targets. The Palestinian movement fired rockets at Israeli communities in retaliation to the Israeli non-stop aerial and ground invasion on the Palestinian territory.

The rights group, however, rejected Israeli allegations that Palestinian fighters used civilians as human shields.


Global Defence Moderator
Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
to all those who support the palastanis let me ask you a simple qustion

where were the so called arab nations when jordan occupied the west strip and egypt the gaza strip ?

first rectify the mistakes all the supporters did then make the state of israle the scape goat
to date no arab nation has fully absorved the Palastian people and they are just being used to act as political capital for the Arab world

please quit the moral high ground


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
to all those who support the palastanis let me ask you a simple qustion

where were the so called arab nations when jordan occupied the west strip and egypt the gaza strip ?

first rectify the mistakes all the supporters did then make the state of israle the scape goat
to date no arab nation has fully absorved the Palastian people and they are just being used to act as political capital for the Arab world

please quit the moral high ground

You are having less information on this matter . Pardon me

There was an all palestine Government establishment on October 1, 1948. The Prime Minister was Ahmed Hilmi Abd al-Baqi and the Foreign Minister was Jamal al-Husayni. The All-Palestine Government formally adopted the Flag of Palestine that had been used by Palestinian nationalists since 1917. The state was recognized by six of the then seven members of the Arab League: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, but not by Transjordan.

Egypt never laid any claim to or annexed any Palestinian territory. Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip and Egypt were issued All-Palestine passports. Where as Jordan was more against the federation of the Arab regions of Transjordan,Palestine and Egypt and thats why West Bank was under direct Jordanian Administration .

175,000 arab Palestinians were forced to leave thier homes 2 weeks before the British mandate was finished and Jews declared thier independence and after that only Arab armies came into scene if not then all the Palestinians would have become refugees in 1948 war .

Israel did peace treaty with Egypt and jordan and maked it that it would solve the conflict with Palestinians on its own on the basis of 1949 borders aka 1967 borders.

Feel Free if u r having more questions we can debate on it .


Global Defence Moderator
Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
i wrote what i see on the ground in the Mid east sir the Palstinens are the most ill treated that to by their fellow arab brathern they the Palastani people
are the most over used pice of political captial in this world sir what u said might or might not be true but to understand the palstani qustion deeper you have to talk them and under stand the internal dynamics of arab society the priamry reson for hate from the arabs to the israle is historical and deep rooted than we think


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
i wrote what i see on the ground in the Mid east sir the Palstinens are the most ill treated that to by their fellow arab brathern they the Palastani people
are the most over used pice of political captial in this world sir what u said might or might not be true but to understand the palstani qustion deeper you have to talk them and under stand the internal dynamics of arab society the priamry reson for hate from the arabs to the israle is historical and deep rooted than we think
Arab world is indeed having many internal issues and thats why Palestine was divided and state of Israel was establishment . The winners of World War 2 wanted to remove Jews from Europe and they did that only and placed them by force on Arabs .

You are completely wrong that Palestinians are most ill treated by arab
First of all Arab is an lingustic term and an arab can be anyone who speaks arabic .


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May 6, 2009
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Israel protests EU criticism of Jewish settlements

Wed Jul 8, 2009 1:33am ISt

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel protested on Tuesday against a European Commission statement that said Jewish settlements in occupied territory were paralysing the Palestinian economy at European taxpayer expense.

Israel's Foreign Ministry said it had summoned the European Union's ambassador to Israel, Ramiro Cibrian Uzal, and told him Israel "strongly rejects" the commission statement of Monday.

The controversy underscored a rift between Israel and Western leaders, led by U.S. President Barack Obama, who have pressed for a halt to settlement building in the occupied West Bank under efforts to renew Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

The commission's statement, as published on its website, quoted its charge d'affaires in Jerusalem, Roy Dickinson, as repeating Europe's view that settler enclaves Israel has built in West Bank land Palestinians want for a state were illegal.

Dickinson said the settlements and Israeli military measures in the territory it captured in a 1967 war "contribute to strangling the Palestinian economy" making Palestinians more dependent on donor aid.

"And it is European taxpayers who pay most of the price of that dependence," the European statement added.

The Israeli official, Rafael Barak told Uzal the remarks were "unfounded" and the settlement issue was being addressed by Western-sponsored peace efforts alongside demands for Palestinians to rein in militants.

The European Union is a leading donor to the Palestinian government headed by President Mahmoud Abbas and based in the West Bank town of Ramallah. The Commission statement said this year's aid total came to some 202 million Euros.

