Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Rockets fired from Gaza explode in southern Israel

Five rockets fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in southern Israel Monday morning. No injuries or damage were inflicted, the IDF said.

Red alert sirens sounded in Sderot and the Sha'ar Hanegev region of southern Israel, adjacent to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

An IDF spokesperson could only confirm that three rockets fell in open areas in the Sha'ar Hanegev region, causing no injuries or damage. Channel 10 reported that five projectiles were launched from the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks.

According to the Palestinian Safa news agency, a Gaza-based terrorist group launched a rocket-propelled grenade at an IDF patrol near the security fence east of the city of Deir al-Balah. The rocket missed its target, and the Israeli soldiers returned fire. The IDF could not immediately confirm the Palestinian report.

Rockets fired from Gaza explode in southern Israel | The Times of Israel


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Air force hits Gaza after rockets barrage south

Ten rockets fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in southern Israel Monday, prompting Israeli retaliatory strikes on the Hamas-controlled territory.

Red alert sirens sounded Monday morning in Sderot and the Sha'ar Hanegev region of southern Israel, adjacent to the Palestinian enclave.

Seven rockets fell in open areas in the Sha'ar Hanegev region and outside the city of Sderot, causing no injuries or damage. One rocket exploded in Sderot, causing damage to a road and several shops.

Another rocket struck the Eshkol region of southern Israel, but regional officials said the warning sirens did not go off.

According to Army Radio, the Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted an inbound rocket as well.

A police spokesman said police bomb disposal experts were searching for the remains of the projectiles.

The IDF dispatched two attack helicopters to the northern Gaza Strip to identify the source of the rocket fire and the choppers fired "warning shots" into the Strip.

Later on Monday, the Israeli Air Force carried out airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, hitting targets in Khan Younis, Nasirat and Deir al-Balah. According to the IDF, Israeli aircraft struck two "terror activity sites" in the southern Gaza Strip and a third in the central Gaza Strip in response to the rocket fire. The IDF said direct hits were confirmed.

The Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported that one government security agent was hurt in an IAF strike in the central Gaza Strip.

Air force hits Gaza after rockets barrage south | The Times of Israel


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Kerry says Israel risks becoming 'apartheid' state
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told a group of senior international officials that Israel risks becoming an "apartheid" state if it does not make peace soon, a U.S. news website reported.

Kerry made the controversial remarks at a closed-door meeting of the influential Trilateral Commission on Friday, The Daily Beast news website reported Sunday.

The Daily Beast said a source at the gathering provided them with a recording of Kerry's remarks.

"A two-state solution will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative. Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens - or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state," Kerry said, according to The Daily Beast.

"Once you put that frame in your mind, that reality, which is the bottom line, you understand how imperative it is to get to the two state solution, which both leaders, even (Thursday), said they remain deeply committed to," he reportedly said.

The online publication said that U.S., Western European, Russian, and Japanese senior officials and experts were at the event.

The term "apartheid" is a reference to South Africa's 1948-1994 oppressive and racially segregated social system.

While both Kerry and President Barack Obama have refrained from using the term when speaking of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former president Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) titled a 2006 book that he wrote on the subject "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid."

Kerry also insisted that the peace process was not dead.

"The reports of the demise of the peace process have consistently been misunderstood and misreported. And even we are now getting to the moment of obvious confrontation and hiatus, but I would far from declare it dead," Kerry said, according to the news website.
But kerry is forgetting the third option which israelis want to push for i.e. push out every arab(muslim or christian) into jordan thus having a intact jewish state.


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Terrorists Renew Rocket Fire, IAF Targets Terror Sites in Response

Following two rocket attacks against Israel in the last two days, IAF aircraft targeted two terror sites in the central and southern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed.

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, IDF Spokesman: "This morning's IDF actions are a direct response to Gaza terrorist aggression against the citizens of southern Israel. The unlawful Gaza rocket attacks, meant to terrorize, maim and kill Israelis will not be allowed to become routine. We will fulfill our obligation to protect Israel and seek out and destroy the capabilities of those who wish to attack us".

Terrorists Renew Rocket Fire, IAF Targets Terror Sites in Response | IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense ForcesIDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces


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Feb 10, 2013
Obama Pens Article calling for Two-State Mideast Solution

As Air Force One prepared to touch down in the Holy Land last year, I looked out my window and was once again struck by the fact that Israel's security can be measured in a matter of minutes and miles. I've seen what security means to those who live near the Blue Line, to children in Sderot who just want to grow up without fear, to families who've lost their homes and everything they have to Hezbollah's and Hamas's rockets.

And as a father myself, I cannot imagine the pain endured by the parents of Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach, who were tragically kidnapped and murdered in June. I am also heartbroken by the senseless abduction and murder of Mohammed Hussein Abu Khdeir, whose life was stolen from him and his family. At this dangerous moment, all parties must protect the innocent and act with reasonableness and restraint, not vengeance and retribution.

From Harry Truman through today, the United States has always been Israel's greatest friend. As I've said time and again, neither I nor the United States will ever waver in our commitment to the security of Israel and the Israeli people, and our support for peace will always remain a bedrock foundation of that commitment.

Over the past five years, we've expanded our cooperation and today, as Israel's leaders have affirmed, the security relationship between Israel and the United States is stronger than ever. Our militaries conduct more exercises together.

Our intelligence cooperation is at an all-time high. Together, we're developing new defense technologies, such as remote IED-sensing equipment and lightweight protective armor that will protect our troops.

Budgets in Washington are tight, but our commitment to Israel's security remains ironclad. The United States is committed to providing more than $3 billion each year to help finance Israel's security through 2018. Across the board, our unprecedented security cooperation is making Israel safer, and American investments in Israel's cutting-edge defense systems like the Arrow interceptor system and Iron Dome are saving lives.

Our commitment to Israel's security also extends to our engagement throughout the Middle East. Last month, under American leadership, the international community successfully removed the last of Bashar al-Assad's declared chemical weapons from Syria. Eliminating this stockpile reduces the ability of a brutal dictator to use weapons of mass destruction to threaten not just the Syrian people but Syria's neighbors, including Israel. And we will continue working with our partners in Europe and the Arab world to support the moderate opposition and to press for a political solution that resolves a conflict that is feeding a humanitarian crisis and regional instability.

We are also working to ensure that Iran does not ever possess a nuclear weapon. Through tough international negotiations on Iran's nuclear program, we are attempting to peacefully address a major threat to global and regional security, including the security of Israel. We have been clear that any agreement must provide concrete, verifiable assurances that Iran's nuclear program is exclusively peaceful, and we have consulted closely with Israel throughout this process. As we draw near to the deadline for negotiations, we do not yet know if these talks will succeed, but our bottom line has not changed. We are determined to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and we are keeping every option on the table to accomplish that goal.

The United States has also demonstrated our commitment to Israel's security through our enduring commitment to a lasting peace in the Middle East. We have always been clear-eyed that resolving the decades-old conflict between Israelis and Palestinians would take enormous effort and require difficult decisions by the parties. So while we were disappointed that the tough decisions weren't made by both parties to keep moving the peace process forward, the United States will never give up on the hope of a lasting peace, which is the only path to true security for Israel.

As I said last year in Jerusalem, peace is necessary, just, and possible. I believed it then. I believe it now. Peace is necessary because it's the only way to ensure a secure and democratic future for the Jewish state of Israel. While walls and missile defense systems can help protect against some threats, true safety will only come with a comprehensive negotiated settlement. Reaching a peace agreement with the Palestinians would also help turn the tide of international sentiment and sideline violent extremists, further bolstering Israel's security.

Peace is also, undeniably, just. Just as the Israeli people have the right to live in the historic homeland of the Jewish people, the Palestinian people deserve the right to self-determination. Palestinian children have hopes and dreams for their future and deserve to live with the dignity that can only come with a state of their own. And, in President Abbas, Israel has a counterpart committed to a two-state solution and security cooperation with Israel. The United States has repeatedly made clear that any Palestinian government must uphold these long-standing principles: a commitment to non-violence, adherence to past agreements, and the recognition of Israel. With negotiations on hiatus, these principles are more important than ever. All parties must exercise restraint and work together to maintain stability on the ground.

Finally, peace is possible. This is one of the most important things to remember during setbacks and moments of frustration. It will take political will to make the difficult choices that are necessary and support from the Israeli and Palestinian people and civil society. Both parties must be willing to take risks for peace. But at the end of the day, we know where negotiations must lead—two states for two peoples. Refusing to compromise or cooperate with one another won't do anything to increase security for either the Israeli or the Palestinian people. The only solution is a democratic, Jewish state living side-by-side in peace and security with a viable, independent Palestinian state. That's why Secretary Kerry and I remain determined to work with both Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas to pursue a two-state solution. When the political will exists to recommit to serious negotiations, the United States will be there, ready to do our part.

A few weeks ago, I met with President Peres at the White House as he prepares to end his term. As always, it was an honor to sit and talk with a man who has given so much of his life to building the State of Israel and who has so much hope for his country. Shimon Peres has been a dauntless advocate for Israel's security, and last month, in his historic meeting with President Abbas and Pope Francis at the Vatican, he put it simply: "Without peace," he said, "we are not complete."

For all that Israel has accomplished, for all that Israel will achieve, Israel cannot be complete and it cannot be secure without peace. It is never too late to seed the ground for peace—a true and living peace that exists not just in the plans of leaders, but in the hearts of all Israelis and Palestinians. That is the future the United States remains committed to, as Israel's first friend, Israel's oldest friend, and Israel's strongest friend.