The West Bank is home to some three million Palestinians and about half a million Jewish settlers.

Israel protests EU criticism of Jewish settlements | World | Reuters


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Ramon: Netanyahu doesn't believe in 2-state vision

Former MK Ramon says prime minister does not believe in two-state solution to conflict

Attila Somfalvi Published: 07.09.09, 21:07 / Israel News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not believe in the two-state vision, Former MK Haim Ramon said Thursday, shortly after being appointed chairman of the Kadima Council.

"Bibi doesn't believe in two states for two people," Ramon said. "He said it not only to his father, but to ministers as well. Begin would not have stayed in the government if that were the case."

Ramon praised Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni's decision to stay in the opposition after the elections, saying that the move strengthened the party rather than weakened it.

Meanwhile, Livni also slammed Netanyahu, saying that "100 days have passed, and the government's smaller problem is that it has no achievements to show. Yet there are bigger problems."

The Kadima chairwoman proceeded to criticize the government for having no diplomatic or economic plan.

"This is a government with a survival plan," she said. "The prime minister is only dealing with smalltime politics, instead of enlisting support in the world and instead of promoting reforms."

Livni said that Kadima provides the nation with an alternative and hope, predicting that the party will eventually take power "thanks to its conduct."

"Kadima is not for sale. We'll do what's good for the country," she said. "Instead of being a party to something bad, we'll do what's good for the country…I see Kadima getting stronger every day. We'll use our short stint in the opposition to fight in the Knesset. Our faction is made up of fighters."

Ramon: Netanyahu doesn't believe in 2-state vision - Israel News, Ynetnews


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Ramon: Netanyahu doesn't believe in 2-state vision

Former MK Ramon says prime minister does not believe in two-state solution to conflict

Attila Somfalvi Published: 07.09.09, 21:07 / Israel News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not believe in the two-state vision, Former MK Haim Ramon said Thursday, shortly after being appointed chairman of the Kadima Council.

"Bibi doesn't believe in two states for two people," Ramon said. "He said it not only to his father, but to ministers as well. Begin would not have stayed in the government if that were the case."

Ramon praised Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni's decision to stay in the opposition after the elections, saying that the move strengthened the party rather than weakened it.

Meanwhile, Livni also slammed Netanyahu, saying that "100 days have passed, and the government's smaller problem is that it has no achievements to show. Yet there are bigger problems."

The Kadima chairwoman proceeded to criticize the government for having no diplomatic or economic plan.

"This is a government with a survival plan," she said. "The prime minister is only dealing with smalltime politics, instead of enlisting support in the world and instead of promoting reforms."

Livni said that Kadima provides the nation with an alternative and hope, predicting that the party will eventually take power "thanks to its conduct."

"Kadima is not for sale. We'll do what's good for the country," she said. "Instead of being a party to something bad, we'll do what's good for the country…I see Kadima getting stronger every day. We'll use our short stint in the opposition to fight in the Knesset. Our faction is made up of fighters."

Ramon: Netanyahu doesn't believe in 2-state vision - Israel News, Ynetnews


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May 6, 2009
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Israel to test anti-ballistic missile system in U.S. waters


WASHINGTON - Israel will soon test an Arrow interceptor missile on a U.S. missile range in the Pacific Ocean in a joint exercise that also will involve three U.S. missile defense systems, a top U.S. general said Tuesday. Army Lieutenant General Patrick O'Reilly, director of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency, said the test will allow Israel to measure its advanced Arrow system against a target with a range of more than 1,000 km, too long for previous Arrow test sites in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Arrow system, jointly developed by Israel and the United States, is designed to defend Israel against possible ballistic missile attacks from Iran and Syria. "They're limited to the range of the missile they can test in the eastern Mediterranean. There's a safety issue," O'Reilly told reporters. "That's the primary purpose of them coming to the United States to use our test range."

"The upcoming test also provides us the opportunity to have the Patriot system, the THAAD system and the Aegis system all interacting with the Arrow system so that we're demonstrating full interoperability as we execute this test," he added.

Israel to test anti-ballistic missile in U.S. waters - Haaretz - Israel News


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
'Israel plotted Ahmadinejad assassination during polls'

'Israel plotted Ahmadinejad assassination during polls'
ANI 19 July 2009, 01:56am IST

JERUSALEM: Tehran ’ s intelligence chief Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei has claimed that Israel had planned to assassinate Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during the country ’ s elections last month.

Mohseni-Ejei claimed that Israel collaborating with Iranian Mujahedeen opposition members had met in Egypt and France to plan Ahmadinejad ’ s killing, The Jerusalem Post reports.