Barack Obama is president of the United States of America.
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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look like a normal press conference news outlet from the POTUS.. see that even the Russian counterparts too wished 4th July's normal

Regarding Haredi teen Murder not only the US concerned each and every person same for the Arab teen too ...those kids lost their lives for an unknown reasons..

a two state policy makes it more dangerous it make the Palestine 1000 time evil than the pakkis doing our Border.. better keep these b*Itch's under Israeli dominance to prevent their advances
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Its been conformed that Two Rockets just Hits near the Outskirts of Jerusalem Holy City

Meanwhile The Iron Dome Just Intercepted a M-75 Near the Tel Aviv City and saves a Bunch of Israeli Citizens..

Until Now from the Beginning of Operation Protective Edge The IAF Targeted nearly 142 Launch site ..also more of the Launch sites are deeper inside Civilian Area's where IAF didn't attacked that's also a reason of Continuous Rocket Fire far there where 7 Terrorists include top Hamas leader was Killed

also Bibi Called nearly 4000 IDF Reservists sattle up on Duty

Happy Hunting IDF.. @packleader
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Samar Rathi

Senior Member
May 11, 2013
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This was building up for quite some time and finally got out of hand.Good luck to Israeli brothers :india::israel:


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
@SajeevJino I want to know how many israelis were killed or seriously injured, and also how many buildings were damaged beyond repair and not how many rockets were fired from gaza. If am not wrong more than 15 palestinians have been killed in past 1 week.


Also reports are coming that israel will/may invade gaza,
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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@SajeevJino I want to know how many israelis were killed or seriously injured, and also how many buildings were damaged beyond repair and not how many rockets were fired from gaza. If am not wrong more than 15 palestinians have been killed in past 1 week.


Also reports are coming that israel will/may invade gaza,
So far no Israeli lives lost since the beginning of Operation protective edge .Thanks to IAF and Iron Dome... It's Intercepted nearly 40 Rockets who heads towards populated area's ..4 Near Ashdod 5 near Tel Aviv and nearby Ben Gurion Airport ..and two near Jerusalem ...More than 50+ Buildings Damaged

So far nearly 10+ terrorists killed include 2 of them who tries to infiltrate through Coastal area.

IDF calls their reservists for possible Ground offensive.. but still not Executed

From Hamas Side they asked the Israeli's to release some 70+ Terrorists and stop IAF counter terrorism op in Gaza ,,,if Israel agreed the above they will stops launching Rockets
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Just now Two M 305 fired over Tel Aviv Just Now...Iron dome Intercepted both missiles Successfully



Senior Member
Feb 17, 2009
How many Palestine civilians are killed sofar?


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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How many Palestine civilians are killed sofar?
So far how many rockets launched ..where they fired from..

I already told that Hamas Firing Rockets from deep inside of populated places that's why IAF didn't target them ..also that's the reason of Continuous Rocket launch towards Israel..

So far no Palestine civilian deaths.. IAF targets the site where the rockets comes from


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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The Israeli navy Just jointed the Counter Terrorism op to Stop the Hamas to firing rockets towards Israel..

Latest Reports mentioning total 68 Terrorists died since the Hardedi Jews murder..

as of today more than 60+ Rockets intercepted by Iron dome saving thousands of Israeli lives..


Devil's Advocate
Senior Member
Apr 21, 2009
What the heck are European Jews doing in the Middle East anyway? They should go back to whichever country they came from. The poor Palestinians have had to bear the cross for European crimes of genocide for more than half a century.It all turned out well for Europeans of course, since they deviously took advantage of their most despicable crimes to still gain geopolitical benefits in a part of the world which was increasingly gaining importance due to oil. But seeing Indian supporters of Israeli atrocities is always galling.....are people so naive as to fall victim so easily to western conspiracies?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
What the heck are European Jews doing in the Middle East anyway? They should go back to whichever country they came from. The poor Palestinians have had to bear the cross for European crimes of genocide for more than half a century.It all turned out well for Europeans of course, since they deviously took advantage of their most despicable crimes to still gain geopolitical benefits in a part of the world which was increasingly gaining importance due to oil. But seeing Indian supporters of Israeli atrocities is always galling.....are people so naive as to fall victim so easily to western conspiracies?
I have one more question - how many of these European Jews are at all Semites?


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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What the heck are European Jews doing in the Middle East anyway? They should go back to whichever country they came from. The poor Palestinians have had to bear the cross for European crimes of genocide for more than half a century.It all turned out well for Europeans of course, since they deviously took advantage of their most despicable crimes to still gain geopolitical benefits in a part of the world which was increasingly gaining importance due to oil. But seeing Indian supporters of Israeli atrocities is always galling.....are people so naive as to fall victim so easily to western conspiracies?
73% of Israeli population is Israeli born. Should they be sent "back" because Western powers decided to carve out Israel using magic wand over half a century ago ?

(Statistical Abstract of Israel 2012 - No. 63 Subject 2 - Table No. 25)
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