“ The Zionist leadership met with members of the opposition near Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt and also met with them in Paris in order to plan the assassination of Ahmadinejad, ” said Mohseni-Ejei. Mohseni-Ejei also referred to Sunnis fighting against the country ’ s Shi ’ ite government to be involved in the plot.

“ Opposition members set several conditions for the implementation of this mission and asked that the US and other factors remove the organization ’ s name from its list of terror groups.

'Israel plotted Ahmadinejad assassination during polls' - Middle East - World - NEWS - The Times of India


Senior Member
May 6, 2009
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US and Israel conducts Arrow BMD test, all parameters not met

July 22, at 12:45pm (PDT), the Arrow Weapon System (AWS) conducted an interception test at a missile test range in the United States. This test is a part of the Arrow System Improvement Program, jointly conducted by Israel and the United States. The test also exercised the Arrow Weapon System interoperability with other elements of the U. S. Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS), including the Terminal High Altitude Area (THAAD) Program, the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Program and the Patriot (PAC-3) Program.
The target missile was dropped from a C-17 aircraft and represented a future ballistic missile threat. The radar detected the target and transferred its tracks to the battle management control center. The AWS and the BMDS elements exchanged data in real-time on the target. Not all test conditions to launch the Arrow Interceptor were met, and it was not launched. Interoperability objectives, including a simulated intercept by the Aegis destroyer, USS Benfold (DDG 65), were achieved. Results are being analyzed by the program engineers.

The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and US Department of Defense representatives participated
in the test, as well as all the industries in charge of the system development.

US and Israel conducts Arrow BMD test, all parameters not met | Frontier India Strategic and Defence - News, Analysis, Opinion - Aviation, Military, Commodity, Energy, Transportation, Conflict, Environment, Intelligence, Internal Security


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Israel says Indian peacekeepers helping Hezbollah: Report

Israel says Indian peacekeepers helping Hezbollah: Report
PTI 21 July 2009, 09:54am IST

JERUSALEM: Israel has accused the Indian troops part of the UN peacekeepers along its border with Lebanon of doing nothing to prevent the
infiltration of Hezbollah supporters into its territory, but on the contrary cooperated with them, a media report said.

In a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the President of the UN Security Council Ruhakana Rugunda, Israel accused an Indian contingent of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) of having done nothing to prevent the demonstrators from crossing the border and even cooperating with the group, 'The Jerusalem Post' reported.

"(The demonstrators) stood opposite the UNIFIL force, (which did nothing), and worse than that, according to statements made by the organisers of the demonstration, they even cooperated with them," Israeli Ambassador to the world body Gabriela Shalev wrote in the letter.

Fifteen Lebanese civilians had crossed into Israel last Friday waving Hezbollah flags. The Israeli troops spotted the group, but did not confront them as they returned to south Lebanon minutes later.

This is not the first time when Tel Aviv has accused Indian troops stationed in south Lebanon of having helped Hezbollah.

Indian troops were blamed by Tel Aviv for not only quietly watching the abduction of three Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah in October 2000 but even assisting them after having accepted bribes.

Shalev also lashed out at Hezbollah for its "grievous violations of Resolution 1701," which included both the border breach, as well as an attack by Lebanese villagers against UNIFIL troops on Saturday who were investigating an explosion in a suspected arms depot allegedly belonging to the group.

Both incidents "demonstrate an escalation and a pattern of behaviour in Lebanon, that must be confronted," Shalev wrote.

Israel says Indian peacekeepers helping Hezbollah: Report - Middle East - World - NEWS - The Times of India


Mar 30, 2009
Israel says Indian peacekeepers helping Hezbollah: Report
PTI 21 July 2009, 09:54am IST

JERUSALEM: Israel has accused the Indian troops part of the UN peacekeepers along its border with Lebanon of doing nothing to prevent the
infiltration of Hezbollah supporters into its territory, but on the contrary cooperated with them, a media report said.

In a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the President of the UN Security Council Ruhakana Rugunda, Israel accused an Indian contingent of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) of having done nothing to prevent the demonstrators from crossing the border and even cooperating with the group, 'The Jerusalem Post' reported.

"(The demonstrators) stood opposite the UNIFIL force, (which did nothing), and worse than that, according to statements made by the organisers of the demonstration, they even cooperated with them," Israeli Ambassador to the world body Gabriela Shalev wrote in the letter.

Fifteen Lebanese civilians had crossed into Israel last Friday waving Hezbollah flags. The Israeli troops spotted the group, but did not confront them as they returned to south Lebanon minutes later.

This is not the first time when Tel Aviv has accused Indian troops stationed in south Lebanon of having helped Hezbollah.

Indian troops were blamed by Tel Aviv for not only quietly watching the abduction of three Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah in October 2000 but even assisting them after having accepted bribes.

Shalev also lashed out at Hezbollah for its "grievous violations of Resolution 1701," which included both the border breach, as well as an attack by Lebanese villagers against UNIFIL troops on Saturday who were investigating an explosion in a suspected arms depot allegedly belonging to the group.

Both incidents "demonstrate an escalation and a pattern of behaviour in Lebanon, that must be confronted," Shalev wrote.

Israel says Indian peacekeepers helping Hezbollah: Report - Middle East - World - NEWS - The Times of India
Strange indeed. It is a very peculiar news since Indian troops would never support an Islamic terrorist agency no matter what. I think there has been a certain miscommunication or misunderstanding.

However, I have my concerns as well considering the current anti-Hindu and anti-semetic establishment in the name of secularism in North block. It is disgusting to see how the United Progressive Alliance lays bare a country'a culture for the outside world to devour it in the name of secularism. And it is even more pathetic that people support such immorality without pondering over the long term consequences India's dharmic culture could suffer from.

Our culture is naturally secular since day one. Indian National Congress' brand of anti-Hinduism and pseudo-secularism just is contrary to it.


Regular Member
Mar 30, 2009
This does not sound like the InA we all know and love, especially the allegation that they are acting against Israel.

In wonder if there is any defence deal (or failure thereof) in the background


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Strange indeed. It is a very peculiar news since Indian troops would never support an Islamic terrorist agency no matter what. I think there has been a certain miscommunication or misunderstanding.
It needs to be probed.


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2009
It cant be true and i hope it will never be.....however, we cant rule out it either coz corrupt men are everywhere.


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Iran to strike Israel's atomic sites if attacked

Iran to strike Israel's atomic sites if attacked
Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:58am EDT

TEHRAN (Reuters) - The Revolutionary Guards said on Saturday Iran will strike Israel's nuclear facilities if Tel Aviv attacks the Islamic state, state television reported.

"If the Zionist Regime (Israel) attacks Iran, we will surely strike its nuclear facilities with our missile capabilities," Mohammad Ali Jafari, Guards commander-in-chief, told Iran's Arabic language al-Alam television.

The Revolutionary Guards are the ideologically driven wing of Iran's military with air, sea and land capabilities, and a separate command structure to regular units.

Iranian leaders often dismiss talk of a possible strike by Israel, saying it is not in a position to threaten Iran, the world's fifth-largest oil exporter. They say Iran would respond to any attack by targeting U.S. interests and Israel.

The United States and Israel accuse Iran of seeking to develop nuclear bombs, a charge Tehran denies, and have not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the row.

Israel, widely believed to be the Middle East's only nuclear power, has repeatedly described Iran's nuclear program as a threat to its existence.

Military experts say Iran rarely reveals enough detail about its new military equipment to determine its military capabilities.

Iran to strike Israel's atomic sites if attacked: TV | International | Reuters


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Strange indeed. It is a very peculiar news since Indian troops would never support an Islamic terrorist agency no matter what. I think there has been a certain miscommunication or misunderstanding..
This is not the first time that israel has blamed indian peace keepers of aiding hezbullah . Hezbullah was born in response to Israeli occupation and i dont think GoI consider hezbullah as terrorist organization .

In 2000 for instance Israel accused Indian soldiers of collaborating in the abduction of three Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah guerrillas. Israeli military officials claimed that some Indian soldiers had been aware of Hezbollah's preparations for the abduction but had turned a blind eye.

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news - India straddles Middle East divide

However, I have my concerns as well considering the current anti-Hindu and anti-semetic establishment in the name of secularism in North block. It is disgusting to see how the United Progressive Alliance lays bare a country'a culture for the outside world to devour it in the name of secularism. And it is even more pathetic that people support such immorality without pondering over the long term consequences India's dharmic culture could suffer from.

Cares to explain more ?

Secularism in India doesnt means that religion and state are seperated or religion to be over looked . Seems u want India to become a complete hindu state .

Our culture is naturally secular since day one. Indian National Congress' brand of anti-Hinduism and pseudo-secularism just is contrary to it
Indian Nation cant favour any one religion as its land of many religions,tribes,nations and races . Even hindus are from many denominations .
During Emergency ,, India become a Secular country and no one have ever define what is secularism after that .
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